Game Recommendations


3 (80%)
I'm out of ideas for games. Seriously, other than the new stuff, I'm out. New stuff ain't cheap, so I need the cheap but good stuff. At the moment, I'm jonesing for some gun play. That'd be easy, given the amount of shooters on the 360, but not so much in my case.

I need something multiplayer. Obviously needs a solid single player, but multiplayer is really important. Specifically split-screen. Co-op would be great, since my brother & I love to go baddy hunting together. I'm aware of the decline of split-screen games, and more so of Co-op ones.

Another imparitive: It needs to look decent on a small TV. I've got a 16" TV, so like Army of Two is...bad, on it. But, L4D, on the other hand, is really good on the TV. So...

At the moment I've got Gears, Army of Two, Borderlands, and like one other I can't remember. I've had L4D, RE5 was crap and Halo is not really my thing (though I haven't tried ODST, so if thats different in both single & multiplayer wise, lemme know)

3rd or 1st person, ethier will work, though I'm more a fan of over-the-shoulder 3rd person, ala Gears. Any with a good stealth element would be nice. So, ideas?

At the moment, I've got red Dead Revolver and Indigo Prophecy on my mind. Those any good?
Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is the game you need. Story line was a lot of fun, and co-op. Once you beat that, Terrorist Hunt's never get old, especially on Realistic. And I'm not sure if the online is really active, but I would think it would still be. Tons of fun.

if you liked Gears, try Gears 2?
or just stick with Borderlands some more? I thought ODST was crap, so just wait for that to drop more(wait, if you can't afford new stuff, why mention ODST anyways?)
bread's done