Promo Codes


CAG Veteran
Gamestop/EBgames (online) codes and Special Offers

(Last Update: May 10th, 2011)

Valid Promotional Codes (as of 4/3):

- Free value shipping on orders of $24.99 or more. Offer excludes game consoles. Expires 4/30 - Doesn't seem to stack with PUR and CAG16 at the same time. This is the successor to the now defunct SAVER code. Not valid on preorders.
CAG16 - 16% off all in-stock used games & dvds. Online only. Other restrictions may apply - Will usually stack with Edge 10% discount for a total of 26% in savings on pre-owned games. Supposedly does not work with PUR.
FREESHIPORDER20 - Free value shipping on in-stock game orders of $20 or more. Continental US only. While supplies last. Not valid with other offers or bundles. Expires 6/5/11 - does not seem to stack with CAG16. Will work with PUR discount.
Receive 15% off the purchase of in-stock Xbox 360 or PS3 games totaling $79.99 or more after PUR discount. Offer excludes consoles and DLC. Expires 5/15/11. Stacks with PUR 10% off for 25% off (roughly). Games can be New or Preowned.

Other Offers

PUR/Edge Discount
- If you have a qualifying Gamestop/EBgames card which gets you 10% off in store on used products, you can use the same card online to receive a similar discount. Unfortunately, this doesn't always stack neatly with promos and can sometimes be a pain in the ass. There is a section specifically to input your card number on the cart page.
Free Shipping - In-stock items only. Consoles and downloads not included. Online only - Supposedly applies automatically when you have two qualifying products in your cart. Fine print says it can't be stacked with other offers, but who knows. This is value shipping, thus pretty much identical to VSHIP.

Recently Expired Codes

- Pretty much identical to VSHIP but stacked with CAG16 perfectly.
20PRE - Was 4% better than CAG16.
10FREE - This was a 10 from 80 code with free shipping.


Q) A code you say is valid isn't working or stacking with other promos as it's supposed to.
A) Read the error you're getting. If it says the code isn't valid it either is no longer valid or you entered it wrong. If it says that it can't be applied on that order read the fine print and make sure you're using it right. If you didn't make a mistake with either of those steps, try adding it and other promos in various orders (and with varying amounts of items in your cart, adding the rest later). Sometimes you have to jury rig it, Gamestop's promo system is notoriously screwy.

Q) I have a 10/20 dollar off unique promo code from a previous purchase that no longer works, but according to the expiration date it should.
A) Gamestop shut down almost all of those promotion codes after a couple of them were found to be buggy and have unlimited uses (they're intended to be a 1 time thing). Very few, if any, are still functional. Some people have had success in having the codes honored after talking with customer support. Typically if you arrange it in advance they'll take the code from you by email after you've placed your order then retroactively give you the discount. Don't hold me to this though, you'll have to go through customer support so it's YMMV.

Q) Will my pre-owned games bought online from Gamestop/EBgames come with a proper instruction booklet and case?
A) Maybe, but don't count on it. The quality of the discs is reportedly lower than in-store merchandise as well. Some people have gotten around this issue by bringing them to their local Gamestop and convincing the management to swap out for different discs and/or cases. This is also YMMV.

Q) Can I use in-store credit online?
A) Yes, easily. You will need the card number and its pin (which is concealed via a scratch off barrier on the back). Please keep in mind however that you will be charged sales tax for online purchases made with store credit even if Gamestop doesn't tax in-store credit purchases in your state.

