Game Informer: Multiple Sources confirm new HD console at E3 for Nintendo

You seriously have no idea what you're talking about. A cup of starbucks coffee is about $2.

It's when you get into lattes and fancy drinks that it gets up to about $5.

Nobody is fucking paying $8 for a grande house coffee.

(Also, if you think Starbucks is a status symbol, you don't know status.)
Anyway, I think most of the Wii hate comes from the fact many people don't think that the Wii lived up to Nintendo's potential. Alot of us remember when Nintendo was THE name in home gaming. It's hard to see Nintendo branded as the console for housewives and children.
[quote name='confoosious']You seriously have no idea what you're talking about. A cup of starbucks coffee is about $2.

It's when you get into lattes and fancy drinks that it gets up to about $5.

Nobody is fucking paying $8 for a grande house coffee.

(Also, if you think Starbucks is a status symbol, you don't know status.)[/QUOTE]

Good lord, it was, like 10 years ago, do people forget the quickly how huge Starbucks was around the turn of the last decade? It absolutely was a status symbol, most people I knew that drank it said it was a lousy cup of coffee to boot. The $8 cup of coffee was an exaggeration by the way, sorry for not being specific enough for you.
[quote name='Fonz72']Anyway, I think most of the Wii hate comes from the fact many people don't think that the Wii lived up to Nintendo's potential. Alot of us remember when Nintendo was THE name in home gaming. It's hard to see Nintendo branded as the console for housewives and children.[/QUOTE]

Except they released more than enough core content for butthurt teens and adults. Maybe not faux-mature games like Halo and Call of Duty, but core games nonetheless.
[quote name='spmahn']Good lord, it was, like 10 years ago, do people forget the quickly how huge Starbucks was around the turn of the last decade? It absolutely was a status symbol, most people I knew that drank it said it was a lousy cup of coffee to boot. The $8 cup of coffee was an exaggeration by the way, sorry for not being specific enough for you.[/QUOTE]

:roll: Even at $2 vs $1.50 is hardly a status symbol issue. Actually the coffee snobs who wanted status would get their coffee from Intelligentsia. Starbucks as status? Not in my town.

I am completely unhip and I drink/drank starbucks (10 years ago.)

By the way, it surprises not in the least that the people you knew were posers. Not only did they drink starbucks to be cool, they then pretended like it was a shitty cup of coffee to be extra cool. Starbucks isn't great but it's not shitty. Shitty is the stuff you get at Jiffy Lube while waiting for your car. People are too cool for their own good: "I will drink this Starbucks for status and then tell everyone it sucks." "Are you being ironic?" "I don't even know anymore."

[quote name='Fonz72']Anyway, I think most of the Wii hate comes from the fact many people don't think that the Wii lived up to Nintendo's potential. Alot of us remember when Nintendo was THE name in home gaming. It's hard to see Nintendo branded as the console for housewives and children.[/QUOTE]

You know what's funny about this theory? Most of us were kids cutting our teeth on the NES and SNES. It seems we've forgotten how shitty and childlike some of those games were on those consoles and we LOVED them.

Kids 20 years from now will be referencing how awesome SMG1 and 2 were on the hardcore console of their youth and talk about how shitty and kiddie the Wii5 is. :)
Yea, the Wii5 will be kiddie and full of shovelware and Dell and LG will have "hardcore" consoles with games made by Sony and Microsoft! :lol:
[quote name='SuperPhillip']Except they released more than enough core content for butthurt teens and adults. Maybe not faux-mature games like Halo and Call of Duty, but core games nonetheless.[/QUOTE]

I didn't say they did not release core content, I just said it has been made out to be a "soft" console that your grandparents own.

I own one and love it. I also love my PS3 and Xbox. I think anyone one who truly loves this hobby and has the financial means owns more than one console for the "core" experiences on each ie; Halo, Gears, God of War, Killzone, Mario, Zelda.

It still sucks that Nintendo has been given that image..........deserved or not
[quote name='Fonz72']I didn't say they did not release core content, I just said it has been made out to be a "soft" console that your grandparents own.

I own one and love it. I also love my PS3 and Xbox. I think anyone one who truly loves this hobby and has the financial means owns more than one console for the "core" experiences on each ie; Halo, Gears, God of War, Killzone, Mario, Zelda.

