Gamer Women........DO they exist?


I was just curious as to how many gaming women there are out there? I have the hardest time finding them and was starting to doubt their existance. Also if you have a girlfriend who plays games too, how did you two meet?
there are a few on this site, some visit my store, and quite a few of them are quite hot. Then, yes, there are the scary ones too...
My gf plays games. Not hardcore or anything, but she'll always play some Mario Party or Smash Bros. or DDR with me. We grew up together, since I guess I met her in school.
heres the only one still single. She said for you to call! She is really excited to meet you!

Is enjoys long walks through the jungle, playing donkey kong, Playing with bannanas! Loves to monkey around.!

Just like Rig, my girlfriend casually plays video games as well. Tetris, Mario Party, DDR, and Katamari Damacy are games she usually plays. There are some instances where she's interested in a game that I would have never thought she'd be playing. Such as Final Fantasy X and the Naruto fighting games for GameCube.
my wife loves mario party, fable, and she once went on a resident evil binge. I had to watch her play all of them. ( she got to nemisis) I never thought she would play RE. We met at work and she was instantly attarcted to my hansomelee good looks. Plus she tried to play a joke on me and pull my pants down in the parking lot ...slipped right when she did it and took my pants and underware down. She got a good view of the ol sailboat mast WINK WINK and its been love ever since. No reallly!
My fiance plays games a bit. I actually got a 2nd XBOX for her. She enjoys the sims and racing games. She is really into Burnout 3 right now.

She's not hardcore or anything, but she plays.
I got my wife hooked on Crimson Skies a while back. At one point, we'd play together until midnight and I'd have to go to bed, but she'd stay up till 3 a.m. playing her butt off.

She got pretty decent, too.
I don't have interest in women who don't play games :D My gf love games, she even plays them more then me (if she could) :p
I wouldn't call my wife a "gamer" per se, but when she finds a game she likes, she gets hooked pretty hard. Her current obsession is Katamari Damacy, but that pales next to her Animal Crossing fixation. She played that for hours on end, every day for about a year. She's played Pikmin, and played through all of Shrek 2 with our son.

She used to watch me play, but says she can't anymore because "You never do what I want you to do."
My wife plays games. She loves Diablo 2 and she recently got hooked on World of Warcraft. She also likes the Mario Party games and Animal Crossing. We met about 7 years ago, she was my then best friends neighbor. Her younger sister also enjoys gaming very much as well, and she also recently got hooked on World of Warcraft. She pretty much likes the same kinds of games as her sister.
I met my gamer gf at work. She drags me around looking for deals on games. We fight over use of the tv and space to store games in our apartment. She has a ps2, gc, gba, dc and nes. I told her I'm moving out if she gets an Xbox. Rough life, huh? ;)
[quote name='Danimal']I wouldn't call my wife a "gamer" per se, but when she finds a game she likes, she gets hooked pretty hard. Her current obsession is Katamari Damacy, but that pales next to her Animal Crossing fixation. She played that for hours on end, every day for about a year. She's played Pikmin, and played through all of Shrek 2 with our son.

She used to watch me play, but says she can't anymore because "You never do what I want you to do."[/quote]

My wife also is a gamer. I wouldnt say shes hardcore but maybe "seasonal" is the correct word.

She will find a game or type of game she likes and play the crap out of it.

She liked Animal Crossing, Sims, Leisure Larry / Kings Quest, etc.

She likes to watch me play also. She recently got mad that I beat Resident Evil 4 without her so I had to do it again to show her the ending.

This past weekend we had all sorts of plans.. I had picked up Balders Gate for cheap at the Gamestop Buy 2 get 1 and plugged it in to watch the intro and try it out for a minute.

Well the weekend is over and so is the game! She played through the entire thing as a sorcerress. We cancelled most out plans and hung out all weekend. Its never happened to that extent but we have been busy as ever since October of Last year, so we were both due for a full weekend off.

Its was nice!
My wife likes games - mostly puzzle games and things like Katamari, but we also played Super Smash Bros and beat Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance 1 and 2 and Dynasty Warriors 4 together.

