Gameboy Micro sound issues, any GBM owners out there?


CAG Veteran
Just bought a brand new - bright pink - Micro for £40 and am loving it.
Zelda - Minish cap & King of fighters are my first games and are top class.

I think something is wrong with the headphone socket though - there is a constant high pitched whine in the background which while not loud starts to get annoying in games with little/quiet music and during pauses (have tried with different headphones).

It is possible the sound quality is just not very good on the micro but it would be weird considering the high quality of everything else.

Can any other micro owners confirm this is normal or have I bought a lemon?

FYI - Best way to check is start up without a game in, IMHO there should be no whine.
I've got a micro and haven't played a game with headphones in at least a year. I never remember a whining noise when starting it up but I'll try tonight.
I've got two Micro's myself (Original launch and Anniversary edition) and I've never had an issue with either one, they see alot of use in the summer months and my headphones always work good in them. Could be just localized to your Micro? Perhaps a loose connection on the jack itself?
Nice to see there's love for the micro on these forums!

Interesting stuff with the frequency links, I can hear the sample sounds no problem (I'm 30) and they sound just like the micro whine but ten times more annoying.

Anyone else hear the whine?

Found a novel way to protect the micro on it's travels - a mobile phone sock, Only £2 and it's a perfect fit (looks super cute as a bonus).
I have a Micro and yes, there is clearly a constant noise when using headphones. If I take the same game, slap it in my DSLite with the same headphones, there is zero background noise. However, playing GBA games on the DS for a long period of time is suboptimal due to the extra weight and control layout.

I recently decided to sell off my Micro and bought an SP. The Micro screen is about .5" too small for my taste. The contrast ratio is also terrible on the Micro. I also don't like how often my thumb blocks the speaker grill. I really do like the portable size, the control feel, and the weight, but I am starting to get eye strain.
Just had another look at my micro and the high-pitch sound is coming from the speaker too. I can hear it if I put my ear right to the speaker (yes I am super anal).

Less inclined to think it is a defective unit now as it is not localized to the headphone port, looks like it is coming from the sound processor.

It is not such a big deal anyway - just wanted to be sure it was 100% before my return period was up.

If anyone else hears the whine let me know (one more person & I'm happy).


Zing you posted while I was writing my last post and have totally put my mind at ease. Def nothing wrong with my micro then.

I respect your opinion on the micro (don't understand the flame wars on consoles - not everyone likes the same things!) but I love the screen its just perfect for me. My only problem was getting used to the controls, I'm used to mouse & keyboard so my hands were cramping up after 10min on my first play. Now I can go 40mins before they cramp up (1 week later) which is as long as I would want to play at once.

Cheers everyone, much appreciated.
Hmm, anyone has the balls to use rubber as GBM pouch? :D :D :D

IMO this is one of the best innovations portable gaming has ever seen. Lack of backwards compatibility doesn't bother me since IMO GB/C games were really crappy and GBA easily has 2-3x the library with sequels and equivalents not to have to worry about that "flaw."

Only gripe is that the battery isn't easily replacable nor is prolly available anymore. Also, barely any limited editions and a pretty high price for import ones even today(not to mention lack of cool colors for once).
Yeah, I am Loving mine way more than I thought I would. Its just so.... portable!

Retro games are perfect on the go as well, there is a lot of Snes & Dos nostalgia on this system.

You can still get the batteries on ebay and various specialist shops.
My only real gripe i had with the micro was that the faceplate feature never really took off. I guess the gaming community didn't really care for the feature. You can also put nintendo in that bunch as the only faceplates they made came with the system. (Yet they pushed it like it was a valid feature.)
Actually, they released more than a couple of face plates in Japan.

I wish they had just released a clear face plate, then included insert designs with different games (or Nintendo Power magazine). Then we could even design our own face plates.
[quote name='UncleBob']Actually, they released more than a couple of face plates in Japan.

I wish they had just released a clear face plate, then included insert designs with different games (or Nintendo Power magazine). Then we could even design our own face plates.[/QUOTE]

yeah that's not such a bad idea. People do that with the logitech psp case, and it could very well work with the micro.
I've never cared for any sort of "skins" or faceplates on my electronics. I prefer plain black, silver, white, whatever. The only part about the faceplates that matters to me on the Micro is that you can easily buy a new one if yours gets scratched.
Yeah I would love some cool faceplates - even some plain black, white & red ones to two-tone my micro would be good. Would not have to worry about scratching my current one then.