It still sucks that Nintendo has been given that image..........deserved or not[/QUOTE]

I did not mean to put words in your mouth. Sorry. Anywho, they were either called kiddy or casual since the Nintendo 64 (maybe even the SNES), and this was by fanboys of other consoles. You learn not to listen to angry manchildren who argue on internet forums that their console is the bestest.
[quote name='SuperPhillip']I did not mean to put words in your mouth. Sorry. Anywho, they were either called kiddy or casual since the Nintendo 64 (maybe even the SNES), and this was by fanboys of other consoles. You learn not to listen to angry manchildren who argue on internet forums that their console is the bestest.[/QUOTE]

I agree - And I look forward to Nintendo's HD future and also the fine offerings of MS and Sony. :applause:
HD will definitely be a very good thing, but more importantly it needs to make major strides in online. I'm not so much talking about online multiplayer games, though that too, but things like a great download service with plenty of storage for your downloads, demos for all games not a handful of time limited availability demos, the ability to send messages to friends, compare scores, compare progress in games (universal achievements), no friend codes - instead providing robust and easy to use parental controls. Unfortunately Nintendo has come out publicly against some of these things (universal achievements, for example) and the 3DS isn't give us much hope with it's inability to even send messages to friends (they never thought of that - wow!) and having a friend code tied to the console, which doesn't just suck because it's a friend code, but because being tied to the console means that it's impossible to have multiple accounts for multiple users. That kind of unbelievable oversight is disheartening.

So while I'm looking forward to this sequel and want it to come out a lot sooner then late 2012, I'm also not really that completely hopeful for it. We'll get it and I'm sure there will be great games for it, as there is for the Wii, but it will probably still feature many of the same shortcomings of the Wii and 3DS. At this point there's no reason to believe that it won't. I hope I'm proven wrong.
I'm not terribly excited about a new console from Nintendo. There are a handful of games I LOVE on the Wii but overall I am very disappointed with the system (the first time I've ever felt this way about a Nintendo console or handheld). They need to get third parties on board - they just have to. They can't have as repeat of this generation where you get the HD/online awesome version of a game for the PS3/360 and then the completely different or crappy ported version for the Wii that was churned out just to make a few quick dollars since the install base is so huge.

Also, they need to drop the gimmicks - motion controls really haven't added anything to the Wii experience other than for a handful of games (Wii Sports, Metroid Prime 3, Boom Blox and some others) where it seemed necessary and integrated completely with the game design.

For the first time ever in my life I'm not going to be buying a new console from Nintendo right away - they have to convince me this time.
[quote name='Javery']
Also, they need to drop the gimmicks - motion controls really haven't added anything to the Wii experience other than for a handful of games (Wii Sports, Metroid Prime 3, Boom Blox and some others) where it seemed necessary and integrated completely with the game design. [/QUOTE]

So where does the gimmick lie, in the Wiimote itself, or the game devs who dont integrate them well?

When used well, I loved the Wiimote. RE4 and Twilight Princess, despite being added after the fact, highlighted how fun it could be in a third-person game. I dont care that they mapped reload and the sword to Waggle, it was fun.

Still, I agree, include something a touch more traditional in the box and let the chips fall where they may.
Maybe this has been mentioned, but I just listened to the Game Informer podcast (I'd listen to it or read the GI article, because they broke the story, and articles I've read ABOUT their article are weirdly distorted and misquote/misinterpret things they've said).

Anyway, apparently at least one source has said Nintendo's doing this right-that apparently the hardware's good, and it's non-gimmicky. Don't really know of course, but at least someone thinks so.

I'm so excited about this! Thought I would be, but dang, I've had to stop drooling over current gen Nintendo games for what, six, seven years, during the Wii? I remember early screen shots people claimed were from the next console... Heck, maybe some even were, since I'm sure they had a current gen console in the works, but decided to rerelease the Gamecube instead of just releasing the controller as an accessory as was probably originally planned.

Point is, I guess my excitement was pent up! Haven't been this excited for a console since...hmm...the Xbox 360? Or actually, since the Gamecube 2 :lol:
I'm imagining this as an updated Dreamcast controller.

With tilt, rumble, IR and touch integrated. Maybe the'll even let you use 3DS's as an extra controller for some games if you happen to have one.

As for the system I just think they are just making it more flexible and open the US developers who have gone in their own direction. No one wants to miss out on the GTA money.
Yeah, it sounds crazy as hell.
I want to see it though I doubt I'd buy it or any other console now. Sticking to handhelds.
Still, I like to see how it all plays out.
Uhh...I'm just confused now. Six inch screen? This may get really interesting...

