Games for Kinect


106 (100%)
So i just got a kinect and have a lack of games for it. I have the kinect adventures that game with it and wreckateer. can anyone suggest some good games. hardcore preferred if possible, lol.
Most people will disagree, but i think Star Wars Kinect is decent - except for the dancing mini game. The campaign is fairly fun and can be played co-op, and rancor rampage is pretty fun. Good sub-$20 game, in my opinion.

Kinect Sports (Season two if you can snag it on the cheap) can be pretty fun as well, it has a good variety of games.

Gunstringer and Child Of Eden are very solid games for the kinect, too :)

Besides that... it's mainly dancing and exercise games.
That should come with Fruit Ninja Kinect. Download the Kinect Fun Labs stuff for some freebies. Any chance you added Kinect Party to your download queue when it was free in December?
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Barts has boutiques such as Hermès, Armani, Ralph Lauren, Cartier and Prada. Affluence is everywhere because the island is hard to get to, and not well known. So it attracts celebrities such as Steven Spielberg, Elton John, Leonardo DiCaprio and Mariah Carey..

Îles Falkland et dépendances. Féroé (îles). Fidji. 13. Ready-to-wear: always out of my comfort zone. The runway is Wang's chance to show off who she is and her aesthetic. It is also our nature to go away from and avoid anything that is physically, emotionally, or socially uncomfortable. It doesn't feel good and if someone isn't self-aware enough or strong enough to believe that the comfort or lack thereof is only a instinctual reaction and does not adhere to logic, they are easily manipulated back to what is comfortable. Regardless of whether or not it is right, it is what they know and we are a rountine and comfort based race.

Beyond the Greek myths, Medusa (or rather her head) has been used a a protective symbol among the ancient Greeks. The Renaissance artists used her, as well as Perseus, to depict a triumphant hero as well as evoke horror. The painting above on the right, entitled Medusa, was painted by Caravaggio in 1597.

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These organizations more closely resemble gigantic garage sales than their computerized cousins in Chicago or London. In the past two years 15,000 exchanges have sprung up across the country in nearly every major city. The largest, the Russian exchange, rents the ground floor of the Moscow Post Office, an apt site since the building housed the old city stock exchange before the 1917 revolution.

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Barts has boutiques such as Hermès, Armani, Ralph Lauren, Cartier and Prada. Affluence is everywhere because the island is hard to get to, and not well known. So it attracts celebrities such as Steven Spielberg, Elton John, Leonardo DiCaprio and Mariah Carey..

Îles Falkland et dépendances. Féroé (îles). Fidji. 13. Ready-to-wear: always out of my comfort zone. The runway is Wang's chance to show off who she is and her aesthetic. It is also our nature to go away from and avoid anything that is physically, emotionally, or socially uncomfortable. It doesn't feel good and if someone isn't self-aware enough or strong enough to believe that the comfort or lack thereof is only a instinctual reaction and does not adhere to logic, they are easily manipulated back to what is comfortable. Regardless of whether or not it is right, it is what they know and we are a rountine and comfort based race.

Beyond the Greek myths, Medusa (or rather her head) has been used a a protective symbol among the ancient Greeks. The Renaissance artists used her, as well as Perseus, to depict a triumphant hero as well as evoke horror. The painting above on the right, entitled Medusa, was painted by Caravaggio in 1597.

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These organizations more closely resemble gigantic garage sales than their computerized cousins in Chicago or London. In the past two years 15,000 exchanges have sprung up across the country in nearly every major city. The largest, the Russian exchange, rents the ground floor of the Moscow Post Office, an apt site since the building housed the old city stock exchange before the 1917 revolution.

The tricky assignment was the eleventh one. Eurystheus asked Hercules to get the Apples of the Hesperides. These were the golden apples gifted by Hera to Zeus. In 2010 autumn, how can we miss silk scarves this fashion trends? Yes, more and more people pay attention on details, while silk scarve is the charming detail in the whole dress. For example, Hermes silk scarves are always bashful whenever and wherever. After we select a beautiful silk scarf back home, the next thing we should know is how to tie it will be more beautiful.[/QUOTE]

I hope the achievements are easy for that one.
I liked Gun Stringer.
Fable looked ok, but I never tried it.
Rise of nightmare... pretty cheap. Good reviews on Amazon.
Kinect party is great for kids... or maybe a group. But not hardcore.
[quote name='not2worried']
Rise of nightmare... pretty cheap. Good reviews on Amazon.[/QUOTE]

That was the first game that got me interested in an Xbox for Kinect.

I tried the demo for it and found the controls to be atrocious. Very finicky.
As others have said, Child of Eden, Rise of Nightmares, Fable:The Journey. I liked the Gunstringer demo and have been waiting for it to get cheap, then I'll pick that up. The first Kinect Sports was pretty good, haven't played #2 yet.

One that a lot of people grumble about, but I really enjoyed, is Haunt. XBL title.

There are quite a few demos on XBL. I suggest downloading a handful of those and seeing what you think. Overwhelmingly, I enjoy the Kinect, and have an easier time overlooking the shortcomings. Probably because I've seen $50,000 technology have the same tracking limitations. What they packed in to that device for a $150 gaming peripheral is absolutely incredible.
I'm a Kinect noob as well as an Xbox noob. Someone gave me an Xbox 360 with a bunch of games and I used some of the games to get a Kinect by trading them in.

What I have learned about Kinect games is, research ALL games that say BETTER WITH KINECT if you are interested in more than just talking to Kinect!:bomb: I am a bit p'ed that I bought Forza Horizon LE($30.11 Amazon deal) and it only has voice feature for Kinect. Someday, I'll get Forza 4(not Forza 4 Essentials/partial game). I do really like the Forza Horizon theme song, though! WOW!:D

Gamefly had Ghost Recon Future Soldier for $9.99 free shipping. I should have got it to play around with even though I'm not an FPS chick. Hmmm... Maybe I will buy that if I see it for $10, again.

I saw that $11.98 Gunstringer at Target, around a week ago, and left it. Maybe if it gets cheaper.

Best Buy has a buy 2 get 1 free pre-owned deal going on. Many Kinect games. Search for specific games to get the pre-owned price to show up.

This guy is really good for Kinect Game Reviews!!!!!!:
so far i have:

Kinect Adventures
Child of Eden
Fruit Ninja Kinect

i think i got a decent amount for now. Now to find a good deal on dance central 3, i have to have at least one dance game. lol

also those looking for gunstringer, i got it at target on clearance for 11.98. it probably YMMV, i did post a pic inthe target clearance thread for interesed parties. it has the dcpi number if anyone wants to hunt.

i'm gonna check if i added kinect party, it seems like something i would queue up, thats how i got wreckateer
Got Fable for Kinect for $10 from Best Buy and the XBL deal thread is showing Haunt is 400MSP/$5. Gonna get that, too.
and just ordered dance central 3. i think that should fix me up for kinect games for now. i shouldn't even be thinking about fable journey but now i am. i didn't like the regular fables games, didn't hate them but felt the were meh. final list stands at

Kinect Adventures
Child of Eden
Fruit Ninja Kinect
NBA Baller Beats
Dance Central 3
Child of Eden, Dance Central (3), Fruit Ninja Kinect.

At one point Haunt, Wreckateer, Mars Rover, Kinect Fun Labs, and Kinect Party were free (and or still are).
bread's done