(GFC) - Friendly Package Forwarding Service for Canada & The World


599 (100%)

GFC is Back in Business! Worldwide Package Forwarding & Item Ordering Services ^_^.

1) Direct Request (DR) Services - The service that started it all, our Direct Request (DR) Service allows you to buy just about anything you want from the USA and have us order it and ship it directly to you. This is perfect for those of you who are unable to buy from USA merchants that will not ship to Canada directly or who do not accept Canadian/International credit cards. We charge $2.00 per item ordered plus shipping. Additional fees apply for items weighing more than 5 pounds shipped or more than $150 USD in value. Our online form will calculate everything for you automatically and there's no obligation to buy anything until you check out with Paypal. Feel free to ask any questions you may have about our services.

2) Package Forwarding (PF) Services, Address & Rates - [PREMIUM SERVICE] If you want to order the items yourself, you can! You can order from any website that ships to the USA. Ship the items to our secure UPS mail box and we will repackage them and ship them to you in Canada (or any other country for that matter). Typical fees apply for this service as usual and you pay only $1.00 per package received at our mail location. Quick, easy and GREAT for limited-time sales when the Direct Request option may not be quick enough. Please note we cannot ship: meat, cigarettes or other nicotine items (including electronic cigarettes and their accessories), alcohol, weapons or gun accessories (including paintball/airsoft), pornographic materials, toxic chemicals (including several cleaning liquids), fertilizer or any items that are illegal to ship internationally. Also, any items containing NI-CD or LI-Ion Batteries can no longer be shipped via USPS (Laptops, cell phones, handheld game systems, etc.) and must be shipped via UPS instead. If you have questions about a particular item, please contact us first before ordering.  You will receive an Email invoice with PDF attachment explaining line-by-line details of all charges and full payment options. GFC PF Service Requires Premium Membership which costs $10.00 a month or $100.00 a year (discount of two free months) and is available in our GFC Store. Full details on website.

3) GYROS Updates - After you have ordered your items, filled out the forms and notified us of your order we will add your items to our GYROS page (generally within a week or less). Once your items have been received, we will invoice you for the shipping costs + our service charge. After receiving your payment, your items will be shipped out to you in a timely manner and you will receive an Email with all relevant shipping information ^_^. If you have any questions feel free to Email us at [email protected] .

Service Charges (Free Members):

GFC Charges $2.00 per item forwarded for standard or "Free" Members. Please note that an item in this case refers to each item within the packages you ship to us. So if you were to order say 2 DVD Movies, an Umbrella and a Towel, this would count as 4 items total. Items that are sold in "Lots" such as multiple baseball cards will be counted as one item, subject to our discretion. Also, UPS Charges me to pick up the packages, so there will be an additional charge of $1.00 per package received. I will add into the invoice for you when I get your iitems in.

For larger orders, an extra $5.00 USD surcharge is added for each 5 pounds your package weighs OR per $150 in value of their total contents (example: a 5 pound package would cost an additional $5.00 USD, a 10 pound package would cost an additional $10.00 USD OR a $150 item (or group of items totaling $150 or more) would have an additional $5.00 USD charged, a $300 group of items would have an additional $10.00 USD charged). Please note that this will be either a weight or cost surcharge and not both, but the greater of the two will be what is charged. An item weighing 14 pounds will still only be $10 added as it didn't yet reach the 15 pound mark. This will be shown on your invoice and will be clearly explained. In the near future, this service charge will be automatically calculated for package forwarding items the way it is currently automatically calculated on our Direct Request 2.0 system.

So Again the things to remember:

1) Ship to the address above
2) Ship all packages in my name (James Parks) and if you want to include your information as a “Gift Message” on the order, you certainly can do that. This is required though to be in my name as the UPS store will only sign for packages in my name and will refuse all others.
3) You MUST fill out the Direct Request (DR) form on the link above to let me know what’s coming
4) Once I receive your DR submission and all your items, I will invoice you for the shipping cost plus service fees.

