GameStop selling non-new games as new

[quote name='Roufuss']How can you possibly argue that new means unplayed, when EB / GS don't even agree to that philosophy themselves?

I tell you what, go into Gamestop, buy a $50 dollar game. Once the transaction is over, open the game right in front of the employee, and then try to return it. Its obviously unplayed and never used, but they'll tell you that since the shrinkwrap is off of it they aren't going to return it.

I could really care less either way but the double standards at work here are crazy... I'm tempted to do this with GS just to see their reaction, but I'm not that bored.[/QUOTE]

That's my big issue. I want to buy Phoenix Wright but don't have a DS yet (waiting for the lite). So, I buy the game today, can I return it in a week if i decide I don't want to keep it? Probably not. Also, it's not like I can sell it on ebay new because it's shrinkwrapped. I don't see how anyone can justify this policy as a good thing.
That's why I don't buy new games there unless I have no choice. They kept trying to pawn Lost in Blue with stickers all over it as new at Christmas. It was a gift for my wife. I can see the look on her face when she opens a stickered smeared video game for XMas.
[quote name='Demontooth']That's why I don't buy new games there unless I have no choice. They kept trying to pawn Lost in Blue with stickers all over it as new at Christmas. It was a gift for my wife. I can see the look on her face when she opens a stickered smeared video game for XMas.[/QUOTE]

Whenever I bring up the "Oh, it's opened? It was going to be a gift for my best friend for his birthday", they'd knock a percentage off of it. This was years ago, when they were a bit more lenient though... DMC 3 SE was the first new game I've bought there in five years.
[quote name='Roufuss']How can you possibly argue that new means unplayed, when EB / GS don't even agree to that philosophy themselves?

I tell you what, go into Gamestop, buy a $50 dollar game. Once the transaction is over, open the game right in front of the employee, and then try to return it. Its obviously unplayed and never used, but they'll tell you that since the shrinkwrap is off of it they aren't going to return it.

I could really care less either way but the double standards at work here are crazy... I'm tempted to do this with GS just to see their reaction, but I'm not that bored.[/QUOTE]

That's a good idea! I might try this for shits and giggles.
Yeah, totally! I mean like, why do companies even waste money on shrink wrap and seals and stuff? I'd rather just have a disc with smudges and scratches on it, a box dinged and covered and stickers, an a manual with a barcode sticker on it and finger prints on it from people thumbing through it in the store than a brand new, sealed game.

I especailly like it this way when the game has a sticker on it that says 'New' on it.

What is the point I'm trying to make? Even if you think most people dont care if its opened or not, if its new, it SHOULD be new, unopened, unhandled (disc wise), and otherwise untouched bellow the wrap and seal.

Thats why it says NEW. It should be NEW murchandise.
Other than looking like a complete smartass, what was the point of replying directly to me? My point was that if a store can save money, and a vast majority of its customers don't care about the way it goes about it, then why should they bother? Because of the exact denotation of the word "new"? Yeah, sure.

Also I don't know where you buy your games, but I have been buying them for a long time and have gotten quite a few used (I always buy used if it's available) and gutted copies of games. I have never once gotten a game with a screwed up box or scratches on the disc. Methinks you like to exaggerate a bit.
[quote name='Roufuss']How can you possibly argue that new means unplayed, when EB / GS don't even agree to that philosophy themselves?

I tell you what, go into Gamestop, buy a $50 dollar game. Once the transaction is over, open the game right in front of the employee, and then try to return it. Its obviously unplayed and never used, but they'll tell you that since the shrinkwrap is off of it they aren't going to return it.

I could really care less either way but the double standards at work here are crazy... I'm tempted to do this with GS just to see their reaction, but I'm not that bored.[/QUOTE]

If you do this, have someone film it. I'm serious, this could make the debate REAL interesting for all the game store workers on this site that buy into whatever EB/gamestop tell them to.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']If you do this, have someone film it. I'm serious, this could make the debate REAL interesting for all the game store workers on this site that buy into whatever EB/gamestop tell them to.[/QUOTE]

It's been done.
well, not the filming part, but someone did decide to be a smartass and do that to a store i visited once. I don't remember what the manager did about it, i think he called security, because the guy was a loon and started physically acosting him.

I've also watched it happen when a mom bought the game on the wrong system, I watched the kid open up the box to read the manual and sees a GC disc right outside the store, they turn around walk back in and I swapped it for the system they did need.

*shrug* If you're not a jerk you get much better customer service in retail 98% of the time.
[quote name='tauruskatt']It's been done.
well, not the filming part, but someone did decide to be a smartass and do that to a store i visited once. I don't remember what the manager did about it, i think he called security, because the guy was a loon and started physically acosting him.

