Gamestop removed OnLive vouchers from Deus EX: HR; Now Pulling Game From Shelves

[quote name='werc22']well i know mostly everyone is bad mouthing gamestop sorry you have all had bad times with gamestop i've never had problems with the stores i've gone to buy my games and that's before i started working for gamestop i've been working for a couple gamestop store been working for the company for more than a year. i was there on the launch of this game our pc versions were sealed so unless gamestop is magic and made the coupon disappear they should be in there i did read an article online about that square just mentioned the coupon day the game came out i read that on the the comments of the article and some said that on the OnLive site they had a deal to get the game for free if you got a console or something like that. well if people are complaining about some new games being open or gs selling used games for full price well every gs i've been to or worked doesnt sell used games for full price. the opened new games if you are buying a new game and it the last copy the case is the display because gs doesn't send just empty cases to show we just have one tile on the sheilf plus what if u grabbed the display off the sheilf and we were sold out it be faules advertising but the games are still new just behind the counter with the other copies. sorry everyones gs doesnt run this way but i wouldnt play a new copy of a game if i didnt buy it that's not right it is power to the player thats you they have all these deals sometime for trades or used games i'm not saying gs, gs, gs yeah because i still haven't gotten my gameinformer since i've signed up for it 3 months ago but thats gameinformers doing but don't burn the monster and never find out it wasn't a monster just an angry crowd building it into one well nothing is perfect if you hate your gs go to a different one i don't know what to tell you i just get this from the ones that i worked at or shopped at before and while working for gs. maybe gs isn't your store or you need to do your game shopping in more than one retailer. i shop different places on and offline i find the deals that best power me as a player in the life of video games. i know last month gs had trade any games to some of the hottest E3 tiles and i dont trade games but I made off with most of the games that i want that are coming out this year like batman aa, uncharted 3, AC revilation i traded only a handfull of games and with the power-up pro got the 10% + 40% so 50% or credit for my trades and i got more than i paid for the games to trade them so i have 2 games fully paid off and you could say that's better than the best buy deal pre-order 5 select tiles and get a $100 gc but everyone has there own ways of getting games but we should cry about a free download coupon is you buying the game for pc because there is no online multiplayer for this game so why do you need 2 pc copies to play with yourself if you have 2 computers right next to you but you will still be playing the same game portal 2 for ps3 made sence ps3 teamed up with sony to make this multi-platformed so you can play ps3 and pc players together it had a coep online that you needed 2 players so if you had the ps3 and got the pc steam code you still had to link in to your psn id but the ps3 or xbox versions didnt come with a code it was the pc version theres no online play no cross-platforming gameplay so the i have a dream speak can happen in the game world about " I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all games are created equal." i have a dream that pc, ps3, and xbox will be not judged by the.... but anyways if the coupon was only in the pc version and it's to download the pc version it's not like they took the game off the dics i would be more upset if i bought the game for pc and only got a download code but is it just me i would rather have a physical copy of the game. I'll leave you with this if you want 2 copies of this game don't hate the gs stores just call up OnLine service and say that you need the coupon to download it or square there the ones that offered the coupn so they should be able to get that for you if you so badly want 2 copies of the same game.[/QUOTE]
Great googily moogily!#-o That is one large block o'text with improper grammar, punctuation and I believe a number of misspellings(my eyes started to cross about 2/3 of the way through so I stopped reading:razz:).

[quote name='Oaxan']Werc22, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, PUNCTUATE.
I dunno how old you are, but you type like a 12 year old who thinks proper sentences are only important in school. I can't even read half your shit without developing a headache to go along with my already strained eyes.[/QUOTE]
And THIS is why I will NOT make a Facebook/Twitter/etc account, since everyone on there 'typz lik diz', U no?;)
[quote name='Explayer85']Werc22 is a waste of life as goes for anyone else who supports a corporation that robs consumers of their money as well as their dignity.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Explayer85']People are weak these days and are too chicken sh*t to fight for what they believe in. They figure they'll just take it up the a** today and hope for the best for tomorrow.[/QUOTE]

Buying video games is serious business.

So yeah, if you don't like their practices, don't buy from them. But they're offering a refund to anyone who asks for it with a receipt. But oh wait, Kotaku failed to mention that and even cut off the screenshot because they're sensationalist journalists, if I even dare call them journalists.

I definitely think GameStop was in the wrong here, but the fact is they're letting you return a PC game, (despite the fact that many people have registered it on Steam and will be able to play it,) even though they could have crossed their arms and said dealwithit.jpg. That's pretty damn cool in my book.
[quote name='gettinmoney662']Most gamers are complete morons.

For example:

But anyways, I'm surprised this is getting so much attention from non-gaming news sources though, must be a slow news day.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='lito88']Sheesh[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Logain8955']Sweet unholy jesus, this needed more than nine periods.