Q) These deals suck. Gamestop sucks. I remember when they used to have good promos. So on and so forth, etc.
A) Yup.
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[quote name='Fonz72']I don't just lurk - look up my posts. I am not the first one to find many deals so I don't repost, but the ones I do find I have started a thread for. I have only been here for a couple weeks, but I think I have done more than lurk in that time. I pissed you off right? I just think that the board gets cluttered if you have a post full of dead links or deals. Lets say I find a post from a year ago about a sale at Best buy and bump it to the front with an update about a sale this week, that would be pretty lame right? A little house cleaning is not a bad thing! Also how is streamlining the board explaining a loophole/glitch in full detail? BTW............I joined
The IAmTheCheapestGamer Appreciation Group![/QUOTE]
Actually I DO share your opinion that old/dead threads on the deal forum should be either locked/deleted or moved to the deal graveyard. However that has not yet come to fruition.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Actually I DO share your opinion that old/dead threads on the deal forum should be either locked/deleted or moved to the deal graveyard. However that has not yet come to fruition.[/QUOTE]
Thank you. I should have stated my opinion less flame like. Lets get back to saving the moneys! :applause:
It seems CAG16 no longer stacks with Edge/powerup card 10% off. (Unless it never did, but I thought it did)

Bummer because Spiderman:SD for xbox is in stock at $40.00.
Which is BS because EDGE/PowerUp is supposed to stack with everything. Always has. I noticed the same issue but there is nothing I want to order. I would call CS and tell them that before the website was "updated" that EDGE stacked with every promo they ever had.
[quote name='Saix_XIII']Which is BS because EDGE/PowerUp is supposed to stack with everything. Always has. I noticed the same issue but there is nothing I want to order. I would call CS and tell them that before the website was "updated" that EDGE stacked with every promo they ever had.[/QUOTE]

Im able to get it to stack but it won't work if your signed in.

So what I did was
1) Sign in
2) Goto My Account and copy ur Edge Card Number
3) Sign Out
4) Goto your cart and enter your Edge Card Number in the Edge Card/PowerUp Rewards box
5)Enter the Promo Code in the Promo Code box

That method works for me, hope it does for you guys, but it sucks that we have to do workarounds like that.

Good Luck :)
[quote name='Tarantox']Im able to get it to stack but it won't work if your signed in.

So what I did was
1) Sign in
2) Goto My Account and copy ur Edge Card Number
3) Sign Out
4) Goto your cart and enter your Edge Card Number in the Edge Card/PowerUp Rewards box
5)Enter the Promo Code in the Promo Code box

That method works for me, hope it does for you guys, but it sucks that we have to do workarounds like that.

Good Luck :)[/QUOTE]

I did something very similar to that, not sure if it was the exact way, but it did not work.

Thanks for the note and I will try it if I decide to get it or something else.
The PS3 version of the Def Jam Rapstar bundle dropped to $60. My wife wants to get it, but I'm hoping there's a coupon I can use to lower the price. Does anyone know a coupon code that takes a percentage or fixed amount off the purchase price of a new game over a certain amount (i.e. $5 off purchase of $50 or more)? Thanks in advance.
i also cannot get my new powerup card to stack with cag16 on is gamestop no longer allowing stacking of this?
I used 99SAVE20 to get the Def Jam Rapstar bundle plus 5 cheap, used PSP games. However, the Gamestop website didn't calculate the coupon code properly (gave me the cheapest game free instead of the $20 off) or grant me the 10% savings on the used games (Powerup/Edge card). I went ahead and placed the order anyway and sent an email to Gamestop asking them to refund the additional $17.30 in savings that I was supposed to get.

I paid with credit, so I'm hoping that GS can refund my card electronically. Does anyone know if GS is able to restore credit to an Edge/Powerup card electronically? Thanks in advance.
fiddled with it a while, i can't get it to stack.

Also, i got my card 2 days ago (the upgraded one, not the free one), when will i get the buy 2 get 1 coupon?

:( i want powerup to stack with everything, i will send a email bring it to their attention. hopefully they will put it back.

i suggest "i got this upgrade expecting that it would stack, it has in the past. Considering, i could get 16% off due to another free promotion; i will not be renewing this service when it expires."
[quote name='An J0e']fiddled with it a while, i can't get it to stack.

Also, i got my card 2 days ago (the upgraded one, not the free one), when will i get the buy 2 get 1 coupon?

:( i want powerup to stack with everything, i will send a email bring it to their attention. hopefully they will put it back.

i suggest "i got this upgrade expecting that it would stack, it has in the past. Considering, i could get 16% off due to another free promotion; i will not be renewing this service when it expires."[/QUOTE]

Don't like this message, you're expecting Gamestop to think for you. The message should be more direct. Tell them what you want them to do. Don't imply it.