Service Charges (GFC Premium):

GFC Charges $1.00 per item forwarded. Please note that an item in this case refers to each item within the packages you ship to us. So if you were to order say 2 DVD Movies, an Umbrella and a Towel, this would count as 4 items total. Items that are sold in "Lots" such as multiple baseball cards will be counted as one item, subject to our discretion. Also, UPS Charges me to pick up the packages, so there will be an additional charge of $1.00 per package received. I will add into the invoice for you when I get your iitems in.

For larger orders, an extra $5.00 USD surcharge is added for each 5 pounds your package weighs OR per $150 in value of their total contents (example: a 5 pound package would cost an additional $5.00 USD, a 10 pound package would cost an additional $10.00 USD OR a $150 item (or group of items totaling $150 or more) would have an additional $5.00 USD charged, a $300 group of items would have an additional $10.00 USD charged). Please note that this will be either a weight or cost surcharge and not both, but the greater of the two will be what is charged. An item weighing 14 pounds will still only be $10 added as it didn't yet reach the 15 pound mark. This will be shown on your invoice and will be clearly explained. In the near future, this service charge will be automatically calculated for package forwarding items the way it is currently automatically calculated on our Direct Request system.

So Again the things to remember:

1) Ship to the address above
2) Ship all packages in my name (James Parks) and if you want to include your information as a “Gift Message” on the order, you certainly can do that. This is required though to be in my name as the UPS store will only sign for packages in my name and will refuse all others.
3) You MUST fill out the Direct Request (DR) form on the link above to let me know what’s coming
4) Once I receive your DR submission and all your items, I will invoice you for the shipping cost plus service fees.

Estimated Shipping Costs:

The following are shipping estimates for standards weights. This will give you a pretty good idea of how much it will cost to ship your item to Canada. If you live in another country, feel free to inquire by contacting us directly.

For all items from 0 - 4 pounds we typically use USPS First Class Mail:

$00.00 = 0 Pounds / Digital Items
$09.00 = 6 ounces
$09.00 = 7 ounces
$09.50 = 12 ounces
$11.00 = 1 Pound
$16.50 = 2 Pounds
$22.00 = 3 Pounds
$27.50 = 4 Pounds

For all items from 5 pounds and up we typically use USPS Priority Mail:

$38.00 = 5 Pounds
$40.00 = 6 Pounds
$42.50 = 7 Pounds
$45.00 = 8 Pounds
$47.50 = 9 Pounds
$49.50 = 10 Pounds
$52.00 = 11 Pounds
$54.50 = 12 Pounds
$57.50 = 13 Pounds
$55.00 = 14 Pounds
$62.50 = 15 Pounds
$60.00 = 16 Pounds
$63.00 = 17 Pounds
$70.00 = 18 Pounds
$72.50 = 19 Pounds
$75.00 = 20 Pounds
$77.50 = 21 Pounds
$80.00 = 22 Pounds
$83.00 = 23 Pounds
$85.50 = 24 Pounds
$88.00 = 25 Pounds

For any items over 25 pounds, we'll have to manually invoice you.

On Hold & Unclaimed Merchandise:

GFC allows you to send items to our secure UPS Package Forwarding address (listed above). After you order your items it is your responsibility to properly fill out our Package Forwarding (PF) Form on our website located here: . Once you do this, we will be notified of the items you have ordered and you will pre-pay the shipping/service charges up front for us to process and re-ship them to you.

The first 30 days are free to hold all Package Forwarding items.This is plenty of time for you to successfully order from the various stores that you want and submit our PF form to notify us. This also allows for adequate time for you to request us to combine items into a single package.

After 30 days, there will be a $5.00 USD charge per ITEM per week (flat rate fee) until the payment has been paid in full. Since you are pre-paying for the item costs, you will be responsible for both shipping to your country, our GFC Service Charges and any processing fees associated with the transaction.

After 90 days, GFC will not be responsible for unclaimed or missing merchandise sent to us at our Package Forwarding address. We suggest that you fully insure all orders sent to our address in case of loss or damage as we will not be responsible for missing or damaged goods.

