Gamestop removed OnLive vouchers from Deus EX: HR; Now Pulling Game From Shelves

[quote name='jer7583']OP needs to change thread title to "don't shop at gamestop - retailer is opening and removing content from new copies of Deus Ex HR"[/QUOTE]

In blue... Their old policy: selling gutted copies as brand new.
In red... Their new policy: breaking and fucking the basic rules of retail.
I think this message should be where the most traffic is on this site, if it helps 1 person then this thread was worth it. I was going to buy this through gamestop because I had credit, but then GMG had the better deal. I'm really glad I didn't get this at gamestop, I wouldn't have used the onlive code but that doesn't give them the right to take things from a new game.
I agree with the sentiment here. Gamestop, rot in hell.
I never liked their practices of selling gutted/employee loaners as new, but this is a new low.
Shopping there has gotten less and less frequent for me, as I have a tendency to go where there are deals. And for the most part, there are much better deals elsewhere. I just got about $40 in trade-in credit (and re-upped my PUR card, unfortunately), but I am done with Gamestop.
When Valve gave out a free Steam copy of Portal 2 with the purchase of the PS3 version, they did nothing then? Doesn't Steam also compete with their shitty little d/l service?
[quote name='p5ych0']I think this message should be where the most traffic is on this site, if it helps 1 person then this thread was worth it. I was going to buy this through gamestop because I had credit, but then GMG had the better deal. I'm really glad I didn't get this at gamestop, I wouldn't have used the onlive code but that doesn't give them the right to take things from a new game.[/QUOTE]

Wow fuck gamestop, never going back there ever
The last time I ever bought anything at Gamestop was when they were offering credit for trading in your old Xbox 360 for the new slim. I had the original, no-HDMI, first generation Xbox which was a replacement refurbished console after mine got the RROD, so for me it was a really good deal (it wouldn't have been a good deal if you were trading in an Elite or something like that) because it was more than I could've gotten selling it on my own with the possibility that it would RROD for the new owner.

No reason for me to ever go back there with all the times they've tried to sell me gutted copies. Plus they don't have any preorder deals like Newegg and Amazon have been giving out.

I will never forget the time I was at a Gamestop and some employee was trying to convince this senior couple that they needed to preorder Mario Party 8 for the Wii because it would be impossible to find when it comes out. Never mind that this was back when Wiis were hard to get and the games were plentiful. Never mind that Mario Party has never been a game that cleared off the shelf.
That is a real scumbag move. I don't use and I have no intentions to ever use OnLive but it is my God given right to have extra pieces of paper clutter up my man cave and gather dust until the day finally comes that I need a scrap of paper and it finally has a use.

I bet Gargus is laying in a corner twitching over this and the HP TouchPad thread.
Well our message seems to be getting attention with more views pouring in. Hope word of mouth kicks in here. This situation makes my theory of bobby kotick being the real ceo of gamestop more likely now
It amazes me with the number of people defending Gamestop on Facebook in reply to their official statement about this "policy".

Look, if Square didn't notify them that's between THEM. Two companies, not the consumer. Gamestop can send their stock back, refuse to sell, whatever. But instead, they decide to open the packages and decide what YOU the consumer get in YOUR purchase. That's a highly immoral gray area they are opening up.

Their policy could also say that instruction manuals hurt their strategy guide sales, let's take those out. Maybe next I'll go to a Home Depot and buy a desk where they've removed the screws because they sell those themselves. I'm not saying any of these example are feasible or "bound to happen", but that's the kind of gray area we are talking about here. This kind of practice should not be tolerated.
Glad they didn't take the free jiffy pop coupon out of my crappy carnival games manual in fear that it may drive me to buy games at a competitor like walmart or target...
Did you ever consider that GS contacted SE and asked if they would rather them NOT sell the game or to remove the coupons? That's most likely how it went down.
Not telling a customer that they've gutted the copy is where the whole problem is. If they want to gut it and sell it as used that's their deal.
If GameStop and Square Enix had some agreement or not, the fact is they never informed PC purchasing customers of what they were doing. I am sure that they will not offer anything to compensate those who have already purchased the PC version.
[quote name='Saix_XIII']Does your box list anywhere that it comes with the OnLive voucher?[/QUOTE]
Nope, doesn't have anything on the packaging. Not mad that I didn't get one, I am mad though that there could of been a chance a GS employee stole it from my copy and sold it on e-bay.
I understand why Gamestop wouldn't want to sell items that promoted competitors, but it's way too late. They should have either bit their tongue or pulled the game completely. This should be a lesson learned to tighten up their contact with what publishers can include.

