Games that most people hate, yet you love.


CAG Veteran
Is there any games that me people consider bad, yet you consider good? i know I have a few.

One of my favorite games is Minority Report. This game got really low scores from most mags and sites. Thenext one of my guilty pleasures is really considered bad. Its called Turok Evolution.

So what are ur guilty pleasures???
Super Pitfall. It was one of the first NES games I owned, and I played it to death. I loved that game, but almost everybody else seems to think it's awful.

That and the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game. It reminds me so much of the old arcade game, which I used to blow every quarter I could find on. Reviewers tend to hate it's shallowness, though.

The reviews bashed Stretch Panic, but I thought it was a good game. It wasn't up to Tresures other games, but it wasn't horrible.
Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi. It was a fighting game for PS1 that was kind of cool. It didn't add anything new so most people hated it. Playing with all the star wars characters was great though.
I also loved playing legend of zelda 2 for NES. Never got very far in it though.
[quote name='RichD1']FFVIII[/quote]

I totally agree. FFVIII had an interesting storyline and some of the prettiest action sequences I have ever seen. Also, BEST.RPG.MUSIC.EVAR.

And to turn this topic in a 180, I didn't understand all of the hype surrounding Soul Calibur 2 (multi-platform) and Chrono Cross (PSone)...
Don't know if anyone remembers this game but The Simpsons:Bart vs the Juggernauts for the original gameboy was an incredibly fun game, of course that was about ten years ago...
[quote name='ayolykewhoa']The reviews bashed Stretch Panic, but I thought it was a good game. It wasn't up to Tresures other games, but it wasn't horrible.[/quote]

I agree. It's not a great game, but it's so unique, I couldn't help enjoying it. Treasure has made much better games though.
A few that come to mind:

Milon's Secret Castle (NES)

Sword of Sodan (Gen....the first game with bloody decapitations)

DMC 2 (PS2...I'll never figure out why everyone seems to hate this game...just because its a little easy)

.....I am also not ashamed to say that I've played quite a bit of Turdok: Evolution for GC, and think its actually pretty fun.
Grabbed by the Ghoulies. It was just so polished. And for a Halloween style game you can't beat it.

The graphics, now that I really look at them, were really good. When Death comes to kill you, within a small radius around him everything turns black and white.

Plus load times were insanely short. Rare really runs a tight ship.
The only game I can think of that would fit this category is Gun Griffon (Saturn and PS2). I like this game WAY more than any gundam game. Maybe because it has more of a sim feel. Gundam just doesn't do it for me.
[quote name='idolbud123']

One of my favorite games is Minority Report. Thenext one of my guilty pleasures is really considered bad. Its called Turok Evolution.


bleh. Turok's controls were really really bad (as were the graphics).

Only sucky game I like would have to be Loaded (for ps1).
Zelda 2 was awesome! I finished this on the NES back when I was like 9 or something. The game was so unique that it rocked, very misunderstood and the TRUE LINK! YES!

Chaos Legion is also great, what's wrong with that? Fun stuff IMO! Ditto with Buffy. Just getting to stab people with a stake is cool.

Other crap games that I like, Sonic Battle 2 or whatever on Gamecube. Basically Sonic Adventure 2 with some added modes. No one liked it, but I did!

Legacy of the Wizard on NES!!! Cmon admit it, this gmae sucked ass, and I kept renting it. Why? Glutton for punishment???? I had no idea how to play the game you could switch between four different characters and even see the end boss lightyears before you could reach him... VERY COOL but the game was real crappy!

That Britney Spears dance game, the GBA version. Played and beat it at work. Don't know why?? I guess i was having fun?
FFVIII (most underrared Final Fantasy. Only the original Tactics stands as a better Final Fantasy in my book)
Chrono Cross (also highly underrated because it was a different game from Chrono Trigger. Everyone was expecting an updated clone so when something new was delivered they were disappointed. Morons!)
Guardian's Crusade (it wasn't reviewed as a bad game or anything, no one just ever knew it existed. Shame. It was a really great and simplistic rpg on the PS1.)
Castlevania64 (everyone hated it but I thought it was a brilliant first step into 3D for the franchise. Unlike that Lament crap which fails to feel even remotely like a castlevania game to me. Lament is nothing more than a DMC wannabe!)

There are a ton more games I love that a lot of people hate but this should be a good enough list of examples.
i'm so glad to see all the props for FFVIII. it's probably my favorite game ever - best art design around. and sooo underrated for whatever reason.
[quote name='rocksolidaudio']i'm so glad to see all the props for FFVIII. it's probably my favorite game ever - best art design around. and sooo underrated for whatever reason.[/quote]