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[quote name='ragnar14']Shipping stays at $70 even if you order 100 :lol:[/QUOTE]

Goomba should order a bunch of these for us, maybe throw in a free tv when we have a big order, as a thank you bonus? :lol:
RoganSarine, it's all good :) I told you that we'd come to agree on the price. As for the other games, that's great! I always use bubble wrap (blue for this season) when I ship multiple games to hold them together and protect them further. I buy it in like 600 foot rolls lol. They're awesome ^_^

I will try to find you a cheap copy of Origins. I'm sure it's do-able. Man those survivor horror games (Silent Hill in particular) creep me out, but for some reason I'm drawn to them as well. Don't know what it is. I haven't finished any of the SH games though...and I really should, but I'm too busy (and a wuss lol).
Man, if I had a 600 foot roll of bubble wrap right now....I'd have a slide made out of my stairs...

hehe enough dreaming...back to work
Haha yeah I actually go through about two rolls a year. They're crazy big and my wife always rolls her eyes at me for having so many boxes/shipping materials. You guys have no idea how many shipping supplies I go through :) Lucky for you I include all of these in my shipping charges and service fees. It'd be a headache to actually calculate them on an item-for-item basis haha. Thanks for giving me an excuse to collect bubble wrap and brown boxes ^_^
Uh, it doesn't REALLY matter which since I own both consoles, but I would prefer the PS2 version I believe.

Oh man, I wonder what it'd be like to have a bubble wrap chair...
Rogan, I found a copy of the game you want (Silent Hill Origins) for $15 which includes the complete game for the PS2 and comes with a bonus game (with game, case and manual) "The Thing". For $15 you get all that and I can ship it with the other items you want. Let me know if you want it, there's only one left. They are used but complete. Thanks!
You really should play the Silent Hill games Goomba, they're so creepy but fun, same with the Fatal Frame games, really good stuff. Just bring a few extra pairs of pants like I do ;)
Spike32, yeah I know I should. Like I said, I really am a wuss :) The first time a zombie dog jumped through the window I nearly died. Of course that was when it first came out and I was MUCH younger (what was that, like 12 years ago?) so surely I can put up with a few demons/zombies/monsters ... right? Fatal Frame looks infinitely more creepy than American survival horror type games as ghosts are really creepy and from what I have heard Silent Hill is THE single scariest experience of the bunch. One of these days =P

telepathy, at the moment the only way to do it is to request using seperate DR's (submit one item, then hit back on the browser and change the info). OR you can also request one item and in the comments field put in other items you want. The more detail the better. I am still working on a new improved form that will let you submit up to 20+ items on one page, but it's not ready and wont' be for some time. I figure it's more important to get the current and upcoming orders out rather than stop my services for a few weeks to program. :)
Haha I'm 27 and probably more scared than you are at 20 :) Funny how that works. I think it's more the "Psychological Horror" of Silent Hill that makes it scary. It's not necessarily the cheap scares but rather the lingering atmosphere, jump out at you from nowhere freaky monsters and realism the games have. I played like an hour into the original Silent Hill and it was creepy, but I was with a full room of friends and didn't come close to what that game has to offer in terms of scares. I've seen random screenshots and such and it looks like I'd be horrified lol. The Wii Remake looks remarkably good as well. Have you played any of the SH games all the way through?
I have played the first one all the way through and am currently making my way through the second one. The atmosphere is definitely what makes it scary, very creepy, not to mention the radio static, when you hear that you just run the opposite way.
Setite, I'm so happy that your wife got her items :) I figured she did when I saw that you left another positive feedback for me ^_^ The reason I tried Paypal shipping for your item was to compare it to the system I use now (Endicia). I thought it would allow me to print it on a small label as I do for first class, but Paypal shipping also used the large cut out requiring me to use scissors and all that. So you can be sure I won't use Paypal shipping again ... it's so much more work and didn't offer any discount or anything lol. OH well :)
Spike32, I'm curious. Did you ever see the movie? As I understand it ... it ties together with the first and possibly second game. I haven't seen it though, for fear of spoilers (or just fear of Not sure if it's any good but I've heard mostly good things from people who saw it. Love to know what you thought of it, if you saw it.
yep, I saw the movie. Don't worry about spoilers, in fact, they made the main character a woman when in fact it's suppose to be Harry Mason. They say it ties together the first and second game because they got enemies such as Pyramid Head and the sirens from the church, etc. The good thing about the movie is that a lot of the songs were sung by the woman who does the singing for the games, Mary Elizabeth Mcglynn who also happens to be a great voice actress :D The movie was done well, I'd recommend watching it. Although it's not as messed up as the games ;) it's not very scary.