I have found only third-party cheap-looking ones so far, anyone bought any that are as good as the supplied face-plate? can you give me a brand to buy?
If anything, just use avery label sticker sheets + clear tape on top as skins if you're too cheap to desing your own and order from like I only wish there were aftermarket replacement shells in clear. Would make the lil bugger lighter and see through.
[quote name='greescom']Yeah I would love some cool faceplates - even some plain black, white & red ones to two-tone my micro would be good. Would not have to worry about scratching my current one then.

I have found only third-party cheap-looking ones so far, anyone bought any that are as good as the supplied face-plate? can you give me a brand to buy?[/QUOTE]

eBay has some awesome, Japanese-only Micro faceplates but those shits are expensive. I'm screwed anyways, my anniversary Micro doesn't use faceplates (I don't think).
I'm not keen on the whole skinning thing, don't like the look (Esp. DIY).Seen the uber expensive plates on ebay - there is no way I would pay £100 for one plate!

Never thought about checking Nintendo directly (Thanks terpkristin) thought they had stopped supporting the micro ages ago.Here's what I found if anyone's interested:

- $4.95 per plate, $5 shipping - black & silver available.
They won't ship anywhere else though.

UK - £7.80 per plate incl. shipping - Silver, Pink, Green & Blue available.

I'm in the UK and wanted a black plate (pink & black?) but will prob go for green or blue seeing as black is unavailable.
[quote name='Halo05']eBay has some awesome, Japanese-only Micro faceplates but those shits are expensive. I'm screwed anyways, my anniversary Micro doesn't use faceplates (I don't think).[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it does - however, your's did not ship with the little tool to remove the faceplate. You can use a paperclip or order the tool to remove it from Store.Nintendo.Com
[quote name='greescom']I'm not keen on the whole skinning thing, don't like the look (Esp. DIY).Seen the uber expensive plates on ebay - there is no way I would pay £100 for one plate!

Never thought about checking Nintendo directly (Thanks terpkristin) thought they had stopped supporting the micro ages ago.Here's what I found if anyone's interested:

- $4.95 per plate, $5 shipping - black & silver available.
They won't ship anywhere else though.

UK - £7.80 per plate incl. shipping - Silver, Pink, Green & Blue available.

I'm in the UK and wanted a black plate (pink & black?) but will prob go for green or blue seeing as black is unavailable.[/QUOTE]

Damn, I thought about ordering you a black and you ordering me a Pink, Green and Blue and then swapping, with me paying you for two, but that's about $10.25 per plate...
Did you try phoning them? It's possible they have more colors but have not updated their website. I would defo check before getting faceplates shipped around the world.

Give them a call & report back.

I was thinking about asking someone for a straight swap - black plate for a colour plate but now I'm thinking green might be cool, I will think on it.
Just skin this thing and stop being so anal. ANY image you want > whatever crap nintendo came up with, period.
Just skin this thing and stop being so anal. ANY image you want > whatever crap nintendo came up with, period.

I prefer the term "Obssesive". ;)

Big difference between vinyl stickers and an official molded piece of plastic that replaces the whole front of the micro & protects the screen.

Which one you prefer is up to the individual, I want to rock the two-tone look and still have my pink faceplate in the future when my new one is scratched up.
[quote name='UncleBob']Yeah, it does - however, your's did not ship with the little tool to remove the faceplate. You can use a paperclip or order the tool to remove it from Store.Nintendo.Com[/QUOTE]

Wow, good to know. I might order one soon just so they don't vanish on me.
[quote name='greescom']Did you try phoning them? It's possible they have more colors but have not updated their website. I would defo check before getting faceplates shipped around the world.[/QUOTE]

The other colors were *never* sold in the US... :(
I will check mine about the noise.

Greescom- what sort of sock/case is that? I'd really like to get one of those for my gbmicro!

