Game Access crooks?


2 (100%)
Ok so I thought signing up to a service online would be cheaper than buying games over and over again.

This was about 5 months ago, after three months I cancelled my service, since I sent back the games to them in the enveloppe they provided to me (which under their terms of service they say I shouldn't use it and I should use UPS/FedEx or a trackable service at my own expense) and they sent me nothing.

So I stopped paying my bill without cancelling and they kept hounding me so I ponied up what I owned and I actually cancelled, the asshole over the phone clearly said NO when I asked him: "will my card be charged any more?" so I was a happy pappy and decided to leave it at that.

No my credit card statement came in and yet ANOTHER GameAccess fee popped up, so I called them up and apparently the only two games they ever decided to send me never showed up at their door, so they kept my card on file to charge me even more money.

Now they're gonna "call me back" tomorrow when the guy I first dealt with last month is gonna be on shift.

Godammit, any advice? My credit card people said until they (GA) give me a cancellation number, that they really can't do anything. But Game Access is telling me cancellation numbers don't exist, should I call back my Visa and be more forceful about this issue?

Also after my call they sent me an email stating this little gem:

(XpressPost, UPS, FedEx, DHL, Purolator, etc). UNLESS YOU HAVE

So I guess their little send-back enveloppe wasn't enough =\.
i cancelled with them over a year ago, but what i did (to be cheap and avoid this situation) was empty my queue, send the 2 games back, once i received confirmation that the games were received i then cancelled my account.
that sucks tho, you can try calling your CC company, they might be able to help you.
It's BS that they're still charging you. If you've cancelled and they haven't "received" the games, while it's not better from your perspective, they should be charging you for the two titles and not charging you an ongoing fee. You should contact Visa and tell them, first, not to accept any more charges from GameAccess on your account. If they say they can't or won't, cancel the card. It seems to me like GA otherwise is taking license to charge you indefinitely.
Well Visa is no help, they're telling me any charges made after the cancellation confirmation (what I received today after I let it loose on the Game Access guys) they can do something and dispute the charges.

But I'm still out $50 'cause of this =\ damn, never going into a online rental service ever again.

And GameAccess will still be charging me, but at least this time the charges can be disputed.
This is the first negative thing I've heard about Gameaccess, hopefully it's not a sign of things to come. I've been with them for several months and have had nothing but great service so far.
I've been using GameAccess for a few months, and I'm not that satisfied with them, either. The newer games are hard to get -- even when I'm paying extra for the Reserve feature -- so I end up with an empty slot for weeks at a time waiting for my Reserved game to come in. (I usually end up running out of patience and just Reserving something else with a full availability bar.)

The delivery times are pretty long, it takes about a week and a half between returning a game and receiving my next one, even when the slot does fill right away... it sucks, even though it's not really their fault for being situated in Quebec.

Not too happy about their email customer service, either. I wrote to them about the Reserve game issues above and I haven't heard back from them.

I'm probably going to cancel soon.
i had a 6 month subscription with them last year and it was so frustrating, they never have the game you want and it takes ages for games to get back to them, in which time they will not ship out a new game.

I had a similar problem as TC but they just recieved my games late and charged me again, but they took the fee off once i called them.
I've been having no problems with the reserve feature, I was able to get Too Human and Infinite Undiscovery just a single day after they were released.
UPDATE: They just called up a collections agency and they're threatning my credit if I don't pony up $216.46 for two games =\. This is getting ridiculous.
DO NOT ALLOW THIS TO GO TO COLLECTIONS. If you have a collection on your credit report, good luck getting credit for the next 7 years minimum. Either threaten legal action or just pay the fee.

On another note, I've been waiting for Mercenaries 2 for the past 2 and a half weeks with it on reserve and nothing has been sent yet, getting a bit impatient!
[quote name='habsfan08']wouldn't renting games at the local blockbuster better?[/quote]

Well I thought the game renting thing would be better since it's "unlimited" game rentals as long as you send it back.

But thing is, it takes at least a week to get a game back out to you so after I learned that I cancelled the account and this whole fiasco happened. I'm just going to pay them off, if it gets this shit off my back then good, don't have to deal with them anymore.

Lesson learned, I used to rent games at BB and it worked out fine, guess you don't fix what's not broken.

Expensive lesson though. :D:D
[quote name='chrisryans']On another note, I've been waiting for Mercenaries 2 for the past 2 and a half weeks with it on reserve and nothing has been sent yet, getting a bit impatient![/quote]
Yeah. Mercenaries 2 was one of the games that just sat there for 2 weeks on reserve. I eventually gave up and reserved something else older, but I basically paid GameAccess 2+ weeks for not filling one of my slots... =/
Wow, I've always kind of considered giving them a try...

But from all the impressions posted here (bad service) coupled with your issues...well, I think I'll pass! It's a real shame you can't seem to gain any ground with them or your credit card company...
hey guys,

i worked at game access for a year and a bit in the shipping department, i saw this thread and thought i'd help clear things up.

#1 canada post sucks. unfortunately using cp is the only option seeing as using any other courier would make the service WAY too expensive.