Mainly, though, she likes watching me play RPGs and adventure games and helping me "navigate" or whatever. especially in GTA:SA where she can help me watch the mini map and the road at the same time :)
I was hoping to get this kind of feedback. I figured that they were out there, just getting tougher when you don't have school to meet people anymore. My ex used to play a bit, paper mario mainly, but I think she had a problem with the way I was with games............
[quote name='stormshadow']I was just curious as to how many gaming women there are out there? I have the hardest time finding them and was starting to doubt their existance. Also if you have a girlfriend who plays games too, how did you two meet?[/quote]

and by this do you mean HOT game girls?
how many times has this question been asked? There are plenty out there, but most are too embaressed to come out right and say it. My gf is Nintendo fangirl, but she's very quite about it and didn't make any comments about it untill she saw my GC and PS2
I should have mentioed - my wife wasn't much of a gamer when we started dating - just Tetris and Dr Mario and such. Her "gamerness" happened gradually over a period of years.
My girlfriend plays games casually, but gets pretty into specific titles (ff XI, jak2).

EDIT: I met her while hanging out with a mutual friend, if a girl mentions videogames in a conversation without me bringing it up, I take note of it.
[quote name='stormshadow']It's not even an issue of looks. The meeting part is what I am most concerned with.[/quote]

Hah hah. That sounds pretty desperate.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction'][quote name='stormshadow']It's not even an issue of looks. The meeting part is what I am most concerned with.[/quote]

Hah hah. That sounds pretty desperate.[/quote]

Hmm? Because he doesn't want a supermodel, he's desperate? Or maybe I'm missing something.
My wife got me into consoles. Before we got married, she had me take her to EB to buy a Playstation and some games with her income tax refund. Before that I just played PC games and had an old NES and SNES in the closet. She also talked me into buying a Dreamcast. We dropped about $700 buying all the accessories (memory, rumble packs, light guns, racing wheel) and a bunch of games right after Crazy Taxi came out. Then she convinced me we needed all three current consoles as well. She has a DS, I had one too, but returned it before I opened it.
My girlfriend plays a lot of games (and not just for attention). The games she plays by herself are: Cubivore, Dig-Dug, Donkey Kong, Kirby 64, Luigi's Mansion, Mario Pinball Land, Mr. Do!, Pac-Man (or Ms.), Shanghai Pocket (GBC), Snood (GBA), Super Mario 64 (DS), Tetris (any), WarioWare, and last but not least Yoshi's Island (her fav)
The games we play together (from time to time): Animal Crossing, Bust-A-Move (any), Donkey Konga, Final Fantasy:CC Gauntlet (any), Katamari Damacy, Leg of Zelda: 4 Swords, Light gun games (any PS1, PS2, or DC), Mario Kart (any), Mario Party (any), Mortal Kombat (any), Super Smash Bros (any), Trivial Pursuit Unhinged, Worms (Armageddon or 3-D)
Games we've beaten together: Baldur's Gate 2, Champions of Norrath, D&D Heroes, Lord of the Rings: Third Age

Also, for our third year anniversary, she suggested getting a Gamecube (on launch day). She would get Luigi's Mansion and I would get SW: Rouge Leader. She figured that's better than dinner, roses or a movie. She just said "dinner and a movie we can do anytime and roses die after a week or so, but the Gamecube we'll be having fun with for years." ......and who am I to disagree?
Nah no desperation here. Actually I was just seeing if people like myself tend to date people with interest in games.
Man, I must be the luckiest guy on the face of the earth:

It seems like in my school nearly every girl (even the really hot ones) all have their gaming habits. Even though most of the time it'll be a brothers system or something, they still talk about things like karaoke revolution, or DDR, and mainly mainstream stuff, but ive found some hard core gamers in some strange places...

Like last year (8th grade) me and my friend tony were discussing a strategy for a 2v2 starcraft tournament that we were having that day. Seeing as how the people we were fighting were sitting at the table, we move to an empty table near some girls and start talking. Sure enough, about 5 minutes into the conversation one of them asks us "are you talking about starcraft?" sure enough they were all in a clan together (and hot), we played them after school, they PWN'D us, we mentioned the tournament, and they get SECOND PLACE!

I've had other stories (6th grade i tought a girl how to download crap for the sims; 8th grade play party (after our premeire) we're all at someone's house, someone brought a Gamecube, we had a Mario Party tournament; etc) but that one takes the cake.
See I am wondering if this is sort of a younger thing. I am 25 and when I was growing up, gaming wasn't that popular with the ladies (at least you didn't hear about it). It seems nowadays, with all the variety of games out, girls are getting into it more. Problem however is that a 25 year old guy hitting on a 16 year old girl or so is kinda "socially unacceptable" lol
I'm 23. I started off playing mario and other similar games and I know i'm going to get made fun of for this but I got hooked with the Matrix. After beating that i stopped playing for a while but i got a good deal on socom w/ headset and since then i love shooting games :)

btw: thanks to whoever posted that deal on the socom bundle at best buy :)
My girlfriend doesn't play games too much, but more importantly she tolerates me playing them.