Though, classy referencing Martin Luther King Jr. Oh, wait. No, no it wasn't.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='specialist']hahahaha, holy shit.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='ragingst0rm6']Would somebody care to summarize? :D My eyes won't focus properly...[/QUOTE]

[quote name='kouleefoh']What the hell ? I have a dream? We hold these truth to be self evident? What? *head explode*[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Drclaw411']dude. for fucks sake. L2Puncuation. also, none of that made any sense. at all. you mention things like you have preorders and talk about Dr King...kinda...and you say the codes are still in the games, even though its pretty clear that gamestop pulled them. i dont think your ass was thinking when you pulled these sentances out of it.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Great googily moogily!#-o That is one large block o'text with improper grammar, punctuation and I believe a number of misspellings(my eyes started to cross about 2/3 of the way through so I stopped reading:razz:).

And THIS is why I will NOT make a Facebook/Twitter/etc account, since everyone on there 'typz lik diz', U no?;)[/QUOTE]
confirmed for ADD

and anyone who i have missed:
Seek some professional help!
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']Buying video games is serious business.

So yeah, if you don't like their practices, don't buy from them. But they're offering a refund to anyone who asks for it with a receipt. But oh wait, Kotaku failed to mention that and even cut off the screenshot because they're sensationalist journalists, if I even dare call them journalists.

I definitely think GameStop was in the wrong here, but the fact is they're letting you return a PC game, (despite the fact that many people have registered it on Steam and will be able to play it,) even though they could have crossed their arms and said dealwithit.jpg. That's pretty damn cool in my book.[/QUOTE]

How about the millions of other consumers who are getting a** raped who aren't CAGers and don't know about this. Game Stop figures if you don't ask, they won't tell and will gladly rob you of your money and dignity.
[quote name='cRodz']really?
That is like removing the PC Steam voucher from the PS3 version of Portal 2


[quote name='Explayer85']How about the millions of other consumers who are getting a** raped who aren't CAGers and don't know about this. Game Stop figures if you don't ask, they won't tell and will gladly rob you of your money and dignity.[/QUOTE]

I can't side with the uninformed consumer, you should know what you're buying. Also, can we please tone down the phrases here? I'm not being 'robbed', I received a good in exchange or money. I haven't lost my 'dignity', I've lost another trip to gamestop but gained a refund. You're right though, many people will lose out on an OnLive code because of this. But they're only not going to get a refund because they don't care about the OnLive code, or when they opened the box, they'd get their refund.

But I'll say it again. I think GameStop did a really dumb thing removing those codes, but they've owned up to it. That's all I'd ever ask 'em to do.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']I can't side with the uninformed consumer, you should know what you're buying. Also, can we please tone down the phrases here? I'm not being 'robbed', I received a good in exchange or money. I haven't lost my 'dignity', I've lost another trip to gamestop but gained a refund. You're right though, many people will lose out on an OnLive code because of this. But they're only not going to get a refund because they don't care about the OnLive code, or when they opened the box, they'd get their refund.

But I'll say it again. I think GameStop did a really dumb thing removing those codes, but they've owned up to it. That's all I'd ever ask 'em to do.[/QUOTE]

GameStop doesn't care about their customers' dignity. It's why they take a trade-in for $20 in store credit and sell it for $55. It's why they sell their shitty GameStop brand HDMI cables for $40. It's why they have some of the WORST sales of any retailer, yet they act like it's a big deal (Save $5 when you buy 3 used games!!!!). Anytime you buy something, they BEG you to pre-order a new game coming out. They tell you that you HAVE to get the discount card, even if you buy one thing a year.

GameStop doesn't even care about their own employees. I worked at GameStop for 2 years, and within a 3 month period, I had 3 different managers. Everyone except 2 people were fired another time. Even other stores I've been to for years would constantly go through different employees and management, more than any company I'd ever seen.

These guys are a bunch of douches, and I hope they go out of business when digital downloads start to become more popular.
[quote name='cynicalaa22']GameStop doesn't care about their customers' dignity. It's why they take a trade-in for $20 in store credit and sell it for $55. It's why they sell their shitty GameStop brand HDMI cables for $40. It's why they have some of the WORST sales of any retailer, yet they act like it's a big deal (Save $5 when you buy 3 used games!!!!). Anytime you buy something, they BEG you to pre-order a new game coming out. They tell you that you HAVE to get the discount card, even if you buy one thing a year.

It's called profit margin. Tell you what - open a game store, pay $40 for a game when someone brings it in and then sell it for $45. Let's see how long you stay in business.