I really don't see Gamestop as a lasting company. Their consumer unfriendly policies and the advent of online shopping and digital goods is going to leave them behind.
This is utter garbage. I just sent their customer support a very civil, professional, and angry letter about how this deceitful practice is shameful, and due to this I have decided to not only cancel my paid off preorder, which I had intended to pick up today, but to also (for the first time in 8 years) not renew my gamestop membership/gameinformer subscription.

It may be a drop in the bucket, but it felt better to send it off than to just sit there thinking how much it sucks.
[quote name='jayntampa']Did you ever consider that GS contacted SE and asked if they would rather them NOT sell the game or to remove the coupons? That's most likely how it went down.[/QUOTE]

It doesn't matter. Law is law about what constitutes new. Without consent by the consumer they cannot sell a game that has been altered as new.

If they publicly announced and told each person that bought it what they did then that would be another story. That is how they got around gutted "new" copies, because nothing was altered and you got the complete game (supposedly) unused.

This broke 2 laws in selling new games. You can't alter the And sell it as new. You also can't break the seal and sell the game as new UNLESS the consumer is informed and agrees.

I remember this because their last lawsuit about opened "new" games brought these up.
[quote name='Antipodes']
I really don't see Gamestop as a lasting company. Their consumer unfriendly policies and the advent of online shopping and digital goods is going to leave them behind.[/QUOTE]
I've been waiting for years for ANY of the major retailers to really try actually compete head-to-head with Gamestop, because we all know everything that Gamestop does can be done better by someone else
[quote name='Maskim']This is utter garbage. I just sent their customer support a very civil, professional, and angry letter about how this deceitful practice is shameful, and due to this I have decided to not only cancel my paid off preorder, which I had intended to pick up today, but to also (for the first time in 8 years) not renew my gamestop membership/gameinformer subscription.

It may be a drop in the bucket, but it felt better to send it off than to just sit there thinking how much it sucks.[/QUOTE]

It's only a drop in the bucket if you're the only one who does it. Hopefully others will follow your example.
I really hope nobody on CAG got Deus Ex from Gamestop when it could have been had MUCH cheaper elsewhere. Anyway, I can't remember when I last set foot in Gamestop and I probably won't again. I'll just get my niche JRPGs from Amazon instead from now on.
Seriously, Gamestop is the worst major retailer ever, all things considered. They are anti-consumer AND anti-industry. This company needs to die.

It's funny that people argue that competition is a good thing, and that it would be sad for consumers if Gamestop were to go under. It's a justifiable concern in theory; hell, when Circuit City went under, gone were the days of Best Buy giving out $10-$20 gift cards with new releases, on top of the RZ points.

The thing is, if Gamestop went under, it wouldn't even change anything with the competition in the new game market, because Gamestop isn't even competitive in the slightest. in fact, Gamestop is ANTI-competitive in the new game market.
Checked out Gamestop facebook page. I'm amazed at the number of people that still love and defend Gamestop even considering this situation. Somehow Gamestop has been able to cultivate a large number of protectionist.
Is it just the used games where Gamestop owns the market? Namely the credit you get for giving them your used games? You have stores like Amazon, Newegg, Best Buy and even K-Mart giving you store coupons, gift cards, present discounts and future discounts for buying all these big name games. A $60 game at Gamestop is always going to be $60 unless you have credit with them.
I stopped going here ever since they tried to sell me gutted copies as new every time, when I can obviously see sealed games behind the shelves.

I really hope GS will get in trouble for this.
I wonder if we can legitimately file a complaint with the B.B.B.

I know a while back a lawyer on SD took care of the paper work and just posted a pdf file which all the customers filled out and faxed to their local BBB office. A week later, all the customers denied the sale were called up by their respective store managers and given the TV( deal was for a lg tv for $300 that frys denied).

Would be nice if the so called "legal eagles" on CAG would do the same...Just tired of the non-friendly consumer treatment that's been flying around the past few years in this country.
[quote name='Kitoro']Seriously, Gamestop is the worst major retailer ever, all things considered. They are anti-consumer AND anti-industry. This company needs to die.

