Gamer mom/dad thread

Has anyone seen Maleficent? Is it okay for a 4 1/2 year old?
My 6 year old saw it twice. She is almost 7 and watches movies on a regular basis though. I think she was 5 when she saw it at the movies. My wife says your child might not have much interest in it. I doesn't have the singing or vibe of the cartoon. It's a bunch more dialogue and story comprehension. My own theory is put it on and if at any point you think it is inappropriate turn it off. I always reiterate to my children that movies are just actors in a story. Make sure they know none of it is real and is made for our enjoyment by real actors playing fictitious characters.
I asked a few people at work. One said there's a scene that might be a little too much but most of the movie should be fine. Anyways I've decided to hold off until she starts showing more of an interest in live action stuff. There's no need to rush it.

We watched How to Train Your Dragon for the first time last week (great movie) and she was talking at the TV saying "No don't kill him." when Hiccup first saw Toothless and was thinking about killing him. It was cute, and I was laughing, telling her it's okay don't worry. It reminded me of when I was a kid and how I got emotionally involved in TV shows and movies too. Like when Optimus Prime died, I was devastated. Still even today that's a pretty damn emotional scene. 

I've come to celebrate! My baby started walking finally without holding on to anything!!!!!

Now is when the craziness begins. Anything at 2 feet or lower around the house is fair game. Put anything you value up high or hidden away. Congrats though. I remember how fun that was, now I just wish they could sit still for a moment.
Has anyone seen Maleficent? Is it okay for a 4 1/2 year old?
Besides the points already made, I don't think it will hold their interest well at that age, it's more or less made for tweens to adults that like Maleficent as a character (one of the best Disney villains IMO) and are interested more in her back story.

That being said, as it's intended, its just subpar, though pretty to look at.

I've come to celebrate! My baby started walking finally without holding on to anything!!!!!


Back pain, gray hair, a new thread in CAG...Man I'm getting old already. I have a 1.5 year old but never knew about this thread until just now. I can keep up with baby CAGs and complain when I can't play video games on a somewhat regular basis? Too awesome.

I don't know how I handle the two of them together either right now :(

I'll have a crazy house for the next few years.  I pretty much shot gaming out the window (other than clash of clans lol).

My 14 month old is just now getting to the age of really being able to play with my 4.5 year old a bit. My 4.5 year old is really awesome about keeping her eye on her for me too. She frequently "reports" to me if the little one has done something she shouldn't have. But it affords me a little bit of time to check my email or browse the web or play a little Doug Dug. (my new favorite quickie game!)

Speaking of gaming - and I know it was discussed in this thread - I pulled out the wii from storage and fired it up with some Animal Crossing and let my 4.5 year old give it a whirl. After about a minute she was sitting on the couch all frumpy and I asked what was wrong. She said her arm hurt and she was having to let it rest! She wasn't real fond of the wiimote but I gave her the dongle and she's much better with that. I let her pull weeds and pick sea shells up and shake trees. It's right up her alley because she loves animal critters and especially anthropomorphized ones!

Regarding back pain - check! About six months in to my first child my back started hurting. I let it go for about 6 months until I couldn't stand it. Two bulging discs pressing on my spine. Possibly caused by toting that damn pumpkin seat around everywhere! Second one my wife mostly wore her when we were out so I wasn't toting the seat around.

Grey hairs - check! A tiny bit above my ears and in my sideburns area of my beard. Hmm and I don't think I had those before my kids came along ;)

LOLZ...same here except it's in the temples. I'd love to just go gray. I'm gonna be Homer Simpson-ing it soon! :rofl:
I feel the same but I think I missed the baldness train since I'm in my mid 30's with no signs of balding. I have several grey hairs which I don't mind. I would dig a Reed Richards look.

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I'm 25 with 3 herniated/bulging disks and about 20% gray hair haha. I'm in the military so luckily I just keep it very short so it's not really noticeable, but when I forget to get a haircut in reasonable time, I always hear the "Damn dude, you got grey hair!" or "Man, you're getting old!"

I've even had a couple of the new young guys call me gramps! At 25!  :cool:

I feel the same but I think I missed the baldness train since I'm in my mid 30's with no signs of balding. I have several grey hairs which I don't mind. I would dig a Reed Richards look.
I wish I could be so optimistic. My hair's been thinning out in front very slowly, but surely over the last 10 years(I'm 36). I'll have to start using sunscreen on the top of my head by 40. Maybe sooner if I have another kid! :lol:
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I've had gray hairs pop up since I was about 16, only creeping up more often now and more disperse (32 right now), though that was the same for my grandpa and dad (full head of gray hair), so it didn't surprise me.  Still have enough dark hair to counteract it and not get the salt and pepper vibe going on.

