Game DLC is ruining alot of games for me.


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I just wanted to vent here.

The biggest trend for developers/publishers these days seems to be DLC or pre-order exclusives. Its pissing me off. What ever happened to the old days where when i bought a game it was the same version everyone else got and i felt i got the whole game experience for the retail price.

Now im not saying DLC is bad. There are alot of instances where there is DLC for a game or an expansion that is truely worth it. Take for example GTA IV's Lost and Damned or Fallout 3 expansion packs. This is a case of where the developer/publisher saw that thier game was well recieved and wanted to give some more content to the players who couldn't get enought.

My gripe is with pre-order crap and small differences in a game based on what platform or store you buy it from.

Lets talk about Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, its not quite so ultimate. Certain characters are specfic only to certain plaforms, and i have to preorder to get the Juggernaut?! BS, if im paying for the whole game i want all the content.

Batman: AA, wtf, exclusive armor for the walmart edition, scarecrow map for the GS pre-order, play as the Joker only on the PS3, once again BS, if im buying the game at retail i should be getting all the content.

MMO preorders and collectors editions. Ok i can understand the collectors edition coming with figures, art books and a nice case, but come on now with in-game preorder items, i have to pay more or pre-order to have get exclusive items? Example, just recently, Aion, pre-order gets to play early and gets a special helmet and XP boost? Exclusive weapons for the AoC pre-order/CE, Exclusive in-game character customization for Warhammer Online pre-order/CE. BS.

Star Wars: TFU is getting a special sith edition with content i cant even buy on PSN or LIVE, i actually have to buy a new copy of the game for the Hoth missions? BS, i already bought the game once, i have to buy a full new retail copy for a few new missions, unacceptable.

SFIV, i heard theres going to be a retail release of a special edition of it now with a few new characters and balance issue, BS!! I have to buy a full new copy?! i mean they are getting wayyy to greedy, they dont even make it DLC... im not buying a game twice for extra content.

Bottom line is developers/publishers are just getting to greedy, what ever happened to taking care of the customer. I mean its not like im not going to buy the game if its good but why milk me for dollar after dollar for minor things in a game that either should have been in it to begin with or should be free as your commitment and standing behind your game. It never used to be like this, or at least not this bad.

/end rant
Your ride is here...


for real though, its the way things are going...either deal with it or find a new amount of bitching is going to change it
I feel you OP, but your fighting a losing battle.

Also, some of your examples make more sennse than others.

Those little extras you get for buying the delux-o box versions of games don't really break the game for those who don't have it. Publishers are appealing to collectors and other OCD 'I have to have that!' types when they put this stuff out. If you want it, pay up for it, but is not having some helmet, or pet, really ruin the rest of the game for you?

I agree not having Juggernaught is bullshit, cos your missing out on an entire character that is on your disc already.

But your off base on Super SF IV. Capcom has always released newer versions of Street Fighter as stand alone, fulll priced retail releases. Back in SNES days, I bought SF II, SF II CE, and Super SF II.

This new Super SF IV has 8 new characters, new stages, and lots of gameplay tweaks. Thats worthy of a full retail release imo. However, having to pay to unlock extra character costumes already on the SF IV disc is bullshit imo.

A thread like this pops up every few months, and it's always the same lame arguments and horrible examples.
Blame Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft in most cases for the platform specific content. They throw a bit of money at a company and get some exclusive content making sure that you purchase AAA titles like Batman for their console and not the competitor's. It works, so both sides keep it up.

As for the pre-order content, companies have moved to this because of the popularity of used game sales. If you can wait even 2-3 days and buy a game for $10 less used, well that's one less sale the company gets. Make you pre-order the game to get an exclusive character and suddenly they get more sales and therefore more money. Is it greed? Sure, but let's be honest here that game development costs have risen significantly over the past 20 years and game prices haven't much. Yes, they did finally increase $10 this generation, but I'd wager development costs have increased far more proportionally in comparison.

Valve seems to do it right, to me. Release a game and continue to pump free new DLC into the market for years after so that consumers do not resale your games. Effectively they kill the used market for their games because no one ever sales it to begin with (or at least less so). Of course, this is mostly what they've been doing on the PC side.
[quote name='elwood731']
Valve seems to do it right, to me. Release a game and continue to pump free new DLC into the market for years after so that consumers do not resale your games. Effectively they kill the used market for their games because no one ever sales it to begin with (or at least less so). Of course, this is mostly what they've been doing on the PC side.[/QUOTE]

Valve and Steam are shining examples of how to do DLC right. I wish the console world could/would follow that model. Unfortunately its only really possible on an open platform like PC.

As for preorder goodies, I wish developers would limit these to physical chotchkies and not in-game content. So people who like Calendars and soundtracks, Plushies and Keychains and Night Vision Goggles can order those premium boxes and people who just want to play the game can buy the regular version.

It's exclusive in-game content for ordering from one retailer or another that I really dislike. I dont even have Marvel UA 2, and that Juggrnaught thing pisses me off. Even more so because he's on everyone's disc to start with.

At the very least these 'exclusives' should be timed, so that after a game has been out for six months Juggers unlocks for everyone.
[quote name='s2k']The only thing i read was "retail price". Who pays that here?[/QUOTE]

i dont pay retail often, but i did for Batman:AA and obviously you cant buy an MMO account used at GS.

I don't necessarily agree with the OP's example, but I'm also not a fan of DLC. It's become accepted (almost expected) now, but I can't stand it when a DLC is announced before the game is even friggin released. Instead of just including that crap with the game, they want you to pay $60 + even more.

