Game Informer: Multiple Sources confirm new HD console at E3 for Nintendo

[quote name='foltzie']

How Odd... Seems unlikely that Nintendo would abandon their usual pricing strategy... Then again they did just release a $250 handheld...


Speculation GO![/QUOTE]

Funny they say that, since the PS3 launched at $499 for the low end. XBox 360 launched at $299 for the low end. Sounds like Nintendo is splitting the difference.
[quote name='spmahn']I don't buy it, people line up for days to get the new iPhone, and a month later you still have to get on a waiting list to get an iPad 2, while on the other hand the 3DS launch came and went without so much as a whimper and they've been more than readily available since day one. Nintendo is not Apple, not by any stretch of anyones imagination, so people need to quit making that comparison.[/QUOTE]

I meant saying that no matter what Nintendo does, Nintendo still has die hard fans to support them just like the die hard Apple fans. I was never saying Nintendo was Apple, I was just referring them to the company that close resembles Apple in the video game world with their fans.

Also I really hope the controller has the joystick placement like the classic controller and the PS3 where both joysticks are at the bottom and the d-pad is top left. It makes using the d-pas a hell of a lot easier for me.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']I just read the rumor that it'll be as big as the original 360... :rofl: I'm sure that'll go over big in Japan.[/QUOTE]

I think it just said 360. Plus, they're not taking into account the size of a potential power brick.

I dunno...if this launches this fall, I can only thing of 1 Franchise that would be there at launch from Nintendo, and it's not Zelda.
[quote name='KingBroly']I think it just said 360. Plus, they're not taking into account the size of a potential power brick.

I dunno...if this launches this fall, I can only thing of 1 Franchise that would be there at launch from Nintendo, and it's not Zelda.[/QUOTE]


Is Io a Mother fan?
I'd love the idea of an HD Wii for $400 if I didn't already have a Move for my $500 PS3. Right now, it's satisfying my needs for hitting golf balls, shooting zombies, Helghast, and other moving targets. If I could only get my Star Wars RPG, some good light gun remakes, and a decent dungeon-crawler-hack-and-slash, I'll be all set for a while.

I'm also not too keen on drinking the next generation milk in the form of Mario Kart HD, Mario Tennis HD, Mario Super Duper Sluggers HD, Super HD Smash Brothers. God knows Animal Crossing never needs to be remade. I'm not sure the gameplay will be that much different than from the last 3 generations.

I wouldn't mind a fully fleshed out, StarFox Galaxy game in HD, though. Maybe a StarFox sandbox game with a shit-ton of worlds. There will have to be more to coax $400 out of me, though. My needs are almost fully taken care of with MS and Sony right now.
I think you need to go back and re-read at what point we're at right now.

The only thing that NO ONE is talking about, and it's once again a point of major contention: Online integration.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']I just read the rumor that it'll be as big as the original 360... :rofl: I'm sure that'll go over big in Japan.[/QUOTE]

The PS3 is bigger than the original 360.
Finally, Miyamoto made comments about Project Café, the alleged name of Nintendo's next system. He notes that Nintendo believes research and development on new consoles takes about five years to become interesting. He says that Nintendo is always working on new hardware and experiments that the public will never see, making the comment that "where there's smoke there's fire". He, however, warns readers that "you shouldn't believe everything you read", most likely referencing the stream of rumors about the system that started circulating the internet last week.
[quote name='omster']Finally, Miyamoto made comments about Project Café, the alleged name of Nintendo's next system. He notes that Nintendo believes research and development on new consoles takes about five years to become interesting. He says that Nintendo is always working on new hardware and experiments that the public will never see, making the comment that "where there's smoke there's fire". He, however, warns readers that "you shouldn't believe everything you read", most likely referencing the stream of rumors about the system that started circulating the internet last week.[/QUOTE]
He's just playing coy so that everyone is floored come E3. ;)
What interests me is that neither Miyamoto or Iwata were the first ones from Nintendo to hint at their next console. I'm wondering what is being worked on from the person who was.
[quote name='KingBroly']I think you need to go back and re-read at what point we're at right now.

The only thing that NO ONE is talking about, and it's once again a point of major contention: Online integration.[/QUOTE]

+1. Unfortunately I'm pretty doubtful they are going to get it right.
[quote name='pjb16']He's just playing coy so that everyone is floored come E3. ;)[/QUOTE]

And hopefully to keep some surprises. I kind of want there to be a big reveal come E3 about some feature no one knows about.
[quote name='pjb16']He's just playing coy so that everyone is floored come E3. ;)[/QUOTE] And hopefully release some secrets no one knows about that make this sound awesome.