So where is Nintendo for damage control? Eh fuck it, just get me my localization of The Last Story and Xenoblade and I'll ignore the Wii 2 news for a while.

Also, the whole argument of Nintendo pulling a SEGA is wrong for too many reasons. SEGA went away because they bled money for years upon years of failure in the marketplace. When Nintendo releases the equivalent of a 32X, Saturn, Nomad, CD, and too many other failures to list, then we have a talking point.

Lets put it this way, with the exception of the arcade and Genesis, SEGA never made any money. I love SEGA to death, and I'm finally correcting the one wrong in my gaming "life" and I bought a brand new Dreamcast off of eBay, but damn were they stupid sometimes. The Saturn was as hardcore of a console as it gets, and besides Japan, it failed. Bad.

Oh, and here's my shiny Dreamcast:
[quote name='Ma12kez']I swear. If there are friend codes again..#-o[/QUOTE]

I'm okay if they are the like the 3DS (One code for everything, very much like having a Gamertag) and I'm sure that's the direction they may be going at.
What the hell is Nintendo trying to do? This honestly sounds like some kind of a bastard offspring of a bunch of previous systems.

Whatever they do, I hope they actually release the thing with some new and original titles. The 3DS's launch line up's best game was a port (SFIV) and the two best games in the next few months are remakes (Star Fox and OoT).
[quote name='cochesecochese']I'm thinking the only way we will even see DQX is if Iwata himself makes a big push for it.[/QUOTE]
IX did so well that they have to bring X. As for S&P2 being a "test," I wonder if there's actually any truth to that or if it was just GAF speculation turned "truth."
[quote name='confoosious']WTF are you talking about?

complete rubbish[/QUOTE]

[quote name='confoosious']he's not trolling. he actually believes that nonsense.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='confoosious']who to believe has a better pulse on the market: spmanh or a billion dollar company with a complete market research department and a track record of understanding and being ahead of the market.

tough call.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='confoosious']you make no sense.

This, of course, is why his arguments make no sense. It's from a place of anger and not rationale.

(Or at least that's what I'd like to think because no one can possibly believe what he's saying.)

[quote name='confoosious']
Because your thinking is not grounded in any reality I'm a part of.

[quote name='confoosious']You seriously have no idea what you're talking about.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='confoosious']I don't understand what he gets out of it. it's rather amusing, albeit sad.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='pete5883']IX did so well that they have to bring X. As for S&P2 being a "test," I wonder if there's actually any truth to that or if it was just GAF speculation turned "truth."[/QUOTE]

What's that supposed to mean? S&P2 was some kind of sales indicator if they'd lost the hardcore or not?
According to a 'NOA insider' on GAF, supposedly if S&P2 sold 50K copies, Nintendo was going to localize Reginleiv.

Keep in mind, however, that the admins on the old NOA boards repeatedly said that Electroplankton was a 'test' and if it sold enough then Mother 3 would get greenlit. Turns out that was bullshit.
[quote name='cochesecochese']According to a 'NOA insider' on GAF, supposedly if S&P2 sold 50K copies, Nintendo was going to localize Reginleiv.

Keep in mind, however, that the admins on the old NOA boards repeatedly said that Electroplankton was a 'test' and if it sold enough then Mother 3 would get greenlit. Turns out that was bullshit.[/QUOTE]

It had to have sold 50k, just not at $50.

And yeah, that sounds like total bullshit. S&P2/Reginleiv sounds more plausible since they are similar demographics. The Electroplankton/Mother 3 makes no fucking sense whatsoever.
They didn't even try to sell Elektroplankton seriously either.

I wish NOA would get their asses in gear about VC games. Final Fantasy III is out everywhere but here, and Mega Man X and Chrono Trigger are coming to Japan/Europe. Same goes for Xenoblade Chronicles and Last Story.
I don't understand why Mother 3 is not put on WiiWare or VC or whatever.

What I don't get is the controller. If Nintendo just puts a screen in the controller it's nothing special, it would be more gimmicky than just about anything they've done. Reminds me of the gamecube connectivity with GBA. The only thing that has me really excited about it is that you could take the controller on the go as a portable device, but why would I do that when there are better dedicated portable devices. Maybe all multiplatform games will get ported to their new system and they release another new system shortly after 720/PS4?
[quote name='Cerebral_One']I don't understand why Mother 3 is not put on WiiWare or VC or whatever. [/QUOTE]


And all these rumors sound absolutely insane. If half of these are true I'll be shocked and wonder what the hell Nintendo is smoking.