EDIT: Also, I forgot to mention that yes the Wii remake looks very good, although I hope they don't end up changing TOO much of it.
spike32, okay well in that case would you recommend I play the game first and then see the movie or vice versa. Same goes for the Wii Remake. Should I play the PSX version (I own a mint copy of the original and just never played it yet) or do you think I should try the Wii version first. So many questions!
** GFC Reminder **

Just a reminder to you newcomers and to you oldcomers who may have forgotten. If you put in a Direct Request you will generally receive an invoice from me within 24 hours of your submission. I will leave your invoice live for 7 days and then if you have not paid or followed up (to ask for more time for example) it will be EXPUNGED from my system :) Thanks!
Personally, I say you play the PSX one first then play the Wii one. You might get confused if you do it vice versa saying wait, why is she a kid, who the hell is she :lol: Play the original then watch the movie. It's not essential to play the game first, but it does give the movie a better effect.
Fatal Frame is the other series I want... but I've glanced at the prices of the games and they've made me shiver in fear. Seriously, $25 for a PS2 game?

Shadow of Destiny and ICO are the last 2 games I'd want from last gen... but... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah money.
Oh... Sorry fr the triple post spam (Yeah, I do want The Thing + Silent Hill Origins for PS2 if you didn't get that), but the time is spread out enough. I just want to clarify that Valkryie Profile 2 is being sent with this lot of games right? I completely forgot about it until 3 seconds ago.
Rogan, yes I will be shipping Valkyrie Profile 2 with your shipment. Thanks.

telepathy, I'm not 100% positive that it is region free, but I assume that US/Canada should work for this code. I would definitely be able to send you the code first if you pay with Paypal and then ship the box to you seperately. Absolutely :) Thanks again.
Okay then, for offline orders, would i still send you a link as reference? (aka if i wanted something from gamestop, i would send you a link)
Yes telepathy, thanks. It still helps to keep track of the orders that way :) The more organized you can help make the order the quicker you will get your items and the less confusion for everyone ^_^ Okay I'm off to the casino to deal some poker. See you guys in like 7 hours or so!
Fourth thing Goomba, why when I add up my invoice I get 89.50 instead of 139.50 (or it's something like that)... I can't see why the difference would be THAT large o_O
Rogan, I thought we figured it out. Well I will go over it again to see if there was any mistakes made and will let you know tonight. I'll do a thorough report for you :) If I did make a mistake I apologize in advance but I was fairly certain it was accurate. I will let you know tonight ^_^ Thanks!
Yeah I thought we did too... But then I added the numbers up and there's a huge discrepancy or awkwardness to the way you setup the $50 extra. It looks as if you added it to the total cost of the games instead of taking it off the total cost of the games and say if you pay an extra $50 you can get your $50 back.

It probably is calculate right, I'm just reading it wrong because it seems like you did what I think you did above.
sinath, I am waiting on to restock their Nocturne. I wasn't able to get enough copies for everyone (I sent them out in the order I received them) so if they are not getting more in stock in a week or so I will have to refund you for that title. DDS1 & 2 should be all set though. I will update you in a few days when I know for sure. Looks like they ran out of stock faster than we would have liked.

Actually Rogan, you do have to pay the $50 to get the $50 back. The reason is that you paid with credit card funds, and you want me to refund you the $50. So you have to first repay me the $50 with NON-Credit card funds and then I can repay your original funds back to your credit card. Make sense?

Otherwise refunding you the $50 outright means I'd be out $50. Does that make sense?
[quote name='goomba478']
Actually Rogan, you do have to pay the $50 to get the $50 back. The reason is that you paid with credit card funds, and you want me to refund you the $50. So you have to first repay me the $50 with NON-Credit card funds and then I can repay your original funds back to your credit card. Make sense?