[quote name='crunchewy']+1. Unfortunately I'm pretty doubtful they are going to get it right.[/QUOTE]
Well the 3DS was a step in the right direction. Now with that said, they had like what, 4 years with the PS3/360 to get it right but Nintendo are fucking dumbasses in the online department so I will guess no. I have come to learn that the Wii/3DS are not really for online but for an enjoyable single player experience and I am fine with that.
At this point, I really couldn't give a shit what the internal spec or MSRP turns out to be, I just hope the Wii 2/Cafe has a trailer hitch so I can hang a rubber novelty ballsack off it.
Possible leaked pic?
We've been inundated with all sorts of mock-ups and leakages concerning Project Cafe, the rumored HD console being developed by Nintendo. The latest development is this supposedly leaked image, found on various forums and image hosts around the 'net.

"Project Cafe is simply the most developer friendly SDK the industry has ever seen," reads the text accompanying the image. "Deliver unparalleled next generation performance at current generation costs. It doesn't get any easier than this."

The image also boasts easy portability from PC and Xbox 360, as well as the ability to update games at any time and an integrated M-Live framework.

As with everything concerning Project Cafe, don't take the picture as incontrovertible truth. Looks pretty slick though, right? What do you reckon?
[quote name='dothog']At this point, I really couldn't give a shit what the internal spec or MSRP turns out to be, I just hope the Wii 2/Cafe has a trailer hitch so I can hang a rubber novelty ballsack off it.[/QUOTE]

Trucks all over the world will be castrated for this noble cause.
[quote name='foltzie']Earthbound?

Is Io a Mother fan?

Wait, what? Me? I don't understand. If you do mean me, then, no, I would have never heard of Earthbound/Mother if it weren't for this site. I sat out the NES/SNES/N64/PS1 console generations so all that stuff is alien to me. I went right from the Atari to the Gamecube ;).

I have to admit I'm pretty blown away by the rumored specs and especially the controller. You have to give Nintendo credit for one thing if any of this is true - it is a bold move. It would have been easy for them to coast along and just release an incrementally updated HD Wii with the same look and controller. I'm not up to date on which pictures people think are fake and whatnot, but the pictures on the previous page seem to match up with the Powerpoint-looking picture posted on this page. And both have that genuine "captured-on-a-cell-phone-cam" look to them, though I suppose if someone wanted to they could fake that aspect of it as well.

But hopefully at least some of this is true. If so, all the whiners who put down the Wii for its lack of power and non-standard controller (such that it never gets multiplatform titles) will have to come up with something else. Actually, they have: the online... Well, that remains to be seen of course, but I'm not head over heels enthralled with the online on the other two systems. As long as they ditch game-specific friend codes (as they have down with the 3DS) then I'll be happy. Of course I'd prefer a username type setup and some sort of achievement/trophy system as well, but I'm not counting on that.

But it seems like Nintendo is specifically going after the multiplatform stuff not only with the HD support but with the more traditional controller + claims of easy portability of PC and 360 titles. Again, that remains to be seen, but that should remove the major barrier third parties had to at least deliver equivalent ports to all 3 systems.

As for the price, yeah, $200-$250 is nice and all and it was a stroke of genius for the Wii to get it off the ground and in so many homes by pricing it relatively low (compared to the competitiion at the time of launch). Maybe they figured with such a large install base they can charge more for the followup. I do agree with probably most CAGs in thinking that many non-traditional gamer Wii owners would probably balk at $350-$400, though. But they've got to do something different as I think that market is for the most part tapped out anyway.

And really, if you think about it, $350-$400 isn't that bad at all. I mean, sure, some people will pass on it, but there is such a thing as inflation and the baseline for a "cheap" console can't always be $150-$200. I don't have a problem with it creeping up a bit. I really hope they keep it at $300 not only for its own sake, but because that would put pressure on Sony and MS with their next systems - and I want them all on the cheap ;).
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[quote name='KingBroly']$350-$400 is bad if it's in-line with current consoles.[/QUOTE]

Really? I think if they came out with the same price as the 360/PS3 and yet it is the new shiny thing then it will do fine. I don't think it can come out much higher than them. Lower would always be better of course. But since we all know Nintendo does not subsidize their console prices I'd rather it be priced higher if that means it has higher-quality stuff inside. Some bare-bones $200 HD system (which is what I really thought they would go with: the standard Wii + HD) isn't going to do much for me.

