gamestop sold me a broken ps2!


so i bought a used slim ps2 from gamestop today, because no one else had them at all, and the only one they had was used one, when i went home the top of the ps2 was scratched and the thing didnt have av cables, so i plugged it in, it booted fine but would not load any of my games, can i return it to any gamestop or do i have to go back to that specific gamestop i bought it from?
Welcome to my world. I'll never buy any refurbished console from them again. The thing about it is, someone got me a refurbished Gamecube, no problems.
Yeah any gamestop.

Sucks that you got a broken PS2. The thing is that some GS don't check the ps2 and then just resell them. I know of only 2 out of the 4 GS that check anything besides games.

Just remember to go before your return day is out.
That sucks. They have no quality control at those stores at all. When I first went to buy a PS2 from EB (before the fixed systems and slim models came out), I had to exchange it out 6 times before they gave me one that worked. then that one broke a week later, so they gave me a new one.
Well, most of the people trading them in are getting DREs usually. So, I'd recommend you don't buy anything used from them. They don't check and customers know this, so a good amount of their 'used' systems are already getting DREs occassionally at least.
[quote name='BeAt']so i bought a used slim ps2 from gamestop today, because no one else had them at all, and the only one they had was used one, when i went home the top of the ps2 was scratched and the thing didnt have av cables, so i plugged it in, it booted fine but would not load any of my games, can i return it to any gamestop or do i have to go back to that specific gamestop i bought it from?[/QUOTE]
What else is new?
What the Christ is wrong with you people?

I'm so sick of people trash talking GameStop and it's employees. If you don't like the place, don't go there. But don't bitch about it. So you've got a shitty GameStop near you? Speak with your wallet. Go shop somewhere else.

But don't assume that all GameStops are equally retarded. That's just like saying all CAGs are moral-less scumbags that take hoard everything and sell it on eBay.
I didn't know that the slim ps2 had the same problems as the fat one!
Yeah, lately I haven't seen anymore sliver slim ps2 models anywhere.
[quote name='anotherpoorgamer']I didn't know that the slim ps2 had the same problems as the fat one!
Yeah, lately I haven't seen anymore sliver slim ps2 models anywhere.[/quote]

Slim PS2s have more problems reading Blue-backs than the fat ones. And they can overheat easier because they don't have a fan.

I think they only did some small number like 100,000 or 250,000 silver PS2s. You can't find them new anywhere anymore, so you'll have to find a used one.
I'm sick of people defending Gamestop/EB and their deceptive practices EVERY EB/Gamestop that I've been in and bought a game, the condescending employee has tried to sell me a repackaged game as new. Not everytime I've gone in to purchase a game, but I would estimate half the time.

So I quit shopping there. Haven't bought a game in either store in probably over a year, almost two.

EB actually sent me a Battlefield Modern Combat for XBOX repackaged when I bought one online. Had to go through a whole return item bullshit. That was the last time I shopped in store or online.

So, this is just a suggestion smarty, maybe if EB/Lamestop would stop trying to f*** their customers with shitty trade in values and deceptive sales practices, people would stop talking negatively about them and frequent their stores again.

Seriously, how can they justify a game that sells for $60 new, and the next day they'll offer you $30 trade in credit, AND they will then sell said game for $55 (or $60 since they like to repackage them and sell them as new again.)

Hey, that's business, I know it, but it amazes me that people are that stupid, or have that little regard for their money to fall into this trap.
[quote name='explorer1990']I'm sick of people defending Gamestop/EB and their deceptive practices EVERY EB/Gamestop that I've been in and bought a game, the condescending employee has tried to sell me a repackaged game as new. Not everytime I've gone in to purchase a game, but I would estimate half the time.

So I quit shopping there. Haven't bought a game in either store in probably over a year, almost two.

EB actually sent me a Battlefield Modern Combat for XBOX repackaged when I bought one online. Had to go through a whole return item bullshit. That was the last time I shopped in store or online.

So, this is just a suggestion smarty, maybe if EB/Lamestop would stop trying to f*** their customers with shitty trade in values and deceptive sales practices, people would stop talking negatively about them and frequent their stores again.

Seriously, how can they justify a game that sells for $60 new, and the next day they'll offer you $30 trade in credit, AND they will then sell said game for $55 (or $60 since they like to repackage them and sell them as new again.)

Hey, that's business, I know it, but it amazes me that people are that stupid, or have that little regard for their money to fall into this trap.[/QUOTE]

$25 markup is not that much profit. How much do you expect them to give you? You should see the mark up on many HDTVs, your jaw would drop and you would call for a boycott of all electronics retailer.

