Games of the past, that you would remake if you could.

Panzer Dragoon Saga.

Excellent game that was seen by nearly nobody since it was released in very small quantities after the Saturn was given up for dead by Sega.

Ported to the PSP it could be a very inexpensive project for such an epic since so much of the existing assets could be reused with little work. Brought to the PS2, Xbox, or GameCube it could receive serious graphic upgrades but need little change to the gameplay. I was surprised Sega never saw fit to give this one a second chance.

Taking it to the PS3 or Xbox 360 would introduce so many new possibilities that it would have to almost be treated as an entirely new project with a lot of pre-existing material, like adapting a comic book ot animated series to a game.

What I'd really like is both a port of the original to PSP or current consoles, then a new game in the same style for next gen systems.
[quote name='Puffa469']I'd remake River City Ransom for the nes.

And I wholeheartedly agree with some of the other games people have mentioned, like Bionic Commando, and Kid Icarus.[/QUOTE]

Because of the hype with these, i am honestly shocked it hasnt happened.
Wonder Boy, Bonk's Adventure, Splatterhouse, Double Dragon, Streets of Rage, Jackal, Kid Icarus, Punch Out, Alex Kidd, Rush'n Attack, Smash TV
My answer would be Starfox FX.
And perhaps Little Computer People (anybody knows that game still?).
I'd love to see a Ms. Pac-man remake. Same graphics just 100+ levels that are nothing more than one screen (no scrolling like in Jr. Pac-man), 4 power pellets, 4 ghosts and the bouncy fruit. That's it. No fancy powerups, no 3D graphics - keep it simple.
[quote name='coltyhuxx']
How bout a new tileset for Ultima V.. haven't seen any RPG with depth like that one. Remake any of the RPG's of today:eek:nly addendum... a cloth map. What happened to those. I dunno if that's relevant to the topic here, as far as upgrades, but dammit, we need more cloth maps in our game boxes.[/QUOTE]

Uses the Dungeon Siege Engine.
Looks pretty good.
The Legend of Dragoon. Man, this game is so awesome. I would love to play it with next gen graphics.

It would also be nice to see the streets of rage series get a graphical revamp.
- Kid Chameleon

- Splatter House

- Zombies Are My Neighbors

- BattleToads

- Double Dragon

- River City Ransom

- Rocket Knight Adventures

- Streets of Rage

- Duke Nukem

- The Mutant League sports series (which kinda sucked, but the concept was great)

And I'd love to re-adapt Super Mario Bros.
hell what game couldnt do with some kind of remake especially the great ones.

Darkwing Duck. I loved this cartoon growing up and it sucks it never got a decent game( the nes title sucked bigtime) so id do it all over with next gen graphics and create the whole of st canard and give you free roam over it all. itd be cool to have to balance out being darkwing as well as drake mallard.

Resident evil 2 and 3 ( id use the re 4 game engine and rebuild those 2 games from the ground up and make them more action related games especially re 2. id love to make a sort of side bonus story where you get to be in racoon city as it falls and do it from the point of view of one of the cops. id make the zombies faster and make it necessary to do head shots to finish them and add in limb specific damage so you could take off an arm and thyed keep coming ect.

ET( id love to play that game exactluy the same only with next gen graphics. imagine falling into that pit over and over again but with sweet realistic graphics damn thatd be sweet (jk).

shadowman dc( that game was perfect as is but id love to see it with ps3 level graphics same thing for the legacy of Kain and soul reaver series which btw wtf happened with that series did it end or not because i played defiance and it seemed like there was more left to go.

street fighter 2010( i dunno how you could amke it a 3d game but id love to see it done).

Land of the Dead. I think they dropped the ball with that game completly as they do with alot fo zombie games. id remake it and do it from the point of view of either someone trying to get to the city from an infected area or from the point of view of people in the city. you can switch from being one of those peopel who go out for supplies, to one of the citizens in poor town and from the military guys protecting the city and to also be someone in the green. id also like to make a kind of action mmorpg with this story. and like always they need to make games where head shots kill not body shots.and tons of zombies all over.

castelvannia: i love most of the games but they need to change things up . id set it in a complete world and make it where you can hire out to do jobs like hunting werewolves, or fighting monsters and such. it sucks to just go into one castle and fight and thats it itd be cool to do more kind of in a vampre hunter d kind of way.

every freakin transformers game. i want to play a good transformers game period i heard the last one was ok but we need something great for those of us who grew up on the show. i want to play a 3d fighting game based off of the original transformers.
I would love remakes of:

Master of Magic
X-com (the original)
Wing Commander
Mechwarrior 2
The Gold Box PC Dungeons and Dragons games (Pool of Radiance, Curse of the Azure Bonds and Secret of the Silver Blades)
Dungeon Keeper

I'm sure I'll think of others but these come to mind at this moment for me.
i'd remake Chrono Trigger. completely rehaul the graphics, re-record the original music with a full concert orchestra, cutscenes for the talking bits, GOOD voice acting, redo/add more endings...
Only game I'd really like a remake of is Ocarina of Time in either Cel shaded or just an update like TP... then maybe I could actually survive through the game without being turned away from the graphics.
After spending hours in Okami, I would like to go back to Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker and strip out all the fetch quests, bottles, horses, boats, fishing, ridiculous 3D jumping/floating/swinging issues and all the crap that is just not fun to play but everyone puts up with only because it's Zelda.

Burning Rangers. Why Sega never revisited this idea is beyond me. Take something like Hulk: Ultimate Destruction's engine, with its cityscape and buildings, and let there be firefighting on the outside and inside of buildings. Decide to leave the characters the way they are and heighten the cheese factor, or go the whole 9 yards with the anime and voice acting.

And two words: Lego Batman
RIVER CITY RANSOM! lol ya that would be an awesome remake. But...actually I wonder if that'd be any good. I mean watching the expressions and the funny movements while you played with a friend and threw a stick at him across the screen was half the fun. If you did that with todays graphics it would just become like a GTA >_>
A fully updated Doom / Doom 2 game that doesn't go down the path of doom 3.

- Full 3d graphics with multiple planes, water depth/acid/lava.
- More to the roots of doom and not a re-telling of the story. Make areas of the game familiar to the oldschool doom players, but keep it fresh. Each episode would have about 2-4 more levels attached to them.
- Nightmare mode split into two modes: Nightmare Mode - Enemies respawn within 2-8 minutes depending on how powerful the enemy is (Weaker the quicker). Hell Mode - Same as Nightmare mode is in Doom Now: Enemies respawn within a 30 second timeframe.
- Full Aiming
- Headshots do more damage / Close shotgun blasts would almost always be
- 2 more weapon types and 2 grenade types - A Sniper rifle and a m16- type rifle that is a bit weaker than the machine gun (but still rapid fire, the new machine gun would be a faster weapon than doom currently offers) and a frag grenade plus a sticky grenade.
- Alternate firing modes for the weapons for double barrel shotgun and higher ( one barrel at a time firing mode, etc)
- 3x the enemy types, more humanoid zombie types with diffrent weapons ( a sargent x2 in hitpoints with a double barrel shotgun, etc)
- Same style of puzzles and new ways to die (Side wall crushers, saws, etc)
- 32 player support akin to Q3A
- Xbox 360 and PC support

and the number one change..

- Keep the old doom guy and upgrade his face as it should be a indicator on how badly your hurt.
Top on my list would be 3D remakes of the Baldur's Gate games (with expansion packs). I would want more sidequests, more characters, and more areas, and an update to D&D 3.5 rules. I would also give the characters from BG1 more personality like the characters in Baldur's Gate 2. I don't remember very many random conversations in BG1, which was something I loved about BG2.
I would remake RE0-3& CV RE 4 style (though I guess they are kind of doing that with the Wii Resident Evil game). I would also make them a little bit longer.
I would like to see Morrowind upgraded with the Oblivion graphic engine and other upgrades seen in Oblivion (I don't like loosing stamina when I run, and I don't like random dice roll combat in first person games). Hopefully someone is making a mod like this for the PC version of Oblivion.
I would also like to see a Chrono Trigger remake for the DS, and I really want to see Perfect Dark on XBLA (it doesn't even have to be a major upgrade. A higher resolution, a rocksolid framerate, and online play would be the only upgrades I need).
[quote name='BasketCase1080']welll... since you were speaking of kingdom hearts, I would change the voice casting. I mean come on, lance bass, haley joel osmet, and mandy moore? I think the game woulda been better if the voices cast were of no names, than ou wouldnt bring outside info in while you were playing. I kept thinking of the sixth sense, bye bye bye, and candy whenever I heard any of these three peoples voices. Its what made me quit the game half way through... perhaps Ill start again now that kh2 is out.[/quote] I actually like Haley Joel's voice acting.

I say Earthbound Zero in english. Of course, that would be too obvious.
I'd like a Guardian Heroes remake using the Guilty Gear engine with four player co-op and six player online arena battles. A Dark Savior remake would be cool too.
Oh I also would like the Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck game from the sega genesis to be recreated with coop... that was an awesome game
bread's done