Otherwise refunding you the $50 outright means I'd be out $50. Does that make sense?[/QUOTE]

Oh I know what your saying, that's just not how Im reading the invoice (as I said, it's probably calculated right... I think it's the way you formatted it that's confusing.

By the way, I'm just trying to provide constructive criticism why the way this is layed out is a little confusing. Unless, there is something wrong here... Im also trying to figure how much I additionally owe.

[quote name='Invoice']Total $139.50
Payments/Credits $-58.33

** ~$40 from credit
** ~$15.33 paid towards the games

Balance Due $81.17[/quote]

Lets say my invoice totals $90 with simply just the games (that's what I get approx. when I add all the prices together)

Now, I paid about $15 (again I'm just rounding numbers) towards the total purchase. Thus, there would be $75. So, what I think your doing (correct me if I'm wrong) is adding the additional $40 to that $75 and then subtracting it right away for whatever reason. This makes it confusing to look at to customers (especially me).

What you should do, is take the $75 and then subtract the $40 from it making it $35. This would be my balance due. However, you would make a note at the bottom of the invoice like you've done saying if you want to be able to refund your credit card and use debit card transaction to save 6% of this payment, you are able. You will just have to pay an additional $40.

Therefore, right under the balance due, you would put (i guess) "Balance Due /w Credit Card Refund". You would say how much you need to pay to get the credit card refund.

Anyway... If you do calculate it (as I said, it's probably just a confusing way you layed out the invoice):

Game #1 17.85 (18)
Game #2 22.91 (23)
Game #3 12.81 (13)
Game #4: 12.77 (13)
Service Charge: 5.00 (5)
Shipping: 12.50
Insurance: .95 (2)

($) is what is rounded to.

Total: 86.5
Total on the Invoice (as taken from above): $139.50
Amount Permanently Put Towards Total: 73.29

New Total: 13.21
New Total on the Invoice (as taken from above): $66.21

Amount I want refunded: $50.00

So, the total I still owe you use $13.21 and then I can get that $50 back. Which, by the way, could I get it refunded now with I wait for the $13.21 to finish? I kind of don't want it on my credit card bill because it'll just provide a headache.

Anyway, therefore... I under drew $13.21 from my account. According to your invoice from what I see, it says I owe you

Balance Due: $81.17

it should say (before you take into consideration the 57.96 I sent you) 71.17. Everyway I've calculated it... the price seems $10 off.

...You can see why I'm a little confused.

P.S.: Did you end up getting your hands on that last copy of origins?
Okay, I don't normally do this but I'm going to give you updates on where your orders are since this was one of the only times I've ever been backlogged with orders. I'm almost totally caught up though so here it goes.

Shipping out Tomorrow (I will use just your CAGnames if available or your first name only):

TronB - Ash Ketchum Figure shipping out tomorrow

Joonwong - Waiting for your payment to ship the Ralph Lauren items

RoganSarine - Still trying to figure out your payment history and items ordered. I will send you a detailed report whem I'm done. Should be done by tomorrow. Want to double and triple check it.

SonorityofLife - All of your items are in. Just waiting now for the Metroid Prime Trilogy. I am going to send you an updated invoice tonight for some of the preliminary item's shipping cost though since we will have to ship separately to avoid customs).

Joel - Just waiting for Dissidia (PSP) and your pre-order items. Should be received by the end of the month :)

PuppetYuber - Correct me if I'm wrong, but I haven't received payment for your BlazBlue items + HOTD Overkill. If

you did, let me know because I can't find the payment transaction ID in my Paypal history.

Sinath - Just waiting to hear from about Nocturne. If I don't have it in a week I will just refund you for that part of your order :) Hang in there buddy! Lots of SMT goodness is coming your way soon!

James - Your hockey equipment is in. I will have it out to you within the next day or two :) Just have to get it repackaged.