However she loves playing the mini games on Mario 64 DS and really likes horror so she actually asked me to play RE4 so she could watch.
[quote name='ElfAngel7']how many times has this question been asked? There are plenty out there, but most are too embaressed to come out right and say it. My gf is Nintendo fangirl, but she's very quite about it and didn't make any comments about it untill she saw my GC and PS2[/quote]

Really? I've never heard of girls being embarrassed about being a gamer. And if there are girls like that, they shouldn't be embarrassed. They should be themselves. I'm a girl, been gaming since I was a little kid, and am proud to say that I am a gamer. In elementary school, it was actually considered cool to be a "gamer". Now, most girls I know know nothing about videogames or even computers (and don't try to know), so I pride myself on being a "minority".
[quote name='stormshadow']See I am wondering if this is sort of a younger thing. I am 25 and when I was growing up, gaming wasn't that popular with the ladies (at least you didn't hear about it). It seems nowadays, with all the variety of games out, girls are getting into it more. Problem however is that a 25 year old guy hitting on a 16 year old girl or so is kinda "socially unacceptable" lol[/quote]

Probably. But if you date a girl who doesn't mind your gaming habits, she will probably end up playing at least a few games herself after awhile. There are so many varied games that most people will like at least one type or genre - you just have to find it!
I met my boyfriend in my high school chemistry class and then started dating him after we took driver's ed together. He's a year older, but I got my license before he did and had to drive him on our first date...and I'm still with him. God, it's going to be 5 years this summer...

But anyway, I love Animal Crossing too. I think there must be something programmed into us women to play that game. I also like puzzle games and DDR. I'm pretty bad at action games, but I'll still play them. My largest collection is for the GBA though.

I actually stopped playing video games for the period between the SNES and the GC. The first time I went over my bf's house, he still had the NES and SNES hooked up so we played that until we ran out of good games.

You don't need a woman that plays games, just one that tolerates your dorky habits.
[quote name='moiety'][quote name='ElfAngel7']how many times has this question been asked? There are plenty out there, but most are too embaressed to come out right and say it. My gf is Nintendo fangirl, but she's very quite about it and didn't make any comments about it untill she saw my GC and PS2[/quote]

Really? I've never heard of girls being embarrassed about being a gamer. And if there are girls like that, they shouldn't be embarrassed. They should be themselves. I'm a girl, been gaming since I was a little kid, and am proud to say that I am a gamer. In elementary school, it was actually considered cool to be a "gamer". Now, most girls I know know nothing about videogames or even computers (and don't try to know), so I pride myself on being a "minority".[/quote]

I always keep my mouth shut whenever I hear someone I don't know talk about video games. Otherwise, I'm pretty open with people I know/like.
[quote name='"stormshadow"']See I am wondering if this is sort of a younger thing. I am 25 and when I was growing up, gaming wasn't that popular with the ladies (at least you didn't hear about it). It seems nowadays, with all the variety of games out, girls are getting into it more. Problem however is that a 25 year old guy hitting on a 16 year old girl or so is kinda "socially unacceptable" lol[/quote]

I'm a few years older than you, and became interested in video games when I saw my (female) cousin's atari 2600. I skipped over the SNES generation of consoles due to lack of money, but started to get into gaming again when the consoles and games started to drop in price and I was old enough to have a job.

I like a variety of games, but am not as hardcore as the men that I know. I do not stay up until 3 am to play a game.

I would recommend something like bust a move or tetris if you want to introduce a girlfriend to gaming. They are quick games that you can play multiplayer, and it is easy to become addicted. I wasted WAY too much time on bust a move when I discovered it in an arcade when I was still a student then picked up the psone version. There is an xbox version out now for $20.
I found out about my wifes closet game addiction with swirl for dreamcast. She played that like it was crack! Anyways I heard the dreamcast was going under so I sold it. She has never let me forget it either!

Anyone have a spare dremcast with two controls and swril? That would be a great valentines day gift ( ya right but hey a crack whore won't turn down crack right??? Even if it comes out a crack!)
bread's done