It's funny that people argue that competition is a good thing, and that it would be sad for consumers if Gamestop were to go under. It's a justifiable concern in theory; hell, when Circuit City went under, gone were the days of Best Buy giving out $10-$20 gift cards with new releases, on top of the RZ points.

The thing is, if Gamestop went under, it wouldn't even change anything with the competition in the new game market, because Gamestop isn't even competitive in the slightest. in fact, Gamestop is ANTI-competitive in the new game market.[/QUOTE]

Lets not go overboard.. Competition IS a good thing. Hell I wouldn't be surprised to see a retailer like Amazon or Best Buy slash its DXHR PC price this weekend and remind consumers that the OnLive code is inncluded when you shop at their respective outlets.

Just keep in mind. When all of these guys you mention are fighting tooth and nail for our money , we (consumers)come out on top
Well if they don't want to promote the competition why don't they compete by promoting themselves? Replace the free copy from onlive with a copy from their own download service instead.

Every other retailer, including Amazon(which also offers 2 downloadable versions of Deus Ex on their site and apparently aren't afraid of "promoting the competition"), have a competitive edge now by keeping the onlive code.
I bet if Activision or EA had published this GS never would pull a stunt like this. Can you imagine if they lost the right to sell COD or Battlefield?
This is one of the most bone headed, shameful, narcissistic, anti-consumer decisions I have ever seen a retailer corporate entity make. It is beyond stupid and obnoxious and crosses over into crazy. I thought it was just an internet rumor when I first heard it. Gamestop, how low CAN you go?
Thanks OP. I will continue my ongoing boycott of Gamestop.
From the Gamespy site, I just read this:
"In April, GameStop acquired streaming tech company Spawn Labs and digital distribution platform Impulse"
Huh, I did not know Impulse was part of GameStop. I have never bought anything from Impulse but I am happy to boycott them as well.
[quote name='Brother Daz']CNN money has a story on this now.

GS latest statement:

"Now, GameStop says it will not sell the opened DXHR packages -- in fact, it won't sell any physical copies of the game at all until Square Enix ships GameStop a version without the OnLive coupon. GameSpot will continue to sell its own digital version of the game in its stores and online. "[/QUOTE]

Too late for that....they're screwed and they know it. This really could be something that takes a toll on them. And I love it. Can't wait until that scumbag company is shut down.
[quote name='Jimmienoman']Want to go buy one just so I can be part of the lawsuit that screws GS[/QUOTE]

Don't hold your breath, any lawsuit against them will probably get shot down.
[quote name='jab1235']Don't hold your breath, any lawsuit against them will probably get shot down.[/QUOTE]

I don't know this one is pretty concrete and is getting a lot of attention.
I just bought an Augmented Edition on Xbox 360 about 10 minutes ago. It wasn't sealed and there were several gutted copies of the Xbox version too. I was kinda pissed but since I really wanted it I bought it anyway (I should have asked for a sheflworn discount though).
[quote name='mva5580']Too late for that....they're screwed and they know it. This really could be something that takes a toll on them. And I love it. Can't wait until that scumbag company is shut down.[/QUOTE]I've always been one to the people who has bought from GS, basically because it was so convenient. I have my paid pre-order for gears 3 limited edition that I will still pick up (since I used store credit) but I will never shop there again. I'm sure there will be a lot of people who'll do the same thing. They really did fuck up with this one.
This will be the next major announcement from GS Corporate:

"We have decided to remove all physical copies of games from their cases as these "discs" are in direct competition with our used game sales. However we do guarantee that your case and manual will be in new condition." .....this sounds good....right?
And if anyone would be of the opinion that "It's a competing company, what would you expect them to do?" my answer would be this:

From the moment that they KNEW a competitor's advertisement was in those cases, their decision should have been to pull all copies from the shelf, and ONLY provide sales to the people who pre-ordered. You decide to sell pre-orders to people, so you live with the consequences of that. For every person after that they could have told their employees to tell customers that an advertisement in the game case is a competitor of Gamestop, so they can't sell any more copies until new versions come in without that ad. Problem solved and little to zero negative feedback, because they're being honest with people up front.

But instead? They send out an email to their employees telling them to gut shrink wrapped copies of games, rip something out of it, and sell it as "brand new." Proving that the financial decision of selling games was more important to them than any other part of it. If they would have made that decision FIRST rather than go the shady route of deceiving people, they wouldn't have this ****-storm right now.

They deserve whatever they get, which unfortunately probably won't be anything.
bread's done