EVERY electronics store hawks their HDMI cables. Why? Because there is a HUGE profit margin in cables. My parents bought a TV from the store that took over a bunch of Circuit City stores in VA - they tried to get them to buy their "special" cable. The TV wouldn't work without it... I called bullshit over the phone and they got an HDMI cable from Comcast when they picked up their HD box for free.

Target REGULARLY has games at FULL PRICE in their sales ads. What is the difference in GS knocking $5 off? Oh that's right. TARGET KNOCKED NOTHING OFF - they just hope that the shreks that don't know what games cost will come buy it because it's in the ad...

I have never placed a preorder at a GS store. I buy the shit when it comes in or I get it from Amazon with promo credit. There's this word in the English language. It's a short one, but very powerful. It is the word NO. It works, just try it.

I can tell you one thing - we'd all be sorry to see GS go out of business. If you work the promos properly, I've gotten insane amounts of money for games that I bought for WAY less or games that I already played the shit out of and got my entire purchase price back. If GS went out of business, you;d see 2 things - a.) other retailers pulling out of the trade business and b.) the retailers that stay in the business offering lower prices due to decreased competition. It's Economics 101.

I will also say - while I find what they did with the OnLive trial crappy, I also understand GS' side of things. If they consider OnLive a competitor, then they have a right to protect their business interests. Would Target sell Modern Warfare 3 if there was a sticker on the front that said "Buy MW3, get a $20 WalMart GC in the box. Wal-Mart - best prices, every day!"? fuck no, they wouldn't. They'd pack that shit up and send it back to the distributor. No way they'd sell it. You HAVE to protect your business interests. Business is too tight these days not to.
[quote name='crazedracerguy']It's called profit margin. Tell you what - open a game store, pay $40 for a game when someone brings it in and then sell it for $45. Let's see how long you stay in business.

EVERY electronics store hawks their HDMI cables. Why? Because there is a HUGE profit margin in cables. My parents bought a TV from the store that took over a bunch of Circuit City stores in VA - they tried to get them to buy their "special" cable. The TV wouldn't work without it... I called bullshit over the phone and they got an HDMI cable from Comcast when they picked up their HD box for free.

Target REGULARLY has games at FULL PRICE in their sales ads. What is the difference in GS knocking $5 off? Oh that's right. TARGET KNOCKED NOTHING OFF - they just hope that the shreks that don't know what games cost will come buy it because it's in the ad...

I have never placed a preorder at a GS store. I buy the shit when it comes in or U get it from Amazon with promo credit. There's this word in the English language. It's a short one, but very powerful. It is the word NO. It works, just try it.

I can tell you one thing - we'd all be sorry to see GS go out of business. If you work the promos properly, I've gotten insane amounts of money for games that I bought for WAY less or games that I already played the shit out of and got my entire purchase price back. If GS went out of business, you;d see 2 things - a.) other retailers pulling out of the trade business and b.) the retailers that stay in the business offering lower prices due to decreased competition. It's Economics 101.[/QUOTE]
I hear what you're saying. I'm usually pretty quick to defend GameStop. We don't usually like their practices, but they're usually well within their rights, in addition to if you're savvy about the promotions, you can make a killing off gamestop.

This crossed a line, though, and I can't support them. Like I said, earlier, I sent them an email saying as much, too. I have over $200 in store credit, so I've got to go back for that, but unless they publicly denounce their actions, I'm pretty done with patronizing their stores. It's great that they've decided to accept returns of the game, even though it's Steamworks, but to me, it's not enough.

Sure, I'm just one consumer, but I can't be the only one who feels this way. I've done a lot of business with gamestop over the years, and even though I've felt on the short end of the stick on occasion, that is a long standing business relationship to just toss aside. All I want from this company, with a less than stellar reputation, is for once for them to just come out, and publicly say "Our bad. We shouldn't have done that." That's seriously all it would take for me to forgive and forget. I'm not holding my breath, though.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']I can't side with the uninformed consumer, you should know what you're buying. Also, can we please tone down the phrases here? I'm not being 'robbed', I received a good in exchange or money. I haven't lost my 'dignity', I've lost another trip to gamestop but gained a refund. You're right though, many people will lose out on an OnLive code because of this. But they're only not going to get a refund because they don't care about the OnLive code, or when they opened the box, they'd get their refund.

But I'll say it again. I think GameStop did a really dumb thing removing those codes, but they've owned up to it. That's all I'd ever ask 'em to do.[/QUOTE]

They've owned up to it only because of the backlash. Your stance is equivalent to we have a criminal who has already been proven guilty, the judge is reading the sentencing, and then the criminal now admits he did it, so based on your theory he should now get to walk as if he never committed the crime?