Of course they have to be prepared that both MS and Sony would counteract any new product announcement with further price cuts on their systems. So I really think there is a ceiling there on what Nintendo can charge. Hopefully that doesn't mean they remove features/power to lower the cost, but that's what I'd be worried about. As I said, I'd rather pay more for it to be a bit more future-proof and ahead of the curve than a stripped down system just to meet some arbitrary price threshold. $50 or $100 doesn't matter much in the long run and if it means better games for years to come then I'm all for it. But that is of course my view on it - Nintendo will price it as they feel is appropriate to sell the most units and make the most money ;).
My only advice for Nintendo is to make this powerful as they can. Or else Microsoft and Sony will leapfrog them again and Nintendo will be right back where they are now with the Wii. For 2-3 years there will be multi-platform development for all 3 consoles but that will drop to 2 if Nintendo's console can't keep up.
[quote name='laaj']My only advice for Nintendo is to make this powerful as they can. Or else Microsoft and Sony will leapfrog them again and Nintendo will be right back where they are now with the Wii. For 2-3 years there will be multi-platform development for all 3 consoles but that will drop to 2 if Nintendo's console can't keep up.[/QUOTE]

This. And my concern is that they will drop some power/features in favor of hitting an arbitrary price target. And while that may be OK short term, it will hurt them in the long run.

On the other hand, I think the jump from 360/PS3 to the next gen MS/Sony systems won't be as dramatic as the last transition. I mean, we can't go any higher than HD and that was the big change last time. Yes, frame rates, polygon counts, etc can improve, but I don't think the change will be as massive next time. So, in that respect, if Nintendo can come out at least a little ahead of the 360/PS3 they probably won't be too far behind when their next systems hit. It would be nice if they could at least split the difference (though without knowing what those next systems will be of course).
[quote name='io']Wait, what? Me? I don't understand. If you do mean me, then, no, I would have never heard of Earthbound/Mother if it weren't for this site. I sat out the NES/SNES/N64/PS1 console generations so all that stuff is alien to me. I went right from the Atari to the Gamecube ;).

I meant you, but I meant to include a wink since you had to drop the ban hammer a page or two back.
[quote name='io']Really? I think if they came out with the same price as the 360/PS3 and yet it is the new shiny thing then it will do fine. I don't think it can come out much higher than them. Lower would always be better of course. But since we all know Nintendo does not subsidize their console prices I'd rather it be priced higher if that means it has higher-quality stuff inside. Some bare-bones $200 HD system (which is what I really thought they would go with: the standard Wii + HD) isn't going to do much for me.

Of course they have to be prepared that both MS and Sony would counteract any new product announcement with further price cuts on their systems. So I really think there is a ceiling there on what Nintendo can charge. Hopefully that doesn't mean they remove features/power to lower the cost, but that's what I'd be worried about. As I said, I'd rather pay more for it to be a bit more future-proof and ahead of the curve than a stripped down system just to meet some arbitrary price threshold. $50 or $100 doesn't matter much in the long run and if it means better games for years to come then I'm all for it. But that is of course my view on it - Nintendo will price it as they feel is appropriate to sell the most units and make the most money ;).[/QUOTE]

I mean if it's $350-$400 and is only as powerful as 360/PS3 will it be a bad idea. Then in 2-3 years they'll jump so far ahead and they'll be in the same situation they are in now.
[quote name='KingBroly']I mean if it's $350-$400 and is only as powerful as 360/PS3 will it be a bad idea. Then in 2-3 years they'll jump so far ahead and they'll be in the same situation they are in now.[/QUOTE]

for all we know, since they claim the wii hd will be more powerful than ps3/360, it could be to any extent
[quote name='io']This. And my concern is that they will drop some power/features in favor of hitting an arbitrary price target. And while that may be OK short term, it will hurt them in the long run.

On the other hand, I think the jump from 360/PS3 to the next gen MS/Sony systems won't be as dramatic as the last transition. I mean, we can't go any higher than HD and that was the big change last time. Yes, frame rates, polygon counts, etc can improve, but I don't think the change will be as massive next time. So, in that respect, if Nintendo can come out at least a little ahead of the 360/PS3 they probably won't be too far behind when their next systems hit. It would be nice if they could at least split the difference (though without knowing what those next systems will be of course).[/QUOTE]

I think we have finally reached the point in gaming where the advancements in tech wont add much to a game except for graphics. I mean every time a new layer of tech gets shoved onto developers they are only forced to spend more time and more money making product but as of today I just don't see the big improvements over like 4 years ago. I seriously don't think the 720 and PS4 will be a life and death difference over the project cafe like the Wii to PS3 (Considering the Project Cafe is more powerful than a PS3). Especially since the games will be more innovative.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']I think we have finally reached the point in gaming where the advancements in tech wont add much to a game except for graphics. I mean every time a new layer of tech gets shoved onto developers they are only forced to spend more time and more money making product but as of today I just don't see the big improvements over like 4 years ago. I seriously don't think the 720 and PS4 will be a life and death difference over the project cafe like the Wii to PS3 (Considering the Project Cafe is more powerful than a PS3). Especially since the games will be more innovative.[/QUOTE]

There's NO evidence for that whatsoever, and no reason to think that.

