GamersGate Thread

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[quote name='deviousnaraku']Great, we have to wait ANOTHER week until the next status update. We know with their incompetence that they wont be able to sort this out in their promised timeline.

Has anyone tried contacting Bethesda for their input on the matter (ie, if they're going to revoke keys or not)?[/QUOTE]

You gave me that idea, I just filled the form in Bethesda support.
Guys, all of us should fill it and complain and ask wtf is gonna happen :
I don't know if "100% off" actually meant it was going for $0.00 but it was definitely mispriced to $4.99 earlier (since I bought it).

Really though, $4.99 is a "good" price but not "OMG that must be a mistake!" amazing. Other places have had it at $5.99 or $6.99 lately. I've given up on sharing GG deals on other forums because God only knows how long they'll be good for or if they'll be honored or who knows what. Had I posted the DI "sale", I'd just get confused people saying "says $9.99 for me..."
[quote name='Syntax Error']I don't know if "100% off" actually meant it was going for $0.00 but it was definitely mispriced to $4.99 earlier (since I bought it).

Really though, $4.99 is a "good" price but not "OMG that must be a mistake!" amazing. Other places have had it at $5.99 or $6.99 lately. I've given up on sharing GG deals on other forums because God only knows how long they'll be good for or if they'll be honored or who knows what. Had I posted the DI "sale", I'd just get confused people saying "says $9.99 for me..."[/QUOTE]

Heh you ninja edited on me but yeah I agree 100%.


And that price was close enough to sales at other stores that it was believable that it would be a legitimate price.

I have no idea how to tell what is the correct price they want to sell games for vs a screw up in their system and I doubt they know at this point either because it's still happening.
[quote name='oman19']I do agree they should take the hit but I just don't think they are a big enough company where they CAN take the hit and stay afloat.[/QUOTE]

Aye, most of those games had zero cost to Origin when people picked them up for free. Most were EA titles.

The difference here is GamersGate has to pay for every copy that was undersold due to their price glitches, and thus, they're losing money on every glitch sale.
[quote name='Syntax Error']I don't know if "100% off" actually meant it was going for $0.00 but it was definitely mispriced to $4.99 earlier (since I bought it).

Really though, $4.99 is a "good" price but not "OMG that must be a mistake!" amazing. Other places have had it at $5.99 or $6.99 lately. I've given up on sharing GG deals on other forums because God only knows how long they'll be good for or if they'll be honored or who knows what. Had I posted the DI "sale", I'd just get confused people saying "says $9.99 for me..."[/QUOTE]

I saw the 4.99 price, thought it was well within the normal range, damn, how can they go on doing business like this?? Unless *this* is their business.
[quote name='KirbyLovesTacos']If you make a mistake you have to pay. They're not taking my Dishonored or Skyrim. No way jose.[/QUOTE]

If they succeed in convincing Bethesda you won't have a choice.

Even if they don't the mere fact that they are trying is exceedingly shady as far as I'm concerned. Those keys have already gone out and been activated in any number of different scenarios that make revoking them extremely thorny.

On top of that, they waited a week to announce their intention to do this when previously they had stated that they were in the process of getting the rest of the keys to fill those orders.

Oh and then there's the fact that they still haven't fixed their glitched system yet that caused the problem in the first place and they continue to keep the site up and selling in spite of the fact that they have had glitched pricing on a regular basis now.

I get that they are taking a loss on these if they let it go through but to say the handling of this situation has been poor is putting it mildly.
[quote name='Necrotron']Aye, most of those games had zero cost to Origin when people picked them up for free. Most were EA titles.