[quote name='KingBroly']They didn't even try to sell Elektroplankton seriously either.[/QUOTE]
It was only sold online. They may as well have not even given it a release at all. No marketing either.
Uhhh.... okay, having a screen on a controller....I don't know, years ago I thought it was maybe a good idea. Now I'm leaning towards gimmick-you have to look down at it, so why not do it on the TV?

Using it as the display? Uuuuuuh.... hmm.... actually does that mean you could use this system without having a TV? That's kind of insane come to think of it. And six inches is HUGE. That seems way too big for a controller. I mean for a portable game system yeah, but for a controller where it's just a random thing on it?

I don't know...that sounds weird.

[quote name='cochesecochese']high-five

consoles suck right now[/QUOTE]


[quote name='cochesecochese']
Keep in mind, however, that the admins on the old NOA boards repeatedly said that Electroplankton was a 'test' and if it sold enough then Mother 3 would get greenlit. Turns out that was bullshit.[/QUOTE]

That would have been insane. The games don't seem to be remotely related, and Mother 3 seems like it would have WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more broad appeal.

Why are they leaving Mother 1 and 3 and Magical Vacation and possibly even Last Story over there, when they bring so much garbage like Wii Music over here?
[quote name='Wolfpup']

Why are they leaving Mother 1 and 3 and Magical Vacation and possibly even Last Story over there, when they bring so much garbage like Wii Music over here?[/QUOTE]

Mother 1 and 3 would sell like shit? Boy, that was a hard question!
Why is Microsoft shunning their core gamers now with Kinect? Same thing. Money.
Unless you only like generic dudebro shooters and racing games...
This generation was the first one where I sold my Nintendo (Wii) console prior to the generation being over. I rode the Nintendo hype train of underpowered hardware, broken promises, subpar/scaled back game selections, and wheelbarrels of shovelware long enough. I manned up and got an Xbox 360 and a PS3.

Don't get me wrong, Nintendo is an awesome company, and achieved it's goal of selling games to people of all ages. I just no longer fit in their demographic. I want cutting edge tech that will make my eyeballs melt and give me a nerd orgasm. Granted, while the idea of streaming my game to an HD screen on my controller sounds cool on paper, it's nothing more than a gimmick and will wear out fast. Besides, I already can play games on a small screen: it's called an iPod touch.

I'm not even going to buy into any of the rumors, because they are just that: rumors. Nintendo has a history of promising big, and delivering small. It's like they observe what the hardcore gamers want, and do the complete opposite. Instead of focusing on the most powerful and nerd appealing console, they focus more on a cheap console that reuses franchise characters more than Disney. And it sells. Of course it sells. When little Johnny wants a game system, what do you think is going to drive Mom and Dad's decision most? Tech or cost? Cost of course.

Here's what I see being a more realistic spec list for Nintendo's next system:
HD graphics, but only via a dongle, (sold separately, of course). Standard RCA cables will come in the box.
A specialized dual core processor running somewhere between 2 and 3 GHz, probably built by IBM.
256 MB of video RAM.
512 MB of system ram, with a proprietary expansion bay, which likely will never be utilized. (Total capacity will likely be 1 GB).
Some sort of rechargable controller, perhaps even with the screens on them, because Nintendo is king at peripheral sales.
Built-in wi-fi.
No game lobby, probably still friend codes, but codes will probably be console, no game, specific, with matchmaking being done either via direct friend codes, or out of a random pool.
Definitely a game shop with overpriced legacy titles.
Wii compatibility. No GC compatibility.
2 major first party titles at launch, with 1 of them being a Mario game. But definitely not a Zelda at launch. (unless they do a port of the upcoming Wii one).
Focus will be put on underwhelming things like their "commitment to family fun" and the gimmicky controllers. It's lack of power, (will be slightly more powerful than a 360), will be downplayed.
Cost will likely end up being $249 to $299, with one controller and a cheapy pack in title. Controllers will likely be $69.99 (if the have the screen), unless Nintendo takes a hit to push the consoles faster. Launch will probably be a "surprise", and will be THIS Christmas, not next. Why else would they do a price drop on the Wii BEFORE e3, and not after? Console will have a cool development name, but probably a stupid final name.

