Full slate of DC Comics movies announced...


“Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice,” directed by Zack Snyder (2016)
“Suicide Squad,” directed by David Ayer (2016)
“Wonder Woman,” starring Gal Gadot (2017)
“Justice League Part One,” directed by Zack Snyder, with Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, and Amy Adams
“The Flash,” starring Ezra Miller (2018)
“Aquaman,” starring Jason Momoa (2018)
“Shazam” (2019)
“Justice League Part Two,” directed by Zack Snyder (2019)
“Cyborg,” starring Ray Fisher (2020)
“Green Lantern” (2020)

This is pretty dizzying. If we hadn't already reached the superhero movie saturation point, it's definitely here now.

Very surprised Snyder would sink 8 years of his life into Superman/Justice League.
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I am interested to see how this all works out. I really hope these movies are good, because I fear many of them will be mediocre compared to what Marvel is doing. 

DC already releasing their whole slate til 2019 has a time of Desparation just 2 days after the Civil War news hit the media (and that wasn't even an announcement). It's like counting their eggs before they hatch.

Sony did somewhat the same thing, not as many films, but look at them now, canceling/changing their movies and release dates til 2018.
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A "Cyborg" solo movie... starring Ray Fisher... really? Do they mean Will Smith?

Not a fan of Ezra Miller being the new Flash (confirmed as Barry Allen).  He always plays the skinny gay high school dude who kisses a boy then wants to kill himself in most of his movies.  And are we going to see another origin story 4 years from now?

And none of them will ever have any jokes. So sad.

I can accept the movie being called Shazam only if the actual character goes back to being called his proper name of Captain Marvel.
DC already releasing their whole slate til 2019 has a time of Desparation just 2 days after the Civil War news hit the media (and that wasn't even an announcement). It's like counting their eggs before they hatch.

Sony did somewhat the same thing, not as many films, but look at them now, canceling/changing their movies and release dates til 2018.
Who cares if the movies don't match the release schedule? Marvel announced an Edgar Wright directed Ant Man movie and look what happened.

isn't the Rock confirmed for Shazam as one of the major roles? odd they don't have him listed in this.
I believe it lists the starring role and I think Rock is going to be Black Adam

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Jena Malone is apparently Robin in Batman v. Superman, so they seem to be using Dark Knight Returns as the sole inspiration for the Batman this time around
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The more this film turns into Dark Knight Returns, the more irritated I get about it.
I don't it because they are essentially wasting it.

I think going forward all Batman movies (for the near future) should be stand-alone adaptations of the best Batman comic stores. Dark Knight Returns, and any others we can throw into the conversation. There's no need to show his origin again for a looooooong time, and making movies this way let's you easily have other actors step into the role (ala Bond).

So basically they do a lot of Dark Knight Returns stuff, you can't make a real DKR movie for a long time, it at all. IMO
Well, I am not a big fan of the story (or anything by Frank Miller, really) so I would rather them adapt some other version of Batman.
Current news now is that Joker is in B v. S. If that's the case, just consider this Dark Knight Returns with a broader movie built around it.
There is no way they're making an aquaman movie. That's horrendous.
Why? Aquaman kicks ass. I imagine Momoa's Arthur will be closest to the Justice League/Unlimited interpretation. I just hope he doesn't dye his hair blonde or wear a wig. I know Aquaman is blonde, but I don't think it works for Momoa.
I also noticed there's no standalone Batman movie anywhere on the list. Batman is clearly the most popular DC hero, so not having him in his own movie seems odd to me. I guess Justice League will have to do as well as Batman Vs. Superman, but I figured he'd get his own movie at some point, and not some team up movie. 

bread's done