Wow, just saw this. I've been very broke, and hooked on Destiny, so haven't been on in a bit. Sure, I'm down to trade. I'll check your list now, but let me know if you're still interested.Free bump.
I just got a vita. Any interest in trading the COD cart?
Wow, just saw this. I've been very broke, and hooked on Destiny, so haven't been on in a bit. Sure, I'm down to trade. I'll check your list now, but let me know if you're still interested.
That's cool. I never even gave the game a chance, as the SP campaign is very short, and bad, they say. Let me know if you change your mind.Well, I heard that it sucks so I'm not sure. I'm thinking I shouldn't bother anyway. It's been some time since you've been around. Good to hear from you man.
That is wild, man. I would have loved to offer you what you traded in that Wii U for (Zelda)So get this.
When I traded in my wii u, I had the game Epic Mickey 2. I bought it from toys r us new and sealed. When I opened it to trade it, there was only a blank CD inside. Falls under the " you had one job"
I thought you'd like to hear that.
Still interested? Sorry, I've been away for a while.Anything on my list for Yoshi's New Island?
You still have a 1 year Xbox Live sub? If so, are there other 3DS games you might be interested in to even it out a bit? I have M&LStill interested, yes, but I have gotten rid of a lot and doubt I have anything you want.
sorry, I got black flag & unity for $20 in a gamedealdaily deal last week. Thanks for the offer, though.Hey would trade dr3 for black flag?x1? Lmk
The system, yes, but I don't have the funds, so I can only get it if you accept partial trade.Still want Majoras 3DS game and 3DS XL?