Game Boy Micro for $49.99


CAG Veteran
Don't know if this has been posted yet but i went to Wal Mart (I know, ugh) thinking that they had GBA micros for $60 because i really wanted a backlit GBA, actually found it for $49.92 or whatever their .9x price is. So I was able to have a little extra money to get some more software.

Pretty good deal if you don't have a backlit GBA, this thing is TINY and it is BRIGHT, just so you know it does not play GBC or GB games, you will see why when you actually hold one!
Thanks for the heads up, I will have to check mine to see if they have the Famicon version, as I missed the $40 black friday micro's.
I'd tap $25-30 for GB Micro. The main problem is I play so few GBA games at this point and I can't justify spending any more than that. After I finish Yggdra Union & the Super Robot Taisen games I may never play another GBA game again.
I wonder if this is at every Walmart or just at the original poster's?
If so I can't make up my mind if I should wait for the Micros, with the extra faceplates I want, that are at normal price at other stores to pricedrop or pick up one from Walmart.
Last time I checked at my Walmart the price tag at the bottom of the self said $60, but then again I didn't scan the upc code.
It looks like Nintendo is pretty much giving up on the Micro being a big seller and focusing on the DS, so i wouldn't be surprised if $50 was at every Wal Mart and will just be the unit's straight up retail until they pull it.

That much said it's a cool little gadget, and GBA games are freaking awesome. DS is really cool but I don't see myself spending a ton of money on handheld software and i really just wanted something that played my already pretty good GBA library (both Super Mario Worlds, both Fire Pro Wrestlings, etc...). I hate the PSP, my dad had one for awhile and sold it, that thing was borderline unplayable with it's huge banana hand design and stupid analog nub thing; trying to play Ape Escape on it which I loved on PSX was a chore.

I bought it in Sterling Heights, Michigan just for a reference point.
[quote name='indy2029']Anybody know the price of these at toysrus?[/QUOTE]

I don't believe they went down. Most stores didn't have many going into black friday (my store had 5 units total)
I own two dslites and at this point I cant justify spending 50 dollars on a smaller gba.I really want one too,but 50 dollars is way to much.
Just picked up a Famicom GB micro from my local Wal-mart. It was priced at $49.92 just as the OP mentioned. I went in looking for a black one (which they had about 5), but I was surprised to find the famicom one burried behind a bunch of GBA SP+ and stacks of DS games.
In case this isn't clear, the ones Wal-mart is now selling have new, smaller packaging (without the see-thru plastic window). They also don't come with extra faceplates, which may or may not matter to you depending on your attachment to cheap cardstock. I'm pretty sure, though not positive, that this is a special package made specifically for Wal-mart. Has anyone seen the new style at other stores?
Oh wow, it looks like the prices are really YMMV so far from what I'm reading here. I wish there was a stable price on the GBM at Walmart, at least they could have put a price with a sold out banner or something on the Walmart website.
[quote name='csidegamer']Dekalb, IL still has a ton for $35
A few 20th aniversary editions too.[/QUOTE]

do you live in that area? any chance you can pick one up for me?
The three CompUSAs here have them for $39.99 in old packaging with the faceplates. I've heard the prices vary at CompUSA nationwide so YMMV I suppose. I picked up two for Xmas.
I have access to the McChord AFB commissary and they had the standard Micro package for 75% off. I ended up paying around $18 (no tax @ the AFB) for mine. Sounds like stores are trying pretty hard to empty their inventory
My Walmart had only one Micro left (20th anniversary) for $49. I had some extra store credit, so I picked it up. It should tide me over at work until I can get my hands on a working Nomad.
i couple local b&m wal marts have sstack of them, they have tons of famicon ones. but i already have a gba sp and a ds lite so i cant really see the need for another gba device.
^ I only saw one micro yesterday when I went to my local Walmart and it wasn't the Famicom one that I was after! I kind want the extra faceplates, but for the price I was willing to pass on the faceplates and just get the famicom one for cheap.
The whole store looked like it got hit by a storm, most shelves were empty and there were hardly any employees around. I guess they were going to do inventory that day.
I hope there are more micros in the back or something next time I go there, but then again after black friday/weekend I only saw a handful of micros leftover from the sale. :(
went to my local wal-mart to find a mirco and they only had one left(lucky me) it was the Famicom one but i didnt care hehe, to bad you cant hook up the mirco to the gamecube:whistle2:(
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