Gameboy Advance SP+


3 (100%)
I'm thinking about getting something to play some Gameboy Advance games. I have a DS, but since I've already had one die with lite use, I really don't want to use my other DS to play advance games (I know I'm crazy, but I can't help it :D )

So anyway, I was thinking of getting a Gameboy Micro. I like the look, size, design, etc. I was thinking it was the only Gameboy Advance player that had a backlight (other than the DS) But, then I discovered that the SP also has a backlight. I think I actually like the look of the Micro a little better, but I would probably end up getting the SP over the Micro because I think it will be easier to find a new SP than a Micro. Also, after playing some Advance games last night on my DS to make sure I want to get one, I got to thinking the Micro's screen may be too small. I've read that you get used to it quickly, but it still seems a little small.

Now, being a huge fan of the SNES and NES I would love to get the limited edition one, but again, I prefer to get my systems new. So, I found on Wal-Marts site that they have a bundle for the SP that comes with the SP and a game, of course, none of the games are that good, but at least I could get the system, new, from a reliable source. Now, my only question is, is there anyway I can find out if the SP is the SP+ that I read has the better backlight? The image Wal-Mart has shows "Now with a brighter backlit screen!" which I believe is what they said about the SP+ but I don't see anything saying it is the plus, so I just was wondering if there is anyway to tell.

Here is a link to the bundle:

I appreciate any help, advice, etc. is greatly appreciated. In case you couldn't tell from my questions or didn't already know, I have a hard time making decisions sometimes :d

Thanks again!
First off, I'd like to say "good fucking luck, finding a new backlit SP" ;)

In all seriousness though, it will likely cost you in the $100 range for one of these. For what it's worth, the "now with a brighter backlit screen" is what you're looking for. If I recall correctly, the new backlit ones only came in a few colors. Pearl Blue/Pink and Graphite (it's black, compare to the "Onyx" non-backlit one). The only backlit special editions were the yellow Pikachu and Spongebob ones. :lol:

As someone who owns an old SP, a new SP, and a micro, I by far prefer the micro. That's just me though. Good luck in your search!
Thanks. I figure it will be difficult to find any of these new, but not impossible. I found a new Micro on the Amazon Marketplace for $60 or so, I'm really considering doing that, I was just questioning the screen size. I like the overall product better with the Micro, but was just thinking the screen would be too small and harder to find new. I never much liked the look of the SP, though it isn't too bad now that I'm looking at it again.

Maybe I can get lucky and find one at Kmart or something :D

Thanks 62t, glad I didn't get myself to hyped over it. I hate how Wal-Mart makes it look like you can select the items and then it is out of stock. I guess I should have paid more attention.

I just got back from Play N Trade to see what games they had. For the most part everything was higher than what I can find in the marketplace or on eBay and a little too high to make it worth buying there just to avoid buying online. They did have an SP in, it was the pearl blue (I think it had a box too) for $39.99, seemed to be in pretty good shape, but I think I'll keep shopping around to see if I can find anything else first.

I did manage to get one game. I bought Yoshi's Island Super Mario Advanced 3 for $9.99. I thought it was one I had seen online that had Yoshi's Island and Mario Bros, but it is just Yoshi. (EDIT: Nevermind, just put it in and it is both games :D ... Odd thing is, I tried several times to get it to play in my Gameboy Advance and it didn't work, got stuck on the Gameboy screen. So I tried it in the my DS thinking it may be the Gameboy itself and the DS didn't even recognize that there was a Gameboy game in there. So, I put in a DS game, then it worked. Now, it works in both systems) Unfortunately, there is no box or manual and getting used to buy used is harder than I thought. I've got my Goo Gone and disinfecting stuff ready to go and I'm going to attempt to clean it up, between the sticker Play N Trade uses and the stuff that was already on there, it is pretty gross!

Thanks again for the replies, really appreciate it... My search goes on!
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One thing. If you don't already know, be careful with buying GBA games second hand (especially on Ebay and Amazon Marketplace) because there are bootlegs everywhere.

I don't own the Micro and my two SP systems aren't the brighter screen model. That being said I loved my SPs. The screen is a good size and the clamshell design helps protect the screen when it isn't in use.