Remeber all, turning a profit is bad and not what you should be in business for!
Thanks Captain Economics!

Which is why I don't have one of those either. (HDTV)

I can understand the markup. It's business. And people have the choice to do business with the store or not.

But the repackaging of returned or displayed games and selling them as new is a practice I can't condone.

We could go round and round all day long about how awesome you guys think EB is and how crappy I think it is. Nothing will change your mind and nothing will change my mind. I know what experiences I've had at those stores and I choose to go to Best Buy or WalMart and have the game in my hands so I can look at it and pick which one of the 7 on the rack I want. I'm the consumer paying $60 for a game and I should have that right. I can do it with a .50 pack of gum, right?

I think alot of stores, not just EB/Gamestop have lost sight of the fact that customers should be treated with respect, and their requests that help them make a purchase should be catered to. Whether the customers are jerks or not, everyone has to deal with them, but alot of employees today are of this mindset "I don't have to take that, I'm a somebody!" Yes you are, but when you are an employee and performing a public service you need to learn to bite your tongue. And if you don't like having to do that, then get educated or experienced and move up the corporate ladder.

And these are the main reasons I don't shop at these stores anymore. And apparently ALOT of other people feel the same way if you guys are so upset at how we badmouth them.
[quote name='reibeatall']What the Christ is wrong with you people?

I'm so sick of people trash talking GameStop and it's employees. If you don't like the place, don't go there. But don't bitch about it. So you've got a shitty GameStop near you? Speak with your wallet. Go shop somewhere else.

But don't assume that all GameStops are equally retarded. That's just like saying all CAGs are moral-less scumbags that take hoard everything and sell it on eBay.[/QUOTE]

oh boy, it's one of these. :roll:

listen to the tone you have-- you're saying the stores existence is a favor to all of us. We're gamers, buying things at a game store, and relaying our experiences of shopping there. Apparently a lot of people in this thread have had problems GS' used systems. That's a pretty important issue, eh? CAGs like shopping for used games there (for the most part) so we aren't trying to get the place shut down. If anything, this thread is a lesson to those who are thinking of purchasing a used system from them-- now they know to be cautious!

If you want to get righteous, go to the Vs. forum. People are into getting the best deal and the best service here, so we are going to scrutinize stores. Try not to take it personally.

And besides, you're new here, you apparently haven't seen a thread that REALLY rips on the store. Nobody has dropped any wonderful bombs like "all GS employees are assholes, that's why I shop at EB" or "Lets organize a boycott" or "OMG they sold me a new game that was opened!!11"
[quote name='reibeatall']What the Christ is wrong with you people?

I'm so sick of people trash talking GameStop and it's employees. If you don't like the place, don't go there. But don't bitch about it. So you've got a shitty GameStop near you? Speak with your wallet. Go shop somewhere else.

But don't assume that all GameStops are equally retarded. That's just like saying all CAGs are moral-less scumbags that take hoard everything and sell it on eBay.[/QUOTE]
What the Christ is wrong with you people?

I'm so sick of people defending GameStop and it's employees. If you like the place, go there. But don't defend it. So you've got a great GameStop near you? Speak with your wallet. Don't shop anywhere else.

But don't assume that all GameStops are equally great. That's just like saying all CAGs are moral high-riders that never hoard anything and wouldn't dare sell it on eBay.
Nice Whip . GS/EB are good if there good people working there and that is about 1 out of 4 here. Man I drive 10 more miles to avoid them and go to the "GOOD" one.
Explorer's right. Nobody's going to change anybody's mind. But
"I think alot of stores, not just EB/Gamestop have lost sight of the fact that customers should be treated with respect, and their requests that help them make a purchase should be catered to." is true. But that's from a corporate standpoint, not a store standpoint. Corporations suck, flat out. They're only concerned with numbers. Customer service varies from store to store. People always say that GameCrazy is the best, well eff that. EVERY time I go in there, I'm made to feel unwelcome. At least the GameStops around here have friendly people working there.

Has anybody here actually had a pleasant time at a GameStop? Just curious, because I don't ever read about those.

Edit: Ok, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for my vent to start this. I just got upset because I'm always seeing "omfg gamestop sux".
You can blame the people who traded stuff into EB/GS when it's half working. That's why I don't buy used consoles from any store.