Other than that, at the very least, don't mention the 16% promotion. Gamestop might cancel that promotion to make its Edge card seem more attractive.
Ah, explains why my thread was deleted. I can confirm I have tried 10 different ways to stack and it doesn't work anymore.
The issue with PowerUp/Edge not stacking appears to have occurred after the change to the website. However, is it safe to assume that the 10% off used games is supposed to stack with everything? That's the way it has always been.
Yep, must be with when they change your account to PowerUp because my edge card is still tied to the account. I guess changing over kills Edge. Totally sux and a scum move by GS.
Okay, why the heck doesn't EDGE stack with ANYTHING anymore? I meantioned this in another thread, but I just don't get it. will lose a lot of my business, but i bet they will make a lot more profit by doing it this way.
For me stacking is the only thing that kept me off Ebay. Half the times they come in busted non original cases so this is a major lose lose for me. Makes Edge useless.
[quote name='SonictheHedgehog1337']Okay, why the heck doesn't EDGE stack with ANYTHING anymore? I meantioned this in another thread, but I just don't get it. will lose a lot of my business, but i bet they will make a lot more profit by doing it this way.[/QUOTE]
I'm in the same boat. I used to spend a average of $100 per month on Once my edge stopped stacking when I switched to the power up, I havent purchased one thing from since. The stacking of CAG16 and edge was a huge plus for me.

Just testing, it still works for me. I do want to buy Order Up though, but not from Gamestop since I may not get a box or manual, which sucks.
i told everyone when my edge expired and powerup started that my 10% off stopped. it totally sucks. cag16 and edge was sweet on every used item. you don't even earn points for online purchases with powerup unless they changed it, oh well. i used to shop gamestop but they suck at deals and tivs and i havnt bought through them in months other than todays hawx2, and that was just to convert my gamestop credit to bestbuy and amazon. oh well. gamestop RIP

anyone having trouble getting into
i went to check my points/orders and it logs me in but then keeps saying i need to activate card. so i click that and it says already activated but then stuck at main page...argh
[quote name='Velo214']you don't even earn points for online purchases with powerup unless they changed it, oh well.[/QUOTE]

I believe with the latest update now that the PowerUp Rewards calculator is listed on the top of the page, you will earn points for online purchases. Also, I know in my case, they went back 30 days from when I activated and added any online purchases from that period (for me, 5 orders).
Anyone looking to trade a 50$ gift code for a 50$ gift code PM me if anyone does thanks
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iv been banned from (well, i can make orders but they are canceled immediately afterwords) cuz i made 10 orders to get my tax back on credit orders. that was like 2-3 months ago tho so hopefully i can use my edge online again soon.
Sent them this:
On Thursday i took my edge card to my local gamestop and upgraded to the Powerup (pro) reward card.

I was wondering why the 10% discount doesn't stack with deals like the edge card had. I have been an edge card member for around a year and the edge card 10% had always been able to stack with any 1 other discount (buy 2 get 1, %off, $10 off coupons, ext). i attempted to use the powerup discount (mainly to make sure mine card was activated), and when any other promotion was added the powerup discount was removed.

I usually only make purchases when there is a promotional discount, and the fact that the edge discount stacked with them was the main reason i subscribed to it; so i am wondering if the powerup pro will have that same feature.-------------------------------------------------------

ill post the response i get from them.

Took your advise dchrisd on not mentioning CAG16 specifically. ;)
I have the same email and password on my Gamestop and Poweruped rewards and that won't allow me to merge them

"You have entered the same account information twice. Please try again with a account and a account that are not identical."
Quoted from someone "15% off + Free Shipping on In-Stock Games $29.99+ Coupon Code: 15SHIP (Exp 10/31)"

can i expect that to work on Black ops AFTER the 11/9 release?
[quote name='Velo214']

anyone having trouble getting into
i went to check my points/orders and it logs me in but then keeps saying i need to activate card. so i click that and it says already activated but then stuck at main page...argh[/QUOTE]