And the consumer should know what he/she is buying? A consumer shouldn't have to worry that the 16oz bag of m&m's they bought at wal-mart may be different than the exact same package sold at target. It's expected! But you can bet people will no longer trust that to be the case when buying at gamestop and will hopefully influence them to buy elsewhere, where they don't have to worry about being stolen from, because that's essentially what gamestop did. To prove this point, why don't you head over to wal-mart or best buy, slit the box open in front of an employee, pocket the onlive voucher coupon and walk out the door, let's see where that gets you.

This greedy company has made billions of dollars a year off these same ignorant consumers who are defending this action, and apparently will continue to, which is a shame.
[quote name='RiPPn']They've owned up to it only because of the backlash. Your stance is equivalent to we have a criminal who has already been proven guilty, the judge is reading the sentencing, and then the criminal now admits he did it, so based on your theory he should now get to walk as if he never committed the crime? [/QUOTE]

No, because crimes cause damages that can't be refunded.

I'll say it a final time, I am not defending GS's actions. Only that I'm glad to see they're rectifying the issue, and that some lucky people will be getting the game for free because of that. I didn't say they're a great company, or that they don't have some shitty trade in values.

Also, please stop using the word 'greedy' like it's a bad thing for a business to be greedy. If businesses weren't greedy, they'd be going out of business left and right, and then you wouldn't have all this nice shit to buy.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']No, because crimes cause damages that can't be refunded.

I'll say it a final time, I am not defending GS's actions. Only that I'm glad to see they're rectifying the issue, and that some lucky people will be getting the game for free because of that. I didn't say they're a great company, or that they don't have some shitty trade in values.

Also, please stop using the word 'greedy' like it's a bad thing for a business to be greedy. If businesses weren't greedy, they'd be going out of business left and right, and then you wouldn't have all this nice shit to buy.[/QUOTE]

So. I can rob a bank then give the money back plus interest and its all good....awesome!!!!
[quote name='z3razerviper']Square should have stood its ground[/QUOTE]
I liked Square-Enix's response.
We feel it is within Gamestop's rights to sell our games not in a manner that we intended them to be sold, and if anyone is ok with that and wants to buy an inferior product at full price, have at it.
^ EDIT: Yeah. When I read S-E's response, I thought it, too, was underhanded corporate doublespeak for "man, fuck GS and anyone dumb enough to shop there; we'll gladly continue to separate you fools from your money - but if you can read what we're saying, what are you doing buying Deus Ex from GS in the first place? Buy it elsewhere, where you get the complete package."

soooo, why couldn't/didn't GS simply remove the code and offer a download through their DL service as a replacement?

Taking away a portion of a product is heinous, but the thing is, GS had the means of replacing the portion of the product they removed - yet they did not.

As long as people buy GS' gutted copies (and don't say no), they'll continue to gut them. If the copy of a game you want at GS is gutted, say "no thanks," explain why, and don't purchase the game. That simple.

But that's different from opening the product to take something out of the package. GS should replace what they took out. They have a DD service, so they should offer it to customers as a courtesy download. What would be the harm there?
[quote name='Maskim']I liked Square-Enix's response.
We feel it is within Gamestop's rights to sell our games not in a manner that we intended them to be sold, and if anyone is ok with that and wants to buy an inferior product at full price, have at it.[/QUOTE]

I did not see that responce. If i was square i would make gs life hard like shipping them product later and only giving dlc to competors
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']No, because crimes cause damages that can't be refunded.

I'll say it a final time, I am not defending GS's actions. Only that I'm glad to see they're rectifying the issue, and that some lucky people will be getting the game for free because of that. I didn't say they're a great company, or that they don't have some shitty trade in values.

Also, please stop using the word 'greedy' like it's a bad thing for a business to be greedy. If businesses weren't greedy, they'd be going out of business left and right, and then you wouldn't have all this nice shit to buy.[/QUOTE]

So I guess if a bank robber returned every dollar or a person who robbed your house returned everything back to you all should be forgiven?

And I'll say it again, they are only "rectifying the issue" because of the uproar, had this been a couple consumers gamestop would have told them to bad so sad.

There is conducting business, and then there is greed, and it's not even a fine line, you really have to pull some major crap to be considered a "greedy" company. And even before this debacle gamestop has been considered greedy. Hell they don't make the billion dollar profits annually by not being that way. Which goes back to the point of why anyone would shop there in the first place when they know they are being raped, its beyond me.
[quote name='z3razerviper']I did not see that responce. If i was square i would make gs life hard like shipping them product later and only giving dlc to competors[/QUOTE]
That's not how they worded it, but that's how I interpreted it. Based upon the circumstances at hand surrounding the statement, I'm pretty sure they meant it in a snarky manner.
[quote name='rippn']so i guess if a bank robber returned every dollar or a person who robbed your house returned everything back to you all should be forgiven?

And i'll say it again, they are only "rectifying the issue" because of the uproar, had this been a couple consumers gamestop would have told them to bad so sad.

