(GFC) - Friendly Package Forwarding Service for Canada & The World


599 (100%)

GFC is Back in Business! Worldwide Package Forwarding & Item Ordering Services ^_^.

1) Direct Request (DR) Services - The service that started it all, our Direct Request (DR) Service allows you to buy just about anything you want from the USA and have us order it and ship it directly to you. This is perfect for those of you who are unable to buy from USA merchants that will not ship to Canada directly or who do not accept Canadian/International credit cards. We charge $2.00 per item ordered plus shipping. Additional fees apply for items weighing more than 5 pounds shipped or more than $150 USD in value. Our online form will calculate everything for you automatically and there's no obligation to buy anything until you check out with Paypal. Feel free to ask any questions you may have about our services.

2) Package Forwarding (PF) Services, Address & Rates - [PREMIUM SERVICE] If you want to order the items yourself, you can! You can order from any website that ships to the USA. Ship the items to our secure UPS mail box and we will repackage them and ship them to you in Canada (or any other country for that matter). Typical fees apply for this service as usual and you pay only $1.00 per package received at our mail location. Quick, easy and GREAT for limited-time sales when the Direct Request option may not be quick enough. Please note we cannot ship: meat, cigarettes or other nicotine items (including electronic cigarettes and their accessories), alcohol, weapons or gun accessories (including paintball/airsoft), pornographic materials, toxic chemicals (including several cleaning liquids), fertilizer or any items that are illegal to ship internationally. Also, any items containing NI-CD or LI-Ion Batteries can no longer be shipped via USPS (Laptops, cell phones, handheld game systems, etc.) and must be shipped via UPS instead. If you have questions about a particular item, please contact us first before ordering.  You will receive an Email invoice with PDF attachment explaining line-by-line details of all charges and full payment options. GFC PF Service Requires Premium Membership which costs $10.00 a month or $100.00 a year (discount of two free months) and is available in our GFC Store. Full details on website.

3) GYROS Updates - After you have ordered your items, filled out the forms and notified us of your order we will add your items to our GYROS page (generally within a week or less). Once your items have been received, we will invoice you for the shipping costs + our service charge. After receiving your payment, your items will be shipped out to you in a timely manner and you will receive an Email with all relevant shipping information ^_^. If you have any questions feel free to Email us at [email protected] .

Service Charges (Free Members):

GFC Charges $2.00 per item forwarded for standard or "Free" Members. Please note that an item in this case refers to each item within the packages you ship to us. So if you were to order say 2 DVD Movies, an Umbrella and a Towel, this would count as 4 items total. Items that are sold in "Lots" such as multiple baseball cards will be counted as one item, subject to our discretion. Also, UPS Charges me to pick up the packages, so there will be an additional charge of $1.00 per package received. I will add into the invoice for you when I get your iitems in.

For larger orders, an extra $5.00 USD surcharge is added for each 5 pounds your package weighs OR per $150 in value of their total contents (example: a 5 pound package would cost an additional $5.00 USD, a 10 pound package would cost an additional $10.00 USD OR a $150 item (or group of items totaling $150 or more) would have an additional $5.00 USD charged, a $300 group of items would have an additional $10.00 USD charged). Please note that this will be either a weight or cost surcharge and not both, but the greater of the two will be what is charged. An item weighing 14 pounds will still only be $10 added as it didn't yet reach the 15 pound mark. This will be shown on your invoice and will be clearly explained. In the near future, this service charge will be automatically calculated for package forwarding items the way it is currently automatically calculated on our Direct Request 2.0 system.

So Again the things to remember:

1) Ship to the address above
2) Ship all packages in my name (James Parks) and if you want to include your information as a “Gift Message” on the order, you certainly can do that. This is required though to be in my name as the UPS store will only sign for packages in my name and will refuse all others.
3) You MUST fill out the Direct Request (DR) form on the link above to let me know what’s coming
4) Once I receive your DR submission and all your items, I will invoice you for the shipping cost plus service fees.

Service Charges (GFC Premium):

GFC Charges $1.00 per item forwarded. Please note that an item in this case refers to each item within the packages you ship to us. So if you were to order say 2 DVD Movies, an Umbrella and a Towel, this would count as 4 items total. Items that are sold in "Lots" such as multiple baseball cards will be counted as one item, subject to our discretion. Also, UPS Charges me to pick up the packages, so there will be an additional charge of $1.00 per package received. I will add into the invoice for you when I get your iitems in.