You guys watch and see how right I am come e3.
[quote name='SuperPhillip']Mother 1 and 3 would sell like shit? Boy, that was a hard question![/QUOTE]

Both games are already translated (3 by fan translators) so they could easily do it. fuck 'em.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Because OMG TRANNIES.

And all these rumors sound absolutely insane. If half of these are true I'll be shocked and wonder what the hell Nintendo is smoking.

It was only sold online. They may as well have not even given it a release at all. No marketing either.[/QUOTE]

Stupid Nintendo should just change those characters/scenes. Maybe the dudes who did the translation could pull it off and leave it on Nintendo's doorstep.

[quote name='preston181']This generation was the first one where I sold my Nintendo (Wii) console prior to the generation being over. I rode the Nintendo hype train of underpowered hardware, broken promises, subpar/scaled back game selections, and wheelbarrels of shovelware long enough. I manned up and got an Xbox 360 and a PS3.

Don't get me wrong, Nintendo is an awesome company, and achieved it's goal of selling games to people of all ages. I just no longer fit in their demographic. I want cutting edge tech that will make my eyeballs melt and give me a nerd orgasm. Granted, while the idea of streaming my game to an HD screen on my controller sounds cool on paper, it's nothing more than a gimmick and will wear out fast. Besides, I already can play games on a small screen: it's called an iPod touch.

I'm not even going to buy into any of the rumors, because they are just that: rumors. Nintendo has a history of promising big, and delivering small. It's like they observe what the hardcore gamers want, and do the complete opposite. Instead of focusing on the most powerful and nerd appealing console, they focus more on a cheap console that reuses franchise characters more than Disney. And it sells. Of course it sells. When little Johnny wants a game system, what do you think is going to drive Mom and Dad's decision most? Tech or cost? Cost of course.

Here's what I see being a more realistic spec list for Nintendo's next system:
HD graphics, but only via a dongle, (sold separately, of course). Standard RCA cables will come in the box.
A specialized dual core processor running somewhere between 2 and 3 GHz, probably built by IBM.
256 MB of video RAM.
512 MB of system ram, with a proprietary expansion bay, which likely will never be utilized. (Total capacity will likely be 1 GB).
Some sort of rechargable controller, perhaps even with the screens on them, because Nintendo is king at peripheral sales.
Built-in wi-fi.
No game lobby, probably still friend codes, but codes will probably be console, no game, specific, with matchmaking being done either via direct friend codes, or out of a random pool.
Definitely a game shop with overpriced legacy titles.
Wii compatibility. No GC compatibility.
2 major first party titles at launch, with 1 of them being a Mario game. But definitely not a Zelda at launch. (unless they do a port of the upcoming Wii one).
Focus will be put on underwhelming things like their "commitment to family fun" and the gimmicky controllers. It's lack of power, (will be slightly more powerful than a 360), will be downplayed.
Cost will likely end up being $249 to $299, with one controller and a cheapy pack in title. Controllers will likely be $69.99 (if the have the screen), unless Nintendo takes a hit to push the consoles faster. Launch will probably be a "surprise", and will be THIS Christmas, not next. Why else would they do a price drop on the Wii BEFORE e3, and not after? Console will have a cool development name, but probably a stupid final name.

You guys watch and see how right I am come e3.[/QUOTE]

I'd put money down on your predictions. The only thing I'd possibly change is up the price and maybe 2 SKU's or a bundle that includes a game at or a few months after launch.

I hope it doesn't just end up being WiiHD with some fancy new regular style controllers, while still utilizing the last gen Wiimotes+nunchuks. What is going to be the standard controller for this thing a new Wiimote or this screen thing? If it's this screen thing will they later come out with improved Wiimotes+nunchuks and make people pay for those?
[quote name='Cerebral_One']Stupid Nintendo should just change those characters/scenes. Maybe the dudes who did the translation could pull it off and leave it on Nintendo's doorstep.


In this day and age there's no need for them to edit that out. They are extremely tame- they just happen to have beards/mustaches and dress like women. But NOA is for some reason deathly afraid some derp soccer mom will buy the game for their kids and take offense.
[quote name='cochesecochese']According to a 'NOA insider' on GAF, supposedly if S&P2 sold 50K copies, Nintendo was going to localize Reginleiv.