There is conducting business, and then there is greed, and it's not even a fine line, you really have to pull some major crap to be considered a "greedy" company. And even before this debacle gamestop has been considered greedy. Hell they don't make the billion dollar profits annually by not being that way. Which goes back to the point of why anyone would shop there in the first place when they know they are being raped, its beyond me.[/quote]

[quote name='RiPPn']Which goes back to the point of why anyone would shop there in the first place when they know they are being raped, its beyond me.[/QUOTE]

I don't know what you're talking about with this part. I shop there because on some (actually many) items, they have the absolute lowest prices anywhere. I guess I will just never understand how people can have such strong emotional responses to stores of all things.
[quote name='z3razerviper']So. I can rob a bank then give the money back plus interest and its all good....awesome!!!![/QUOTE]

[quote name='RiPPn']So I guess if a bank robber returned every dollar or a person who robbed your house returned everything back to you all should be forgiven?

And I'll say it again, they are only "rectifying the issue" because of the uproar, had this been a couple consumers gamestop would have told them to bad so sad.

There is conducting business, and then there is greed, and it's not even a fine line, you really have to pull some major crap to be considered a "greedy" company. And even before this debacle gamestop has been considered greedy. Hell they don't make the billion dollar profits annually by not being that way. Which goes back to the point of why anyone would shop there in the first place when they know they are being raped, its beyond me.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='cynicalaa22']+1[/QUOTE]
Please stop trying to compare robbing a bank and what GS did with a code for a game. Not even close to the same thing.

And apparently no one here ever heard of Gordon Gekko and "greed is good". :lol:
What else can you expect from a race-to-the-bottom shithole company from Texas? They only exist to make as much money as possible at the expense of 95% of their workers. They don't care... I know... I used to work for EB games and they were an awesome company. I was their when Gamestop bought them out. My pay was cut by 30%, no more benefits, no more incentive programs for presales or subscriptions (GS just threatened to fire you if you didn't get enough), and they took away an employees ability to check out new games. Shitty company that has made its fortune on the backs of good people and bought up all the competition....

Maybe EB didn't make as much money as quickly, but they did a great job and took an ethical approach to their relationship to their workers. Not so with GS. They are abusive.

fuck you, Gamestop.
I cant understand why anyone would buy new games from gamestop. I certainly dont. If the price drops, you cant get it matched. If you buy from best buy, target, or wal mart, you can.

The next time I see a new game released on sale will be the first time. Also, them trying to sell you an opened game as new. When you refuse it, they try to talk to you like your an idiot.

Dont get me wrong, I shop at gamestop, but its mostly to find older used titles you just cant find at other stores. Other than that, I never buy new from gamestop.


What does them being from Texas have to do with anything? Don't be hatin on Texas.
[quote name='wrencrest']Please stop trying to compare robbing a bank and what GS did with a code for a game. Not even close to the same thing.

And apparently no one here ever heard of Gordon Gekko and "greed is good". :lol:[/QUOTE]

It's kind of bothersome that, in a thread where multiple people have compared gamestop's actions to rape, the words that get under your skin are "greed" and "robbery."
[quote name='mykevermin']it's kind of bothersome that, in a thread where multiple people have compared gamestop's actions to rape, the words that get under your skin are "greed" and "robbery."[/quote]

[quote name='crazedracerguy']It's called profit margin. Tell you what - open a game store, pay $40 for a game when someone brings it in and then sell it for $45. Let's see how long you stay in business.

EVERY electronics store hawks their HDMI cables. Why? Because there is a HUGE profit margin in cables. My parents bought a TV from the store that took over a bunch of Circuit City stores in VA - they tried to get them to buy their "special" cable. The TV wouldn't work without it... I called bullshit over the phone and they got an HDMI cable from Comcast when they picked up their HD box for free.

Target REGULARLY has games at FULL PRICE in their sales ads. What is the difference in GS knocking $5 off? Oh that's right. TARGET KNOCKED NOTHING OFF - they just hope that the shreks that don't know what games cost will come buy it because it's in the ad...

I have never placed a preorder at a GS store. I buy the shit when it comes in or I get it from Amazon with promo credit. There's this word in the English language. It's a short one, but very powerful. It is the word NO. It works, just try it.

I can tell you one thing - we'd all be sorry to see GS go out of business. If you work the promos properly, I've gotten insane amounts of money for games that I bought for WAY less or games that I already played the shit out of and got my entire purchase price back. If GS went out of business, you;d see 2 things - a.) other retailers pulling out of the trade business and b.) the retailers that stay in the business offering lower prices due to decreased competition. It's Economics 101.