EDIT: Even if it were true, graphics alone would be plenty of reason to upgrade every five years. We're probably a century away from doing stuff flawlessly, if we ever can.
[quote name='Cerebral_One']I can't wait until Nintendo announces New Play Control for Wii games on this new fucking console.[/QUOTE]

Don't you mean Old Play Controls? But honestly...Galaxy in HD would be a buy. Brawl would be...if they removed tripping, added an online marketplace for stickers/trophies, gave us co-op for everything and fixed the netcode.
with everything that has been said of project cafe, it would be able to launch this year. I think they would be very wise to wait for an early 2012 launch with a good launch lineup than rushing it out this year. Just my 2 cents doh
[quote name='KingBroly']Don't you mean Old Play Controls? But honestly...Galaxy in HD would be a buy. Brawl would be...if they removed tripping, added an online marketplace for stickers/trophies, gave us co-op for everything and fixed the netcode.[/QUOTE]

It would be hilariously awesome if they released Galaxy and other great Wii games with upgraded graphics and "new" play controls...meaning regular controls, that they should have had to begin with :lol:

Oh, hilariously I'm playing Dead Space: Extraction right now with a regular pad...and it's easier than when I played it with the Wii controller (not easy, but it is actually easier to aim :lol:)
Galaxy doesn't need regular controls. Twilight Princess didn't either and already got them. DKCR...arguments can be made. They need to have pointer controls though. Some of the pointer stuff in games (Corruption, Galaxy, Twilight Princess) were AWESOME and not allowing me the option to use said controls is a bad move in my opinion.

I'm playing Dead Space Extraction PSN with a Move Controller. It's SO MUCH EASIER with a Move Controller it's not even funny. Although that game is really hard regardless.
I'm fine if it's an option, but not if a normal pad isn't an option, or isn't bundled in. Galaxy already HAS normal controls pretty much, aside from random wagle. IMO Twilight Princess was pretty bad, but I've heard from multiple people that the (unavailable) Gamecube version is MUCH better and worth playing.
[quote name='KingBroly']Don't you mean Old Play Controls? But honestly...Galaxy in HD would be a buy. Brawl would be...if they removed tripping, added an online marketplace for stickers/trophies, gave us co-op for everything and fixed the netcode.[/QUOTE]

New Play Controls where instead of fucking swinging your wrist you swipe on the stupid 6 inch screen. Same old shit over and over again.
[quote name='foltzie']I meant you, but I meant to include a wink since you had to drop the ban hammer a page or two back.[/QUOTE]

You totally lost me there ;). Anyway, it wasn't me who did anything a few pages back. I do see a bunch of deleted posts (done by another mod) but I still don't get the Earthbound connection...

Anyway, back on topic. I was thinking of dumping one of the 2 Wiis I have now, especially in light of this upcoming system (even if it is in 2012). With the current GS promo I can get around $100 for my launch system. I had picked up a red one in Nov. when Kmart had such a good deal I couldn't resist. I then sold the red remote and nunchuk, Wii Sports, and NSMB (that came with it) and pretty much ended up with the system for free.

The only problem is that I have a decent amount of Virtual Console content on the original system. I assume that I will lose all that, right? I haven't checked into this stuff in a long time and Nintendo's support page is totally silent on the topic but it seems they still haven't implemented any sort of license transfer feature, right? This is why I stopped buying Wii Shop stuff a few years back. It's to the point now where I don't even remember how it all works any more.

If that is the case, then, man, I dunno. I have so many "classic" Nintendo games on there (Mario 64, Star Fox 64, several of the 2D Marios, some Zeldas, etc). Then again, no one in my house has touched them in years. It would just be so nice if they would xfer stuff to a new system for you - at a minimum in the clunky way MS does it (online license transfer, once per year, etc).
Yup, you will lose that VC content. You'll probably be able to transfer that stuff to the new system since they are doing it for 3DS. I'd also tie that stuff to a Club Nintendo account just for precaution as well.

Nintendo really just needs an Online Shop Profile. Sales of their Digital Stuff would pickup a lot more if they did that because consumers are scared of losing money.