With kids and responsibility / tolerance, after I had my first, I didn't think I could handle any more (she was particularly needy / demanding as a toddler, much better now as a 5yo).  Luckily my second was an easy newborn to help ease the transition, but became inquisitive (read destructive) when she hit 2 years, so that became a combustive nightmare when they were together.

Now with a third and the two older ones becoming more physically and verbally combative every day, I don't know how its holding together mentally for me and my wife, but somehow we manage day by day.  The point is I realize now how good I had it with one kid, even two, and how most of the pressure then was self induced.

Learning to let go on things that don't really matter is essential, so you don't realize how much you can handle until you are forced to do so, and then loving the small rewards and awesome parenting moments amongst the chaos.

Learning to let go on things that don't really matter is essential, so you don't realize how much you can handle until you are forced to do so, and then loving the small rewards and awesome parenting moments amongst the chaos.
Couldn't have said it any better. Is this from a movie?

Has anyone seen Maleficent? Is it okay for a 4 1/2 year old?
Too much talk, I'd stick to other disney/pixar movies like Toy Story/Cars. Rio is also a big hit in the family.

I've come to celebrate! My baby started walking finally without holding on to anything!!!!!

I am not sure if "celebrate" is the right word for this. :)

I've had gray hairs pop up since I was about 16, only creeping up more often now and more disperse (32 right now), though that was the same for my grandpa and dad (full head of gray hair), so it didn't surprise me. Still have enough dark hair to counteract it and not get the salt and pepper vibe going on.

With kids and responsibility / tolerance, after I had my first, I didn't think I could handle any more (she was particularly needy / demanding as a toddler, much better now as a 5yo). Luckily my second was an easy newborn to help ease the transition, but became inquisitive (read destructive) when she hit 2 years, so that became a combustive nightmare when they were together.

Now with a third and the two older ones becoming more physically and verbally combative every day, I don't know how its holding together mentally for me and my wife, but somehow we manage day by day. The point is I realize now how good I had it with one kid, even two, and how most of the pressure then was self induced.

Learning to let go on things that don't really matter is essential, so you don't realize how much you can handle until you are forced to do so, and then loving the small rewards and awesome parenting moments amongst the chaos.
You know what, my two kids are now 4.5 and 2... and they are going through the same nightmare as you did. My daughter (2) is now bawling, screaming at the top of her lungs when something doesnt go her way... at first I thought it was just something she picked up from school (which it probably was). But because things go her way 75% of the time, she'll keep doing it. My son is now getting tired of the act and yells back at her and quickly escalates from there. I think I'm gonna need some earplugs soon. Wife and I thought about 3, but then we'd be outnumbered... I think we're gonna settle with two.

Too much talk, I'd stick to other disney/pixar movies like Toy Story/Cars. Rio is also a big hit in the family.

I am not sure if "celebrate" is the right word for this. :)

You know what, my two kids are now 4.5 and 2... and they are going through the same nightmare as you did. My daughter (2) is now bawling, screaming at the top of her lungs when something doesnt go her way... at first I thought it was just something she picked up from school (which it probably was). But because things go her way 75% of the time, she'll keep doing it. My son is now getting tired of the act and yells back at her and quickly escalates from there. I think I'm gonna need some earplugs soon. Wife and I thought about 3, but then we'd be outnumbered... I think we're gonna settle with two.
My wife wants three, but I don't know if I want to go back to diapers and sleepless nights after our second. Hopefully by the time our youngest is 2-3, she'll decide 2 is perfect.

Discussion at 3am last night included "I like the number 2 lets stop here" from my wife so I'm a happy man.

Also a tired man, as I was up at 3am.

With the gray hair comments, I'm starting to fill in some gray hairs now.  Luckily I'm keeping the hair....for now.

We've decided to stop at two. Well - for now we've decided that. Having our second and her being a bit more difficult all around solidified it for me but my wife could possibly be persuaded to have three (not be my though!) I think she's pretty on board with just the two though.

I can't wait until this little poo monster is potty trained. No more peanut butter for me for a while...

I guess it's just one of those things you get used to? :rofl:
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As the month gets closer and closer to the arrival of our first child I notice all the parents who take their kids out to eat and how they over react to their minor misbehavior in public.  During tonight's dinner at TGI Friday's the mother was scolding her kid several times on how to sit...and the kid looked like he was 4 or 5.  Some parents need to chill the fuck out. 