I will also say - while I find what they did with the OnLive trial crappy, I also understand GS' side of things. If they consider OnLive a competitor, then they have a right to protect their business interests. Would Target sell Modern Warfare 3 if there was a sticker on the front that said "Buy MW3, get a $20 WalMart GC in the box. Wal-Mart - best prices, every day!"? fuck no, they wouldn't. They'd pack that shit up and send it back to the distributor. No way they'd sell it. You HAVE to protect your business interests. Business is too tight these days not to.[/QUOTE]

While I agree with a lot of what you are saying..we would not all be sorry for GS going out of business. You may work their promos (I used to, so I know it can be adventageous as well), but not all of us do. I reached a point where I no longer cared what deal I may be getting, as I was not going to suffer the continual poor service (both from store employees and corporate policies). I haven't been back to a GS since and I cannot see myself ever doing so.
[quote name='Yanksfan']While I agree with a lot of what you are saying..we would not all be sorry for GS going out of business. You may work their promos (I used to, so I know it can be adventageous as well), but not all of us do. I reached a point where I no longer cared what deal I may be getting, as I was not going to suffer the continual poor service (both from store employees and corporate policies). I haven't been back to a GS since and I cannot see myself ever doing so.[/QUOTE]

Wherever you do shop would raise their prices in the absence of competition. That's part of his point.
[quote name='wrencrest']Please stop trying to compare robbing a bank and what GS did with a code for a game. Not even close to the same thing. [/QUOTE]

Okay maybe you'll like this analogy better, so a person goes in to best buy, slits open a game, steals the onlive voucher, as he is walking out the door gets stopped by loss prevention, he hands the voucher back, he then should be able to walk out the front door like nothing happened. Except in gamestops scenario you need to multiply that by thousands.
The next step is GameStop opening games and removing DLC codes to sell, separately, as new. This kind of behavior just encourages GameStop to do it more and more.

It's one of the many reasons I never buy anything new at GameStop unless it's a GameStop exclusive, few and far between.
Gamestop would have been much better off if they had just refused to carry the game, IMO. It is perfectly legitimate to not carry items in your store which advertise a competitor's product. I can fully understand not wanting to promote OnLive when it is in direct competition with their digital service. I get that.

What I don't think is right is selling a 'new product' in your store that is definitely not new. To me, that is total BS.