Domerchuchu - Your Transformers figures and light bulbs are in. I'm working on repackaging them seperately to ensure safe delivery. I will send you the invoice very soon I promise!

ex0du5 - As I mentioned recently, I'm waiting a week to see if Nocturne comes back in stock. If not, I'll ship your other SMT games as well.

dtp11 - Correct me if I'm wrong, but I haven't received your payment for the SMT games. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to expunge your order since the SMT games are not on sale with Amazon now. If they come back in stock, just let me know again :) Thanks!

maigoyume - Thanks for your patience! I got a suitable large envelope and cardboard packaging to mail out your BlazBlue artbook ^_^ Should be out tomorrow. Thanks!

telepathy - I ordered your DDR Mario Mat for you since it was the only one in stock, and sent you the invoice. I didn't get your payment yet, but if you want to bundle a game or two with it, let me know to save on shipping and what not. Also, I ordered your Tales CD on eBay, so we should get that in soon.

Francis - I didn't get payment for your Skip Dr. in two weeks, so I'm expunging your order :)

Mike - I didn't receive your Google Checkout payment for the Last Remnant & Fallout 3: Collector's Edition (PC). If you still want those, get back to me because I'm going to cancel the order for now. Thanks.

Maunderer - Your Camera Parts are packed up and are shipping out tomorrow morning along with many other orders. Thanks buddy!

Jeve - I received your payment for Muramasa (Wii) + Bonus Scroll pre-order item. I have put your order in and will ship it to you as soon as it comes in ^_^ I envy you. This game looks BEAUTIFUL!

SickBoy - I ordered your custom M&Ms order and will ship them out as soon as they come in with Priority Mail to ensure you get them on time. I still haven't received your payment though. Please let me know if you didn't receive the invoice and I will resend it again to you or PM you the payment info. Thanks!

Saiftk - Waiting for your payment for NBA 07 (PS3). I sent out the invoice, let me know if you got it.

Brucedlx - I ordered your BlazBlue Folder & Art Book from Aksys. Just waiting for them to come in :)

DarthSilverice - I ordered your Persona 4 (PS2). Will have that out to you when it comes in. Thanks!

Poohbearalpha - I got your Email about the guitar discount coupon. I will try to get you an updated invoice for that and will work on combining shipping for your existing GFC Store items as well soon!

MakubeX - I sent your invoice for your BlazBlue Art Book & Folder. Let me know if you didn't receive it please.

Duane - I sent out an invoice for your Fallout 3 (PS3) & Resident Evil 5 Collector's Edition (PS3). Thanks!

** Now you know why I've been busy lol **
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RoganSarine, I apologize that you got the "Records View" of the PDF. The numbers you see are rounded but the numbers in the middle column are estimates and history things for my Quickbooks. So here it is again. I will try to make this as easy to understand as possible :) The system by the way is not my own, but rather the standard Quickbooks way of processing payments and such. It applies the payments of past items and generates updated invoices. So here goes nothing:

[For the record: I always round up to the nearest $0.50 increment for items. So an item costing $1.92 I will round to $2.00 and an item that costs $1.37 will be rounded to $1.50. Just how I roll :) ]

** Charges: **

- $11.00 : Past Shipping for Invoice #386 **
- $18.00 : Silent Hill 4: The Room (PS2)
- $23.00 : Baten Kaitos Origins (GCN)
- $14.00 : Ratchet & Clank (PS2)
- $15.00 : Silent Hill (PS2)
- $05.00 : Service Charge from GFC (x4 Items)
- $12.50 : Shipping to Canada for your games
- $02.00 : Insurance for up to $100
- $100.50 : Grand Sub-Total of Charges


** Credits/Payments: **

+ $15.33 : 57K97206PD776340R - 07/30/2009
+ $43.00 : 38805138TX210941X - 07/31/2009 [Credit Card Payment] ++
+ $57.96 : 44D13884EU274624Y - 08/13/2009
+ $116.29 : Grand Sub-Total of Credits/Payments


** Summary: **

$116.29 [Credits] - - $100.50 [Charges] = $15.79 [Amount Due to you]

If you wanted me to refund you the $43.00 that you sent on your credit card then you would have to send me an additional $27.21 with NON-Credit Card funds. The reason is:

$43.00 [Amount you want refunded] - $15.79 [What I owe you] = - $27.21

** Payment was made for the actual games but you had owed $11.00 for the shipping. Part of your payment was applied to complete this order.

