GameStop Armed Forces Weekend Sale May 20-22


Put your life on the line for your country and you'll get 15% off a used game at GameStop...


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Going to Gamestop kills this deal. As a vet myself I only ask for a military discount when the total hits $100 or over. Some people sadly will ask for it on a value meal at Mcdonalds. Mine usually involves Lowes or Home Depot. I would much rather see Gamestop give 15% to disabled vets or service dogs for vets, etc. Please take time to reflect on those who are no longer here on Memorial Day weekend. With an extra shot who didn't make it back with me. ...
Ramadi, Iraq 2005-2006
Going to Gamestop kills this deal. As a vet myself I only ask for a military discount when the total hits $100 or over. Some people sadly will ask for it on a value meal at Mcdonalds. Mine usually involves Lowes or Home Depot. I would much rather see Gamestop give 15% to disabled vets or service dogs for vets, etc. Please take time to reflect on those who are no longer here on Memorial Day weekend. With an extra shot who didn't make it back with me. ...
Ramadi, Iraq 2005-2006
When I worked at Sports Authority (R.I.P. in peace SA) I would give vets that asked and military personnel in uniform my employee discount. One time I was called into my manager's office and asked why I purchased 8 paintball guns in the span of 2 weeks. I said, "I have my reasons." I was then promoted and subsequently left due to the school year starting.

Thanks for your service and you (and all vets) deserve all the discounts!

Freedom costs a buck-0-5. 10 internets to whomever gets that reference.......

i am an active duty service member. i traded in some crap at gamestop today and was unaware that this promotion was going on. i was pleasantly surprised at getting more credit than expected, and was able to get what i wanted with credit to spare.

ended up using the cash i saved to get some ice cream..

i don't say this often....but thanks gamestop.

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bread's done