So, not carrying the game? Understandable. Carrying the game, collecting the cash but giving the customer a not-new, gimped product? Yeah, I smell a class action lawsuit if they don't offer full refunds to every customer that purchased the game.
[quote name='werc22']well i know mostly everyone is bad mouthing gamestop sorry you have all had bad times with gamestop i've never had problems with the stores i've gone to buy my games and that's before i started working for gamestop i've been working for a couple gamestop store been working for the company for more than a year. i was there on the launch of this game our pc versions were sealed so unless gamestop is magic and made the coupon disappear they should be in there i did read an article online about that square just mentioned the coupon day the game came out i read that on the the comments of the article and some said that on the OnLive site they had a deal to get the game for free if you got a console or something like that. well if people are complaining about some new games being open or gs selling used games for full price well every gs i've been to or worked doesnt sell used games for full price. the opened new games if you are buying a new game and it the last copy the case is the display because gs doesn't send just empty cases to show we just have one tile on the sheilf plus what if u grabbed the display off the sheilf and we were sold out it be faules advertising but the games are still new just behind the counter with the other copies. sorry everyones gs doesnt run this way but i wouldnt play a new copy of a game if i didnt buy it that's not right it is power to the player thats you they have all these deals sometime for trades or used games i'm not saying gs, gs, gs yeah because i still haven't gotten my gameinformer since i've signed up for it 3 months ago but thats gameinformers doing but don't burn the monster and never find out it wasn't a monster just an angry crowd building it into one well nothing is perfect if you hate your gs go to a different one i don't know what to tell you i just get this from the ones that i worked at or shopped at before and while working for gs. maybe gs isn't your store or you need to do your game shopping in more than one retailer. i shop different places on and offline i find the deals that best power me as a player in the life of video games. i know last month gs had trade any games to some of the hottest E3 tiles and i dont trade games but I made off with most of the games that i want that are coming out this year like batman aa, uncharted 3, AC revilation i traded only a handfull of games and with the power-up pro got the 10% + 40% so 50% or credit for my trades and i got more than i paid for the games to trade them so i have 2 games fully paid off and you could say that's better than the best buy deal pre-order 5 select tiles and get a $100 gc but everyone has there own ways of getting games but we should cry about a free download coupon is you buying the game for pc because there is no online multiplayer for this game so why do you need 2 pc copies to play with yourself if you have 2 computers right next to you but you will still be playing the same game portal 2 for ps3 made sence ps3 teamed up with sony to make this multi-platformed so you can play ps3 and pc players together it had a coep online that you needed 2 players so if you had the ps3 and got the pc steam code you still had to link in to your psn id but the ps3 or xbox versions didnt come with a code it was the pc version theres no online play no cross-platforming gameplay so the i have a dream speak can happen in the game world about " I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all games are created equal." i have a dream that pc, ps3, and xbox will be not judged by the.... but anyways if the coupon was only in the pc version and it's to download the pc version it's not like they took the game off the dics i would be more upset if i bought the game for pc and only got a download code but is it just me i would rather have a physical copy of the game. I'll leave you with this if you want 2 copies of this game don't hate the gs stores just call up OnLine service and say that you need the coupon to download it or square there the ones that offered the coupn so they should be able to get that for you if you so badly want 2 copies of the same game.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='werc22']well i know mostly everyone is bad mouthing gamestop sorry you have all had bad times with gamestop i've never had problems with the stores i've gone to buy my games and that's before i started working for gamestop i've been working for a couple gamestop store been working for the company for more than a year. i was there on the launch of this game our pc versions were sealed so unless gamestop is magic and made the coupon disappear they should be in there i did read an article online about that square just mentioned the coupon day the game came out i read that on the the comments of the article and some said that on the OnLive site they had a deal to get the game for free if you got a console or something like that. well if people are complaining about some new games being open or gs selling used games for full price well every gs i've been to or worked doesnt sell used games for full price. the opened new games if you are buying a new game and it the last copy the case is the display because gs doesn't send just empty cases to show we just have one tile on the sheilf plus what if u grabbed the display off the sheilf and we were sold out it be faules advertising but the games are still new just behind the counter with the other copies. sorry everyones gs doesnt run this way but i wouldnt play a new copy of a game if i didnt buy it that's not right it is power to the player thats you they have all these deals sometime for trades or used games i'm not saying gs, gs, gs yeah because i still haven't gotten my gameinformer since i've signed up for it 3 months ago but thats gameinformers doing but don't burn the monster and never find out it wasn't a monster just an angry crowd building it into one well nothing is perfect if you hate your gs go to a different one i don't know what to tell you i just get this from the ones that i worked at or shopped at before and while working for gs. maybe gs isn't your store or you need to do your game shopping in more than one retailer. i shop different places on and offline i find the deals that best power me as a player in the life of video games. i know last month gs had trade any games to some of the hottest E3 tiles and i dont trade games but I made off with most of the games that i want that are coming out this year like batman aa, uncharted 3, AC revilation i traded only a handfull of games and with the power-up pro got the 10% + 40% so 50% or credit for my trades and i got more than i paid for the games to trade them so i have 2 games fully paid off and you could say that's better than the best buy deal pre-order 5 select tiles and get a $100 gc but everyone has there own ways of getting games but we should cry about a free download coupon is you buying the game for pc because there is no online multiplayer for this game so why do you need 2 pc copies to play with yourself if you have 2 computers right next to you but you will still be playing the same game portal 2 for ps3 made sence ps3 teamed up with sony to make this multi-platformed so you can play ps3 and pc players together it had a coep online that you needed 2 players so if you had the ps3 and got the pc steam code you still had to link in to your psn id but the ps3 or xbox versions didnt come with a code it was the pc version theres no online play no cross-platforming gameplay so the i have a dream speak can happen in the game world about " I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all games are created equal." i have a dream that pc, ps3, and xbox will be not judged by the.... but anyways if the coupon was only in the pc version and it's to download the pc version it's not like they took the game off the dics i would be more upset if i bought the game for pc and only got a download code but is it just me i would rather have a physical copy of the game. I'll leave you with this if you want 2 copies of this game don't hate the gs stores just call up OnLine service and say that you need the coupon to download it or square there the ones that offered the coupn so they should be able to get that for you if you so badly want 2 copies of the same game.[/QUOTE]

Keepin' all the GameStop haters at bay with a big wall of text.
is anyone having problems reading that big wall of text? I keep thinking of a troll with a lisp with spit coming out with enraged eyes and I laugh
[quote name='themidnighter23']is anyone having problems reading that big wall of text? I keep thinking of a troll with a lisp with spit coming out with enraged eyes and I laugh[/QUOTE]

I can't even get past the first line.
Other than the people that rely on Gamestop for their paycheck (I'm looking at you, text wall guy), I don't see how anyone can defend Gamestop or their sleazy practices. "They are just protecting their business", "They don't want to promote their competition", etc. There's a difference between good business practices and ethics. You can have both. Digital goods are still goods, and stealing is stealing.

To put aside all the talk about robbing a bank, and raping, and all that shit, let's take a look at a real-world example. A lot of Blu Rays these days come with the "digital copy", that you would redeem via iTunes. Amazon has an "Instant Video" store to download movies that competes with iTunes. If I bought a Blu Ray with a digital copy from Amazon, would they pull that digital copy voucher? Hell no, they wouldn't, because they're Amazon and not GameStop.
Shit, let's talk apples and apples. Amazon sells Deus Ex on their games digital download store. They also sell the boxed version. Any of you GameStop apologists care to wager if Amazon removes that OnLive voucher. You fuckin know they don't.
I don't know a single GameStop employee I would be sad for if their company went out of business.