For the past week now, I've been able to log into the powerup rewards site periodically, but other times I'd log in and get a default page asking for me to activate my card (when I've already done this) and I was unable to access any of my powerup features. I called a couple days ago and the csr told me it was a problem with the interface and that other users were having the same problem so it's not just you. Unfortunately, it also means we'll only be able to log-in at random times until they fix it. :mad:
I sent an email to GS, and they are going to refund me the 10% in savings I should have gotten from using my Powerup card along with the 99SAVE20 code. FYI, GS is also going to refund the savings I should've gotten from using the coupon code (website didn't give me my full $20 in savings). For those of you who had problems, place your order and send GS an email to fix it.
Anyone having problems looking up their edge/gift card value on the website? I just looked mine up and it says 0.00 when i should have like 50 dollars on it. Unless they took out my pre order already for NBA jam because i used a 20 dollar code with it, but i should still have 20 dollars left over after that.
[quote name='An J0e']Sent them this:
On Thursday i took my edge card to my local gamestop and upgraded to the Powerup (pro) reward card.

I was wondering why the 10% discount doesn't stack with deals like the edge card had. I have been an edge card member for around a year and the edge card 10% had always been able to stack with any 1 other discount (buy 2 get 1, %off, $10 off coupons, ext). i attempted to use the powerup discount (mainly to make sure mine card was activated), and when any other promotion was added the powerup discount was removed.

I usually only make purchases when there is a promotional discount, and the fact that the edge discount stacked with them was the main reason i subscribed to it; so i am wondering if the powerup pro will have that same feature.-------------------------------------------------------

ill post the response i get from them.

Took your advise dchrisd on not mentioning CAG16 specifically. ;)[/QUOTE]

Here is their response.
Dear Valued PowerUp Rewards Member,
Thank you for contacting
We do apologize, but certain deals the PowerUp Rewards card will not stack with, especially if you are using it in conjunction with coupons that you have purchased with the points on the card. We previously did not have any coupons like this for in store purchases so there is no way to really compare the EDGE Card to the PowerUp Rewards card in this case.
Online, you can only use one promotional code (PowerUp and EDGE cards included) on an order. This is a fairly recent update to our checkout system, so if you have not ordered online recently you might not have noticed this change on your EDGE Card.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to respond to this email.
Best regards,
Customer Service Agent
I got a similar response from GS regarding my issue. Basically, Power Up/Edge won't stack with other coupon codes where you get a discount (i.e. % off or fixed amount off). It's a stupid policy change, and this just means that I won't be ordering from GS as much in the future. I'll probably only purchase from GS when there is a B2G1 sale.
[quote name='RCS0926']I got a similar response from GS regarding my issue. Basically, Power Up/Edge won't stack with other coupon codes where you get a discount (i.e. % off or fixed amount off). It's a stupid policy change, and this just means that I won't be ordering from GS as much in the future. I'll probably only purchase from GS when there is a B2G1 sale.[/QUOTE]

yeah :( same here, i will most likely use the buy 2 get 1 coupon when i get it and then be done with them till a big deal.
[quote name='An J0e']Here is their response.
Dear Valued PowerUp Rewards Member,
...Online, you can only use one promotional code (PowerUp and EDGE cards included) on an order. This is a fairly recent update to our checkout system, so if you have not ordered online recently you might not have noticed this change on your EDGE Card.

Wow, THAT sucks. The whole POINT of having the Edge card was that the Edge discount ALWAYS stacked. Now, this is more like the old, crappy (and defunct) Gamecrazy VIP/MVP/Whatever card, that never stacked with any of their sales. Very lame. I don't order from often, but I'll certainly order even less now. I feel ripped off, paying for this membership, when you can't even use the primary benefit anymore! Very frustrated.
[quote name='DJP519']Wow, THAT sucks. The whole POINT of having the Edge card was that the Edge discount ALWAYS stacked. Now, this is more like the old, crappy (and defunct) Gamecrazy VIP/MVP/Whatever card, that never stacked with any of their sales. Very lame. I don't order from often, but I'll certainly order even less now. I feel ripped off, paying for this membership, when you can't even use the primary benefit anymore! Very frustrated.[/QUOTE]

