G4tech TV coverage...anyone watching?


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
I like to check it out to see if there is anything I might miss while im at the show.
If you watch tonights coverage, which starts in 20 minutes, you might see my cheap ass torso during the Victor & Tommy bit, but I'm sure my head couldn't have fit in the shot.
Watched about 45 minutes of it today-- Adam sessler is still a crackhead....er, wait, they're all crackheads!

They had some interviews with Sony guys who kept saying "Those trailers are in-game footage made on PS3 development kits."

There was a segment on Capcom which showed off Okami(which looks like radness), Onimusha 4, and Killer 7..
there was a little comedy bit about people who just run around collecting giveaways from every booth..turned it off after 45 minutes cause they weren't saying much that I haven't read about already.

doubt you missed anything important Cheapy :)
I tried to watch a little over the last couple of days, but everytime I see and hear Kevin from "Attack of the Show", I want to throw my remote through the TV screen. Annoying beyond belief. Morgan Webb also repeats the same phrase every day..."I got the feeling Microsoft was trying to pull the wool over our eyes". It's amazing how uninformed these hosts are in regards to video games.
[quote name='mtxbass1']I think the only reason to even watch G4 anymore is to mute "Cheat!" and watch that one girl do her thing in silence.[/QUOTE]

Filter's kind of nice for that too. Whoever thought a "top ten" show was a good idea to run once a week (and repeat endlessly throughout the week) should be smacked ten times with a large, blunt object -- like the thick head of an upper management type.

Their E3 show isn't too bad, though. They're doing a decent job with the interviews, and with the wonder of TiVo I can fast forward through crap like Mark Ecko (seriously, why is that game being made?) and whatever that was last night with the guy in a sweatband hitting on booth babes.
[quote name='WildWop']Filter's kind of nice for that too. Whoever thought a "top ten" show was a good idea to run once a week (and repeat endlessly throughout the week) should be smacked ten times with a large, blunt object -- like the thick head of an upper management type.

Their E3 show isn't too bad, though. They're doing a decent job with the interviews, and with the wonder of TiVo I can fast forward through crap like Mark Ecko (seriously, why is that game being made?) and whatever that was last night with the guy in a sweatband hitting on booth babes.[/QUOTE]

lol...guy w/sweatband. rotfl
[quote name='anonymouswhoami']I tried to watch a little over the last couple of days, but everytime I see and hear Kevin from "Attack of the Show", I want to throw my remote through the TV screen. Annoying beyond belief. [/QUOTE] I couldn't agree more. I've been watching a little just to see some of the trailers and game footage that my poor old 56k connection just can't show me, but every time he comes on, I flip over to something (anything) else.
I have been watching it every day, and I think they're doing an amazing job. You really get to see the show floor and some footage that you just can't find on the internet.
[quote name='radjago']I like watching it for the videos of new games and interviews, but beyond that, I'd much rather chew on my own ankle.[/QUOTE]

Don't diss it 'till you try it... my ankle is actually rather tasty, I must say
what I can't figure out is that there is soooo much info that they really can't show it all and they're doing skits with some dork and a puppet trying to get booth babe phone numbers, just show us the fucking games already... the interviews seem kinda stiff as well..
[quote name='Pojo']I have been watching it every day, and I think they're doing an amazing job. You really get to see the show floor and some footage that you just can't find on the internet.[/QUOTE]

Same here and I think Adam Sessler is a very funny guy. I think if it was not for him X-Play would just be another average show.
Why is Morgan Webb an idiot...?

I've been watching G4TechTV since it was just TechTV... Morgan Webb has always come across as being well-informed. Her "roundtable" insights were also pretty well-formed, I thought.

Am I missing something? lol
DVR-ing it. There is very little TV I can stand anymore without being able to fast forward in palces. I think the coverage has been good mostly except they repeated a few idiotic rumors and didn't edit down interviews with non-English speak Japanese guys so didn't have spend several minutes listening to first the interpreter and then their answer and then their answer in English. I don't hold it against them if they produce great games but don't speak English but that business is intensely wearing on my patience. In the day and age when HD video can be edited on a laptop it should take more than an hour to edit down the interviews.
[quote name='mtxbass1']I think the only reason to even watch G4 anymore is to mute "Cheat!" and watch that one girl do her thing in silence.[/QUOTE]

Today was the first time I'd ever seen 'Cheat'. She needs to host every other show on the network. If they're gonna have crap programming (which they do, of course) there might as well be something pleasant to look at while watching said crap.
i was interviewed in the Tylenol booth. I revied a shitty Dragon controller and a new camera phone. keep a look out, i was probably a major douche.
I think it was a nice thought at first but they just are too spread out when it comes to what they try to cover on G4.
bread's done