Games That Have Terrible Voice-Overs.

Some characters in various games of Dynasty Warriors. They wouldn't be so bad if you knew the voice actors before them kicked ass.
While I liked John 'Bender' DiMaggio's work in FF X, WTF was up with the accent? He seemed to be from an ethnic group not shared by any other character in the game yet supposedly had grown up in the same village with Lulu and his Blitzball team mates.
[quote name='camoor']Soul Calibur 2

The WORST, hands down[/QUOTE]

No one here has ever played The first Way of the Samurai.

The worst ever it beats SC2 by a very little bit.
Baten Kaitos is pretty bad, actually turning off voice acting makes the game a much better experience.
[quote name='Graystone']No one here has ever played The first Way of the Samurai.

The worst ever it beats SC2 by a very little bit.[/QUOTE] you mean Way of the Samurai 2? There was very little va in the first one.
Baten Kaitos
Star Ocean: Til the End of Time

The MGS series has great voice acting, as does the Legacy of Kain series.
How about the first Devil May Cry? I recall Dante fighting some boss and screaming out "Let me fill your dark heart with my liiiiiiiight".
I wouldn't say that Star Ocean had bad voice-acting. It just seemed a little...exaggerated. Like Cliff for example tried to sound way too macho and superhero-ish to the point where it kinda sounded like a caricature for the archtype (hell look at his jawline).
King of Fighter: Maximum Impact had the worst voice work I have ever heard.
No mentions for Shadow Hearts yet? The voices are mediocre for the most part but it goes straight to hell when you have to listen to that Sea Mother monologue. That and the fact the voices seemed to switch from japanese to english at random points.
[quote name='GreenMonkey']OMG :rofl:

Star Ocean Til the End of Time has excellent voice acting for all the primary characters.

Adray's VA is Beau Billingslea - Jet Black on Cowboy Bebop

Albel Nox is done by Crispin Freeman (VA for Fuma in X TV, Hideki in Chobits, also in Wolf's Rain and numerous others)

Nel Zelpher is Wendee Lee (Faye in Cowboy Bebop)

The guy that does Fayt Leingod is the same guy that did Kamui in X TV...

The guy that does Cliff is apparently Dave Wittenberg...Subaru Sumeragi in X TV

Now some of the secondary characters...they are weak. Especially Nel's 2 girl assistants or whatever they are.

Excellent dub job, all experienced anime dub VAs. Sometimes the writing is a little weird but you will get that from the translation. The only time I wince is those secondary characters and NPCs, the primaries are all great.

You are calling the VA's from Cowboy Bebop terrible VAs! :rofl: What do you want, fricking Morgan Freeman or something? You don't get much better than the Bebop VAs. And Crispin Freeman owns!

Bad voice acting is like, the aforementioned Castlevania SOTN, Soul Calibur II, etc. Now that's bad![/QUOTE]

Good voice actors can have bad recording sessions if the director is incompetent and nobody has a clear idea what these characters are like as people and what the actors should be seeking to vocally embody. It requires the same amount of work as voice for animation but that is often ignored in game production. If you want to do something, do it right or it might be better left out of the production. It's like having a movie ruined by a painfully bad visual effect that jars the audience into remembering this is just a movie instead of holding their belief until the credits roll.

Pixar gets good results because the writers and editors really know who these characters are. One of these was the recently deceased Joe Ranft:

He did the voice of Heimlich the caterpillar in 'A Bug's Life' as a placeholder to give the intended actor an idea of what wa desired. People liked his version so much it was decided to use that instead. In that case he upstaged the actor but it shows how much he put into inspiring the other actors.
[quote name='Graystone']No one here has ever played The first Way of the Samurai. [/QUOTE]

No way -- the first WOTS has excellent grunting that far exceeds WOTS2 -- give me grunts with subtitles anyday over bad English VO that should have been left of JP with subs, esp in a game like WOTS 2 where are the dialog comes during CGIs or in-game discussions.

And since Koei srated off this discussion, the English VOs in the Dynasty Warrior series far exceed the work Koei did with Eng VO in their PS1 game Destrega.
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