But we all know that's not going to happen because even a big scandal like this still won't pull up the blinders that the people who keep funding their horrible practices put on.

[quote name='brianace'] If I bought a Blu Ray with a digital copy from Amazon, would they pull that digital copy voucher? Hell no, they wouldn't, because they're Amazon and not GameStop.


That puts it perfectly. +1
[quote name='blindinglights']Keepin' all the GameStop haters at bay with a big wall of text.[/QUOTE]
I know he burnt my retinas. I've been thwarted.
[quote name='hustletron']It seems we have a bunch of rape and bank robbery victims in this thread.[/QUOTE]

Hasn't GameStop been known to do those? Oh, and don't forget Martin Luther King's dream!
[quote name='hustletron']It seems we have a bunch of rape and bank robbery victims in this thread.[/QUOTE]

And don't forget scum bag GS employees.
I don't understand why some people are having such a difficult time understanding this SIMPLE CONCEPT. Yes, gamestop has the "right" to decide what they sell in their stores. But they DO NOT have the right to open up "NEW" merchendise and pick&choose what they want their customers to have and use their shitty policies as justification and still sell the item as "NEW". If they had a problem with ANY ASPECT of this game, as delivered by the manufacturer, then they should have just not sold the game and sent it back to the manufacturer from the start.

Instead, they chose to do as they always do, not give a damn about common sense or customer service and do whatever they feel like doing just because this same shitty philosophy has worked so well for them all this time. THANK GOD, people are in an uproar over this and giving gamestop hell for it. It is PAST TIME that people band together and bash gamestop with complaints/online petitions/boycots/etc over their shitty practice of selling opened new games as "New".

And to those tards who say "they only do it to the "1 copy" they put on display, so whats the big deal?" If that is what truly happens, then do you really think so many people would be complaining? Sure most newer released major title games will be sealed, but if you are looking for any other game that has been out for more then a few months and its not a AAA title, chances are it will be gutted. Not to mention, anytime they have a power sale they gut all of those titles as well.

I'm not one of those people who want gamestop to close over this issue, and I will still continue to shop there despite their shitty customer service and policies, because at the end of the day I care about getting the best deals. For some games, the trade-in prices are pretty good and better then other places or even selling them on ebay, and for those games, I will continue to use gamestop as long as it benefits me. However, I will continue not to buy New games unless they are sealed. I will just pm their deals elsewhere, even if it means paying with real money as opposed to gs trade in credit. Most recent experience with this was bloodstone, 1 local store only had 1 copy that was gutted, other local store had 4 copies (and guess what, all 4 were much for the gutting only "1 copy" for display theory). Went next door to bb and pmd the game instead.
[quote name='blindinglights']Keepin' all the GameStop haters at bay with a big wall of text.[/QUOTE]

1200 words and three periods. An impressive ratio.
[quote name='brianace']
Shit, let's talk apples and apples. Amazon sells Deus Ex on their games digital download store. They also sell the boxed version. Any of you GameStop apologists care to wager if Amazon removes that OnLive voucher. You fuckin know they don't.
Exactly, this is the truth right here. You can't defend a retailer that does something every other retailer won't do because other retailers have standards.

Gamestop could care less about you the consumer and only care about money. How many times did you walk into a gamestop, seeing a half brained, dumbass employee that is not qualified for the job? Hell I even bought Battlefield BC2 on PC from them and then when I got home found out someone used the multiplayer voucher. Yeah these idiots are half brained, and corporate sure doesn't care about joe gamer, they only care about soccer moms and 6 year olds buying that shitty used game.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']Exactly, this is the truth right here. You can't defend a retailer that does something every other retailer won't do because other retailers have standards.

Gamestop could care less about you the consumer and only care about money. How many times did you walk into a gamestop, seeing a half brained, dumbass employee that is not qualified for the job? Hell I even bought Battlefield BC2 on PC from them and then when I got home found out someone used the multiplayer voucher. Yeah these idiots are half brained, and corporate sure doesn't care about joe gamer, they only care about soccer moms and 6 year olds buying that shitty used game.[/QUOTE]

Lol. Right on. This is why i dont buy New games from gamestop.
The right thing to do would be send the items back to Square like they have finally done. The removing of the codes without informing the customer is where the deception comes in and makes it unethical. You can protect your interests without lying to customers.

BTW: since they're taking returns on it now are people entering the codes into steam and returning them to the store? Free Deus Ex everyone?
bread's done