Keep in mind, however, that the admins on the old NOA boards repeatedly said that Electroplankton was a 'test' and if it sold enough then Mother 3 would get greenlit. Turns out that was bullshit.[/QUOTE]
I wonder which poster. I've only noticed on GAF poster who seems to know anything reliable, and he only knows about NOE.

The Electroplankton thing has got to be bullshit though - didn't every single copy produced (in NA) get sold? If new copies are no longer available for sale, I have to assume that this is the case. And if every copy got sold, how is this a failure? Pretty smart way to sell Electroplankton though :lol:
[quote name='Wolfpup'] And six inches is HUGE.[/QUOTE]

No. Really, it's just average.

[quote name='Wolfpup']That would have been insane. The games don't seem to be remotely related, and Mother 3 seems like it would have WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more broad appeal.

Why are they leaving Mother 1 and 3 and Magical Vacation and possibly even Last Story over there, when they bring so much garbage like Wii Music over here?[/QUOTE]
Mmmmm. At that point I was absolutely desperate to become a 'Sage' so I would do pretty much anything they told me. IIRC correctly, the reasoning was that Electroplankton's distribution model (sold directly by Nintendo in small quantity) could prove to be profitable for Mother 3 which, really, couldn't have hoped to sell more than 50K in America. Yes [in America] the game is absolutely adored across message boards (you should see my merch collection.....) but it's virtually unknown outside of the enthusiast community. Neither Mother 1 nor 3 was helped along by the fact that they both would have been released at the very end of each system's lifespan, and Mother 2's poor sales pretty much doomed 3's chances of American release before it even came out in Japan.

Magical Vacation was too niche as well. As for The Last Story, well, there are some signs pointing to it coming out in The States. It only just released but the Wii is really hurting for content, no question about it. I would say if we don't hear an announcement by year's end then it's done.

[quote name='pete5883']The Electroplankton thing has got to be bullshit though - didn't every single copy produced (in NA) get sold? If new copies are no longer available for sale, I have to assume that this is the case. And if every copy got sold, how is this a failure? Pretty smart way to sell Electroplankton though :lol:[/QUOTE]

Of course it's bullshit in hindsight, but at the time I believed. You've got to remember that the board moderators were only even tangentially involved with day to day NOA activities which I didn't really understand at the time.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']In this day and age there's no need for them to edit that out. They are extremely tame- they just happen to have beards/mustaches and dress like women. But NOA is for some reason deathly afraid some derp soccer mom will buy the game for their kids and take offense.[/QUOTE]

Don't be so sure. Hear about the current J. Crew advert controversy?
Well, we can kiss Skyward Sword goodbye. Remember how it was going to be the Gamecube's swan song? Then got delayed about a year and a half so the Wii version could come out first?
[quote name='Metroid64']Well, we can kiss Skyward Sword goodbye. Remember how it was going to be the Gamecube's swan song? Then got delayed about a year and a half so the Wii version could come out first?[/QUOTE]

Over the years, I've figured out Nintendo's gameplan. They always do this type of thing. Every single platform game they do, (Mario, Zelda, etc.), is a retelling of the same story, and every time, they'll do one or two of them on each console. But, the third one, they'll promise near the end of the console's life cycle, only to delay it so long, that they end up putting it on the next console instead.
fuck that noise. Skyward Sword is coming out as planned. It was designed for the friggin Wii, they're not pulling a TP on it.

The biggest mistake I've made in playing through the console Zeldas was buying the Wii version of TP. I won't make that mistake if they pull a TP on SS. But again, it's not happening.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']$$$$$$$[/QUOTE]

[quote name='SuperPhillip']Mother 1 and 3 would sell like shit? Boy, that was a hard question!
Why is Microsoft shunning their core gamers now with Kinect? Same thing. Money.
Unless you only like generic dudebro shooters and racing games...[/QUOTE]

I don't know that either of those works though-if Microsoft throws away the gaming market as they seem to be, it's going to cost them big time. I think Nintendo's learned that, which is why they SEEM to be kind of shifting back towards games.

And quite obviously Mother and those other games could make money. Atlus or Xseed or Working Designs could do it. If Nintendo can't, they should license it out. Its win/win for everyone. It seems like spite not to get them out over here.