I've never had any problems with my local EB/GS.
I bought a used xbox from them a couple weeks back and now it's having some DRE probs, but I "splurged" for the 1 year exchange deal. For an extra $20 it was worth it.
[quote name='tiredfornow']That's proposterous, gamestop would NOT sell a broken product to a customer....[/QUOTE]

I agree, and they would NEVER sell a used game as new...and there is no way they have a shrink wrap machine in the back.
Why even buy a used PS2, a new one is $129, if you don't have $129, you probably should be spending the $100 or so for a used one.
EB Games is the same around here, they repack used shit, sell broken stuff. And the ammount of money you get on trade ins is ridiculous. They fucked me around enough I dont shop there anymore either.

They've lost well over $2,000 worth of business from me in the past 3 months.
only some, not all eb/gamestop's are like this. it all depends on the quality of employees they have working at the store. you can't expect but so much when the employees get paid next to nothing to deal with asshole customers who dont like the trade-in prices that the CORPORATE OFFICE set. believe me, when i was working there, my store was one of the best in the area...i work my ass off for any employer, i take my jobs very seriously no matter what i get paid. after my manager and i left at the same time, the place went to hell because they hired people that didn't put any effort into trying to keep the store running. i dislike the deception with a lot of the stores, i dislike so many stores do not check the systems or even check the scratches on the game before taking them. i also dislike the main corporate office of gamestop for not paying decent wages to hire decent employees which are all reasons i stopped working and shopping there. i just wait for deals on new games to show up on here or i pay full price if i dont want to wait, if u dont like it, dont shop there! now to the OP, yes u can take it to any eb/gamestop with your receipt, make sure to tell them that the other store did not give u av cables with it when u take it back (dont give yours to them).
I worked for EB for 8 years then in March they decided I made to much money and bounced me. In my store we would ask customers trading in systems if they worked and they would say "yes". So we would hook it up to this lcd screen with imputs put in a dvd game, it worked. Put in a cd-rom game(blue disc) and there was dre. We look back over at the customer and they would go "oh it worked fine this morning." So we tried to screen as much as possible but there were times when we didn't have enough payroll and it took forever to do the trade. Not to mention most systems we got traded in were filthy with cigarette smoke, dust, infested with bugs, or worse undetermined goo and slickness. And the games people tried to pass off on us, you could hold them up to the light and see right through them or they looked liked they had been skipped off the ground.

So thats just one side of it then our corporate office would send us these supposedly "refurbished" systems that had been tested and usually 50 % were garbage. We tested those, so between testing trades and refurbs we wasted a lot of payroll. Then we had to check the used games they supposedly resurfaced and they looked like ass as well. Man our ups guy hated our store because we had 12 40lb boxes of defective merchandise going out a week at times. It could back up fast so you almost had to do defect shipments everyday otherwise you couldn't move in your store because of all this defective crap.

I mean we gave it our best effort but we still sold defective items although not intentionally.
yeah, i was at gamestop for a year. i wouldn't take defective stuff very often since most of the time they wanted a new system in place and didn't get much credit for them. i told them to go get it repaired over trading it in. some of the stuff that people brought in was so disgusting though... we had people that tried to bring in ps2's that had cockroaches in them multiple times. the games they tried to trade in were so scratched up that they would never play again (since the corporate office never really resurfaced them well).
So I'm at Footlocker buying my new kicks and they only have one size 14 left (you know what they say, big shoe.....big foot) anyway, I buy my shoes and take them home and guess what?!? There was no little paper wad in the right shoe toe!!!! Someone had tried on my shoes!!! These weren't new!!! I was robbed!!!! How can they sell these as new shoes when one of them had either been tried on, or even worse, used on the floor as a dispaly? It's not like I'm going to put these shoes on and walk around in them. Damn, if I did that they would get dirty and look used. I just buy shoes to look at them and add them to my collection. What's the fun of "wearing" them???
[quote name='ogreeley']So I'm at Footlocker buying my new kicks and they only have one size 14 left (you know what they say, big shoe.....big foot) anyway, I buy my shoes and take them home and guess what?!? There was no little paper wad in the right shoe toe!!!! Someone had tried on my shoes!!! These weren't new!!! I was robbed!!!! How can they sell these as new shoes when one of them had either been tried on, or even worse, used on the floor as a dispaly? It's not like I'm going to put these shoes on and walk around in them. Damn, if I did that they would get dirty and look used. I just buy shoes to look at them and add them to my collection. What's the fun of "wearing" them???[/QUOTE]
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa... stop right there. Eatin' a bitch out, and givin' a bitch a foot massage ain't even the same fuckin' thing."
[quote name='ogreeley']So I'm at Footlocker buying my new kicks and they only have one size 14 left (you know what they say, big shoe.....big foot) anyway, I buy my shoes and take them home and guess what?!? There was no little paper wad in the right shoe toe!!!! Someone had tried on my shoes!!! These weren't new!!! I was robbed!!!! How can they sell these as new shoes when one of them had either been tried on, or even worse, used on the floor as a dispaly? It's not like I'm going to put these shoes on and walk around in them. Damn, if I did that they would get dirty and look used. I just buy shoes to look at them and add them to my collection. What's the fun of "wearing" them???[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's not comparing apples and oranges . If you scuff a shoe while trying it on, it'll still work as a shoe for the guy that eventually buys it.