I think it was underrated because it's predecessor was so good. I for one was disappointed with FFVIII's story. I was hoping for a really engaging story. FFVIII's story fell really short IMO.
Final Fantasy VIII is my favorite final fantasy also and it was extremly better than IX in every catagory. from characters, story, gameplay, to graphics. To me IX was a big dissapointement compared VIII
I also thought FFVIII was dissapointing but not just story wise. The battle system was the biggest let-down. I couldn't stand being forced into battles to replenish my magic by absorbing it from enemies. This on top of the fact that the random enemies never got weaker and remained at a constant percentage from your own stats made the random battles an ever bigger chore than they are in the other FF's (and most other rpgs for that matter).
A game that I love the most ? Any soccer game, see WE, but maybe 90% of the US doesn't care much for the sport. It's a shame because WE7 looks like a fantastic game for everyone to get.
Me and my friends would waste hours crashing our planes into each other in Codename Eagle. I guess no one really hated it because nobody knew about it. But it was so buggy and laggy that eventually you'd start hating it yourself. But it still has a special place in my heart (aww.. leftover V-day crap). Ohh.. and Duke Time to Kill on PSX.. controls were horrible but theres nothing like unleashing a holy hand grenade on your friend.
god damn, so many FF VIII fans. i'm one too. just look at my sig on GameFAQs, screen name OmniHeartAce: FF VIII, best FF ever. Period.

i loved Chrono Cross also. and i thought SW: Masters of Teras Kasi was a badass game.

also, Buffy got good reviews, as i recall.

too add my own game people hated, Twisted Metals 3 and 4. i loved them, me and my cousin played them all the time, but they were nothing compared to TM: B.

finally, if anyone's heard of it, Lords of the Realm II on PC was the BOMB. i worshipped that game.
I'm embarassed to say that my guilty pleasure is getting my Virtual Boy out sometimes and playing it a while. I know most hate it, but's still cool ;)
[quote name='miriamleo']Legend of Dragoon. My favorite RPG but don't know why it got soooo crappy scores..[/quote]

It got some pretty good scores.

However, it's not as famous as the 'Final Fantasy' league, and Sony should have made a sequel or another RPG with the LOD name.
i love LOD. its one of the better RPGS outside of the FF series. Grandia 2 for the PS2 is great too, as is(iI dont care what anybody says) Darkstone.
[quote name='MorbidAngel4Life']i love LOD. its one of the better RPGS outside of the FF series. Grandia 2 for the PS2 is great too, as is(iI dont care what anybody says) Darkstone.[/quote]

Dark Stone is a great game. So good that I even wrote an FAQ for it :lol:

Besides, how can you turn down a new game for $2.99 at most Electronic Boutiques?
Legend of Dragoon is one of my favorite RPGs.

I can still remember the looks on the clerk's face as I bought DMC 2, even after everyone panned it.

It still rocked.
The Mark of Kri was a game that didn't get a fair shake from the reviewers. It's a pretty short game, but it was a great stealth action game. It's too bad that poor sales killed any chance of a sequel.

Stuntman is another game that people tend not to like. If you have the determination to overcome the extreme difficulty and can cope with the brutal load times, it is a great game. You definitely get a feeling of accomplishment when you finish this game. Hopefully they will one day make a sequel for it (with better load times).

Both of these games are really cheap now, so I recommend them to anyone who hasn't tried them.
I loved The Mark Of Kri and Stuntman (which I own) too, but the main crappy game that I can't get enough of... is... here it comes... Phantom Fighter. Anyone remember Phantom Fighter? It's an old NES game that I still have from my youth. Most of my friends say it's horrible but I find it quite entertaining.

There's others that come to mind... Pikmin got good reviews but a lot of people said it was bad, meanwhile I had a blast playing that... umm, An arcade game called Raiden (it's like a jet plane game where you do a lot of button mashing to blow up dudes and try to stay alive... its really old... if anyone knows about this arcade game and how I could get it on my computer, PLEASE TELL ME, THIS IS A WICKED ARCADE GAME THAT I LIKE PLAYING AT THE PIZZA PLACE (Mr. Mozzerella's))

Ok, more games:
- NHL 96 for SNES (think cardboard players and lobbing the puck and scoring, so horrific... it's fun!)
- Dungeon Master (I think that's what it's called)

I guess this is all just personal opinion... anyway... I can't think of anymore so, thats it.
Gotta be Dragon's Lair 3-D. I loved the original game (as well as Space Ace, DLII, and pretty much every other laser game). I really got a kick out of playing DL in full 3-D. It wasn't perfect (too many mazes), but it is definitely worth owning.
Mark of Kri kicks ass! Everyone should own that one! I love the Klonoa games too, though most just passed them right by.
But by FAR the worst game I have ever played that Im STILL looking for because it was so horrible. Cosmic Race! I had the import one when I imported my PS1 and I KNOW that I saw it once the US version at an EB cause I thought to myself "I can't BELIEVE they brought that over here" its horrible! You have to see it to believe it. A racing game that doesn't actually have a road or a "course". You had to move your hover car up and down AND drive it side to side..and since the "track" was a single pixel thick polygon, if you got off to the side of the road, you couldn't see it..also, you would just spin around and around when you tried to horrible, I MUST have it ;)
Well mine was Acro the Aerobat, its sequel, and spin-off game (Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel). Back in the 16-bit days I played all three to death. I just couldn't get enough of the cheesy story, cheesy music, and old-school gameplay.
Legend of Mana, Agent under Fire, SaGa Series and Eternal Ring. I got it for Christmas and was prepared to hate it, but fell in love with it. It's only like $8, you should go pick it up.
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