++ Please note the credit card payment you want refunded was actually $43.00 and not $50.00.

[ Please note that the "Cost to Buy" column is not what I paid for the items in any particular order, but rather the lowest prices I have paid for them in the past. As you know, prices fluctuate. This is to give me a running tally of game prices. I didn't mean to send you the Records view though when I resent it. I usually send the "Customer View" which is a cleaner PDF style sheet I made in Quickbooks. This is likely the main source of your confusion ^_^;;; ]
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SickBoy, yeah it really is funny :) I am seriously considering to rename my services "Stuff For Canada" in the future. Maybe it'll be a seperate mirrored version of the site for non-gaming stuff ^_^
RoganSarine, I just spent almost an hour going over all your payments/invoices/orders, etc. Please look over my calculations and tell me if they make sense to you. Also keep in mind that in the near future this won't be quite as much of a headache because all the invoicing will be done automatically by the system I'm developing. This is another reason why I generally stay away from multiple payments for orders and why I seldom order items before payments are received. Just makes loads more work for everyone involved and it gets really messy. Please look over my numbers :) Thanks!
Okay, after typing up what feels like the sequel to "War and Peace" I'm off to bed. I have to get up in less than 6 hours to meet with some people in the morning, so I'm going to be tired. Hope my posts helped catch up everyone on where their order stands (especially with you RoganSarine ^_^ Hopefully my post makes sense. I think the $10-11 you're missing is the shipping from the last order. I shipped it out to you before you had fully paid for the shipping which probably confused you).

In any case, thanks again as always. If I didn't mention you in my gigantic update post, let me know and I'll tag you on there. THANKS!
Domerchuchu, definitely! For the record I highly respect your love of Wall-E :) Great movie!

matsam, that's excellent ^_^ those are two incredible titles. I have to get Wario Land : Shake It! myself some time when I don't have so much of a backlog. Enjoy!
Ah yeah... It was likely the weird view I got. It makes sense now. Just when the total was slated at $140 I was a little like... what the hell? That and I forgot about the old shipping thing (as it wasn't listed)

Oh by the way, as i said before, did you manage to get Silent Hill Origins? I want to know whether or not to add $15 to the invoice.
Rogan, okay I'm glad we're on the same page now :) That took a lot of research. I wasn't able to get the Silent Hill Origins unfortunately because someone bought it before I heard back from you (eBay items and the like sell fast sometimes when they are Buy it Now), but I will keep an eye out for you anyhow.
Updated Order Status, Now with handy-dandy color key!

Order Status [In the Order that the requests were received:]

** Color Key: **

: Processed/Shipped
Yellow: Paid/Processed & Nearly Shipped
Red: Payment Not Received or Problem with Order


Ragnar14 - Yes, I was indeed able to ship out both your BlazBlue Art Book as well as "The Dark Spire" with CD :) You should have received an Email when it shipped out. Odd that you didn't. In any case it shipped out to you on 08/12/2009 ^_^ Thanks again! - SHIPPED!

TronB -
Ash Ketchum Figure shipping out tomorrow - SHIPPED!

Waterstorm - Your 4 Express Shirts have shipped out :) Thanks again for your patience with my grandfather's memorial service and all! - SHIPPED!

Joonwong - Waiting for your payment to ship the Ralph Lauren items

RoganSarine - Still trying to figure out your payment history and items ordered. I will send you a detailed report when I'm done. Should be done by tomorrow. Want to double and triple check it.

SonorityofLife - All of your items are in. Just waiting now for the Metroid Prime Trilogy. I am going to send you an updated invoice tonight for some of the preliminary item's shipping cost though since we will have to ship separately to avoid customs).

Joel - Just waiting for Dissidia (PSP) and your pre-order items. Should be received by the end of the month :)

PuppetYuber - Correct me if I'm wrong, but I haven't received payment for your BlazBlue items + HOTD Overkill. If you did, let me know because I can't find the payment transaction ID in my Paypal history.