I've also watched it happen when a mom bought the game on the wrong system, I watched the kid open up the box to read the manual and sees a GC disc right outside the store, they turn around walk back in and I swapped it for the system they did need.

*shrug* If you're not a jerk you get much better customer service in retail 98% of the time.[/QUOTE]

The other 2% just ask for the district manager's number ;)
[quote name='loserkid']or if they do take it home, take decent enough care of it to prevent scratches.[/QUOTE]
i don't know if it's been said before, but this is theft and also decieving the customer by attempting to conceal your crime. just because a manager allows you to "borrow/rent" something from the store doesn't make it right. you're taking what's for sale purposes (whether it be new or used inventory), and bringing it home without paying. my older sister worked at a CVS years back and witnessed her head manager being carted off by the cops because of an incident just like this. but instead of "borrowing" games, he was "borrowing" money from the store's safe and from the deposits. he'd take out whatever he needed and would then put back what he stole by the end of the week. for all i know, he's probably selling dirty water dogs on the corner of 86th and Lex.
[quote name='ZR0 Limit']i don't know if it's been said before, but this is theft and also decieving the customer by attempting to conceal your crime. just because a manager allows you to "borrow/rent" something from the store doesn't make it right. you're taking what's for sale purposes (whether it be new or used inventory), and bringing it home without paying. my older sister worked at a CVS years back and witnessed her head manager being carted off by the cops because of an incident just like this. but instead of "borrowing" games, he was "borrowing" money from the store's safe and from the deposits. he'd take out whatever he needed and would then put back what he stole by the end of the week. for all i know, he's probably selling dirty water dogs on the corner of 86th and Lex.[/QUOTE]

In my opinion, money and games are a bit different there. Allow me to use the old cliche of apples and oranges lol.

We have a rental system. Every Gamestop/EB does. Some might let you rent out new games, but most (like the one I work at) only allows used games to be taken out. Everything is checked when it is taken out and when it is returned to the store. If there is anything wrong with the contents, they take it out of the worker's check.

Also, I don't know if you were referring to new or used games being taken out. New games? I don't like the idea of it, but I have no problem with used games.

Also, what about the customers that abuse our return policy. I had some guy come in buying a used copy of Path of Neo. He tells me to look for him to return in two days after he beats it to rent something else out.

That may be opening another can of worms, but not everything is Gamestop's fault. I mean, as we can see from this thread, not all customers are saints. Reading this thread almost makes it seem like some of you guys want to purposely make our job miserable.
[quote name='loserkid']In my opinion, money and games are a bit different there. Allow me to use the old cliche of apples and oranges lol.

We have a rental system. Every Gamestop/EB does. Some might let you rent out new games, but most (like the one I work at) only allows used games to be taken out. Everything is checked when it is taken out and when it is returned to the store. If there is anything wrong with the contents, they take it out of the worker's check.

Also, I don't know if you were referring to new or used games being taken out. New games? I don't like the idea of it, but I have no problem with used games.

So what happens if a customer comes in, wants to buy a used game, and it is currently "rented" out? Do you just tell them it is sold out, and lose a sale, or do you not even put the case out so people know you have it while you rent it?
[quote name='loserkid']In my opinion, money and games are a bit different there. Allow me to use the old cliche of apples and oranges lol.[/quote]
you can ass rape the cliche all you want, but in the end it's theft. it's not your game, just like it's not his money.

Also, I don't know if you were referring to new or used games being taken out. New games? I don't like the idea of it, but I have no problem with used games.
i was referring to both. just because an item was previously owned doesn't make it any more justifiable in taking it home without paying for it. and apparently it doesn't matter if a game is considered "new" because you gut them anyway. so what's stopping you from "renting" those out? morals? if it's wrong taking "new" games home, it should be wrong to take used ones, too.

We have a rental system. Every Gamestop/EB does. Some might let you rent out new games, but most (like the one I work at) only allows used games to be taken out. Everything is checked when it is taken out and when it is returned to the store. If there is anything wrong with the contents, they take it out of the worker's check.

Also, what about the customers that abuse our return policy. I had some guy come in buying a used copy of Path of Neo. He tells me to look for him to return in two days after he beats it to rent something else out.
thanks for owning yourself. if you have a store rental system, then you should have no problem with what this guy said to you. after all, he PAID for his rental. you didn't. he's wrong in trying to abuse the return policy, but you're also wrong in abusing your position. if you're really all about rentals, work at a Blockbuster. or better yet, convert into one.

