[quote name='Zhane']It worked on mine?
Don't know if it's because I had already beaten the game or something but when I sold my vanilla edition and bought the GOTY, all of my riddler trophies and my story progression was already unlocked when I went to load the game for the first time...So it isn't the same the AA.[/QUOTE]
It depends on the system. Arkham City save files on 360 transfer from vanilla to GOTY, but for some reason they don't on PS3. I've also noticed the menu's on PS3 GOTY are ridiculously laggy for some reason, (particularly the save menu, takes as long as 30 seconds between selecting my save file and loading up the main menu) though the game itself plays fine. I'm actually having to replay it now on PS3 because of that, I'd be very annoyed if not for that code that lets you change costumes at the start.
[quote name='wpress']I'd trade in my vanilla AC for a GOTY in a heartbeat (terrible cover art and all) but the most recent TIV for Arkham City is 10 bucks....so is my math of getting around 16-17 bucks off?
EDIT: AH I see it's 15 for the 360 version, I have it for PS3...bummer[/QUOTE]
Just trade it in to amazon, as you can see there the TIV is over $21 right now. It took them like 2 weeks to "process" my copy of Arkham City once they recieved it, but I finally got my $20 gift certificate just in time to put it towards a Hyrule Historia pre-order
Anyone know what's going on with Amazon's TIV for this game? The TIV for Arkham City vanilla on PS3 is a dollar or so higher than it was when Gamestop started this sale during Gamestock. And why is it so much higher than the GOTY edition?