For larger orders, an extra $5.00 USD surcharge is added for each 5 pounds your package weighs OR per $150 in value of their total contents (example: a 5 pound package would cost an additional $5.00 USD, a 10 pound package would cost an additional $10.00 USD OR a $150 item (or group of items totaling $150 or more) would have an additional $5.00 USD charged, a $300 group of items would have an additional $10.00 USD charged). Please note that this will be either a weight or cost surcharge and not both, but the greater of the two will be what is charged. An item weighing 14 pounds will still only be $10 added as it didn't yet reach the 15 pound mark. This will be shown on your invoice and will be clearly explained. In the near future, this service charge will be automatically calculated for package forwarding items the way it is currently automatically calculated on our Direct Request system.

So Again the things to remember:

1) Ship to the address above
2) Ship all packages in my name (James Parks) and if you want to include your information as a “Gift Message” on the order, you certainly can do that. This is required though to be in my name as the UPS store will only sign for packages in my name and will refuse all others.
3) You MUST fill out the Direct Request (DR) form on the link above to let me know what’s coming
4) Once I receive your DR submission and all your items, I will invoice you for the shipping cost plus service fees.

Estimated Shipping Costs:

The following are shipping estimates for standards weights. This will give you a pretty good idea of how much it will cost to ship your item to Canada. If you live in another country, feel free to inquire by contacting us directly.

For all items from 0 - 4 pounds we typically use USPS First Class Mail:

$00.00 = 0 Pounds / Digital Items
$09.00 = 6 ounces
$09.00 = 7 ounces
$09.50 = 12 ounces
$11.00 = 1 Pound
$16.50 = 2 Pounds
$22.00 = 3 Pounds
$27.50 = 4 Pounds

For all items from 5 pounds and up we typically use USPS Priority Mail:

$38.00 = 5 Pounds
$40.00 = 6 Pounds
$42.50 = 7 Pounds
$45.00 = 8 Pounds
$47.50 = 9 Pounds
$49.50 = 10 Pounds
$52.00 = 11 Pounds
$54.50 = 12 Pounds
$57.50 = 13 Pounds
$55.00 = 14 Pounds
$62.50 = 15 Pounds
$60.00 = 16 Pounds
$63.00 = 17 Pounds
$70.00 = 18 Pounds
$72.50 = 19 Pounds
$75.00 = 20 Pounds
$77.50 = 21 Pounds
$80.00 = 22 Pounds
$83.00 = 23 Pounds
$85.50 = 24 Pounds
$88.00 = 25 Pounds

For any items over 25 pounds, we'll have to manually invoice you.

On Hold & Unclaimed Merchandise:

GFC allows you to send items to our secure UPS Package Forwarding address (listed above). After you order your items it is your responsibility to properly fill out our Package Forwarding (PF) Form on our website located here: . Once you do this, we will be notified of the items you have ordered and you will pre-pay the shipping/service charges up front for us to process and re-ship them to you.

The first 30 days are free to hold all Package Forwarding items.This is plenty of time for you to successfully order from the various stores that you want and submit our PF form to notify us. This also allows for adequate time for you to request us to combine items into a single package.

After 30 days, there will be a $5.00 USD charge per ITEM per week (flat rate fee) until the payment has been paid in full. Since you are pre-paying for the item costs, you will be responsible for both shipping to your country, our GFC Service Charges and any processing fees associated with the transaction.

After 90 days, GFC will not be responsible for unclaimed or missing merchandise sent to us at our Package Forwarding address. We suggest that you fully insure all orders sent to our address in case of loss or damage as we will not be responsible for missing or damaged goods.

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Pat_McCrotch, no problem. We don't pay much attention to orders without payments anyhow. We're still working it out so that it won't send Emails for estimates. Something we have to play with (and we'll probably figure it out by August). Thanks for the heads up.

CaptainKishimoto, I think your estimate was pretty close. I'll let you know once we receive your items :) If you overpaid the shipping we'll add the funds to your account towards future purchases. This will be reflected on the website under your account.

z7enZ, that's great :) Hope you love the game. Thanks again!