The difference here is GamersGate has to pay for every copy that was undersold due to their price glitches, and thus, they're losing money on every glitch sale.[/QUOTE]

I still believe that Origin "glitch" was a planned publicity stunt in order to trick people into using Origin. I had a hard time finding games that were worth getting for free on Origin.
[quote name='Motoki']On top of that, they waited a week to announce their intention to do this when previously they had stated that they were in the process of getting the rest of the keys to fill those orders.[/QUOTE]

This is the only thing I have beef with. I don't care if they revoked glitches, but when you tell people for a week that they'll get keys in January, THEN remove them, it rubs me the wrong way.
[quote name='ddearce']You gave me that idea, I just filled the form in Bethesda support.
Guys, all of us should fill it and complain and ask wtf is gonna happen :[/QUOTE]

That is for game support, you will quickly get dispatched from there, use this one instead: (move it to location closer to your country)

Nevermind that, it is not working, at least not here.
[quote name='Motoki']If they succeed in convincing Bethesda you won't have a choice.[/QUOTE]
What if I set my Steam account to offline mode, unplug my computer from the internet and refuse to reconnect it for months until I finish all my games, huh?

Game, set, match.
Thankfully I was able to get all my keys the night I bought the pack so my order was fully fulfilled and not partially so I'm guessing I'm fine since it doesn't mention anything about those who have received all their keys now.
[quote name='KaOTiK']Thankfully I was able to get all my keys the night I bought the pack so my order was fully fulfilled and not partially so I'm guessing I'm fine since it doesn't mention anything about those who have received all their keys now.[/QUOTE]

If you think that if they will go through the trouble of nagging the publisher to deactivate a bunch of keys that were sold below cost that they are going to be selective about which ones they have them shut off, well you have a better opinion of them they I do.

I don't see them separating out 'Oh this one got all the keys redeemed, this one is missing one, this one had three, oh four here...'
[quote name='Motoki']If they succeed in convincing Bethesda you won't have a choice.

Even if they don't the mere fact that they are trying is exceedingly shady as far as I'm concerned. Those keys have already gone out and been activated in any number of different scenarios that make revoking them extremely thorny.[/QUOTE]

See, I'm not convinced they are trying to convince Bethesda here. That many copies of Skyrim, Doom 3, and Dishonored, as well as numerous lesser games, at that sort of discount is going to depress potential sales on those games moving forward through 2013. There's a reason publishers have agreements with retailers on what prices can be offered.

Bethesda may very well feel that every one of those sales was unauthorized by them, and want them all revoked. In that case I don't think Gamersgate would be revoking them in order to sell them again. They'd be revoking them and (I'd guess) losing access to Bethesda's catalog entirely. Maybe 2k's catalog as well. You might see some others pull their products as well, at least until Gamersgate can show a system that can at least quickly fix any future glitches.

[quote name='elessar123']This is the only thing I have beef with. I don't care if they revoked glitches, but when you tell people for a week that they'll get keys in January, THEN remove them, it rubs me the wrong way.[/QUOTE]

Getting more keys, possibly at a discount, and fulfilling the orders likely would have been the best resolution for Gamersgate. They'd take a financial hit, but they're going to take one anyway with lost business moving forward. I don't doubt they would have loved to just get the keys to fill those Bethesda orders and been done with it.

I can well imagine how the discussion between Gamersgate and Bethesda ran when the possibility of getting more keys to fill these orders came up. I'm guessing the answer was either No or fuck No.
[quote name='Motoki']If you think that if they will go through the trouble of nagging the publisher to deactivate a bunch of keys that were sold below cost that they are going to be selective about which ones they have them shut off, well you have a better opinion of them they I do.

I don't see them separating out 'Oh this one got all the keys redeemed, this one is missing one, this one had three, oh four here...'[/QUOTE]

I made the comment because they did not say anything about orders that are fully fulfilled which would lead me to believe that they aren't going to be able to do anything in those cases as it the transaction is totally complete and not partially.
[quote name='Punisher138']I still believe that Origin "glitch" was a planned publicity stunt in order to trick people into using Origin. I had a hard time finding games that were worth getting for free on Origin.[/QUOTE]

Mirror's Edge
Dead Space
Dragon Age 1 and 2
Burnout Paradise

None of those games aren't worth getting for free? Most don't even require Origin to run. :roll:
[quote name='KaOTiK']I made the comment because they did not say anything about orders that are fully fulfilled which would lead me to believe that they aren't going to be able to do anything in those cases as it the transaction is totally complete and not partially.[/QUOTE]

And of course they have never contradicted anything they have said in the past.

