Game Zone Radio contest Feb 2008: Phantom Hourglass and King of Kong DVD 1 DAY LEFT

Friend of Sonic

183 (100%)
MODS: My previous contest thread was Cheapy D approved. I assume that this extends to the future contests as well. If not, let me know.

Hello all! Game Zone Radio, an illegitimate and terrible site that I diarrhea reworded Joystiq posts for, is running a contest! Our last contest for Sprung for DS was a rousing failure, so we'd love to try to redeem ourselves. We are running a contest for iTune reviews and the rules are simple. Write a honest (although we love 5 stars!) review using your iTunes account and email the contents of your review to [email protected] or [email protected] after you submit the review. We will pick a random name on February 14th who will win a sealed copy of Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass shipped to their door. It's that easy.

There's also a contest for King of Kong. We have five copies of that DVD to give away-- simply email your name and your favorite retro game (explain why!) to [email protected] and five random winners will receive a copy. It's a great little documentary about gamers. I think Heath Ledger was in it. But he's dead now...

Good luck to all who participate! Entries are due by the 13th at noon, mountain standard time. Winners will be announced during the podcast which will be released on Sunday, the 17th.
They will be announced on the show.

I have already recieved a couple entries for it and was suprised and confused cause it doesn't start till Friday at 7:00 AM MST but I will accept the entires

I can not stress this enough

We will NOT ACCEPT entries that don't tell us what your favorite retro game is and why, I just recieved two more entries that did not have this. I am a nice guy and am accepting those too but after this all entries without this information will not be eligible.

Its just the rules of the contest I just want people to abide by the rules of the contest thats all.
I wasn't really looking foward to listen to your podcast on the week the contest results will be announced. I didn't want to waste my time on mediocre podcasts when I already listen to 5 others that I really like. I gave GZR a shot anyway and was surprised it's really good! I can't comment on previous episodes, but the 1vs1 Game of the Year showdown segment from the newest show was brilliant. I'm hoping you guys can do more original ideas like that you don't typically get from the other internet radios in the future. Good work!
[quote name='Goodeye']
We will NOT ACCEPT entries that don't tell us what your favorite retro game is and why, I just recieved two more entries that did not have this. I am a nice guy and am accepting those too but after this all entries without this information will not be eligible.[/quote] My apologies :whistle2:(. I was one of those two. I stupidly overread the complete rules and just emailed my name.
[quote name='Plac1d']
My apologies :whistle2:(. I was one of those two. I stupidly overread the complete rules and just emailed my name.[/QUOTE]
That one may have been my fault. Before I edited the OP, I did not mention the requirement of sending in your favorite game.
Its all good I accepted it anyways :D

Thanks for the feedback trust me it is much appreciated and take a listen to the show that will be relased on super bowl sunday next week you might be suprised....
Yeah, I really want the podcast to become a success. So, we need a big user base to tunes in regularly and gives us critique so that we can make the best product available.
I'd love for Goodeye to whore out the podcast. If we made 20 bucks a show in a couple of years, I'd be completely stoked.
[quote name='Smeag']Hey how do you write reviews on itunes? I have been searching with no luck.

You guys have a new listener.[/QUOTE]
If you have the iTunes software, click on the music store. You would search under podcast search for Game Zone Radio and then, on the top of the page, there should be a "Write a review" option.
Glad to hear that you enjoy listening to us! The next episode should be good. Mitch tries to tell me that Spyro: The Eternal Night for GBA sucks even though he's never played it or read anything about it. Oh, the hillarity!
[quote name='Plac1d']This contest is still a go! You have till the 13th, not the 7th the title has you to believe.[/QUOTE]
Thank you! 07 was referring to the year... which still makes no sense. I fixed it. Thanks for pointing it out to me!
Anyone who wants to get in on this please submit your entries we need them by 12:00 PM MST on Wed.
And you have till noon to enter the King of Kong DVD contest as well.

If you get an auto-reply saying the contest is closed sorry you are too late.
We recorded last night and announced the winner show will be out Sunday, I will have winners on the site on Saturday.

Winners your DVD's are on the way!!
W00t! Got an email! :O not what I expected. I kinda forgot about it... that and I've been at a card store all day playing WoW TCG... brains fried....
bread's done