Also, yayece is right.

"In September 2005, around the time of the Game Boy Micro's release, Nintendo released an improved version of the Game Boy Advance SP in North America, featuring a brighter backlit screen instead of the previous version's frontlit screen. The new model can be distinguished by the following features:
  • The box states "Now with a BRIGHTER backlit screen!" to distinguish the new model from the older, frontlit models.
  • The backlit SP has the Model Number AGS-101 on the label on the bottom of the unit, whereas the original frontlit SP has the Model Number AGS-001[5]
  • The switch at the top center of the consoles lower face is now referred to in the manual as the "Brightness Switch" and selects between two levels of brightness, "Normal"(Low) and "Bright"(High) with no off setting. On the frontlit models this switch turned the frontlight on or off only. With the backlight set to "Normal"(Low) the brightness still surpasses the original AGS-001 with the frontlight on.
The North American backlit version comes in three standard colors: "Pearl Blue", "Pearl Pink" and "Graphite" (a grayer version of Onyx Black). There were also two Toys "R" Us exclusive backlit models; a "SpongeBob SquarePants" model[6] and a "Limited Edition Pikachu" model."
I went back and forth between the SP and the Micro. For me, the only advantages the SP offers are:
-gamecube link cable
-plays gameboy color games
-larger screen

Out of these, only the larger screen matters. As cool as Gameboy games once were, they aren't as cool as you remember them.

The only negatives I have for the micro:
-screen is just a touch too small
-audio output from speaker is weak and heaphone output has some background noise

Other than that, the Micro is perfect. You will get used to the small screen and the size is amazingly small. You can fit it in your pocket and it comes with a cloth bag. It is light and comfortable to hold for hours. You can still buy the faceplates and link cables from Nintendo. Unlike the SP, it actually has a headphone output. It is extremely scratch resistant, unlike the SP.

If you are concerned about price, you can get brand new Micros from Ebay for $60-70 shipped. New SP will cost you $140+.
For all the trouble you'll have finding one of the SP+ units, you might be better off with a DS Lite. After all, if you're paying that much, you may as well get a better screen and the ability to play DS games.
Actually, I find that the image quality of GBA games on the DSL is inferior. There is much more blurring. The GBASP's display is rock solid, at least on the non-backlit models. I haven't done a side-by-side comparison of the backlit SP's to the Lite.

Also, playing GBA games on the Lite is relatively uncomfortable, due to the extra weight.
Thanks for all the helps guys and sorry it has taken so long to reply, I haven't been checking the last few days.

I still haven't decided on what I'm doing yet. I checked the Play N Trade by me and they currently have a Pearl Blue and Shrek edition of the SP, but no Micro, the owner says they never get them in. I'm trying to avoid eBay, if possible, for the purchase. I don't mind buying a game or two on eBay, but a system, I'm just not sure I trust them as much as being able to go into the store and take care of things.

I'm planning to go to some Gamestops this week, I've been really busy the past several weeks and haven't gotten to any to see what systems, or games they have. The Gamestops I've been to always seems to have a bunch of gameboys and stuff, so maybe I will get lucky.

Right now, I'm kind of leaning toward the SP. I still like the Micro a little more, I like the design, the fact I can change the faceplate if it gets scratched, etc. but, I think the bigger screen on the SP is a big plus and I also like the idea of being able to play Gameboy Games. I found my Gameboy games the other day and now that I've found my collection and also bought a couple of games this past weekend, I kind of like the idea of playing them as well. Now that I've started playing the GBA I have, it seems to have a similar problem as my one DS Lite. A lot of times I will put the game in and it will freeze, usually it won't get back the Gameboy screen. Then, sometimes when I'm playing it will just restart, just like my DS Lite, only difference is that it restarts instead of shutting off, which I think may have to do with the power switch. I can kind of see my DS having a problem because I did play it a considerable amount, though not as much as I would think you should get out of one, but the GBA was barely used.

