Full Auto 2 - Gen. Discussion

Most places online say that it isn't out till Tuesday (though it has shipped). I think I may pick it up.

Anyone else played yet?
Picked it up at Best Buy. A friend of mine took my pre-order at Gamestop, which had copies earlier today.

The online is definitely something worth having the game for, especially right now in the infancy of the PS3.

IGN actually has a pretty strong write up on the game here:

They mention how fun the online is and how there are tons of additional modes as well.

I'm loving the game myself.:whistle2:D
[quote name='MrNEWZ']Picked it up at Best Buy. A friend of mine took my pre-order at Gamestop, which had copies earlier today.

The online is definitely something worth having the game for, especially right now in the infancy of the PS3.

IGN actually has a pretty strong write up on the game here:

They mention how fun the online is and how there are tons of additional modes as well.

I'm loving the game myself.:whistle2:D[/QUOTE]
Although the score is decent, the review itself makes the game sound even better. I'm considering it now, plus it's nice to see a PS3 title actually improve on an Xbox 360 game.
[quote name='Ugamer_X']Although the score is decent, the review itself makes the game sound even better. I'm considering it now, plus it's nice to see a PS3 title actually improve on an Xbox 360 game.[/QUOTE]

One of the things I was hoping someone else mentioned. I didn't want to be another one of the people that whine/complain about IGN or Gamespot's review style.

The review is seriously one of the most positive reviews for a game out today not named Zelda, Gears of War, or Resistance. So that's amazing, the fact that review makes you think they're in the 8.5 - 9.0+ range is even better, but then there are those people that will look at the rating as the be all end all and totally miss how much they put over about the game play, online, etc.

Ah well. It's definitely worth the price, imho. I need another great game for my PS3 and this is it. :whistle2:D
Not to bump an older thread, but the game reviews have been pretty positive outside of one (Gamespot, ugh) and it's definitely a game that I'd recommend for anyone playing the PS3 games online. :whistle2:D
[quote name='Rags']I really can't see the sequal being that great, and people won't give it a chance if the first one sucked.

Just look at Dark Cloud and Dark Cloud 2. DC 1 sucked balls and DC 2 was awesome, but a lot of people did not play DC2 because of DC1's shitty perfomance.[/quote]

You couldn't be more wrong about Dark Cloud. The original was really fun and accessable, with a cool control scheme and straightforward objectives.

The second one was simply onerous - between with the boring-ass photo fetch quest and annoyingly complicated secondary weapon system, the multiple characters who all needed leveling up and graphics that gave me a headache, I had sold that game 90 min into playing it. I didn't even get to the fishing/town-building mini-games, what a waste of my time.
[quote name='camoor']You couldn't be more wrong about Dark Cloud. The original was really fun and accessable, with a cool control scheme and straightforward objectives.

The second one was simply onerous - between with the boring-ass photo fetch quest and annoyingly complicated secondary weapon system, the multiple characters who all needed leveling up and graphics that gave me a headache, I had sold that game 90 min into playing it. I didn't even get to the fishing/town-building mini-games, what a waste of my time.[/QUOTE]

Wow, I really felt Dark Cloud 2 was a stronger game than the original. The original was interesting in concept, but was fairly redundant and unfun after playing for lengthy periods of time.

By Dark Cloud 2, the concept had evolved enough to make it more fun and made things that should be uninteresting (leveling the weapons and the various types of tools)... interesting.

For some, the same could be said for Full Auto 2, I think. The first game was very cool in concept, but just kind of fizzled due to some framerate issues and the gameplay was there, just not as engaging as I was expecting. The sequel produces that gameplay I wanted from the first, plus there's online, plus more modes. Essentially the comparison to Dark Cloud is completely fair, imho.
So, how is online? How many people are online? I'm considering getting this game, even though I've never played the original Full Auto.
I've been eyeing this one for awhile, and now that you can get it for around $15-$20, I'm curious as to your opinions on the game. Is it worth it? From the videos I've seen, it looks like a decent action-filled game.
I got it recently from the CC clearance but havent played yet. but I have played the original on the 360. So if its anything like that then think a combo of burnout and twisted metal and you'll get the gist.

It's not bad for the sub $20 price. I didn't get too into it though due to the fact that there is too many things going on at the same time. Trying to avoid enemy fire, weaving in and out of obstacles, aiming properly and timing when to use the rewind was a sensory overload for me. The graphics however is pretty damn good. With all the debris exploding off the buildings and rival cars blowing each other up, there was no slow down at all.
I bought it.. and its pretty good... for some multiplayer action. I played it with my nephew and he loves it. Downloaded a save and unlocked everything and its some pretty good fun. The controls are good, it's hard to drive and aim guns at the same time, but overall its a decent game -especially at a budget price.
bread's done