[quote name='g-man']yes, because every person to ever come to this website read EVERY SINGLE WORD on the page before posting. it may be in red bold letters, but it's in very high on the page and it's easily possible, particularly if you are impatient or have the sensitivity on your mouse wheel / laptop scroll butons is turned up really high, to scroll right past these words. not to mention the fact that we're human.
is it really such an afront to your sensibilities that you've gone "past the point of being nice about this"? perhaps you should ask to become a moderator since your passion about such issues runs so deep and fervent. the guy owned up, asked the mods to move it when he realized his mistake, and he probably won't do it again. you, on the other hand, will probably continue to clog every thread you possibly can with your well-meaning, but ultimately annoying, power trips.
leave it to the mods to get angry at this. they are the ones who have to fix it.[/QUOTE]
Shut up, Meg.