But anyway, I'm still looking around and I'm hoping once I get to Gamestop to see what they have I may make up my mind. Unfortunately, the seller I was looking at through Amazon no longer has the Micro listed, which was my last hope for a more reliable seller with a new one. I'd love to get an SP or Micro, but if I have too hard of a time finding one new and/or the prices aren't reasonable I will probably just skip it and use my DS. Since I want/need to get a DSi soon anyway, I guess it is a little crazy to buy another one. I just really hate the screen on the GBA and I've been playing games on my Broken DS Lite right now, which isn't fun when it decides to shut off, funny thing is, I can play a lot longer with the GBA games than I can DS games.

But again, thanks for all your replies, I really appreciate and it definitely helps me to make up my crazy mind :D
I have an original GBA, and a Micro. I would love to have a SP+ with the backlit screen, but I don't want to pay the $150 or so a new one fetches.

I prefer to play GBA games on my micro as opposed to my DSL, but the screen is just a bit too small for my tastes.
[quote name='1NintendoFan']
I'm planning to go to some Gamestops this week, I've been really busy the past several weeks and haven't gotten to any to see what systems, or games they have. The Gamestops I've been to always seems to have a bunch of gameboys and stuff, so maybe I will get lucky.

But anyway, I'm still looking around and I'm hoping once I get to Gamestop to see what they have I may make up my mind. Unfortunately, the seller I was looking at through Amazon no longer has the Micro listed, which was my last hope for a more reliable seller with a new one. I'd love to get an SP or Micro, but if I have too hard of a time finding one new and/or the prices aren't reasonable I will probably just skip it and use my DS. Since I want/need to get a DSi soon anyway, I guess it is a little crazy to buy another one. I just really hate the screen on the GBA and I've been playing games on my Broken DS Lite right now, which isn't fun when it decides to shut off, funny thing is, I can play a lot longer with the GBA games than I can DS games.

But again, thanks for all your replies, I really appreciate and it definitely helps me to make up my crazy mind :D[/QUOTE]

You can use the website to check inventory:

I have four versions of the GBA (GBA, GBA SP, GBM, and GBA SP+) and the GBM is excellent for gaming on the go. I bought a few extra of the screens off the Nintendo website, but would definitely recommend a small case to keep it in (my girlfriend knit me a neat little sleeve for it). Besides the screen size, the clamshell design is definitely missed.
I have a micro and I don't think screen size is really an issue. The picture is really bright and crystal clear. The only thing that sucks is you have to keep it in the bag for storage so the screen doesn't get scratched.
I don't think that the screen on the micro would be an issue for me either, if anything, I think the smaller screen is worth it for the overall size of it. Plus, it is so clear I think it would work fine anyways. If I have to get an SP, I just think the bigger screen would be one of the benefits. If I had to choose, I would like the micro, but since finding some Gameboy games, I'm leaning more toward the SP.

I went to one Gamestop today and they had a ton of SPs in stock, several of them + models, but they were scratched really bad, so I didn't bother with them. I'm going to a mall tomorrow with my friends and the mall has two Gamestops, so maybe I will find something there.

Thanks for the link Flicker, I had searched on Gamestops site and for some reason I couldn't get the micro to come up for me. All of the results are places I've never heard of, except for one, which happens to be near I was today, but I didn't stop in. It says the mall I'm going to tomorrow has one at each Gamestop, if they have one in good shape I'm tempted to get it, I hate spending $40 on a used system and would prefer new, but I would love to get a system, I guess I may just have to take a chance... too bad I can't find some deal on it :D

chakan, unfortunately, I do not live near a Gamecrazy, though I raelly wish I did. I would probably get a couple of each at that price. I've never bought a used system, but at $10 I think I would be willing to take the risk :D

Thanks again for all your replies everyone. I've been finding some really good deals on GBA and GBC games (except at FYE, I couldn't believe how much they were charging for new and used GBA games), but not as much luck on the systems, but I really do appreciate all of your insight and help!
[quote name='Zing']Out of these, only the larger screen matters. As cool as Gameboy games once were, they aren't as cool as you remember them.[/QUOTE]

This. I've tried and tried, but I just can't be a retro gamer.
[quote name='utopianmachine']I'm not sure if you mean you couldn't find the Gameboy Micro on the GameStop site. If that's what you meant, here's the link.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='utopianmachine']This. I've tried and tried, but I just can't be a retro gamer.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, I'm not sure why it won't come up when I search, all I can get is Micro accessories, two micro controllers, Micro Machine Games and for some reason, the 360.