But of course, all of that is optional, so it's hard for me to get worked up over it. What DID get me worked up was this: When I played Halo 3 regularly, I played the Team SWAT mode. I loved it. But each time a new map pack came out, I could no longer continue playing SWAT unless I handed them $10 to download the new maps. They wanted me to pay them for something I thought I already bought. Twice. Personally, I consider that subscription. If I wanted to subscribe to something, I'd play WoW.
I hear ya but like everyone's been saying it's just the way it is. Most of the stuff that's exclusive to retailers I don't shop at is pretty minor IMO and I don't really mind not having it.
I'm sure glad I don't have to pay for network access on the PS3, frees up some funds for DLC. To me, XBox live is a way bigger scam then DLC.

I'm a bit surprised how many people Microsoft has suckered with their Xbox live service - at least with DLC I'm getting some new content. I've bought a few games and DLC off the PSN and I'm thinking - if I was with Microsoft all I'd be getting for this cash is a network connection...
[quote name='s2k']The only thing i read was "retail price". Who pays that here?[/QUOTE]

i know i only do when it comes to games i dont want to wait for but in this gen of gaming theres only been 3 games that fell into that category ( infamous, uncharted 2 and GOW3) every other game thats come out i wait for it to drop to a price im willing to pay.

as far as dlc goes seems like the new trend is the goty editions which come out with all dlc included at regular retail price. ill just wait for those to drop too in 6 or so months. its a ixed bag dlc some of it is worthwhile and alot of it is crap. just do the research and you can work your way through it. i wonder if all the dlc that batman game has is really worth it.
I see this kind of stuff happen all the time, usually to avoid it I never buy the games new...they just aren't good enough anymore.

This kind of crap will come back and bite them in the ass one day (hopefully) until then just don't support that kind of stuff and avoid getting the game...heh it sucks I know
You're not wrong, but it's too late now. I yelled about it early and often, and I know I wasn't alone: don't buy that goddamn horse armor. Once game companies saw it was going to make money, off we went down the slippery slope.

Once you buy DLC for a game, it becomes money you are shoveling into a pit if you opt to get rid of the game later. That's why I never buy any of those stupid map packs/extra characters/whatever unless I know for sure I was going to be keeping the game.

Only time I hosed myself was on SFIV. I stupidly ponied up for the alternate character costumes - now like 7 months later we get a "oh, your game is outdated now" notification. I have a feeling my DLC won't be working with the new game - maybe they'll throw it in for free? Not likely, considering what company is behind this release. Capcom are the masters of dicking around their customers with downloadable content already on disc/alternate versions that split the community/quick follow-ups/etc.

Never again.
It is indeed too late.

If you've supported digital distribution in any way, or the HD gaming market (which is unsustainable and needs money grabs like this), you helped make this happen.

Theres more than a lifetime of great games from the previous generations that you havent played yet, so you are not without options.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Once you buy DLC for a game, it becomes money you are shoveling into a pit if you opt to get rid of the game later. That's why I never buy any of those stupid map packs/extra characters/whatever unless I know for sure I was going to be keeping the game[/QUOTE]

Thats the thing paying for something you cant resell or trade, sucks. At least Bungie put all the halo 3 map packs on disc with ODST, Rockstar is releasing a disc copy of lost and damned/gay tony's ballad and Bethesda put Oblivion and FO3 xpacs on discs.

and speaking of Capcom, loved how right out of the box with RE5 you had to pay for the DLC to get multiplayer versus (although im sure it sucks anyways)
DLC sucks most of the time (except Fallout 3 and Rock Band), but this is why you don't buy every popular game on launch. I knew some of these games where going to screw over consumers sooner or later.
There are exceptions such as the expansion packs you mentioned and I don't mind paying for a new character or whatever as long as it's within reason. My only complaints is like you mentioned when they release DLC that should have been with the game to begin with, in game content only available on pre-order (the biggest thing that pisses me off), or what I've noticed lately, is the sports games and they're amount of DLC. It's not even madden and the BS with the elite code or the franchise code (although I agree it should have been free with the game). But take Tiger Woods 10. I don't know how often I see new course DLC. Seriously, how much of that could have probably been included in the game? I'd have to assume at least a good majority of them. And they're not even reasonably priced (IMO).
[quote name='JStryke']There are exceptions such as the expansion packs you mentioned and I don't mind paying for a new character or whatever as long as it's within reason. My only complaints is like you mentioned when they release DLC that should have been with the game to begin with, in game content only available on pre-order (the biggest thing that pisses me off), or what I've noticed lately, is the sports games and they're amount of DLC. It's not even madden and the BS with the elite code or the franchise code (although I agree it should have been free with the game). But take Tiger Woods 10. I don't know how often I see new course DLC. Seriously, how much of that could have probably been included in the game? I'd have to assume at least a good majority of them. And they're not even reasonably priced (IMO).[/QUOTE]

I agree, sports games are the worst DLC abusers. If real games ever get like sports games we'll all be in trouble.
[quote name='Puffa469']Valve and Steam are shining examples of how to do DLC right.[/QUOTE]
So long as you don't get hung up on what the definition of "episodic" is.
The only DLC i've wasted my money on is the Rock Band songs and the Gears 2 Maps. All the others for both PSN and XBL I've gotten so many free points it's rediculous. 12k free msp's can really get you some good stuff :). And 25 dollar mycoke debit cards are fun for PSN.
[quote name='dodgeme']The only DLC i've wasted my money on is the Rock Band songs and the Gears 2 Maps. All the others for both PSN and XBL I've gotten so many free points it's rediculous. 12k free msp's can really get you some good stuff :). And 25 dollar mycoke debit cards are fun for PSN.[/QUOTE]

explain the my coke debit card as it pertains to psn. what does it do how does it work ect ect?
bread's done