[quote name='preston181']Here's what I see being a more realistic spec list for Nintendo's next system:
HD graphics, but only via a dongle, (sold separately, of course). Standard RCA cables will come in the box.
A specialized dual core processor running somewhere between 2 and 3 GHz, probably built by IBM.
256 MB of video RAM.
512 MB of system ram, with a proprietary expansion bay, which likely will never be utilized. (Total capacity will likely be 1 GB).
Some sort of rechargable controller, perhaps even with the screens on them, because Nintendo is king at peripheral sales.
Built-in wi-fi.
No game lobby, probably still friend codes, but codes will probably be console, no game, specific, with matchmaking being done either via direct friend codes, or out of a random pool.
Definitely a game shop with overpriced legacy titles.
Wii compatibility. No GC compatibility.
2 major first party titles at launch, with 1 of them being a Mario game. But definitely not a Zelda at launch. (unless they do a port of the upcoming Wii one).
Focus will be put on underwhelming things like their "commitment to family fun" and the gimmicky controllers. It's lack of power, (will be slightly more powerful than a 360), will be downplayed.
Cost will likely end up being $249 to $299, with one controller and a cheapy pack in title. Controllers will likely be $69.99 (if the have the screen), unless Nintendo takes a hit to push the consoles faster. Launch will probably be a "surprise", and will be THIS Christmas, not next. Why else would they do a price drop on the Wii BEFORE e3, and not after? Console will have a cool development name, but probably a stupid final name.

You guys watch and see how right I am come e3.[/QUOTE]

Honestly that does look pretty realistic, but that's what we're being told pretty much too. If it seems to be relatively non-gimmicky, and is at least close to current gen performance, I'll be pretty happy. Though obviously way happier if it turns out to be a next gen console. Not holding my breath on that though.

[quote name='laaj']Don't be so sure. Hear about the current J. Crew advert controversy?[/QUOTE]

I just Googled it. Craaaaaazy. Fox Neeeeeeews even has a "doctor" attacking it, 'cause he didn't lern abut no hooomosexewls en the doctorin scools.
[quote name='dothog']fuck that noise. Skyward Sword is coming out as planned. It was designed for the friggin Wii, they're not pulling a TP on it.

The biggest mistake I've made in playing through the console Zeldas was buying the Wii version of TP. I won't make that mistake if they pull a TP on SS. But again, it's not happening.[/QUOTE]

Well the Wii Zelda was designed for the Gamecube, so I don't think that helps us determine anything.

I wish I could buy the Gamecube one...or of course that they were bright enough to just include normal controller support for the Wii one. I did see a copy of the Gamecube one a few years back, but at the time no longer had a controller or memory card for it.

Hmm...maybe I should just give up and buy a used copy if Nintendo won't print more. In real life everyone I've ever talked to that's played both tells me "oh yeah, I hate the Wii one too, but the Gamecube one is really good".
Nintendo was in a different place with the Wii launch, they withheld TP to give the Wii a boost. I don't think their next console needs that boost.

In other words, GC -> Wii and Wii -> Cafe are two very different contexts.
[quote name='cochesecochese']Mmmmm. At that point I was absolutely desperate to become a 'Sage' so I would do pretty much anything they told me. IIRC correctly, the reasoning was that Electroplankton's distribution model (sold directly by Nintendo in small quantity) could prove to be profitable for Mother 3 which, really, couldn't have hoped to sell more than 50K in America. Yes [in America] the game is absolutely adored across message boards (you should see my merch collection.....) but it's virtually unknown outside of the enthusiast community. Neither Mother 1 nor 3 was helped along by the fact that they both would have been released at the very end of each system's lifespan, and Mother 2's poor sales pretty much doomed 3's chances of American release before it even came out in Japan.[/quote]

To be honest, I never even heard of the series before joining this board. There are some games which hard core gamers would be all over, but to the average consumer they'd scratch their head and move on.

Ultimately, companies the size of Nintendo look for big sales of just about everything that they do, because of the scale that they do everything. People shouldn't expect Nintendo to act like a company like Atlus, for example.

Magical Vacation was too niche as well. As for The Last Story, well, there are some signs pointing to it coming out in The States. It only just released but the Wii is really hurting for content, no question about it. I would say if we don't hear an announcement by year's end then it's done.

I expect that if we don't hear anything at E3 for a fall release, that it isn't coming. Course, given the name recognition and that Game Informer seems to think that it is coming at some point (they did an article about it in their last issue) maybe there is a better than 50% chance of it coming.
bread's done