Gamestop B1G1 Select Used Games + New Coupon Codes


CAG in Training

Buy 1 Get 1 FREE on select pre-owned PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, and DS games. Offer expires 8/18/2013.

Coupon codes not stackable with above offer:
$5 off on orders of in-stock games and accessories totaling $25 or more.
Use Code: AUG5. Excludes hardware. Other exclusions may apply. Offer Expires 08/13/13.
15% off and free value shipping on orders of in-stock games and accessories totaling $59.99 or more.
Use code: AUG15. Excludes hardware. Other exclusions may apply. Offer Expires 08/13/13!
35% off Tom Clancy PC Download games - expires 8/5/2013
original post
On Monday July 29 gamestop is having a buy one get one free on select pre own games. Was sent to us gamestop workers in an email yesterday and its a one day only sale
:wii: Active Life: Magic Carnival
:ps3: Adventures of TinTin
:ps3: Aliens Colonial Marines
:360: Aliens Colonial Marines
:wii: AMF Bowling Pinbusters
:ps3: :360: Assassin's Creed 2
:ps3: :360: Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
:ps3: :360: Assassin's Creed Revelations
:wii: :ps3: Bakugan
:ds: Battle of the Giants: Dragons
:ps3: :360: Battlefield Bad Company 2
:wii: Big League Sports
:360: Biggest Loser
:360: BlazBlue Continuum Shift (Not Extended)
:wii: Blazing Angels
:ps3: :360: Borderlands (Vanilla)
:ps3: :360: Brink
:wii: Brunswick Pro Bowling
:ps3: :360: Brutal Legend
:ps3: :360: Bulletstorm
:wii: Cabela's Dangerous Hunt '11
:ps3: Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
:ps3: :360: Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3
:ps3: :wii: Chaotic: Shadow Warrior
:ps3: :360: Child of Eden
:ds: Clubhouse Games
:ps3: :360: Crysis 2
:360: Dance Central
:wii: Dance Dance Revolution: Hottest Party
:wii: Dance Dance Revolution: Hottest Party 2
:360: Dance Dance Revolution Universe
:ps3: Dance on Broadway
:ps3: Dead Island (Vanilla)
:ps3: :360: Dead Space 2
:wii: Deca Sports 2
:wii: Deer Drive
:ps3: :360: Def Jam Rapstar
:ps3: :360: Deus Ex Human Revolution
:wii: Disney Epic Mickey
:psp: Dissidia
:ps3: :wii: DJ Hero
:ps3: :wii: :360: DJ Hero 2
:3ds: Dream Trigger
:wii: EA Sports Active
:wii: EA Sports NFL
:ps3: Enemy Territory Quake
:ds: Ener-G: Dance Squad
:ps3: :360: Enslaved
:ps3: EyePet
:ps3: F1 Championship Edition
:360: Fable 3
:360: Fallout New Vegas (Vanilla)
:wii: Game Party 1,2,3
:ds: Gardening Mama
:ps3: God of War 3
:ds: Guitar Hero On Tour: Decades
:wii: :ps3: :360: Guitar Hero Aerosmith
:wii: :ps3: :360: Guitar Hero World Tour
:360: Halo 3
:360: Halo Reach
:360: Homefront
:ds: I Spy Funhouse
:wii: I Spy Spooky Mansion
:wii: iCarly
:ds: Imagine Fashion Designer
:ds: Imagine Teacher
:ps3: Infamous
:wii: Just Dance
:ps3: Killzone 2
:360: Kinect Disneyland Adventures
:wii: Kore Gang
:ds: Kung Fu Panda
:ps3: Kung Fu Rider
:ps3: Little Big Planet GotY
:vita: Little Deviants
:psp: Lumines
:wii: Madden 2009
:wii: :ps3: :360: Madden 2010
:wii: :ps3: :360: Madden 2011
:wii: :ps3: :360: Madden 2012
:wii: Mario Sonic Olympic
:360: Mass Effect
:ps3: :360: Mass Effect 2
:ps3: :360: Mass Effect 3
:ps3: :360: Medal of Honor
:ps3: Medieval Moves
:ds: Megamind
:ps3: :360: Mindjack
:ps3: MLB 10 The Show
:ps3: MLB 2011 The Show
:wii: Monster Trucks Mayhem
:ds: My English Coach Spanish
:ds: My Healthy Cooking Coach
:ds: My Stop Smoking Coach
:ps3: NBA 2K11
:360: NCAA Footall 2012
:wii: Nerf N-Strike
:wii: Nerf N-Strike Elite
:ps3: NFL Head Coach 09
:ps3: Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
:wii: Ninja Reflex
:wii: NPPL Championship Paintball
:ds: Paws and Claws Pampered
:ds: Personal Trainer
:ds: Petz Hamsterz 2
:ds: Petz Wild Animals Dolphins
:wii: Pirates of the Caribbean
:360: Power Gig
:3ds: Rabbids Travel in Time
:ps3: :360: Rage
:ps3: Ratchet and Clank All 4 One
:psp: Ratchet and Clank Size Matters
:ps3: :360: Resident Evil 5
:ps3: :360: Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City
:ps3: Resistance 1,2
:psp: Resistance Retribution
:ds: Rhytm Heaven
:wii: :360: Rock Band AC/DC
:wii: :360: Rock Band Lego
:ps3: :360: Rogue Warrior
:wii: Scene It Twilight
:wii: Secret Saturdays
:wii: Sega Superstar Tennis
:wii: :ps3: :360: Shaun White Skateboarding
:wii: :ps3: :360: Shaun White Snowboarding
:wii: Shaun White Skateboarding World Stage
:ps3: Shoot, The
:wii: Sing It
:ps3: Singstar ABBA
:ps3: :360: Singularity
:wii: Smarty Pants
:ps3: :360: Sniper Ghost Warrior
:ps3: Socom Confrontation
:ds: Spongebob Boating Blast
:wii: Star Wars Lightsaber Duels
:ps3: Star Wars Force Unleashed
:3ds: Steel Diver
:ps3: :360: Stormrise
:360: Stranglehold
:wii: :ps3: Tiger Woods 2008
:ps3: Tiger Woods 2009
:ps3: :360: Timeshift
:ps3: :360: Tom Clancy's Hawx
:wii: :ps3: :360: Tony Hawk Ride
:wii: :ps3: :360: Tony Hawk Shred
:wii: Top Spin 3
:ps3: TV Superstars
:360: UEFA Euro 2008
:wii: Ultimate Band
:wii: Ultimate I Spy
:ps3: Uncharted 3 (Vanilla)
:ps3: :360: Vancouver Winter Olympics
:360: Virtua Tennis 3
:ps3: :360: Warhammer 40K Space Marines
:ds: Warioware DIY
:wii: We Ski
:wii: :ps3: :360: Where the Wild Things Are
:wii: Wii Music
:wii: Wonder World Amusement