That may be opening another can of worms, but not everything is Gamestop's fault. I mean, as we can see from this thread, not all customers are saints. Reading this thread almost makes it seem like some of you guys want to purposely make our job miserable.
no, not everything is GS' fault. and i'll be the first to come out and say that a lot of the people here are douchbags and crybaby's with the sandiest vaginas known to man, but when you're admitting to bullshit like renting out games and trying to cover up for the fact, it's hard for anyone not to be vindictive.

and the whole business of gutting games and selling them new? what a joke. once you break the seal, that's it, it's used. and i don't see how anyone can defend the "gutted copies are new" argument when it's already known that GS has bought brand new and sealed copies of Persona 2 and Rhapsody in bulk from Game Quest Direct, taken off the plastic wrap, and sold them as used stock.
To bump this thread on a positive note... picked up Chaos Field at GameStop today where they surprisingly had two copies, but both opened (the display, and one opened in the drawer when I asked if they had a sealed copy). I said no problem (since I doubt I can find it anywhere else) and he offered the open discount, so I got it for under $20 after tax.

Just for that I'll probably reserve a $20 DS game next time I go and that manager is working since he was talking to his co-worker about the DM making them feel like a failure if they didn't get reservations and subs.
[quote name='botticus']To bump this thread on a positive note... picked up Chaos Field at GameStop today where they surprisingly had two copies, but both opened (the display, and one opened in the drawer when I asked if they had a sealed copy). I said no problem (since I doubt I can find it anywhere else) and he offered the open discount, so I got it for under $20 after tax.

Just for that I'll probably reserve a $20 DS game next time I go and that manager is working since he was talking to his co-worker about the DM making them feel like a failure if they didn't get reservations and subs.[/QUOTE]

Funny thing about my area is that I actually know the DM and she actually works at the smallest GS within 30 miles of me. Don't worry botticus the DMs always mess with their stores to get more pre-orders.
[quote name='ZR0 Limit']thanks for owning yourself. if you have a store rental system, then you should have no problem with what this guy said to you. after all, he PAID for his rental. you didn't. he's wrong in trying to abuse the return policy, but you're also wrong in abusing your position. if you're really all about rentals, work at a Blockbuster. or better yet, convert into one.[/QUOTE]

Abusing their position? It's a legitimate job benefit, with all the paperwork, and red tape that all employement benefits come with. Based, by the way, on customer service, because it lets employees gain the product knowledge without going bankrupt.

[quote name='ZR0 Limit']and the whole business of gutting games and selling them new? what a joke. once you break the seal, that's it, it's used. and i don't see how anyone can defend the "gutted copies are new" argument when it's already known that GS has bought brand new and sealed copies of Persona 2 and Rhapsody in bulk from Game Quest Direct, taken off the plastic wrap, and sold them as used stock.[/QUOTE]

On the topic of selling "new" games as "used"? Those games come from a third party, not from the manufacturer's warehouse. Where were you going with this?
[quote name='ltaz103']Abusing their position? It's a legitimate job benefit, with all the paperwork, and red tape that all employement benefits come with. Based, by the way, on customer service, because it lets employees gain the product knowledge without going bankrupt.[/quote]
O RLY? if it's a legit job benefit, then it's safe to assume that i can work at Express Men, take a dress shirt from the shelves, bring it home without paying (but i'll be sure to let my employer know), and then bring it back a few days later. i mean, it's my right as an employee, and all i have to do is make sure it doesn't smell or have any stains. because you know, i'm only borrowing it and i've got to sell it eventually. and going with your statement, if this gives employees product knowledge, then why is it that most of these employees still don't know a thing about these games? this job benefit is about as legit as a cock growing out of someone's neck. i've never once seen anywhere on paperwork where it said that i was allowed to steal from the store to gain product knowledge.

On the topic of selling "new" games as "used"? Those games come from a third party, not from the manufacturer's warehouse. Where were you going with this?
thanks for letting the point fly over your head. if they can take new stock, open it up and sell it used, then they should be doing the same for gutted copies. so where were you going with this other than saying it comes from a third party?
Legitimate job benefit?? Nice, I'll say that when I try to steal cocaine out of the narcotics locker at work. I've got to make sure I know how my patients will react when they are under the influence. Or maybe I can try out a hip prosthetic before we implant it in a patient. I want to make sure it's high quality and I need to tell him how it's going to feel when he walks around. No way I can tell him that without actually experiencing myself can I???
Rei no Otaku,
I couldn't said better. GS and EB (which are one NoW) has right to sell any way they want and any price. Games are designed to be played NOT look pretty. All u who collectors, go to your favorite TRU or Walmart and pick up game with smiley price reduction stickers and Large unremovable Price Tag and shove up your ASS.

Seriously, iIf you really want a pretty pristine game cover, go make a friend at your local Independent Retail Store owner and let him know you will buy the game and he will sell it you without any crap. If all gamers support indie game store, we may live in Utopia..... and GS and EB will straighten up there bullshit policy of open games

bread's done