J-P, I didn't see any Emails from you. Please send your Emails to us at jj @ . If you send to our business one it may go to our junk mail folder due to Outlook being set to HIGH for junk mail preferences. Please resend the Email if you could. Thanks :)
About the GFC Forums:

Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that our online store got hacked about a week ago and a hacker was trying to change the Paypal address to his own so that people who ordered from our store would have the money go to him. Luckily I caught it and fixed it, but in the meantime I'm just working out some security things with the forums. At the moment it has been set to where I have to manually approve each member, but I receive up to 500 fake accounts a week so it's overwhelming. I think I may just set it back to where anyone can join by Email verification but I'll have to manually remove spam accounts. I'll go do that.

If your account wasn't approved and you feel it should have been, email me directly at JJ @ (remove the space obviously) and I'll take care of it. Thanks :).
GFC Forums Are Up Again :)

If you have already registered you should be able to use your existing login (I transferred over the database from the old one). Honestly, I liked the old theme I created better with the old forum but the new one is a lot more secure and that's more important. I can play around with themes and all that later :)

If you have recently tried to set up an account and had difficulty or weren't approved, please try again. I have eased the restrictions now so all you have to do is enter your Email address and click a link, and you're in. I'll just have to modify the spammer accounts and delete their posts one by one, but at least you'll be able to get in. It's a lot less manual that way :)

I will be posting a lot of updates on there soon as I intended for that to be the main place for posts, but I'll still keep this one open on CAG for general questions and communication. Thanks again for all of your support guys. It's greatly appreciated :)
Sorry to hear about the hack, glad everything is resolved though =)

Any news about the items you have for me? I think you had mentioned a few weeks ago you'd have an invoice for me by the end of the week, lol (I know how things are though, and you know I'm not in a hurry, just checking up!)
Yeah, the hack was fixed within an hour of it happening and it was a lot messy than it could have been. I've switched my password, applied security patches and am updating the version of the store that I use as well. I think I'm missing one of your items, but I have about 20 packages to go through so I'll contact you as soon as possible :) Thanks man!
Why not do something like charge new users $5 to join the forums. Then $5 will be deducted off of their first transaction with you. If someone completes a transaction with you then they automatically get registered on the forums.

Or when someone registers an account on they automatically get registered on the forums too.
LOL, J-P, I like the idea but in truth I could never charge people to join the forums. It'd be a lot more hassle than just getting rid of the spammers and it'd be a lot of headaches for people (especially newcomers). I do appreciate the suggestion though :). I'll figure it all out, don't worry ^_^.
Hi Goomba, I recalled your post reccomending me your service from 2 years ago, when I was asking for someone to help me ship P4 to Australia. Anyhow, I remembered about it all this time and thought I'd try it out.
I'm not sure how you guys do this, do I post the request here, via PM or go on your site or what?
Hi Paint Drinker, we've pretty much automated almost everything. All you do is this:

1) Register for our site (it's Free) here: http://'http//
2) Choose either our Direct Request (DR) Service - Have us order the items for you and ship to you directly or
3) Our Package Forwarding (PF) Service - You order the item and have it delivered at our secure mailing location and we ship back out to you.

If you need additional information just let us know. Thanks again and hope to do business with you soon :) You can also find more information on our GFC Forums:

Do you allow payments through Paypal? I was checking out your DR service and creditcard seemed like the only option. I'd really prefer PP because I can pay right now and get it done, otherwise it would be a hassle to ask to use someones credit card, as I don't use one. Amazon only uses cards and doesn't accept international PP accounts.
Also, the item I'm wishing to purchase is a pre-order that comes out on the 26th, do you think you'd be able to process the order before then? I think the extra things that come with it are only available if you pre-order it is all.

I just received an order email from you guys, even though I didn't finalise order. If this paypal business is sorted then it doesn't really matter though.

Cheers, I hope this all works out.
Paint Drinker, thanks a bunch. I just ordered your copy of the game :) I'll let you know once I receive it if we need anything else from you. Not sure what it'll weigh, but you seem to have made a good estimated guess. Keep in touch!

