
Where can I get a moderately priced (or better: CHEAP) futon (one of those couch/bed deals that don't cost 500 bucks)? At the most, I want to pay 150 with minimal tools/time required to put it together.
You may not want a cheap fouton, depending on what you plan on using it for.

If you plan to sleep on it, or plan on someone sleeping on it more than once in a while, buy a nicer one. The cheap ones are uncomfortable as hell, and the mattresses are thin, so you feel the bars underneath. A cheap fouton feels like a cheap pull out bed inside a couch... Awful.

Also, if you plan on using it heavily as a couch (like your main couch), then I'd get a better one, since the cheap ones are not durable at all.

If its for light use and not for sleeping on then a cheap one from Walmart should be good enough.

My bed is a fouton and its great. Its one of the nicer ones but I got a deal on it, I paid about $300. Very sturdy, very comfortable, converts easily to and from the couch position.
Hmm...I'm not really sure but I plan on sleeping on it...I don't plan on getting a couch and bed seperately because funds are tight. I'll check out some stores this weekend.
I would agree with dafoomie. At my last place, Iused a futon as my couch. $450. The mattres has springs in it. ts so comfortable.
I just bought a futon for my college apartment ... bed + couch all in one neat package, how can you lose :wink:

Ikea would be the worst place to buy a futon because most of the time you have to buy three things:

All of which will run you $100 a piece ... for the cheapest mattress, which is very very firm and very thin and since most of Ikea's mattress come uncovered (white) which will get dirt-ass filthy with minimal use.
Also all of Ikea's frames are of non-standard sizes ... so say the mattress goes to shit, you have to buy another Ikea one if you want a perfect fit.

I ended up buying an Ikea frame and this mattress


The frame is a little longer than the mattress but not by much ... and since the frame I got doesn't have arms it doesn't reall matter.

The mattress is comes covered, is inner spring, and the shipping was cheap. Don't know if its as comfortable as the reviews from overstock say it is; it just shipped.
Here's a Cheapass fouton tip that may help you...

If your futon mattress has a cover, or if you want to buy a cover for your mattress, then buy a foam bed pad (mine is Full Sized) for like $10-$20. Just put it over the matress and then put the cover over both. It makes it twice as comfortable even if you already have a nice mattress.
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