I wasn't even aware this thread existed. Nice... 

I have a 6 year old and a 8 year old. My wife and I had them in the period of my last two years of college and trying to get used to a new job in a new city with adult responsibilities. I feel like just now I can get back into gaming instead of spending 1 to 2 hours on a game and never going back to it. Plus, I can play with my kids... which can get as frustrating as all hell..... My biggest issue now is trying to get back into it without feeling overwhelmed. I keep buying games I wished I had played, and then never play them because I'm afraid to get started.. (makes perfect sense right?)... So now I have tons of backlogged games that never get played....

Otherwise, at 28 I've already achieved some the things mentioned in here.

1. Back pain? Check. Two bulging discs, that are always an issue because my daughter thinks I'm a living, walking playground. 

2. Grey hairs? Check. Could be kids, could be work, could be the overwhelming mountain of games?

3. Hair loss/thinning? Check. See grey hairs for reasons.

I'm probably too young to bitch compared to others, but I kicked off the kid game early and a close friend told me kids add 10 years to your age each. So, I'll just go with that.

To the people complaining about thinning hair... check out Nioxin. It's worked wonders on mine.

Kids eat free at Sweet Tomatoes today and tomorrow with paying adult. You can find the coupon with a Google search. Also, IHOP kids meals are 99 cents after 4 p.m. daily.
Thank god it's a girl...hahaha.
Our daughter was potty trained by 2 1/2 but still at the age of 4 she has the occasional accident. Thankfully no #2 accidents only #1's. Her problem is when she doesn't want to break away from what she's doing, either playing with friends or watching a movie. She seems to have phases. We'll go months without incident but a couple weeks ago there where three days in a row I picked her up from Pre-K with wet underwear. So we had a long talk.

Speaking of schools we've been applying to several Elementary schools since her assigned school seems less then par. Luckily she got excepted to a charter school very close by but still waiting to hear from a few others. Anyone have their kids attend a Montessori? We went to an open house for one and I absolutely loved this school. However I hear Montessori education is great for young kids, but when they reach middle school the method isn't as effective.

Thank god now, but not when they are teenagers. When you have a boy you only have to worry about one penis. When you have a girl you have to worry about all the penises.
That's an interesting way of looking at it...

Our daughter was potty trained by 2 1/2 but still at the age of 4 she has the occasional accident. Thankfully no #2 accidents only #1's. Her problem is when she doesn't want to break away from what she's doing, either playing with friends or watching a movie. She seems to have phases. We'll go months without incident but a couple weeks ago there where three days in a row I picked her up from Pre-K with wet underwear. So we had a long talk.

Speaking of schools we've been applying to several Elementary schools since her assigned school seems less then par. Luckily she got excepted to a charter school very close by but still waiting to hear from a few others. Anyone have their kids attend a Montessori? We went to an open house for one and I absolutely loved this school. However I hear Montessori education is great for young kids, but when they reach middle school the method isn't as effective.
I think I remember someone mentioning like that earlier in this thread. I hope that we don't have those types of issues and like you, I think the best course of action is communication...along with an extra set of clothes...haha.

Personally, I'm completely against charter schools and liken them to snake oil salesmen. Hopefully, I hope Montessori isn't like the ones near where I work. No talking in the halls, no talking at lunch, monitored bathrooms, fines, suspensions for minor infractions,'s literally how they treat people in prison.
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Hopefully, I hope Montessori isn't like the ones near where I work. No talking in the halls, no talking at lunch, monitored bathrooms, fines, suspensions for minor infractions,'s literally how they treat people in prison.
Wow, seriously?! That does sound like a prison. I didn't hear anything about talking in halls/lunch or fines. It seemed like a very chill, relaxed environment. I work with someones who's kids went to the same school and they swear by it. I've researched it and it's a very high rated school. However her chances of getting in are very slim since it is so popular.

Wow, seriously?! That does sound like a prison. I didn't hear anything about talking in halls/lunch or fines. It seemed like a very chill, relaxed environment. I work with someones who's kids went to the same school and they swear by it. I've researched it and it's a very high rated school. However her chances of getting in are very slim since it is so popular.
I think he means charter schools and not Montessoris. Montessoris are schools dedicated to a specific method of teaching. Some charter schools are Montessoris, but not all Montessoris are charter schools. Charter schools can vary greatly in quality, environment, purpose, etc. In some places they are literally schools for kids who get kicked out of the regular public schools so I can see them being run like prisons. The whole charter school system can be a very divisive one apparently. A few here in the Atlanta area are supposed to be very good though, especially considering how the public schools tend to suck here.