Chronorayven, thanks a bunch. Definitely looking forward to doing business with you again soon :).
Cheers goomba, I'll assume buy this that you received my updated order and paypal payment? Sorry about all the fuss earlier, I was half confused. This is very exciting. Get back to me (via here and email) when it arrives to let me know if they sent the artbook and ost with the order. If it ends up being any heavier because of this, sorry I forgot to take that into account, then I'll gladly send whatever extra via paypal.
Thanks again mate, great service you've got here.
Paint Drinker, no problem. I have no doubt that they'll send the artbook and OST because I believe they'll be packaged together for the first run of pre-orders so we should be set. But yeah, I'm assuming it'll weigh at least a pound when it ships. I'll just invoice you the difference once I have the actual product here in our office. Thanks again :)
Got an email weekish and a half ago maybe that my shipment for oblivion 5th anniv. shipped out on Friday 15th of July. Was wondering how long does it usually take for one of your packages to reach here. Toronto/Mississauga Area.

Thanks again! :D
[quote name='milkybud']Got an email weekish and a half ago maybe that my shipment for oblivion 5th anniv. shipped out on Friday 15th of July. Was wondering how long does it usually take for one of your packages to reach here. Toronto/Mississauga Area.

Thanks again! :D[/QUOTE]

5-7 business days from my history with Goomba. I've never had an issue with Customs holding anything from Goomba either =) (Although Canada Post has been terrible with getting things here from the U.S. since the strike ended. I'm waiting for something sent from the U.S. from the first week of July still)
Nvm package came today! Thanks so much :D EPIIC Steelbook. Sucks the so called "coupon" for 10 bucks off Skyrim is a mail-in rebate. gotta buy the game at full price and the guide and mail in the form with their UPCs to get a 10 dollar prepaid visa. That's not cool at all. /rant over

again thanks alot and hopefully will be ordering from you again. :D
milkybud, glad you got it safely :) I had no idea the $10 credit was a mail in rebate either (BOO) but I agree that the steelbook is ridiculously cool. Glad I could help you get it man. Enjoy it and hope to do business with you again soon ^_^.
** GFC eBay items Galore **

Just wanted to let you guys know that I've decided for now against any Lowball sales for the mere fact that they take a lot of time and don't always earn as much money in the time we need them to. I will still keep them on the table for the future, but tonight we'll be launching a bunch of our older stock on eBay (most are 3 day auctions ending Sunday) so be sure to check them out. Links to the items are on our front page (they will be listed as of 10:30 PM EST tonight, Thursday night).

Thanks for your support :) I have to come up with around $2500 by the end of September for a trip to China, so I'll be listing quite a few things over the next 7 or 8 weeks. Lots of great deals to be had =) Remember also if you have GFC Canuck Bucks/Cash credit with us you can use that toward your bids (we'll manually adjust the invoice for you).
We are selling a HUGE selection of our backlogged games and accessories on eBay for a 3 Day sale that ends on Sunday 07/31/2011 at 10:30 PM EST. You can see the collage below for a list of some of the items. We'll be listing more items each week so keep an eye out on the forum for more news Thanks guys for all of your support!

JJ Parks ^_^
Awesome, let me know how it is. I haven't watched it in a decade so I wonder if it holds up =) I remember being super impressed with it back in the day with the 3D animation and all. Enjoy!
You're welcome Paint Drinker. The game looks really great =) Hope it reaches you quickly and that you have a good time with it. Be sure to let me know what you think of it, as I'll probably end up getting it eventually myself ^_^.
No problem, need my Atlus fix. I really don't care if the game ends up being bad, which it won't, I want to bask in that game engine and imagine what Persona 5 will look like on it. Stunning.
Gosh, yeah I can't imagine what Persona 5 will look like. Is it true that it will use the Catherine engine? I had no idea, but that makes absolute sense =)
[quote name='CaptainKishimoto']Just got my package today, thanks much Goomba =d Now I can watch ReBoot again, woo![/QUOTE]