We'll see. Like I said, I have very little faith in them at this point.
[quote name='Lone_Prodigy']Mirror's Edge
Dead Space
Dragon Age 1 and 2
Burnout Paradise

None of those games aren't worth getting for free? Most don't even require Origin to run. :roll:[/QUOTE]

Sorry, I meant of the ones I didnt already own
[quote name='Motoki']If you think that if they will go through the trouble of nagging the publisher to deactivate a bunch of keys that were sold below cost that they are going to be selective about which ones they have them shut off, well you have a better opinion of them they I do.

I don't see them separating out 'Oh this one got all the keys redeemed, this one is missing one, this one had three, oh four here...'[/QUOTE]

Yea, I don't think GG wants to figure out how many keys from each bundle were redeemed. It has to be all or none for refunds, and it's certainly not going to be none.

Maybe they'll let anybody who redeemed at least one key keep the entire bundle, but otherwise I think universal refunds and key revocations are in store.
I bought Ghost Recon from them the day that all of this went down, with Blue Coins. The order was fulfilled, game in library, but I didn't get a code. An hour or so later, they've "canceled" the order, keep in mind it was completed already, and refunded my Blue Coins. Kinda ticks me off that just because I made the purchase with BC they decided they could simply cancel the order.

I'll be messaging support about it.
[quote name='Lone_Prodigy']Mirror's Edge
Dead Space
Dragon Age 1 and 2
Burnout Paradise

None of those games aren't worth getting for free? Most don't even require Origin to run. :roll:[/QUOTE]

Many of them are worth getting for free, but none are the latest and greatest. They've all been around for awhile, had price drops and been on big sales.
[quote name='Severose']I bought Ghost Recon from them the day that all of this went down, with Blue Coins. The order was fulfilled, game in library, but I didn't get a code. An hour or so later, they've "canceled" the order, keep in mind it was completed already, and refunded my Blue Coins. Kinda ticks me off that just because I made the purchase with BC they decided they could simply cancel the order.

I'll be messaging support about it.[/QUOTE]

Who are you and what have you done with Severose the Gamersgate defender? ;)
[quote name='Motoki']Who are you and what have you done with Severose the Gamersgate defender? ;)[/QUOTE]

He went out the door when I woke up to your PM and that post. :lol:

Nah, I'll still give them the benefit of the doubt, until I hear from support like I said. If they don't sort it out, then there'll be hell to pay.
Doubtful EA was effected very much. They own the games that were accidentally sold for free, and all they lost were potential sales (which is a small fraction of the free games people downloaded, not many would have paid the $20 for the games). Plus they are a big multibillion corporation.

It is hard to say how many Bethesda bundles sold, I'd guess at least 5,000. And if it cost say $70 to GG (was more than likely a loss leader at the actual $90 price, but I am being conservative), that is still a $40 x 5k loss. A small company like GG can't eat a $200k loss like that.

Their response has been ridiculous though
The message says they cancelled unfulfilled orders...but I still have two copies of the Bethesda collection. Hmm.
Same status than Yesterday, i can still see the games on my account and all the keys i was able to reveal, when i click on DOOM 3 or Rage the same message pops up: "Unfortunately, we are out of serial keys. The developers have been contacted and we will supply keys as soon as they are delivered to us. We apologize for the inconvenience."

No email, no refund, nothing from Paypal.
[quote name='Severose']I bought Ghost Recon from them the day that all of this went down, with Blue Coins. The order was fulfilled, game in library, but I didn't get a code. An hour or so later, they've "canceled" the order, keep in mind it was completed already, and refunded my Blue Coins. Kinda ticks me off that just because I made the purchase with BC they decided they could simply cancel the order.