Re: the faceplates- I have the American famicom edition and I think it came with the faceplate changing tool? Either that or I got one for free from nintendo when I ordered a spare famicom faceplate from them a long time ago. If they really don't sell it anymore I'm really glad I got one when I did! I really don't think I ordered the tool separately though as the faceplates are really easy to change with just a paperclip.
I can't seem to hear the noise via the headphones, but if I put the speaker right up to my ear I can hear a very faint high pitched whine. I never noticed it until now, and it never bothered me.

I really can't explain it, but the GBMicro is the first system I ever had any desire to own multiple copies of. Every time I see a GBMicro thread I think about picking up a 2nd one, in an imported color.

Ran across this thread with some atypically excellent photography (look at page 12) of the Micro. Caution, following link may entice you to buy an imported Micro!

Turns out I don't play with sound on much anyway & the whine does not bother me when I do.

The sock was £2 from "The Carphone Warehouse" shop here in the uk but you will pick one up in any mobile phone shop, they are designed for phones but fit perfectly. The sock saved my phone while I was staying in Stockholm last week, a cat knocked over a glass of water right next to the micro and it was sat in a puddle for a few hours! Weirdly the sock absorded all the water leaving only a slight residue on the surface of the micro non got inside at all - I had to wring the sock out.
I would not say a sock is the perfect carrying case - there is no shock protection - I am just using it until I find something better. Would be great if I could get something similar in 3mm neoprene that zipped up or had a flap top. Anyone got any recommendations?
[quote name='Ruahrc'][/QUOTE]

I have been strictly using my Micro for the past 2 days. I wanted to give it another chance. I have discovered that my complaints were simply related to not being accustomed to it. After two days of Mario Kart Super Circuit and Advance Wars, I can't go back to the GBASP. This thing is great, despite the noisy sound output. I find that the noise is less audible at higher volumes. I haven't had any eye strain or squinting yet, and the smaller screen is less reflective and playable even in direct sunlight. The problem I had with my thumb blocking the speaker doesn't happen anymore since I found a more comfortable hold.

After reading the entire thread you linked to, I decided to get a black on silver Micro to go with my silver on black Micro. The silver one with silver face is pretty nice looking. I figure it isn't that much money and I have a spare one to keep one from wearing out, plus I can snag a link cable and find someone to play with me.
[quote name='Skv012a']Lack of backwards compatibility doesn't bother me since IMO GB/C games were really crappy and GBA easily has 2-3x the library with sequels and equivalents not to have to worry about that "flaw."[/QUOTE]

The noise is really starting to get to me. There is a constant hum and extremely high pitched squeal. The hum changes depending what is on the screen. Both of my Micros have the exact same sound characteristics. It is extremely frustrating because I am basically forced to play Mario Golf with the music on. If I turn the music off, all I hear is the noise. I only notice this stuff with the headphone output.

After playing the Micro for a couple weeks, I again tried the GBASP. At first it didn't seem so bad, especially considering how hard it can be to see the Micro screen when you are out in the sun. Then after using the SP for an hour, I went back to the Micro and it was like heaven again. Oh well. Guess it is time to sell off the NES GBASP. I thought the GBC compatibility would matter, but like someone else said earlier, it isn't that hot. There are only a handful of games that are worth the trouble.

I am seriously digging the Micro now. I can't believe I was shrugging it off at one point.
I would except I paid out the ass for it, since it was still sealed in box. I'm not even sure what I would want for it, but I guess it is just collecting dust here anyway.
lol. I got mine when they were first released. I wasn't intending on upgrading to the SP, but when I saw the NES edition in stores, I just melted. I think it was the box - it was all retro-like.

You'd probably want more (and could get more) out of the NES SP than what I could swing toward it though. :)
Nice that your finally enjoying your micro Zing!

I hear you about the noise though, it is annoying. I just play through the speakers at home and without sound when out or in bed with girlfriend. We just have to live with it.

I still love the system more than any other system I've owned though. Hardly used my gaming pc since I got it, it is so cool to be able to play the game your currently really into anywhere you want - portable gaming just got a new convert.

Currently playing througth the castelvania double pack (£8 - ebay) and am bowled over by how good they are. Have finished harmony of dissonance & am currently playing aria of sorrow. Would reccomend this pack to anyone.
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