I'm going to just put this out there as a guess. This touchscreen is going to be 3x2 or 2x3.
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[quote name='KingBroly']I mean if it's $350-$400 and is only as powerful as 360/PS3 will it be a bad idea. Then in 2-3 years they'll jump so far ahead and they'll be in the same situation they are in now.[/QUOTE]

That's my concern as well. I likened it to the Dreamcast on another forum. It was the best thing at the time, but it came out mid-generation so it was easily leapfrogged 2 years later with the Xbox, PS2 and GCN. That seems to be where this will fall. Sure it can be better than the 360/PS3, but for how long? 18 months? 2 years?
I wonder if it will actually be a big issue for them. If they launch in 2012 and Sony and MS don't launch until 2014 they get 2 full years to develop a good game library. The first year of the new Sony and MS consoles is going to be rough because it takes that long for a console to find it's footing (Nintendo won't have this problem because their console will probably get a ton of high quality PS3 and 360 ports out of the box). So now we are 3 years into the 5 year cycle - perfect time to drop a new Mario, Zelda, Metroid, etc. to squeeze one more solid year out of the system and after that they will move on to Nintendo Console VII.
[quote name='Javery']I wonder if it will actually be a big issue for them. If they launch in 2012 and Sony and MS don't launch until 2014 they get 2 full years to develop a good game library. The first year of the new Sony and MS consoles is going to be rough because it takes that long for a console to find it's footing (Nintendo won't have this problem because their console will probably get a ton of high quality PS3 and 360 ports out of the box). So now we are 3 years into the 5 year cycle - perfect time to drop a new Mario, Zelda, Metroid, etc. to squeeze one more solid year out of the system and after that they will move on to Nintendo Console VII.[/QUOTE]

Could be the plan, of course like any good company the plans are flexible. But in the case of WiiHD, Wii2 or whatever, they've been able to plan this since the days of the Gamecube as the Wii really was a slim Gamecube. There were spec bumps, and of course they hardware group has been working on things such as the Wiimote and Motion Plus, but in terms of new hardware, they've had over a decade working on this platform. The leaked specs imply bumps to previously used hardware* making B/C reasonably easy and cost effective and really a no brainer for the Blue Ocean audience.

The statements about easy porting form the PC/360 is interesting, implying good support of OpenGL and something in the SDK to ease porting from the DirectX APIs used by PC/360 games. Granted, porting from DirectX to OpenGL is reasonably common.

* The rumored ATI chip may not be B/C, as the Flipper/Hollywood chip was an acquisition, but given Hollywood was estimated to be just $30 when the Wii launched, there is probably enough economies of scale by now to include that on the board should inclusion in the new graphics chip not be possible
Going over what's known and not known for Nintendo at the moment, it seems that a launch title can from any one of the following franchises:

Pokemon, Metroid, F-Zero, Pikmin, Donkey Kong and Smash Bros.

We know Pikmin is/was in development for Wii, but things could change, but I doubt Pikmin would be a compelling title for people to buy a new console. Pokemon seems a bit of a stretch since there's never been a successful console main Pokemon game; a new game is set to be announced in May, but that's most likely for 3DS. Smash doesn't seem likely since Sakurai is developing Kid Icarus Uprising. So we're left with either F-Zero, Metroid or Donkey Kong.
[quote name='KingBroly']Somebody's cranky.

The only NPC game I wanted was Pikmin 2...which they never released here.[/QUOTE]

I have wondered about this too. Maybe they want to use it later to promote Pikmin 3?
[quote name='KingBroly']Going over what's known and not known for Nintendo at the moment, it seems that a launch title can from any one of the following franchises:

Pokemon, Metroid, F-Zero, Pikmin, Donkey Kong and Smash Bros.

We know Pikmin is/was in development for Wii, but things could change, but I doubt Pikmin would be a compelling title for people to buy a new console. Pokemon seems a bit of a stretch since there's never been a successful console main Pokemon game; a new game is set to be announced in May, but that's most likely for 3DS. Smash doesn't seem likely since Sakurai is developing Kid Icarus Uprising. So we're left with either F-Zero, Metroid or Donkey Kong.[/QUOTE]

There were also rumors that a Luigi's Mansion sequel was in the works a couple years back. WaveRace was another no-show this gen, which could make a return. Although, with those two you would be looking at a repeat of the GCN launch. lol

If this is really geared towards the hardcore crowd, I think F-Zero is a high possibility.
[quote name='david12795']wow i cant believe the new generation is already starting...feels like its just beginning![/QUOTE]
Isn't this more like Nintendo finally joining the current generation?
::puts up flame shield::
bread's done