I'll be messaging support about it.[/QUOTE]

Get over it
[quote name='Severose']I bought Ghost Recon from them the day that all of this went down, with Blue Coins. The order was fulfilled, game in library, but I didn't get a code. An hour or so later, they've "canceled" the order, keep in mind it was completed already, and refunded my Blue Coins. Kinda ticks me off that just because I made the purchase with BC they decided they could simply cancel the order.[/QUOTE]
They revoked/refunded my order through Paypal as well and never gave me the key. So it wasn't because you used Blue Coins, it was just more ass-covering.

To add insult to injury, the stupid game still sits in my inventory, unable to be used because it has no key.
[quote name='Syntax Error']They revoked/refunded my order through Paypal as well and never gave me the key. So it wasn't because you used Blue Coins, it was just more ass-covering.

To add insult to injury, the stupid game still sits in my inventory, unable to be used because it has no key.[/QUOTE]

Same here. Grrr...

Oh wait, I forgot I was over it, my bad.
[quote name='etcrane']OMG, are you me ... exact same thing .. well, except I also activated RAGE in addition to skyrim and dishonored, but yeah, my 2nd set disappeared and I haven't heard anything / no refunds ... so keep me posted and I'll do the same[/QUOTE]
Good to know I'm not the only one this happened to. I just filed a support ticket with them asking to either explain what happened to my second pack or to issue me the refund I am due if they indeed canceled it. I'll let you know what I hear back from them.
Ugh, they are going to kick the can down the road another week?
And they messed up Dead Island's price? (which was pretty much market price)

Yep, it's official. I'm never giving these guys another dime no matter how many "blue coins" they throw at me. I can't tell what's a real sale and what's a "mistake" with these guys.
Let me ask this, who's still going to shop from GG if/when they cancel these mistake orders? To me it's just gonna leave a bad taste in my mouth. Maybe if they create some makeup/we're sorry bundle we can talk.
[quote name='jrodri86']Same status than Yesterday, i can still see the games on my account and all the keys i was able to reveal, when i click on DOOM 3 or Rage the same message pops up: "Unfortunately, we are out of serial keys. The developers have been contacted and we will supply keys as soon as they are delivered to us. We apologize for the inconvenience."

No email, no refund, nothing from Paypal.[/QUOTE]

They released a statement on this on FB/Twitter saying that if your getting this message, their giving the keys in mid-January. Up to you if you want to wait.
Luckily the only keys I don't have from the Bethesda pack are Fallout 3, Brink, and Rogue Warrior lol.

Just got the message of out of stock keys on of the keys on my BL2 Packs, there's a show serial key button now. No sign of revoke yet, so they might honor it.

I was able to get one of the Borderlands 2 packs and gifted one myself to the account before it went down.

I downloaded the game yesterday but it prompted me for the serial, which I did not have. My game is still seating on the shelf, but I now see a "Show Serial Key" tab, which was not there yesterday.

I get the same message everyone is getting. weird.
[quote name='shrinerr']Let me ask this, who's still going to shop from GG if/when they cancel these mistake orders? To me it's just gonna leave a bad taste in my mouth. Maybe if they create some makeup/we're sorry bundle we can talk.[/QUOTE]

It depends on what happens. I have a partially redeemed BL2 bundle. If they cancel my yet-to-be-redeemed keys without giving me some kind of compensation, that would annoy me. But if they canceled my totally unredeemed Bethesda pack, I would actually be okay with that. I'm used to price mistakes not being upheld so it doesn't bother me, despite the promises they made earlier. They're stuck with really crappy choices.

At the end of the day if they offer a good deal I'd still shop there.

But if they revoke already-redeemed keys, I would be super pissed. I traded away/sold many keys not thinking they would be revoked. I would have unintentionally ripped off many people, and there is no way they could compensate me for that.
I now regret every non-steam redeemable purchase that I've ever made on Gamersgate. Because I'm simply not convinced that they're gonna still be in business 3 months from now and I will almost certainly loose access to all that stuff.

