Gamestop employee claims another Xbox price drop is coming up... BS or true?


9 (100%)
I'm planning on buying an Xbox in a couple of months. So I've kept my eye open for the best deal, and my ears open for rumors of good deals. Well I told some Gamestop employee I was planning on getting one, and he claimed there was a rumor that they would be dropping the price AGAIN sometime soon, "to screw Sony." Has anyone else heard about this? I personally wouldn't expect it to go under $150 until sometime after Xbox 2 comes out, but you never know. The only way I could really picture it happening is if they wanted to get all crazy aggressive for the holiday season.
While September has been a popular month in relation to the holiday shopping season for console price drops, it seems very unlikely this would bemere days or weeks away without a great deal more buzz. Previous price drops have pretty much always been widely known in advance of becoming official.
I'd call BS. They're going to be selling a lot of Xboxes once Fable and Halo 2 hit (provided neither bombs, but right now that looks unlikely).. a price reduction would probably be a waste.

I'd expect it to stay at $150 until near the release of Xbox next.
While it would be nice, i also doubt this is true, and console manufacturers don't drop their prices to "screw the other guys", they do it to make a profit.
It seems unlikely the employee would know. However I would not be suprised if it were sold for $129 this holiday season.
I can't see one happening until at least next holiday season. Then it might go down to $99.99, but I highly doubt it. With all the AAA titles coming up this season, I can't see any reason why MS would want to drop the price. Halo 2 alone will sell many xboxes at $149.99.
While i don't disagree with some of what of you guys are saying, but gone are the days that people buy a console for one game. It just doesn't happen anymore, so no, i do not think that Halo 2 alone will sell any xboxs.
[quote name='xzafixz']While i don't disagree with some of what of you guys are saying, but gone are the days that people buy a console for one game. It just doesn't happen anymore, so no, i do not think that Halo 2 alone will sell any xboxs.[/quote]

Halo 2 will definately sell xboxes.
[quote name='xzafixz']While i don't disagree with some of what of you guys are saying, but gone are the days that people buy a console for one game. It just doesn't happen anymore, so no, i do not think that Halo 2 alone will sell any xboxs.[/quote]

I must disagree, a game can sell systems. Example, right when GTA doublepack came out for Xbox, I was in EBgames. A dude came in while I was in there and bought an Xbox specifically because GTA was out for it, at least that's what I overheard him say to the clerk. With all the hype of Halo 2, people who don't have a new system yet or are casual gamers and don't know shit about games, when they hear all the hype about Halo 2. when they go to buy a system, they will lean towards the system they have heard the most about.
[quote name='xzafixz']While i don't disagree with some of what of you guys are saying, but gone are the days that people buy a console for one game. It just doesn't happen anymore, so no, i do not think that Halo 2 alone will sell any xboxs.[/quote]

I'd have to disagree. Numerous people have expressed that they bought their Xbox solely because of Halo and went a good while before another game was deemed worth buying. For many it was Splinter Cell.
You guys misunderstood, or maybe i misinterperted what you meant. When Nintendo 64 came out EVERYONE wanted Super Mario 64, i knew about 3 people that had a 64 and Mario 64, and that is all they had for the entire span of the console. No one is going to buy an xbox and Halo 2 and that is it. Maybe Halo 2 will push them over the top, but what happened with the 64 and back doesn't happen anymore.
Do you guys really think Halo 2 is going to sell more Xboxs?
One would assume that anyone who would buy Halo 2 would all ready own a Xbox and Halo 1. I really can't see Halo 2 selling Xboxs. Fable on the other hand I could see selling Xboxs.

As for the price drop. I could see it happening for the holidays. I could see Xbox dropping to $129 now that the PS2 is also $150. If MS does drop the price of the Xbox we would also see Nintendo do the same maybe drop the GameCube to $80 or $75. Sony on the other hand would most likely wait till well after the holidays to drop the PS2 price.