I'm kind of iffy with retro games. Some games I really like to play, for example, I love to play the old Mario games, I guess they take me back to my childhood, but some of the older games I also hate to play. I have a few games from my collection of Gameboy Games that I plan to go back to that I never finished and a couple of games I never had that I want to play. There aren't a ton of them, but I think the screen on the SP would be better than my Gameboy colors. More often than not, I find myself playing my new games than playing all the older games I have, but I've been playing some of the Gameboy Advance games and now a few Gameboy games, and they have been fun. Games are pretty awesome now adays, but once and a while I find it enjoyable to go back to the basics.
I pulled out my SP again (non-backlit) and the screen quality just does not match the micro. Even in direct sunlight, the Micro is more clear than the SP.

The micro is a bitch with DK King of Swing, though. My hands were cramping.
If you get an SP+ make sure to the get the Pearl Blue one. I remember there being a thread here on CAG a few years back about how the Black Onyx ones has d-pad issues.
I snagged a light metallic blue (pearl blue) when GC clearanced them out, and I love it. The backlight is great, the images are sharp, it had some wear and tear, but they are practically indestructible. My wife uses it as her primary gaming handheld. I would say don't be afraid to buy one used, as the possible cost savings can be used to buy more games.
[quote name='donssword']I would say don't be afraid to buy one used, as the possible cost savings can be used to buy more games.[/QUOTE]

There's always the option to skin it, if the site of it is irksome. (Psst,
I love my graphite SP+. I generally use it over the DS Lite to play my GBA games as the DS screens as just to annoying to look at when playing a classic GBA title.

I regret not getting a Micro new when they were $50 awhile back. I've tested the screen size at a local GS before and while it is very small I like the size of the unit. Screw iPhone gaming, I'll just throw the Micro in my pocket for some Pokémon on the go!
Thanks Zing. I still really like the Micro, the biggest pull on the SP for me is the ability to play Gameboy and Gameboy Color games without using an additional light. I'm goign to pull out my old Gameboy's and see if I can deal with playing on them anymore. I'm most interested in the GBA games, but I have found several Gameboy and Gameboy Color games that I never played either (my gameboy collection only ended up having five games and none of them were that great)

I've heard people say that the screen on the SP is better than playing GBA games on the DS Lite, would you agree? I think GBA games look great on the DS, but then I'm also not too picky.

Thanks Purkeynator, I'm trying to find one of the Blue ones since it was most different from what I already have. I wasn't aware of the issue, but appreciate you letting me know.

Thanks so much!
I used to really lust after the brighter SP, and I had a Micro. I just have big hands. Then I got a PSP and realized I could emulate the GBA on it. The bigger, brighter screen really makes it easier for me to play.
[quote name='darkwingduck13']I used to really lust after the brighter SP, and I had a Micro. I just have big hands. Then I got a PSP and realized I could emulate the GBA on it. The bigger, brighter screen really makes it easier for me to play.[/QUOTE]

My hands are somewhat small, but I still worry that the Micro would be uncomfortable.

I have a PSP, I've never used it to emulate games (thought it wasn't legal, or right, so I've never done it) I love the PSP and the screen is amazing, but I just don't use it that much. I think the screen is fantastic, but it is my least used system of all. I guess I also prefer playing games on the original system. I have the ability to play GBA games on the DS, but I just prefer not to. The only exception, is my Gamecube games, which I don't play too often, but I don't mind playing on the Wii.
[quote name='donssword']I snagged a light metallic blue (pearl blue) when GC clearanced them out, and I love it. The backlight is great, the images are sharp, it had some wear and tear, but they are practically indestructible. My wife uses it as her primary gaming handheld. I would say don't be afraid to buy one used, as the possible cost savings can be used to buy more games.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='utopianmachine']There's always the option to skin it, if the site of it is irksome. (Psst,[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Snap']I love my graphite SP+. I generally use it over the DS Lite to play my GBA games as the DS screens as just to annoying to look at when playing a classic GBA title.