Hey, when a store no longer has much viable competition, they tend to start rolling back incentives because, well, "Where else are they gonna go?" :)
[quote name='DJP519']Wow, THAT sucks. The whole POINT of having the Edge card was that the Edge discount ALWAYS stacked. Now, this is more like the old, crappy (and defunct) Gamecrazy VIP/MVP/Whatever card, that never stacked with any of their sales. Very lame. I don't order from often, but I'll certainly order even less now. I feel ripped off, paying for this membership, when you can't even use the primary benefit anymore! Very frustrated.[/QUOTE]

Not only that, but now the weekly email doesn't have coupons. I can't even remember the last time I saw an actual coupon for gamestop.
[quote name='savagepastry']Hey, when a store no longer has much viable competition, they tend to start rolling back incentives because, well, "Where else are they gonna go?" :)[/QUOTE]

Well GS better begin to wise up because K Mart has been doing a lot of really good deals which in turn have been trickling down through the other major retail stores.
[quote name='jetsaredim']Not only that, but now the weekly email doesn't have coupons. I can't even remember the last time I saw an actual coupon for gamestop.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. First, they made the coupons weaker, then, they got rid of them entirely. I'm rarely the guy who gets mad about gamestop pricing, because if you put the effort in, you can still get good deals and decent flips on occasion -- and I still haven't paid cash for anything at GS in about two years (but I have spent cash at other places to trade for more in GS credit) -- but this issue with the Edge/Powerup discount not stacking really hits me in the sore spot, I guess. All you can really do is vote with your wallet, and don't reward their practices with sales, unless it truely is the rare good deal.
[quote name='DJP519']Agreed. First, they made the coupons weaker, then, they got rid of them entirely. I'm rarely the guy who gets mad about gamestop pricing, because if you put the effort in, you can still get good deals and decent flips on occasion -- and I still haven't paid cash for anything at GS in about two years (but I have spent cash at other places to trade for more in GS credit) -- but this issue with the Edge/Powerup discount not stacking really hits me in the sore spot, I guess. All you can really do is vote with your wallet, and don't reward their practices with sales, unless it truely is the rare good deal.[/QUOTE]

This. This effectively makes Powerup useless.
Just ran in to this myself - it was stacking fine with my old edge card though (even with the site redesign). It doesn't seem to happen if you don't link your and accounts, so if you already have an active edge card you may want to avoid the linking until it expires.

That said, I'm with the angry mob. This will certainly reduce the amount I spend there. I already haven't spent a dime in a gamestop store in years; looks like my online shopping will dwindle too. With that track record I reckon I'm not their target market anyways so I'm sure they won't be too broken up over it.
I sent a message earlier today saying that I would definitely not be renewing my PowerUp card when it comes up for renewal if they don't change this and I would advocate others also not renew.

So, er yea, don't renew.

Seriously though, I can't think of any way that we can express our collective feelings about this other than to just not buy there. Between flips and various deals, I've easily spent a few hundred dollars this year at the online store across more than 50 orders. and this is definitely going to be putting a curb on my spending there.

Also, I wonder how much pull Cheapy would have in this matter since GS is such a huge advertiser on the site?
Wait, though, this is only for used purchases online, right? And we don't make used purchases online anyway since the crap comes as disc-only refurbs most of the time. So I really don't see what the big deal is. I suppose on some newer release games where the Edge discount makes a significant difference and they at least have a chance of coming complete it matters a little.

But I pretty much only use for new stuff anyway. In fact, I'm thinking about getting a second Move controller and using that $25 AMEX Pass reward to get my daughter a card. But I sure as hell don't like the $3.95 monthly fee (even though it doesn't start till next October).
yeah, my reply was about the same. "This policy makes the powerup card of little value, and i won't be renewing it in Dec" something like that. Remember the more people that message the more money they know they are losing, so GET OUT THERE AND VOTE....wait no... i mean stay where you are.... and rant... virtually...
bread's done