If rumors are true with Next Gens on their way, this could be the last strong holiday season they have to get rid of large amounts of stock. If MS and Nintendo show off their next consoles at E3 next year few people are going to go out and buy old consoles that are going to be getting replaced soon.
[quote name='PsyClerk']The real question is WGASA if Halo 2 sells Xboxes or not?[/quote]

I'm inclined to think Microsoft cares a great deal. The installed base's growth is always a facto in selling more software. Getting people past the tipping point of buying the machine is the single biggest step in getting them to make enough further purchases to make the machine profitable. While Microsoft doesn't expect Xbox1 to end its career in the black the closer it comes the better in shareholder's eyes and the better MS's chances of getting those customers back for the next machine, especially if they were drawn in by a franchise that will continue on the new model.
Well...a fall price drop HAS been rumored before. Key word is rumored, though.

Just wait and see. It's possible that Microsoft has decided to be more agressive so that they can sell more copies of Halo 2 and more Xbox Live subscriptions, but we won't know until it happens.

If you're fine with waiting, give it a month or so. If the price does drop, you'll be glad you did. If it doesn't, then what harm was done?
I'll bet any of you.....CASH, that the price drops within the next 4-8 months, if not sooneer.

It'll either go to $129, or the inevitable $99.

You can toss your stupidity around all you like. It'll be followed, if not thwarted by Sony.

LIVE is a driving factor, that sells an idea, not hardware. MS wants everyone interested in online gaming, through their service.
They could give 2 shits about hardware sales.

Their software is what has always kept them ahead of the competition, and their LIVE application will remain, even if they stopped producing hardware. Which is pretty unlikely, for at least the next 5-10 years.

I'd say that this is one of the FEW, Gamestop employees, who has a clue about anything.

You guys need to pull your heads out of your asses.

Of course, those naysayers, probably ignored the Circuit City sale at first as well, saying, I WANT PROOF.

Funny little CAGs.
I doubt the XBox will drop to $99 since I believe that at that price, would be worth buying it just for parts.

Also, I am hoping for a $129 Drop to have PS2 knocked down to that level also. That way prices of consoles at Gamestop go from $150 - $130 - $120 down to like $130 - $110 - $100

Would make it easier when I buy a PS2 just to play GTA: SA lol.
Doesn't anyone else remember that rumor report from several months back that said there'd be a planned pricedrop for the X-Box following around Labor Day?

That doesn't make it not BS, but it was a rumor long ago, hence not making it a surprise drop as some have suggested. Also, any move that MS makes to increase X-Box ownership will help them in the long run, since they will obviously continue LIVE and its software onto the next machine.

I'm hoping this is true, because that would mean I could pick up one, or a PS2 since that would drop to follow price. $99 is the magic number for me (though I admittedly stupidly caved for Gamecube at $150... I didn't think the price would drop even faster!) Of course, who really knows what'll happen. If there's no price drop within 2 weeks, then we'd watch for it in November, than March, etc.
The prices of both the X-Box and PS2 have gone down recently in Europe, which may be the cause of this current rumor.
Halo 2 will definately sell xboxes.
I agree. There are certain games that sell systems, through greatness or pure hype or both. This is one of them.

And I really hope theres a price drop in the near future, my launch day Xbox's DVD drive is starting to fail, and I'd rather just buy a new Xbox and use the old one as a network media center.
Damn Thompson drives. Glad they (mostly) stopped using those.
[quote name='xzafixz']You guys misunderstood, or maybe i misinterperted what you meant. When Nintendo 64 came out EVERYONE wanted Super Mario 64, i knew about 3 people that had a 64 and Mario 64, and that is all they had for the entire span of the console. No one is going to buy an xbox and Halo 2 and that is it. Maybe Halo 2 will push them over the top, but what happened with the 64 and back doesn't happen anymore.[/quote]

Uh... Halo had a similar effect on X Box. . . see: it single handedly save it from a hasty and quick death.
Which of the big retail stores have that gaurantee where if you buy something there, and they drop the price within a certain number of days, you take your receipt back and they give you the difference? I'm pretty sure Circuit City does it. Anyone know who does it, and how long of a waiting period there is for the after-the-fact price match? I'm planning on buying an Xbox in October, so if I could just go ahead and buy it and then get the difference back if they drop the price within a couple of months, that'd be super!
I think you have 30 days after your purchase

from CC
Price Match Plus Guarantee

Nothing's worse than paying too much. That's why we do everything in our power to make sure you don't pay a penny more than you should for anything you buy at Circuit City. If you've seen a lower advertised price from a local store with the same item in stock, we want to know about it. Bring it to our attention, and we'll gladly beat their price by 10% of the difference. Even after your Circuit City purchase, if you see a lower advertised price (including our own sale prices) within 30 days, we'll refund 110% of the difference.