I regret not getting a Micro new when they were $50 awhile back. I've tested the screen size at a local GS before and while it is very small I like the size of the unit. Screw iPhone gaming, I'll just throw the Micro in my pocket for some Pokémon on the go![/QUOTE]

Sorry for not commenting, for some reason your replies were not showing up for me.

Donssword, I would have loved to get some of those systems. Without question I would have bought a couple system for $10. I really, really, wish there was a GC near me. I've really started liking Play N Trade, but it would be nice to have other options.

Thanks utopian, I didn't even think of doing that. I was thinking about getting a new case for it off of eBay, but two conerns. 1. I've heard they don't fit quite right and 2. I don't think it is something I could do on my own. I've done my fair share of taking things apart, but I tend to not get them back together right :D

Thanks snap, good to hear. I do find the DS a little annoying to have both screens going as well, not to mention it seems like a waste of battery to just play a GBA game. Plus, since I've already had one DS die on me, I'm not really wanting to kill my other one on an older system, I would just prefer to get the system and use my DS for my DS games.

I'm going to try and get to a Gamestop I've never been to this weekend. They claim they have the Micro in stock online and then I can at least see one in person. Since the Micro is only $30 and since I want to play GBA games the most, I may pick it up and keep an eye on eBay to see if I can't get one for cheap and have them both. I think both systems are great and have a lot to offer, so it would be nice to just get them both and make the decision easier :bouncy:
[quote name='1NintendoFan']I've heard people say that the screen on the SP is better than playing GBA games on the DS Lite, would you agree? I think GBA games look great on the DS, but then I'm also not too picky.[/QUOTE]

In regards to blurriness, the Lite's screens are more blurry with moving images. Whether this is due to slightly inferior LCD refresh timings or some sort of processing, I do not know. I just know that my SP's image is solid during the exact same moving scenes.

I don't enjoy playing GBA games on the Lite in general. You have this uncomfortable monster of a device in your hands with two screens and a GBA game only uses 75% of the top screen.

After playing on a Micro for a while, seeing the SP's screen in action is a delight to the eyes. While the Micro's screen is sharp, it does cause some strain. It is very refreshing to have a large screen.
My Big Lots still has one, lonely Game Boy Micro for $30. Given the shape the packaging is in, I'm not even sure if the system is in the box anymore. :lol:

[quote name='Diosoth']For all the trouble you'll have finding one of the SP+ units, you might be better off with a DS Lite. After all, if you're paying that much, you may as well get a better screen and the ability to play DS games.[/QUOTE]

If we're going to throw all of the possible variants out there as alternatives, why not the Game Boy Player? It may not be portable, but it's dirt cheap (so are GameCubes, and it isn't too hard to find GameCubes with the Player still attached) and the games look great on it. :D

As far as actual portables go, my preference was always the original Game Boy Advance - I like the horizontal layout as opposed to the vertical of the SP, and the lack of a backlight wasn't too big of a deal for me at the time.
[quote name='Zing']In regards to blurriness, the Lite's screens are more blurry with moving images. Whether this is due to slightly inferior LCD refresh timings or some sort of processing, I do not know. I just know that my SP's image is solid during the exact same moving scenes.

I don't enjoy playing GBA games on the Lite in general. You have this uncomfortable monster of a device in your hands with two screens and a GBA game only uses 75% of the top screen.

After playing on a Micro for a while, seeing the SP's screen in action is a delight to the eyes. While the Micro's screen is sharp, it does cause some strain. It is very refreshing to have a large screen.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for letting me know. I was so thrilled with how much better the GBA games looked on the Lite over the original GBA, I figured it was as good as it would get. I probably won't be able to tell a difference between them, but I'm definitely thinking the GBA SP is the way I'm going to go. I like the Micro, but I think it is more the design and stuff than functionality that I like, the SP just seems like it is going to be the best overall choice.

I agree, the DS is uncomfortable to play GBA games on and that is the main reason I'm looking for another system. My first DS Lite plays the games on the bottom screen while my newer, cobalt DS Lite play them on the top screen (it may be the other way around, but I'm pretty sure that is it) I'm not sure if you can switch the option in settings, I've never tried, but I know playing on the bottom screen is a lot better for me.

