GameFly, BlockBuster, Which online rental? Any deals? Suggestions?


1 (100%)
I know Gamefly has the buy one month, get the second free. Is there anything else? How is the service of Gamefly? Do you have to wait a long time for new games?
I have Gamefly and its the best thing in the world escpially since you don't have to keep buying games. I personally play older games and most of the newer ones become avaible pretty soon turn around for games where I live is about 4 days up and 3-4 days back I have no problem with them.
Yeah, I love GameFly. I've had it for almost a year, now, and I really have no complaints at all. The turnaround is very quick, but I live in Jersey, so I pretty close to the Pitt distribution center. Some people who aren't close to any of their centers have had issues with turnarounds, especially if their local postal office does not scan the games.

I also enjoy getting the $5 coupon every three months (on top of the 5% off, soon to be 10%), especially considering they often have some decent used deals.
Good luck trying to get any new release from them, I am currently using them due to a Xbox promotional offer, and have a multitude of complaints (that do not contain turnaround). Some of my exp. is personal, but new releases are hard to get. Try Gamerang (I haven't tried them yet, but for my location is closer and they have delivery confirmation, and I can get a new release game from them easily it seems, most are short wait or available, most being available.)

Also, years ago I had them for a whole year, no complaints, but also no new games as well.
It's hard to get new releases from GameFly, because everyone else is trying to get the new releases, as well. GameFly also has a pretty expansive user-base, so you're "competing" with a lot of other people to get new releases.

If you absolutely, positively need a game that has a very low availability, simply delete everything else from your GameQ. GameFly will send you the game, no matter what, assuming that it is actually out.
I recently became a member of Gamefly through the promotion and so far I have had good experiences as well. Games only took 3 days or less to get to me, and even quicker to get back since my post office scans them in (sends the next one automatically). You also get good deals on used games, as well as their rewards programs.

I'd recommend it all the way.
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