Sinath - Just waiting to hear from about Nocturne. If I don't have it in a week I will just refund you for that part of your order :) Hang in there buddy! Lots of SMT goodness is coming your way soon!

James - Your hockey equipment is in. I will have it out to you within the next day or two :) Just have to get it repackaged.

Domerchuchu - Your Transformers figures and light bulbs are in. Thanks to another customer who ordered a small item that came in a large box, I will now be able to comfortably fit all your items into a single box :) With lots of padding of course!

ex0du5 - As I mentioned recently, I'm waiting a week to see if Nocturne comes back in stock. If not, I'll ship your other SMT games as well.

dtp11 - Correct me if I'm wrong, but I haven't received your payment for the SMT games. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to expunge your order since the SMT games are not on sale with Amazon now. If they come back in stock, just let me know again :) Thanks!

maigoyume - Thanks for your patience! I got a suitable large envelope and cardboard packaging to mail out your BlazBlue artbook ^_^ Should be out tomorrow. Thanks!

telepathy - I ordered your DDR Mario Mat for you since it was the only one in stock, and sent you the invoice. I didn't get your payment yet, but if you want to bundle a game or two with it, let me know to save on shipping and what not. Also, I ordered your Tales CD on eBay, so we should get that in soon.

Francis - I didn't get payment for your Skip Dr. in two weeks, so I'm expunging your order - EXPUNGED!

Mike - I didn't receive your Google Checkout payment for the Last Remnant & Fallout 3: Collector's Edition (PC). If you still want those, get back to me because I'm going to cancel the order for now. Thanks. - EXPUNGED!

Maunderer - Your Camera Parts are packed up and are shipping out tomorrow morning along with many other orders. Thanks buddy! - SHIPPED!

Jeve - I received your payment for Muramasa (Wii) + Bonus Scroll pre-order item. I have put your order in and will ship it to you as soon as it comes in ^_^ I envy you. This game looks BEAUTIFUL!

SickBoy - I ordered your custom M&Ms order and will ship them out as soon as they come in with Priority Mail. Thanks for your fast payment :) I hope you guys love them, I have a feeling they'll be a big hit!

Saiftk - Waiting for your payment for NBA 07 (PS3). I sent out the invoice, let me know if you got it.

Brucedlx - I ordered your BlazBlue Folder & Art Book from Aksys. Just waiting for them to come in :)

DarthSilverice - I ordered your Persona 4 (PS2). Will have that out to you when it comes in. Thanks!

Poohbearalpha - I got your Email about the guitar discount coupon. I will try to get you an updated invoice for that and will work on combining shipping for your existing GFC Store items as well soon!

MakubeX - I received your payment for your BlazBlue Art Book & Folder. I put the order in with Aksys and will Email you when your items are in and have shipped out :) Should be roughly a week.

Duane - I sent out an invoice for your Fallout 3 (PS3) & Resident Evil 5 Collector's Edition (PS3). Thanks!

** Now you know why I've been busy lol **
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Hmm, seeing as my name isn't on the list I assume my BlazBlue Artbook + CD is already shipped? I didn't get a shipping confirmation, but you did mention artbook orders went out a while ago :) But I'm not too worried about that, how's the Dark Spire hunt going?
Ragnar14, you should have received an Email telling you both Dark Spire & BlazBlue Art Book shipped out on 08/12/2009. I edited the master list with your name at the tippity-top :) Cheers!
Hey Goomba... One more thing, I sent you another 2 invoices -- see the comments on the tentative $100 one. Is this okay with you? Your card will only be charged if the final price reaches it's goal which it may look like it's not going too... but I don't want to be the reason it doesn't.

It's a little itty bit urgent since today or tomorrow is the last day.

Send me an invoice for this if your okay with it.

Also, I'm waiting for another CAG to send me the money they owe me... Once they do I have enough money to pay off the current invoice. Since, then, I over-transfered money to my paypal... I have a little extra for the other invoices.
bread's done