[quote name='Gothic Walrus']My Big Lots still has one, lonely Game Boy Micro for $30. Given the shape the packaging is in, I'm not even sure if the system is in the box anymore. :lol:

If we're going to throw all of the possible variants out there as alternatives, why not the Game Boy Player? It may not be portable, but it's dirt cheap (so are GameCubes, and it isn't too hard to find GameCubes with the Player still attached) and the games look great on it. :D

As far as actual portables go, my preference was always the original Game Boy Advance - I like the horizontal layout as opposed to the vertical of the SP, and the lack of a backlight wasn't too big of a deal for me at the time.[/QUOTE]

That's funny, I actually went to Big Lots the other day thinking may there was a slight chance they would have an older system. I didn't find anything, other than Guitar Hero On Tour (red box, can't remember version) for $20, but I thought it was worth a shot, I never thought one would still have them :D

THanks for the suggestion, I never even thought about the Game Boy Player, I've seen it on some videos on You Tube recently, but not paid much attention. That is definitely something I may look into, especially since I have my Gamecube set up now. The only issue is the are where I have my Gamecube wouldn't really allow for me to leave the attatchment on all the time, but not really a big deal. I actually tend to prefer portable games more than console games. I think it is because as a kid getting time on the TV when no one else was using it was kind of a challenge, so I would play my portable system more. Most of the time when I'm playing my portable systems I play them at home, so this could definitely be something. I will keep an eye out and maybe my Play N Trade will get one in.

One of the reasons I never bought an SP is because I thought the design looked a little uncomfortable, but, I've played Game Boy's a lot (different versions) and not had a problem, though the probably aren't as thin. I think, if I had the choice, I would prefer the horizontal layout as well, but for me, the biggest thing is the screen. I tend to play my games a lot more at night than I do in the day and the light attachment annoys me when I'm play, but without it the screen is barely visible and I think my GBA is on its way out anyway, it will restart itself sometimes, the power light is constantly changing colors, etc. It's funny because I never really used it, but I don't think it has much time left :D

Thanks for the replies guys, I really appreciate it!
I love the external design of the original GBA the best. The horizontal layout is superior to the GBASP.

The micro is the best overall for portability and playability, but errs on the side of portability. If the screen was 1cm larger, it would be perfect.
I just traded for a GBA SP+ (pearl blue) and love using it more than my DS to play my GBA games. I owned a Micro a while back but traded that on here. Portability is there for sure but hand cramps would happen over long sessions of gaming. The SP just fits perfect for me.
[quote name='Zing']I love the external design of the original GBA the best. The horizontal layout is superior to the GBASP.

The micro is the best overall for portability and playability, but errs on the side of portability. If the screen was 1cm larger, it would be perfect.[/QUOTE]

I completely agree. They all have something good to offer, its just deciding which has the most to offer and going from there. But, with my inability to make decisions, that makes things challenging for me :roll:

[quote name='DeathMoJo']I just traded for a GBA SP+ (pearl blue) and love using it more than my DS to play my GBA games. I owned a Micro a while back but traded that on here. Portability is there for sure but hand cramps would happen over long sessions of gaming. The SP just fits perfect for me.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for posting. I didn't even think about hand cramps until others mentioned it, I was just thinking about it being uncomfortable. So, I think the Micro is out now. I like the system and everything, but I just don't think it is the best choice. Since I've yet to find a Micro I don't think it would really be an issue, but at least now I can just watch for the SP and forget about the micro.

[quote name='T R U 7 H X']Neither. Buy a Dingoo.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that would be nice, but I think I will just stick with one of these for now. Though, it might not be a bad idea for the future, it definitely seems like a decent system.