Omg, it's amazing how fast kids learn stuff, my daughter has now turned walking into running all over the house and giving grandma heart attacks
most Montessori schools in the area around me go up to first grade and at that point it is time to integrate.  haven't really heard of ones going further than that.

Montessori is popular for people to put their kids in when they are pre-k and maybe kindergarten or first grade. Many just do k there and then do public. Apparently easier transition to public than other more intense private schools like waldorf. There is also reggio emilia which is primarily pre-k and k I think which is getting more popular. Well and there are a ton of others.

We've researched waldorf a fair bit and my wife has read several books (beyond the rainbow bridge and seven times the sun come to mind.) Apparently montessori is similar but not as hardcore. Waldorf is sorta cult-like. And a bit elitist. Anytime you search google and find lots of articles/blog posts that say "life after _fill in the blank_" it's kinda telling. Lots of neat stuff about waldorf though. They put a bit more trust in the child. And don't rush academic learning. They value creativity - like they *really* value it.

My daughter is a late Sept. bday and so would be one of the oldest in her class. That can help with maturity but can cause boredom if your child is smart. We could put her in early and risk maturity issues or put her in normal time and risk boredom. We don't know if our child is immature or smart or neither. We don't care to pretend she's a genius. We've considered montessori k a year early then public k the next year if it doesn't go well or possibly on to 1st grade if it goes well. Would really probably be up to the montessori school and public school though.

I think montessori is probably a nice option if public school is not. Luckily where we live public schools are good. We are moving very soon within our area just to get to a elementary school we think is a better fit for us. Middle and high will stay the same. We also kinda think if one doesn't support the public school systems and discuss with them your wants and concerns they won't ever get any better.

I really have no opinion on charter schools because we don't really have any in our area.

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We also kinda think if one doesn't support the public school systems and discuss with them your wants and concerns they won't ever get any better.
My wife and I are on the same page there, if no one supports their local schools it's only going to get worse. You don't have to be a guinea pig with your own kids, just try to get involved where you can to help improve the situation. Easier said than done, I know, but it has to start somewhere.

In my area the charter schools are rated higher than the general public alternatives, but overall they are pretty equivalent. Maybe my wife and I are a bit lax, but I don't see much of a need to focus more on where or how they learn at the younger age, but pay attention to what they are learning.

It's cliche, but reading is fundamental, so as long as you help your child with that crucial skill outside of the classroom, and pay attention to their homework / teacher feedback, all other lessons will come easier to them and will quell frustration (which can lead to alot of things, paraphrase Yoda here). My oldest has only had K (no pre-K, though my wife was good about teaching basic skills beforehand), but so far so good.

I could go on and on about schools but where you live is a big factor. In high school it's good to have schools that specialize in college credits.
My son is turning 4 in June so we're going to have to start looking at schools soon.  We have a pretty good public school system here and there is also the $25K a year private school that we can send him to :lol:

So we just came back from the 20 week sono.....  We are having a GIRL!!! :whee:

After coming up with a list of names, we both agreed on Lillian Rose (and my last name).  Lillian is my grandmother's name and Rose reminds my wife of her grandmother since she often grew prize winning Roses.  I think my mom and grandmother will be super happy about this when we tell them.

holy shit ...they can do this?!??!?
I can SOOOO see my girl doing this in a few months. I guess that means I should put a playmat by the crib???

We put a mattress by the couch for her to romp around on and climb like a jungle gym. After a couple days, she was able to climb up and down without any problems. She's going to be such a handful... :rofl:

Congrats on the girl! Lillian's a very nice name!
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We actually thought about Carly as the first name.  I had a secret plan to call her after Spike's gf/wife in G1 Transformers.

Here were the other names






5. DEANNA NICHOLE   (DNC)   Named after DeAnna Troi from TNG :p



8. ABIGAIL ROSE   (ARC)   Such a cute name.

9. SELENA NICHOLE   (SNC)        After Selena Kyle from Batman




13. LETA ROSE   (LRC)              After Leta/Leeta from DS9/Babylon 5


15. SHAYERA LYNN   (SLC)        After Hawkgirl from Justice League

I am hoping for a redhead ....but honestly she will probably be blondish/brown hair like her mom. 

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I can SOOOO see my girl doing this in a few months. I guess that means I should put a playmat by the crib???

We put a mattress by the couch for her to romp around on and climb like a jungle gym. After a couple days, she was able to climb up and down without any problems. She's going to be such a handful... :rofl:

Congrats on the girl! Lillian's a very nice name!
When my little girl got older we made a ball pit out of her playpen!!
bread's done