Obviously not ironclad
Want to buy and/or trade (Paypal only)
I prefer everything to be in MINT condition and preferably NOT the Platinum Hits/Player's Choice/Greatest Hits/Not for Resale version. No scratches (or at the least barely visible ones), scuffs, dents or sticker glue on either the game disc or game case. For your information I care more for the game case.
I'm more than willing to make a bundle for games I want.
Will pay your shipping amount to (and from if it's a loan)
Listed by system generation then in alphabetical order
& Paypal
Apple iPad/2/3 (lol)
gift cards & certificates
Amazon gift cards/certificates
Steam Funds
video games
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon
Binary Domain
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Catherine (w/ art book)
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
God of War Origins Collection gameshare slot
Marvel vs. Capcom 3 - Special Edition steelbook case (do not want the game)
Mass Effect 3 (must come with unused code)
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (must come with unused code)
Saints Row: The Third (must come with unused code)
Tales of Grace f
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings - Enhanced Ed.
Kirby's Epic Yarn
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Xenoblade Chronicles (w/ art book)
Kirby Mass Attack
Radiant Historia
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable
Star Ocean: Second Evolution
Tales of Eternia (EU ver., preferably w/out the Volt glitch)
Super Mario Bros. (Classic NES Series)
Super Mario Bros. 3: Super Mario Advance 4
Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (Classic NES Series)
PlayStation 3 Wireless Keypad
PlayStation Network Cash
Official 60/120 GB Hard Drive (w/ transfer items)
Xbox 360 Wireless Gaming Receiver for Windows
Xbox Live Microsoft Points
Wii Motion Plus-enabled Wii Remote (or Wii Motion Plus accessory)
blu-rays & dvds
anime figures
- Freeing's Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu 1/4 Scale Pre-Painted PVC Figure: Suzumiya Haruhi (Bunny Version)
- Sekirei's Tsukiumi Pearl White
- To Heart 2: AD Tamaki "Tama-nee" Kousaka ~Temptation~ 1/6 Scale
- Good ones... (Kotobukiya, Shunya Yamashita, etc.)
manga & comics
- All-Star Superman [complete]
- Batman: Year One
- World without a Superman & The Return of Superman
- Lunar Legend Tsukihime V5+
- Negima! V9+
- Yotsuba!& V1+
Willing to trade and/or sell (Paypal only)
If you have any questions about the condition of a game, please ask. I'll try to be as descriptive as possible if need be but if you don't ask, I might not care.
blu-rays & dvds
Lord of the Rings: The Motion Picture Trilogy IMG
Crash (2005) (2-Disc Director's Cut Edition)
Dave Chappelle's Block Party (Unrated)
Kingdom of Heaven (4-Disc Director's Cut)
Schindler's List
gift cards & certificates (only willing to sell the ones with prices, Amazon GCs are highly valued)
$25 Amazon Reward Certificate/eCertificate (3x)
$21.50 GameStop Edge card (from trade-ins)
$22.75 GameStop Edge card (from trade-ins)
$5 iTunes code
$10 Kmart gift card code $9
$3.10 Macy's gift card
$6.04 Macy's gift card
$10 Macy's gift card (2x)
$25 Macy's gift card (4x)
$50 Macy's gift card (2x)
manga & comics
- A.I. Love You V1-8 [complete]
- Bleach V1
- Galaxy Angel V1-5 [complete]
- Galaxy Angel Beta V1-3 [complete]
- Gunparade March V1-3 [complete]
- Nodame Cantabile V1-10
- One Piece V1-2
video game-related items
- 8 GB Sony PRO DUO Memory Stick Mark 2 (new)
- BlazBlue Artbook
- Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath - Talking Kane Bobblehead and L.E. shirt (L, unused) $15
- Final Fantasy XIII Xbox 360 faceplate (new) (2x)
- Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Collector's Edition Book
- Rockstar Grand Theft Auto IV Aluminum Baseball Bat (sealed)
Madden NFL 11 online pass
video games
Crysis 2
L.A. Noire
Mafia II (sealed)
Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Final Fantasy XIII faceplate (new) (2x)
Xbox 360 Chatpad (unused) (2x) $13
video games
Gears of War
Gears of War 2 (signed by the Gears team)
Halo 3: ODST (sealed)
Halo: Reach [Legendary Edition] (game + hardcover book only) (hard to trade for)
Infinite Undiscovery
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands
Project Gotham Racing 4 If you want a freebie...
Sneak King (disc only, freebie) $3
Wii Remote (new from the Wii Play bundle)
Wii Wheel (unused) $7
video games
A Boy and his Blob (sealed)
Monster Hunter Tri (sealed)
Wii Sports (replacement disc)
Wii Sports Resort
8 GB Sony PRO DUO Mark 2 Memory Stick (new)
video games
Half-Minute Hero
Metal Gear Solid Digital Graphic Novel (sealed)
video games
Bleach DS: Souten ni Kakeru Unmei (JPN)
Burn! Hot Blooded Rhythm Soul! Ouendan 2 (JPN)
Chrono Trigger (sealed)
Rhythm Heaven (sealed)
Trace Memory
Trauma Center
video games
Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia (sealed) plus separate soundtrack
Bully $10
Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening Special Edition $10
GrimGrimoire (sealed)
God of War (GH disc, non-GH case)
God of War II (non-GH)
Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence
Resident Evil 4 $10
Tales of the Abyss (sealed) $55
Wild ARMs 3
video games
Deus Ex: Invisible War
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee
Sega GT 2002
video games
Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean (sealed)
Metroid Prime
video games
Final Fantasy Chronicles (GH)
Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete (hard to trade for)
Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete (hard to trade for)
Xenogears (GH) Please read...
video games
Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga (game only)
Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge (game only)
Virtua Tennis (game only)
video games
F-Zero (game only)
Frozen Synapse Steam code
The Humble "Frozenbyte" Bundle Steam code
SpaceChem Steam code
video games
Civilizations II (sealed) Please read...
Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II, The
Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark (expansion) (sealed)
Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of the Undrentide (expansion) (sealed)
Rise of Nations
Titan Quest Gold Edition
For your reference
Obviously not ironclad
- I ship all packages USPS First Class (main) or USPS Priority Mail/Media Mail/Parcel Post (limited) for the most part. If shipping gets too costly I might go cheap.
- Delivery Confirmation will be standard for most items.
- All games will be shipped out in a bubble mailer (excluding big packages).
- I expect all of the above reciprocated to me.
- I ship exclusively to residents of the contiguous United States unless I go after you for a trade. There are only a few exceptions if your feedback is very good.
- If you're going to PM me, I would appreciate you leaving a message in this topic telling me.
- If you have half my feedback (rounded down) it should be a given that you ship or send first. (Just in-case I forget to mention this)
- Make me an offer if I don't have a price listed. Please do not ask me how much I want for it.
- Preferred payment is through Paypal. I will also accept Amazon Payments. Cash would be at your own risk. Amazon gift cards, Newegg gift certificates and eBay gift certificates at a reduced value.
- All transactions made through Paypal will have Paypal fees added ( unless you can 'gift' the money instead.
Want to buy and/or trade (Paypal only)
I prefer everything to be in MINT condition and preferably NOT the Platinum Hits/Player's Choice/Greatest Hits/Not for Resale version. No scratches (or at the least barely visible ones), scuffs, dents or sticker glue on either the game disc or game case. For your information I care more for the game case.
I'm more than willing to make a bundle for games I want.
Will pay your shipping amount to (and from if it's a loan)
- Game Boy Micro black faceplate (freebie)
- Xbox 360 transfer cable and disc (future loan)
Listed by system generation then in alphabetical order

