Gamefly is inept, or USPS...Your pick...


42 (100%)
I've been using Gamefly for a while (2-2.5 years?), and been using Netflix since they opened (Within a week of going public).

Now about Netflix, Netflix has been perfect in everyway, I've never "lost" a movie...and I get movies within a couple days. (1-2 days)

Now with gamefly, I've cancelled once in the see, at one time I would get games 5-6 days after shipped. That was annoying, so I cancelled for a few months and when I started up again it was 3-4 days and I was cool with that.

But since I've been back up with them, I've had one game not even get to my mailbox...and they havent recieved two of them.

Now, at first you'd say..."Someone is robbing your mailbox.."

But not so, I dont send mail from home...only from the post office or a bluebox right outside it (Post office is walking distance from home)

So the two they havent received are straight from USPS to them....

So now, in the matter of a few months, I've had 3 games, I still have an account there...but I'm like, WTF??

So, I pay gamefly more money, for less service than Netflix. Not only does it take 3-6 days for them to get your game, but 3-6 days for you to get it in the East coast. That's easily a week, week and a half. Plus, they lose everything now.

Also, they told me over a year and a half ago that they were opening an Eastern Depot in weeks. God-damned liars.

I'm fed up with them, any other suggestions that rent PSP games?
I have been a member of Gamefly for at least a year and they have lost 3 games, all within a months time... I also send from the blue boxes, but they claim they never recieved them. I never lost a game for a year, then all of a sudden, 3 lost in a months time... They cancelled my account because I lost too many games. Funny thing is that a month after they cancelled my account, they sent me an email and said they recieved one of the games so I can now reactivate the account, which I did.

I think they have issues with their shipping/recieving department if you ask me. Nothing we can do about that I guess.
[quote name='gmzone']

They ship quickly to the east coast, they have a free trial, AND, they rent PSP games.

They also have live customer service people that can chat with you 1 on 1 from 9 am to 4 pm.[/QUOTE]

They've got my dollar for now! Cancelled Gamefly.
Gamefly has room for major improvment...

Netflix is a completly different company they've changed so vastly. Gamefly is collecting rust.
Gamefly is great for selection and availability but terrible turnaround for east coast. How does GamesDrive compare on the selection/availability? What's their turnaround like for east coast, Boston Area specifically?
I know how you feel. I cancelled after the free trial because the shipping times were so bad. I think a lot of it has to do with both USPS and Gamefly. USPS for crappy turnaround and Gamfly for not having another distribution center
While I have no opinion on Gamefly, having never used them, I would like to comment on this:

"So, I pay gamefly more money, for less service than Netflix."
You can't really compare pricing structures between the two, while their business model may be similar, their product is quite different. Video games, on average, cost much more than DVD's. Of course, there are more DVD's than videogames, but the perunit cost is much less, and more customers can be served by the same amount of money. It would be like comparing a buffet at Ruth's Chris Steak House to a buffet at Pizza Hut.
i have been with netflix for about 2 months now and they, not i, have lost 4 games that i've returned. i don't know where the hole is but i have to say it is possible that usps has something to do with it. the first two games that were "lost" were dropped in the mailbox with two movies that i was returning to walmart rental, and they two were "lost." i also returned movies to blcokbuster online and 1 or 2 movies were lost.

i'm glad op posted this topic cuz i was feeling kinda paranoid. thought it was just me.
My guess is that Gamefly is inept.
I did the free trial thing and mailed back both games on the same day from the post office and they both came up lost. WTF??
after that I promptly canceled.
I signed up for a 7-day trial to GameFly. I eventually extended it a month, dropping $20. I rented out six games total. The first two made it back just fine. I mirrored the process for the third and fourth games I rented, and waited for a confirmation "we have received your games" email in my inbox. No such luck. Waited a week (it took like 3-4 days to get to them the first time), and nothing happened. I reported my games lost. They sent two more. Once again, these two games failed to arrive. I had to call the USPS, GameFly, etc and report them missing.

I have never in my life had mail lost...and now I lose four things in a 3-week span? No.
a) USPS employees are jacking the games (after all, the bright orange cases just scream "steal me"), or...
b) GameFly's distribution/receiving center is a mess.

Now, the first doesn't sound too likely...why would an employee risk their job for a couple of games? They wouldn't. That's $100 -- not $3000 in cash or something.

So it has to be something with GameFly themselves. This is a problem for me, because GameFly has an enormous selection of games. The Blockbuster and Hollywood Video near my house are decent game-wise, but they really lack some of the not-so-popular-to-the-mainstream games, such as RPGs and such.

Seems like you either have problems with GameFly or not. Some love it, and it works great...others can't seem to get a game back to them if their life depended on it.

I would personally not recommend GameFly, and can definitely relate to you, original poster.
In over a year and a half of using Gamefly I've only had them permanently (so far) lose 2 games and they lost them at the same time. I shipped them back about 3 days apart but neither arrived according to them. I too think its their receiving dept because I know those games are just sitting there waiting to be scanned back into the system.
yea, I signed up for the trial and had a nice week delay in getting my games. In addition the netflix dvds are just as easy to spot and steal, so im thinking it is something on the gamefly side.
I was with Gamefly for over a year and then they just got slow as all hell, I havent used a rental service since...
I'm in the middle of a 21 day trial, we're at day 7-ish, and I just received my 2nd game today. This is astounding to me because the first game I rented took 2 days to get to my house while it took the 2nd game a week to arrive. I'll probably be cancelling this real soon because it might take the next 2 weeks to return the games to them from what it looks like (although the first one I sent back seemed to get there with no problems).
Drop both and sign up for blockbuster. You get 3 out at a time and its only 14.99. Plus you get 2 in store rentals that you can used for games. You can keep the games up too 2 weeks without getting fined. The distribution center is 10 minutes away so my turnaround is 2-3 days.
Jeez, I just did a search in this forum and found this topic. I'm glad I'm not the only one having trouble with Gamefly. About three weeks ago I sent a game back to them that they never received. Last week they sent me out two games on the same day. The first arrived on Monday and I have yet to see the second. I have a good feeling I never will either.

This is really frustrating as I go out of my way to be an honest trader here and seller/buyer on Ebay and don't want to be perceived as some kind of thief by Gamefly. After reading all the stories in this topic, I'll probably go ahead and cancel and let them think whatever they want!
bread's done