Can you point me to what you ordered, I would be interested :) Thanks
I'd assume he snagged the Reboot Mainframe Edition that came out a few weeks ago. It's the complete series in one handy box. It's on amazon .com/.ca for ~$50 (less on .com, more on .ca), I don't think it's really cheaper elsewhere. It's a smoking hot deal, but I've totally been on the fence over picking it up. Supposedly the set is plagued with audio problems :( And the YTV robot is missing his logo ^_^; I could probably live with the issues, but people are bugging the hell out of the publisher to fix the problems, so maybe it'll get a re-release?
[quote name='ragnar14']I'd assume he snagged the Reboot Mainframe Edition that came out a few weeks ago. It's the complete series in one handy box. It's on amazon .com/.ca for ~$50 (less on .com, more on .ca), I don't think it's really cheaper elsewhere. It's a smoking hot deal, but I've totally been on the fence over picking it up. Supposedly the set is plagued with audio problems :( And the YTV robot is missing his logo ^_^; I could probably live with the issues, but people are bugging the hell out of the publisher to fix the problems, so maybe it'll get a re-release?[/QUOTE]
That's the one. So far I haven't heard any audio problems (and hopefully it stays that way). This is the first I've heard of audio issues so yeah...I only wish the box wasn't so flimsy and would be at least somewhat sturdy.
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I'm having some Email problems today with my JJ @ account, so if you Emailed me there and didn't receive a response please resend in a couple of hours. Sorry for that :) Thanks again.

I heard rumors of the audio issues too but am not sure how obvious they are. Let us know if you do run into them CaptainKishimoto as I plan to buy the set down the road :)
OK so the Email issues are fixed and now I'm debating whether or not I should block new registrants for the GFC forums. I think what I may do is create a user account each time a new GFC member registers on the site (as well as all existing members) and simply tie the accounts together. That way your GFC username/password would be the same for both parts of the site. Makes sense right? That way, spammers wouldn't just register and post 10,000 spam messages daily and eat up the boards alive.

I'll figure it out. In the meantime, today is another UPS pickup day for PF orders and I'll be shipping out a bunch of DR's as well. Thanks again guys.
OK so the Email issues are fixed and now I'm debating whether or not I should block new registrants for the GFC forums. I think what I may do is create a user account each time a new GFC member registers on the site (as well as all existing members) and simply tie the accounts together. That way your GFC username/password would be the same for both parts of the site. Makes sense right? That way, spammers wouldn't just register and post 10,000 spam messages daily and eat up the boards alive.

I'll figure it out. In the meantime, today is another UPS pickup day for PF orders and I'll be shipping out a bunch of DR's as well. Thanks again guys.
Hey, Goomba. Just got my Catherine package in the mail this morning. Everything is in pristine quality, thank you so much man. I love it.
Where do I add positive marks on this site? I haven't used it in so long.
Thanks again man, really great service you have here.

Not to worry, all sorted. Cheers mate.
Hi Paint Drinker,

So glad you got it in pristine condition :) We do try to pack everything so that it'll reach you perfectly. I appreciate the feedback and hope to do business with you again soon!
I finally had a little spare time this morning and deleted all the SPAM messages on our boards. In addition, I've stepped up the requirements on posting so that you have to type in verification letters for your first 10 posts and guests will have to do this as well. This coupled with stricter signup rules should make things better. I'll try to post more on the forums as well to transition us there better. It's a process :) Thanks guys.
Hey Goomba!

Haven't had to use you for a good chunk of time but my fiancee requires your shipping services :D

I placed the package forwarding order on your site (Order #1108710520). I also paid the estimated shipping/handling fees via paypal.

She ordered a pair of shoes from TOMS that she wants to wear in our wedding and for some reason these are one of the few ones that TOMS do not sell/ship to Canada.

Anyways, they'll be shipping to you (from TOMS) by UPS ground.

here's a link to the item she ordered:

Thanks again and let me know if anything else is needed.

Wow Kyle, great to hear from you again. I think it's so cool that your fiancee is ordering shoes for your wedding from us =) What a cool little thing. I'll be sure to keep an eye out for them (our next pickup is this upcoming Friday) so we'll keep in touch and let you know if there's anything else we need. Congrats on everything and good luck with the wedding! Talk to you soon.
** IMPORTANT: GFC WILL BE CLOSED STARTING 09/01/2011 - 11/01/2011 **

Just wanted to let you all know in advance that I'll be going to China for almost a month so I'll be closing the site from 09/01/2011 - 11/01/2011 . This gives you plenty of time to get your orders in now to have us process them before we leave (we're not actually leaving until 09/26/2011) for us to ship out, and clean up our offices so that no orders are left behind. In the last three weeks between when we shut the new orders down we'll pack and ship out existing orders and we'll spend most of our time eBaying items to make room and earn money for our trip. So we won't be completely away, but we will not accept new DR or PF orders until approximately November 1st, 2011. It'll be the longest we've been away but necessary for my wife's family to meet our new baby :).