But a game that has been manhandled by a moronic employee or slob customer that has no freakin idea how to not scratch or fingerprint the game surface might make that game unplayable.

And your statment goes to show that you have no customer service skills. If a customer wants a SEALED game (*GASP*) then they should get it without a condescending tone from some asshat employee. As a matter of fact, I should be able to go around the counter and pick which $60 piece of merchandise I want, and inspect it. I'm allowed to with a $60 pair of shoes, aren't I?
I just wanted to say that i have had VERY good experiences at my ebgames store, if only it did not have the corporate hanging over it, it would be as good if not better as an indy game store. The reason its good is because when the manager is around, the employees do not care about bugging customers for preorders, magazine subscriptions and other things. They are making minimum wage and could be eaisly replaced with other employees and these employees could eaisly get a retail job at any other store, so they dont care that much. Some employees are so aggressive about bugging you for extras that you just want to slam your purchase down on the counter and go to walmart to buy it where they do not ask you to buy anything extra.

The only thing thats bad about the store is they have corporate hanging over their heads, which forces them to do things that people dont like, like the open box policy and put stickers all over the games. They also accept pretty much anything for trade.

Common sense (as a gamer) would tell you that people who are trading in systems at ebgames are trading them in because they are about to die or because they are so beat up that the value on ebay would be less than the store's trade in value. Gamer's common sense would also tell you that its probably not a good idea to buy a used system at ebgames for these reasons and because they really dont do anything to the consoles they just sell them as they are traded in.

I feel sorry for the people who do not know this and who will purchase a used console out of the need to save 10$.
I traded a dying 30001R to a Gamestop one time, which I got for $15-20 from an indy shop, for $60 in credit. They tested it in front of me and I heard it scratching their discs, like it scratched mine up.

I just hope someone who is very AR about their games didn't buy that thing when it was put back out as a 'refurb', because they would be MORE pissed than me about it scratching discs.

I also traded a 50001 that I paid $100 for a year earlier into an EB that ended up giving me $100 in credit for it, even though the seal was broken(from cleaning the lens to lengthen its time before it failed).

So, maybe I'm ONE of the devil customers who people on here complain about selling broken systems to EB/GS, however I have never traded a system with muck on it or BUGS IN IT.

And, well.....those two situations are just plain disgusting, if you ask me.

I've seen games at some local EB/GS stores which looked like someone played pavement frisbee with them or did like Chubby Checker and did the twist on them on rough pavement.

However, if you ask me, MANY times it's kids who trade in these mucked systems and scratched games. That reminds me, I should try and go grab my one game which I've left up my one buddies house for over a week, though it probably looks like the aforementioned scratched frisbee by now, since he has 3 young nieces and a nephew living in his house.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa... stop right there. Eatin' a bitch out, and givin' a bitch a foot massage ain't even the same fuckin' thing."[/QUOTE]

It's not. It's the same ballpark.
[quote name='Will']It's not. It's the same ballpark.[/QUOTE]

Ain't no fuckin' ballpark neither. Now look, maybe your method of massage differs from mine, but, you know, touchin' his wife's feet, and stickin' your tongue in her Holiest of Holies, ain't the same fuckin' ballpark, it ain't the same league, it ain't even the same fuckin' sport. Look, foot massages don't mean shit.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Ain't no fuckin' ballpark neither. Now look, maybe your method of massage differs from mine, but, you know, touchin' his wife's feet, and stickin' your tongue in her Holiest of Holies, ain't the same fuckin' ballpark, it ain't the same league, it ain't even the same fuckin' sport. Look, foot massages don't mean shit.[/QUOTE]

Have you ever given a foot massage?
[quote name='Will']Have you ever given a foot massage?[/QUOTE]

Don't be tellin' me about foot massages. I'm the foot fuckin' master.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Don't be tellin' me about foot massages. I'm the foot fuckin' master.[/QUOTE]

Given a lot of 'em?
bread's done