Gamecube Kiosk


26 (100%)
I have the opportunity to buy a gamecube kiosk from a store that is going out of business in my town. it comes wtih the stand, 2 controllers, a gamecube and a tv. what do you think would be a good offering price, as i have no idea how much these things would go for
Well you know it's heavily that should drop the price of the GC + 2 controller to about $60.

Then the rest depends on how big the TV is. Probably another $100 for TV and stand.

So $150-$160 ?
[quote name='Wshakspear']300 doesnt sound too far off though...i mean, where else can you buy one? :)[/quote]

Yeah, I'd agree with this. Plus all that stuff is hooked up together and the kiosk undoubtedly entails more than just a TV and a Gamecube so you can't just add the price for a used GC and TV and call that your offer. I wouldn't pay $300 though. I'd offer her more like $200-$225. Then again, I probably wouldn't buy it either. ;)
Yeah, $300 isn't too far off. I've watched these on ebay and they always go for a few hundred. I'd say, if the kiosk is in pretty good condition (minus the controllers of course, you know those are ruined), then try to get her down to $250. That'd be a cool addition to a game room!
Depends which type you're talking... if it's the nice, heavy kiosk that has lots of metal in it, it would be worth following up. Back when I worked retail, we ended up just giving away the Dreamcast demo kiosk, since it was just a plastic shell that went over a cheap little shelving unit.
Why would you want this....yes, it looks nice, but isn't the fun of video games is the ability to SIT DOWN on a couch or somewhere and relax and play.
[quote name='doubledown']Why would you want this....yes, it looks nice, but isn't the fun of video games is the ability to SIT DOWN on a couch or somewhere and relax and play.[/quote]

You can hook a Wavebird up to it. Then you can sit down and play as well.
Pretty cool thing to have. If someone offered to sell me one in the 100-200 range, I'd be hard-pressed to say no. Eventually, though, I would probably decide that it's too much money for something completely unnecessary.
[quote name='alpo845']well its not unecessary if you want a gamecube and a tv[/quote]

But if that's all your buying it for, you are probably better off just buying those 2 separately from Best Buy or some other retailer.
mmmm, frivolous nintendo crap...

I'd buy it, but I buy lotsa Nintendo junk. Definitely negotiate the price down.
Anybody who asks "why would you want this" must not have spent much time in the arcades a few years back. Nothing compares to standing up playing a good fighting game or a shooter old-school style. Of course, don't play Tales of Symphonia on it sitting on a stool, you'd be a little sore in the booty region.

Plus, it's a very collectible thing and a cool item for a Nintendo fan. I'd get one if I had the opportunity.
Sam Goody is getting rid of these things, and i think the asking price is about $300.

No interest in it though, because:

1. I like to lounge when playing a game
2. I have a bigass tv so it would be a sin to not play on it exclusively.

Now what i could go for is one of those big branded cabinets for GC and PS2 games....
KoP and Springfield...Also noticed they are selling their Samsung 42" plasmas for $1000. If they havent been on for 12 hours a day, it mightve been a good deal ;p
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