gift cards & certificates

video games


blu-rays & dvds
anime figures
- Freeing's Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu 1/4 Scale Pre-Painted PVC Figure: Suzumiya Haruhi (Bunny Version)
- Sekirei's Tsukiumi Pearl White
- To Heart 2: AD Tamaki "Tama-nee" Kousaka ~Temptation~ 1/6 Scale
- Good ones... (Kotobukiya, Shunya Yamashita, etc.)
manga & comics
- All-Star Superman [complete]
- Batman: Year One
- World without a Superman & The Return of Superman
- Lunar Legend Tsukihime V5+
- Negima! V9+
- Yotsuba!& V1+
Willing to trade and/or sell (Paypal only)
If you have any questions about the condition of a game, please ask. I'll try to be as descriptive as possible if need be but if you don't ask, I might not care.

blu-rays & dvds

gift cards & certificates (only willing to sell the ones with prices, Amazon GCs are highly valued)

manga & comics
- A.I. Love You V1-8 [complete]
- Bleach V1
- Galaxy Angel V1-5 [complete]
- Galaxy Angel Beta V1-3 [complete]
- Gunparade March V1-3 [complete]
- Nodame Cantabile V1-10
- One Piece V1-2
video game-related items
- 8 GB Sony PRO DUO Memory Stick Mark 2 (new)
- BlazBlue Artbook
- Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath - Talking Kane Bobblehead and L.E. shirt (L, unused) $15
- Final Fantasy XIII Xbox 360 faceplate (new) (2x)
- Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Collector's Edition Book
- Rockstar Grand Theft Auto IV Aluminum Baseball Bat (sealed)


video games


video games

I'll ship just the disc to first-time traders with me for $3


video games


video games

video games

video games

video games

video games

video games

Purchased brand new and did not play this particular copy for more than an hour. This was a re-purchase due to nostalgia.

video games

video games


- Includes: Jack Claw (prototype), Shadowgrounds, Shadowgrounds: Survivor, Splot, Trine

video games

The case has cracks in it.

For your reference
- My eBay feedback (Feedback: 50)
- My GameTZ (Game Trading Zone) profile (Feedback: 68)
- My list of completed trades and freebies given on CAG
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