Our policy applies only to advertised prices. It does not apply to special offers or promotions, including rebates, free-with-purchase offers and special financing. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide price matches online, so please visit the closest Circuit City store in order to take advantage of our Price Match Plus Guarantee.
Thanks. That seems like a pretty good safety net right there. Looks like I may be buying at Circuit City. The ONLY thing I might hold out for now is Black Friday... I think there was something crazy last year with the GameCubes.
I could actually see the Xbox going down in price, look at what the Gamecube did last year about this time, and that helped them sell many morre games and systems then they would have at the 150 price.
This is not bs or at least not totally. Here is an article I read about a week ago on the subject.

UNCONFIRMED: Business Wire reported that there will be a further price cut for PlayStation 2 and Xbox in the 4th quarter of 2004 in US, because the holiday season is the key to game market each year. The comment came from the CEO of International Data Group Entertainment.
You have to scroll down a bit. I think if the xbox does drop in price it will be to $130 and in December or around black Friday.
With all of the system selling games coming out in the next few months, I would be shocked to see a drop from any of the three systems.
[quote name='drone8888']I'll bet any of you.....CASH, that the price drops within the next 4-8 months, if not sooneer.

It'll either go to $129, or the inevitable $99.

You can toss your stupidity around all you like. It'll be followed, if not thwarted by Sony.

LIVE is a driving factor, that sells an idea, not hardware. MS wants everyone interested in online gaming, through their service.
They could give 2 shits about hardware sales.

Their software is what has always kept them ahead of the competition, and their LIVE application will remain, even if they stopped producing hardware. Which is pretty unlikely, for at least the next 5-10 years.

I'd say that this is one of the FEW, Gamestop employees, who has a clue about anything.

You guys need to pull your heads out of your asses.

Of course, those naysayers, probably ignored the Circuit City sale at first as well, saying, I WANT PROOF.

Funny little CAGs.
Wow, someone give this guy a black cat to stroke. :roll:

But with that said, I kinda agree with him. I think Microsoft loses money on every Xbox sold, and that was even before the drop to $150. They clearly care more about increasing the installed base, selling their games, and getting people to sign up for XBL.
A game is the only thing that can sell a system. I bought my N64, just because of Star Fox 64. Even though I went on to get other games... that was the first game that really peaked my interest. Now I might end up getting an Gamecube, just for the new Zelda.
halo sold enough xboxes, i think the sequel will help, i know people who are buying their xbox (now) to get halo then halo 2.
[quote name='drone8888']LIVE is a driving factor, that sells an idea, not hardware. MS wants everyone interested in online gaming, through their service.
They could give 2 shits about hardware sales.

Boy, Microsoft must really hate me. I don't have Live, and I never intend to get it. There's nothing there that interests me. I mean, sure there's been some downloadable stuff but if I really want that, I'll take my x-box to my friend's house and d/l it with his Live account. :)
[quote name='scdoanintendo']This is not bs or at least not totally. Here is an article I read about a week ago on the subject.

UNCONFIRMED: Business Wire reported that there will be a further price cut for PlayStation 2 and Xbox in the 4th quarter of 2004 in US, because the holiday season is the key to game market each year. The comment came from the CEO of International Data Group Entertainment.
You have to scroll down a bit. I think if the xbox does drop in price it will be to $130 and in December or around black Friday.[/quote]

I'm not saying that this would be a bad thing, but if it did drop 20 bucks, it's only 20 bucks. I don't know many people who would buy an Xbox just because it went to 130. It's good for some people who had already planned on buying Xbox's though. If it dropped to 100, people would be all over it, including me, buying a 2nd as a backup just like BigNick.
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