Also, during this time I'll be working on a lot of new features for the site. I'm not sure how much time I'll actually have to code them (or if I'll have Internet where I'm staying) but I'll be at the very least working it all out on paper :) More on this soon. I really appreciate all you guys have done for us in the last three years we've been in business. This year has been exceptionally positive as far as new additions to the site and next year will be no exception. We're just going to keep innovating and trying our hardest to make our business the very best out there.

See you soon and keep in touch. Get your orders in if you need them before November. Also, please do NOT ship any packages to our UPS store even if you know the address. We will not be here to pick them up and there will be a $1.00 a day charge for each package there. Not to mention the fact the store owners would likely close our accounts and fine us if we received a ton of packages (the store is quite small and they have very limited storage area). Thanks again and talk to you guys soon!
Enjoy the trip! Everyone needs to get away now and then. China is one place I'd love to get to one day but I'd be afraid of the language barrier (not sure if English is spoken at all in the main cities and I'd rather try and refrain from butchering a different language).

Anyways a quick update on my order (TOMS Shoes):

UPS is estimating its arrival date to you as Aug. 25th (so Thursday). I thought UPS was supposed to be quick? :drool: I could have probably driven down and picked it up quicker straight from the TOMS warehouse
I've been to China before and it's a wonderful place!

Also, I sent a Direct Request order for an HP TouchPad Tablet for $100. I would've done Package Forwarding but it wouldn't let me put in a Canadian address. There's about 7000 in stock since I ordered so hopefully you get this in time. :D

EDIT: Interesting....It won't let me add it to my cart anymore. Hopefully you can. :cry:
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China is a great tourist destination.

I placed a PF order (Order # 221696969) and sent you payment, via gift cards, but I haven't heard back from you. I don't know if it didn't go through or if you've been busy the past 4/5 days but just wanted to be certain. Get back to me when you can, Thanks.
hey goomba

long time i havent used ur service, my first time using PF let me know if i did it correctly thanks.
Order Number: 2140418958
kyle071785, thanks a bunch. I do know a little Chinese as I lived there on and off for over a year and a half (not to mention my wife is fluent) but honestly the language barrier is what I love most about travelling internationally. It's also what makes places like Quebec fun for me (I know just enough to get me into trouble haha). But yeah, definitely looking forward to it. Funny enough, it was my China trip in 2008 that influenced and inspired the starting of GFC to begin with, so who knows what I'll come up with this time in my nearly 3.5 weeks away from the Internet =). I'll pick up your shoes as soon as I can and will update you via GYROS/Email.

Pat_McCrotch, Unfortunately the HP Touch Pad was sold out by the time I received your order. I sent you a full refund. Better luck next time =\.

Fei Jai, I didn't see the payment Email (maybe it went to my junk mail). Please make sure that you sent it to JJ @ improcomics DOT org so that it comes to my personal Email. Thanks!

Just a friendly reminder that GFC is closing it's doors for one month in just 9 days. This will give us enough time to pack for our trip, get all existing orders taken care of and de-clutter the office of supplies and things un-needed (you'd be amazed how much packing supplies we go through). Thanks again for your support guys. We're going to use our family time wisely and we'll come back stronger than ever =) Lots of exciting things for GFC soon during the upcoming holiday season so keep an eye on us.

PS: For those of you trying to find the HP TouchPad's, they're mostly sold out but some stores have a stream of supply. I'd check out Barnes and Noble and but they seem to be sold out as well right now. Good luck hunting~!
Hey goomba, quick question:

if Amazon ships an order in two separate shipments, should I just make a note of that when submitting a package forwarding and add on an extra dollar in PayPal (since it's $1 per shipment picked up)?
bread's done