Thanks for the replies guys!
Eh, just my 2 cents on the Micro vs SP on "hand cramps" ... I find the Micro to be more comfortable than the SP. The reason for this is because of the spacing between the D-pad and A/B buttons. In order to hold the SP and reach the L/R buttons, you need to bend your wrists outward. Ergonomically speaking, this is pretty bad for all the tendons and stuff in your wrists. The D-pad and A/B buttons on the Micro are spaced wider apart, and you can press the L/R buttons with your fingertips. It's a lot easier to keep your hands in a "neutral" position.
[quote name='yayece']Eh, just my 2 cents on the Micro vs SP on "hand cramps" ... I find the Micro to be more comfortable than the SP. The reason for this is because of the spacing between the D-pad and A/B buttons. In order to hold the SP and reach the L/R buttons, you need to bend your wrists outward. Ergonomically speaking, this is pretty bad for all the tendons and stuff in your wrists. The D-pad and A/B buttons on the Micro are spaced wider apart, and you can press the L/R buttons with your fingertips. It's a lot easier to keep your hands in a "neutral" position.[/QUOTE]

I finally found a GBA SP in "decent" shape today :bouncy: The guy said everything could be returned in 7 days if I decided against it. I'm not sure if I'm keeping it because after I got it home I noticed some marks in the hinge area, which look like chew marks again, two SPs that I've seen with it, seems kind of funny.

I've played the SP some now and I do think that they could have made the system a little wider to make it more comfortable, but I like it a lot more than the DS Lite. I've not played an extensive amount of time on it yet, but I do notice it being a little on the small side and I even have somewhat small hands.

For those of you out there that do have an SP, I have some questions about it, I'm not sure if I mine has some issues or if this is just normal.

1. I notice that if I shake the system with the screen open (like just move it up and down, I'm not shaking it all over the place, but just gently up and down) the screen seems to move a lot. I'm not sure if the screens on these just weren't as tight, but I didn't notice my Lite doing this until the hinge area cracked. It feels a little lose, but having never used one in the past, I don't know if this is normal.

2. I also noticed that the charge light will change colors when I go to turn the system off. After noticing that, I tried it some more and any time I tought the on/off switch, the color on the SP light changes. The only reason this concerns me is that my DS Lite and GBA original both seem to have issues with the motherboard right now and seem like they aren't going to last much longer. The GBA charge light also changes colors on me (though it is worse than what the SP is doing) and will randomly restart. So, I'm just a little concerned that this could be a sign of the system getting ready to die. Again, I don't know if this is how the system was designed or if I should take it back and keep looking.

Also, does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix the system up to look a little better. I'm thinking of getting a skin for it, probably from Decal Girl as was recommended in an earlier response, but I would like to try and fix up the hinge area. The scratches on the units itself are not too noticeable from some angles, but it does have a lot of scratches. So, I think the best way to fix that is just get a decent looking skin, but I was just curious if anyone has some good tips for filling in the "bite marks" on the corner and/or some of the very light scratches on the site.

Thanks again to everyone for all your help. You really helped make my decision a lot easier and I think I made the right one. I've tried some GBA and Gameboy games on the system and it is great, such a huge improvement over the original systems and much more comfortable than the DS, so I just want to thank you all again!
I opened a sealed NES GBASP earlier this year and straight out of the box the top half moves just a tad if you move the system around while it is open. I assume every system will do that. It doesn't lock tight like the DS Lite.
[quote name='Zing']I opened a sealed NES GBASP earlier this year and straight out of the box the top half moves just a tad if you move the system around while it is open. I assume every system will do that. It doesn't lock tight like the DS Lite.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for confirming. That is kind of what I figured based on the design and the way it feels, but it makes me feel better to hear it from someone else.

What about the battery light, it is normal for it to change colors like that? I probably wouldn't think much of it, but since my original GBA didn't start doing that until it started having the problems it makes me a little nervous.
On a separate note, I found my brother and mine's old Gameboy Advance SPs. I pretty much remember zer0 about these things and think I've lost the chargers. Anyone recommend a good site for these besides the usual Amazon/ebay?
[quote name='ChernobylCow']On a separate note, I found my brother and mine's old Gameboy Advance SPs. I pretty much remember zer0 about these things and think I've lost the chargers. Anyone recommend a good site for these besides the usual Amazon/ebay?[/QUOTE]
On the west coast I use Japan Video Games quite a bit instead of Play-Asia as they ship from California.

Here is the charger for $4.99 with free shipping.
bread's done