#2 when you sign up to the service you agree to a contract and it's your obligation to read and understand the contract in full. everything you need to know about the service is clearly written in the terms you agree to when signing up and any question you may have are easily answered by the FAQ. it's STRONGLY RECOMMENDED (but not required) that you use a traceable shipping method when you are sending back games (after you cancel) because of statement #1 that i made.

why should game access take your word for it that you sent back their games? you could very well just keep the games and put the blame on canada post saying they were lost in the mail. then game access would lose out on the money they spent on the games. that is why these terms were put into effect in the first place.

in the occurrence that the games actually were lost in the mail, using a traceable shipping method provides an automatic $100 insurance on the package as well as definite proof that the games were returned to game access. a claim would be filed and the customer (or former customer) would not be liable for any additional charges.

as for any other issues, such as slow shipping (make a complaint with canada post!), not getting games on reserve, etc. just READ THE FAQ AND FOLLOW THE RULES! honestly, the faq will tell you everything you need to know and following the rules will help you get the best service.

for people put off by the original post, i wouldn't write off game access so quickly. the people there work very hard to offer this service, and i believe it is well worth the price for avid gamers. follow my advice and you shouldn't have any issues.
I was a member at Game Access for probably 1.5 years. When the service first started it was pretty good, probably because there were not as many other members.

I do agree with the above poster that Canada Post sucks. The delay in getting games is awful. I had at least 2 games that arrived snapped in half as well; which Game Access had me send back and they sent a replacement game once it arrived. I lost about 10 days in the process of getting a broken game and sending it back before I could get a new one, and again this is the fault of Canada Post.

However, because of the problems of our expensive mail system, I feel the Game Access service just isn't worth it. I don't see how they can possibly compete with Blockbusters game pass or buying games for cheap during Rogers / Blockbuster sales. During the last 2-3 months of my subscription to Game Access I never got anything in the top 10 of my queue. I had some games sit in the top spot until I finally gave up and either rented it locally or bought it.

I honestly wish them luck, but I think any "avid" gamer will find a better place for their gaming needs. I personally wouldn't recommend the service to anyone at this point.
I do agree with the above poster that Canada Post sucks. The delay in getting games is awful.
I had both GameAccess and for a while. Zip's shipping times were/are great, while GameAccess shipping times were lengthy. Both use Canada Post. I no longer deal with GameAccess but continue to rent movies with
I'm ending my membership with Game Access after 2 months. Just waiting for them to receive my last game then I'm going to cancel the account. The lengthy period of waiting for games and not being sent a game for weeks on end is just not worth the hefty fee. The customer service was great in my experience though, I can say that much.
[quote name='therealdeal']
for people put off by the original post, i wouldn't write off game access so quickly. the people there work very hard to offer this service, and i believe it is well worth the price for avid gamers. follow my advice and you shouldn't have any issues.[/quote]

Your advise was: you're to blame if anything happens so suck it up, and the games come very slowly but you're still paying good money for it. You won't have any issues if you don't keep track of the actually-getting-games to the-money-I'm-throwing away ratio.

[quote name='mkrowe']I honestly wish them luck, but I think any "avid" gamer will find a better place for their gaming needs. I personally wouldn't recommend the service to anyone at this point.[/quote]

Yeah Blockbuster is doing this thing where you can rent as many games as you want (as long as your keep bringing it back doi) for 'round $29.99 last time I checked. I signed up with them, and the local BB so far has been better; no waiting for shipping, and as long as you're not some lazy slob who hates the outdoors you have 12-hour access to it and even though it's $5 more than GA here's the best part:

There's a drop-off box, no way something weird happens in-between you giving the game back. And you can just go back in and get another game immediately. So the time you lose waiting for the game you win by getting more games.
I wasn't much happy with the delays in shipment of so i switched to a few months ago and i am finding it much better.
[quote name='yenreginal']I wasn't much happy with the delays in shipment of so i switched to a few months ago and i am finding it much better.[/QUOTE]

I just visited the site you mentioned [ ] ... it is an search box. Am I missing something here? Did you reply to a two-year-old thread by accident?
I'm not sure I understand the situation? At first you didn't cancel you just decided not to pay the bills until they started bugging you? Then you canceled?
[quote name='onemorechanc']I just visited the site you mentioned [ ] ... it is an search box. Am I missing something here? Did you reply to a two-year-old thread by accident?[/QUOTE]

He could just be some spambot. First post in a 2 year old thread, not really pertaining to the discussion, and suggesting we visit some random site that doesn't seem to function with scriptblock running...
Woah! This post is two years old! Just realized that, it was on the homepage and I never viewed the date :p Silly spammers reviving ancient posts :p
Some of the services in Canada are really amazing. Like the one I am currently using does not give me any scope to complain. has a huge collection of movies and games and they have really great combos to choose from.
It sounds like a lot of work and frustration... If I wanted game that's not just released then I would just buy it, there's plenty of good deals if you know where to look. Why pay to wait for a game that's not even yours.. and risk having to fork up 100-200 dollars in the end?
[quote name='Faytz']It sounds like a lot of work and frustration... If I wanted game that's not just released then I would just buy it, there's plenty of good deals if you know where to look. Why pay to wait for a game that's not even yours.. and risk having to fork up 100-200 dollars in the end?[/QUOTE]

Did you happen to notice the year of the above posts....?
[quote name='Eoyote']Did you happen to notice the year of the above posts....?[/QUOTE]

lol nope. I just saw it got bumped so I enter this thread to see what's going on.

I'm half checking the brags of hoarder deciding whether I should try my local wal-mart (hope it's not mentioned).

Well it be two years ago or four, I still think it's easier just buying the game... then again I do enjoy having them in my collection.
[quote name='neillevels']Some of the services in Canada are really amazing. Like the one I am currently using does not give me any scope to complain. has a huge collection of movies and games and they have really great combos to choose from.[/QUOTE]
Oh, another satisfied customer, huh?
[quote name='CHW']Oh, another satisfied customer, huh?[/QUOTE]

If there is one thing that makes me want to sign up for a service, it's a company that bumps up 2 year old threads on a forum to hock said service.
bread's done