[rightimg]http://www.cheapassgamer.com/images/stores/gqd.jpg[/rightimg][preview]GameQuestDirect.com's Cyber Monday deals are now live. Additionally, 1 CAG will be selected at random to win everything listed below. Just post in the discussion thread to enter. The same contest is also running for GQD's Black Friday deals. Both promotions end 12/15.
Read on for the list of sale items.[/preview]
Halo 3: ODST $44.99 after coupon code CAGHAODST
NCAA Basketball 2010 $44.99 after coupon code CAGNCAABL
Popcap Arcade Hits Volume 2 $6.99 after coupon code CAGPOPAH2
Riddick: Dark Athena $19.99 after coupon code CAGRIDDDA
Battle Fantasia $19.99 after coupon code CAGBATTLFT
Jericho $6.99 after coupon code CAGJERIBX
Guilty Gear 2: Overture $19.99 after coupon code CAGGUOVET
Space Chimps $6.99 after coupon code CAGSPCHPS
Sega Superstars Tennis $11.99 after coupon code CAGSEGTNNS
Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 $9.99 after coupon code CAGCCREDAL
Turok $11.99 after coupon code CAGTURKX3
Ninja Gaiden 2 $11.99 after coupon code CAGNINGAI2
NCAA Basketball 2010 $44.99 after coupon code CAGNCAAPS3
Tomb Raider: Underworld $14.99 after coupon code CAGTMRAUN
Wall-E $14.99 after coupon code CAGWLEEP3
Enemy Territory Quake Wars $11.99 after coupon code CAGENQWRS
Devil May Cry 4 $19.99 after coupon code CAGDMC4PS
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia $14.99 after coupon code CAGCASTEC
Elite Beat Agents $9.99 after coupon code CAGELBAGT
Animates $6.99 after coupon code CAGANMT
LifeSigns: Surgical Unit $9.99 after coupon code CAGLFSUN
Mario Tennis Wii $19.99 after coupon code CAGMARTNS
Pikmin WII $19.99 after coupon code CAGPKMIN
Little Kings Story $29.99 after coupon code CAGLTKSY
Harvest Moon: Magical Melody $24.99 after coupon code CAGHMGMM
Samurai Shodown Anthology $19.99 after coupon code CAGSMSHAN
King of Fighters 2000-2001 $24.99 after coupon code CAGKOFTER
Monster Hunter Freedom 2 $11.99 after coupon code CAGMNSTHU
Coded Arms $6.99 after coupon code CAGCARMS
SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 2 $9.99 after coupon code CAGSFIRTBR
Common FAQs from CAGs about GQD deals:
Why are the coupons not stackable? Why use them anyway instead of an instant price drop?
There are several reasons we use coupon codes to handle promotions. One, GQD will not display a lower price than the current MSRP due to the agreement we have with our vendors. Two, coupon codes are assigned to different affiliates for reporting purposes and is currently the best way for us to pass the deals. Lastly, our checkout only allows one coupon per order so it limits resellers from bulk ordering.
Why do some of us get a backorder notification?
Hot deals may temporarily go out of stock. However, 95% of the time, GQD is able to restock and resume shipping within 1-3 business days.
Will GQD always ship out a US version video game?
Yes and no. Keep in mind GQD is a global distributor of region 1 (US/Canada) video games and do not sell bootlegs. We request all games to be shipped NEW in original US packaging from our vendors. Still, there has been times when we received and shipped out Canadian packaging, but even in these cases, most customers receive the US version game but only with an extra French manual (double shrinkwrapped). In other words, it looks like a Canadian release, but it's actually the US game bundled with an extra manual. In such case, simply discard the extra booklet and enjoy the game. Please note, these instances don't occur very often (less than 10% of shipment) and varies on case by case basis. For further questions, please contact [email protected].
Read on for the list of sale items.[/preview]

Common FAQs from CAGs about GQD deals:
Why are the coupons not stackable? Why use them anyway instead of an instant price drop?
There are several reasons we use coupon codes to handle promotions. One, GQD will not display a lower price than the current MSRP due to the agreement we have with our vendors. Two, coupon codes are assigned to different affiliates for reporting purposes and is currently the best way for us to pass the deals. Lastly, our checkout only allows one coupon per order so it limits resellers from bulk ordering.
Why do some of us get a backorder notification?
Hot deals may temporarily go out of stock. However, 95% of the time, GQD is able to restock and resume shipping within 1-3 business days.
Will GQD always ship out a US version video game?
Yes and no. Keep in mind GQD is a global distributor of region 1 (US/Canada) video games and do not sell bootlegs. We request all games to be shipped NEW in original US packaging from our vendors. Still, there has been times when we received and shipped out Canadian packaging, but even in these cases, most customers receive the US version game but only with an extra French manual (double shrinkwrapped). In other words, it looks like a Canadian release, but it's actually the US game bundled with an extra manual. In such case, simply discard the extra booklet and enjoy the game. Please note, these instances don't occur very often (less than 10% of shipment) and varies on case by case basis. For further questions, please contact [email protected].
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