Now I'm gonna have to download all that stuff and keep it backed up. What a frickin' nightmare. And I bought the 1C pack from them. That's like 75 games right there.
[quote name='The End']I now regret every non-steam redeemable purchase that I've ever made on Gamersgate. Because I'm simply not convinced that they're gonna still be in business 3 months from now and I will almost certainly loose access to all that stuff.

Now I'm gonna have to download all that stuff and keep it backed up. What a frickin' nightmare. And I bought the 1C pack from them. That's like 75 games right there.[/QUOTE]

I feel the same way, and not only that.. the price mistakes are getting more consistent every day. I haven't purchased much on GG, so it's not much of a loss to me, but they are going to go out of business if they don't fix their site so it doesn't constantly pump out price mistakes.
[quote name='The End']I now regret every non-steam redeemable purchase that I've ever made on Gamersgate. Because I'm simply not convinced that they're gonna still be in business 3 months from now and I will almost certainly loose access to all that stuff.

Now I'm gonna have to download all that stuff and keep it backed up. What a frickin' nightmare. And I bought the 1C pack from them. That's like 75 games right there.[/QUOTE]

Time ask Tony at Amazon again about that cheap 1C pack. :p

But yeah, I feel the same. They have about the credibility of a Russian key seller in my eyes right now. I'd better go download all my non-Steam stuff from them when I get home too. What a pain.

If they are desperate enough to try to get the publisher to yank those keys then they must have lost an awful lot of money on the whole mess.

The crazy thing is their system is still screwed up and they still continue to have sales regardless of this fact.
Their system constantly screwing up despite how long they "freeze" it to make sure everything's right before they let it flip (when did the 3 AM EST deals finally turnover?) has gotten past being hilarious, it's just sad. Like watching a friend walk into a table corner, it's funny as all hell. But then he does it again, and you feel like something is wrong beyond his control. I can't find the humor in this anymore, to me, poking fun at GamersGate now is like making fun of retarded children. I honestly don't think they can do better.
[quote name='The End']I now regret every non-steam redeemable purchase that I've ever made on Gamersgate. Because I'm simply not convinced that they're gonna still be in business 3 months from now and I will almost certainly loose access to all that stuff.

Now I'm gonna have to download all that stuff and keep it backed up. What a frickin' nightmare. And I bought the 1C pack from them. That's like 75 games right there.[/QUOTE]

Can you backup their stuff without installing it? One of the reasons I have been wary of GG is that you need to be on line to activate an installation (as far as I can tell, I most buy steamable games there). I would love to be wrong about this.
[quote name='CrimsonTribe']Can you backup their stuff without installing it? One of the reasons I have been wary of GG is that you need to be on line to activate an installation (as far as I can tell, I most buy steamable games there). I would love to be wrong about this.[/QUOTE]

I think that all of the installers do have to contact their servers, yes. To be honest, I've never tried downloading one of their installers and then running it while being completely offline.
[quote name='ral1121']OK................

I was able to get one of the Borderlands 2 packs and gifted one myself to the account before it went down.

I downloaded the game yesterday but it prompted me for the serial, which I did not have. My game is still seating on the shelf, but I now see a "Show Serial Key" tab, which was not there yesterday.

I get the same message everyone is getting. weird.[/QUOTE]
Don't bother downloading it as the game is Steamworks anyways.

The message as they addressed it what the system does when there are no keys left to be handed out. The fact that its now showing the "Show Serial Key" is a good sign tho.

walkonshadows - accurate sentiment
[quote name='CrimsonTribe']Can you backup their stuff without installing it? One of the reasons I have been wary of GG is that you need to be on line to activate an installation (as far as I can tell, I most buy steamable games there). I would love to be wrong about this.[/QUOTE]

Oh jeeze, I don't even know. I had just assumed that I could just download installers for each game.

If I need to contact the site to install/activate those games, I can pretty much kiss all of those games goodbye.
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