Finally, I rarely buy used or new for that matter from gamestop but if they will confirm that i'm getting the box I'll be more likely to look at their offerings.
I'd be interested in getting resistance 2 and uncharted used sometime.
Kinda glad they are doing this...I wish they would also stop putting stickers on the boxes.
Some sweet games I want are:
Batman: AA
Marvel Ultimate Aliance 2
The old policy on box/manual is primarily what kept me from buying any pre-owned games on the GS online store. Gonna see if the old CAG16 code still works...
On Que (360):
NCAA Football 2010
Star Ocean: TLH
Well here are a few used titles I'd like to play off the top of my head.
Oblivion - my copy is toast and I would like to play the DLC.
Just Cause - disc screwed
The Outfit - Damaged disc
Alone in the Dark - bought an unplayable disc
NBA Ballerz- ought unplayable disc
Civilization Revolution
GH Metallica
GH Smash hits
Rock Band 1
Quake 4
I want to pick up some used games soon. I'm hoping to get Demon's Souls when someone finds it too hard and trades it in. I also want Fallout 3 GotY, Wet and Katamari Forever used.