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Why won't it let me complete my order online? This isn't a B1G1 order. Just an order of three pre-owned games with the coupon codes AUG5 and SAVER. I'm trying to pay in full with credit. Is that the problem?

I don't know how so many CAGs got those 25% coupons emailed to them.  All I ever get are monthly PUR statements and weekly ads in emails.


25% off code, fresh with all uses ready to go. Feel free to use it!

To anyone who has played the Bakagan game is it more of a action game or more of a stratagy card game? Would like to get it for my 6 year-old he just bought a bunch of the toys at a yard sale and really like them but he has no interest in the card part.

Basically its like rolling marbles lol. You throw it, and roll it along the field trying to hit coins and other bonuses.

Theres a bit of elemental affinities you need to learn, but its easy like Pokemon or something. I never played the game and picked it up easily
Basically its like rolling marbles lol. You throw it, and roll it along the field trying to hit coins and other bonuses.

Theres a bit of elemental affinities you need to learn, but its easy like Pokemon or something. I never played the game and picked it up easily
Ok cool I might pick it up for him.

Any other Wii games on the list around that price ($4.99) that a 6 year-old might enjoy?

Ok cool I might pick it up for him.

Any other Wii games on the list around that price ($4.99) that a 6 year-old might enjoy?
I already recommended The Kore Gang that is on the list, which should still be good for a 6 year old (if he does well with games like SMG).

Also, I know its not on the list, but for a buck Mercury Meltdown Revolution should be fun for him (adults too). Basically a cheaper version of Kororinpa with less production values, but still very good if you're into the genre.

Mercury meltdown would give his kid a meltdown. Controlling a marble with the Wiimote is hell. Cheap doesn't always = worth it.
Lol its probably easier on 360/PS3. I enjoyed it on 360 and decided to get again since I never finished, and the trophies were easy

Err I thought we were still talking Bakugan. Nvm lol
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anyone has the birthday coupon for this month? could you please pm me the same? Thanks.
I'm not one to do this normally, but I'm looking for the same. I want to get Xenoblade Chronicles and I'm not ashamed to ask for it for this game.

Had most of the games on the PS3 list but with the price drop on UC3, I picked t up with Warhammer (new but newly converted used) for $16.25.

Wanted to pick up Resistance 2 with a $5 but I am debating whether mindjack, timeshift, or medal of honor was worth it. Already have brutal legend.

Had most of the games on the PS3 list but with the price drop on UC3, I picked t up with Warhammer (new but newly converted used) for $16.25.

Wanted to pick up Resistance 2 with a $5 but I am debating whether mindjack, timeshift, or medal of honor was worth it. Already have brutal legend.
Out of those 3 games Mindjack, medal of honor or timeshift I say Medal Of Honor is worth a playthrough and Mindjack is all sorts of terribleness and it is very very funny.

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I totally missed this sale. I was just in Gamestop yesterday and bought Mass Effect 3. Going to go back today to return it so I can get my free game. Leaning towards either Dead Space 2 or Uncharted 3.

Lol I sent an email because I never got my points, apparently only 3 people used mine so I only got 3000. A week later I get an email saying they put 6000 in my account.
When this promotion first started I seen a steelbook of Mass Effect 3 in one of my stores bin. Thought about it but the price isn't right seeing as I already have the game.

bread's done