Gamestop sucks........


3 (100%)
Man, I was the first one in line for a PS3 preorder.....The manager says to call him back cause he had "news" about the PS3 preorder....... when I call back he said that there was a shortage and that they arn't gonna get one till next week or by the end of the month.....can they do this?? I thought that Gamestop does preorders by the I was there about 1 1/2 hours before everyone else and I get fucked over...... and I actually wanted to keep it...not like those Ebay guys...not that there is anything wrong with it
to clear things up... I got a voice mail cause I missed the call....can they bump me up to next shipment just cause of that??? any employees that can help???? thanks!!!
That's bullshit. I'd call the disatrict manager - sounds like some "friends" of the employees are getting benefits...
Well my story sucks just as bad. So for starters I am an employee of Gamestop by the way. Before anyone jumps to any conclusions about me knowing ahead of time about preorders, I actually didn't. I had to find out from Digg that all gamestops and Eb were taking preorders. But anyways back to the screwjob, so I waited in line just like everyone else that day and received the 3rd spot in line for a 60 gig Ps3. I thought everything was good and gravy until I find out that Gamestop employees weren't allowed to get theirs till the 2nd shipment. I was forced not asked but forced to give up my spot in the 1st shipment. So fine, I can endure waiting a couple more weeks to get my system. But another funny thing happened, Now I don't know if anyone knows this but supposedly if you were placed on the 2nd shipment you should receive a 19.99 game or dvd or whatever. And guess what I'm not eligible to for this either... sorry I just had to vent about how..... "smart" gamestop really is.
[quote name='jp554731']how do I get hold of the district manager??? Thanks!![/QUOTE]

Well most of the time to get in touch with a dm you should just ask the store manager for the number. But don't get frusterated if they dont pick up the phone and you have to leave a voicemail, because most DM's are usually "busy"
If I had preordered, the thing that would suck the most is that is fulfilling those online "glitch" orders before fulfilling their in-store ones. Quite a few people on SD have posted that their consoles are already shipped with tracking numbers.

So that GS isn't going to have even ONE PS3 for sale on launch day. Smells like :bs: to me...

Now if we here the same thing from lots of EB/GS tomorrow - that they didn't get even 1 system - then I'll stand corrected. But really if that's the case why would anyone waste time pre-ordering a system with them again?
You know what - f**k Gamestop. They are such a bunch of pretencious a**holes over there, it's not even funny. When are you guys gonna wake up and realize they dont care about us gamers - when are you gonna STOP GOING THERE!!! I had at least 3 bad experiences when those pre-pubescent, zit-faced, mama's boy, couldn't get laid if they tried, punk a** kids that work there. They always screw you over and treat you like sh*t. I stopped going there months ago. Why go to a store that doesn't appreciate it customers???

GS/EB games suck no doubt about it, but you should be blaming Sony for "launching" a console with 150,000 units. Demand is easily 5 million, you wait to launch untill you have at least a million even if you miss X-mas. You would think Sony would have learned its lesson from MS.
[quote name='mykevermin']*sigh*

The trials and tribulations of first-world living. Such serendipity.[/QUOTE]

But myke, I, like, totally don't know how I'll live without getting my PS3 on the first day. My mind will x-plode if i don't see get to play those graf-x!
[quote name='munch']But myke, I, like, totally don't know how I'll live without getting my PS3 on the first day. My mind will x-plode if i don't see get to play those graf-x![/QUOTE]

Alright. That's a valid point.

Commence with the pitchforks and torches upon Gamestop.
I was 2nd in line on PreOrder day. Said they'd only have one up for PreOrder and that the rest "had been taken car of"

I will never shop at a Gamestore again
Message to GameStop/EB Games:

"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool us once, shame on — shame on you. Fool us — you can't get fooled again."
What's this? People being surprised/pissed that employees take care of themselves instead of customers (especially in a job that allegedly doesn't pay well)?

I'll be damned. I never saw this one coming.
[quote name='puternerd']Could be worse, the Gamestop in Elk Grove, Ca was robbed at gunpoint for all of their PS3's this morning.[/QUOTE]

wtf! link?
[quote name='puternerd']Could be worse, the Gamestop in Elk Grove, Ca was robbed at gunpoint for all of their PS3's this morning.[/QUOTE]

link please?
I'm not surprised about this at all. EB tried something similar with me with the PS2 launch. Pre-ordered in June, was supposed to get it on launch day. Launch day comes, they tell me the were shorted systems, I'll get the system in the next shipment. I call every few weeks and am told the same thing (that each shipment they get, they are not up to my name yet). Finally in January over 2 months later I call and they tell me they called me to pick up my system weeks ago and I never picked it up so I lost the pre-order spot. They never called because I gave them 2 numbers and never got a call from them and if they had really called, why did they keep telling me I would get in on the next shipment around when I supposedly was called. Corporate was called and 2 days later I get a call from the manager of EB saying they "found" my system.

After that, that was my last full price purchase of anything from EB (I would still buy clearance stuff). Even if I wanted a PS3 I wouldn't have pre-ordered from EB/Gamestop because of that.
[quote name='jp554731']Thanks guys...I got my PS3 at 9:00 PM Thursday.... that guy caved in......hahahahah thanks again[/quote] what exactly happened and how did you end up picking it up early....... share the details
I think that dumb manager was just trying to hoared PS3's for his friends... He thought I was a "prank caller" but that was highly unlikely.... cause I told the dumbass my name for one thing.... he hung up on me....Then I called 7 other managers in the area and they say WTF??? so told A real cool manager at one of the gamestops that this happened..... and he was like.. don't worry I'll take care of it for you on my free time.... I asked for the district manager's number like 7 was pretty funny to cause I got it at least once without problems....and one guy said he couldn't give it out...prolly BS and that guy was prolly in that charade too...."that guy rocks" The original manager calls back 10 mins later saying sorry...what a fag..... he then offered to give me my PS3 at closing..... score...he had to give it to me in a hella big generic box so tha the other cutomers still inside weren't like WTF.... the moral lesson in this story is Persistence is the key!!!!
[quote name='jp554731']so... the moral lesson in this story is Persistence is the key!!!![/QUOTE]

And grammar (along with organized sentence structure) is everyone's friend.

On a more serious note, I'm glad things worked out for you.
I was gonna call to tell the district manager about it to get him fired... It even says the transaction time on the reciept....but then do I get in trouble for picking it up early.....maybe they can check the cameras?????? how do you post pics??? I got the recipt pic I might post it tommorow....hehehe 11/16/06... 20:54 = 8:54 PM Pacific..... I even went to the local Best buy to wake up the campers to show my shiny new system and six axis 10 mins later...yea kinda mean but at least I didn't shoot em with BB guns.....
I just want to get my Wii Sunday morning from GS, get back to my car ASAP, get home, and then later meditate on if I'm done with the whole B&M gaming store ordeal altogether. I really gain nothing by preordering games from them (95% of the time), I've got other retail options close by (just like almost everyone), and I don't trade in or buy used games from them. I guess I stupidly buy a few new games a year from Gamestop to stay 'in good' with them for some hypothetical scenario that will never come up anyway.*

Something tells me that many gaming stores are going to wither up and die by the time we're all bitching about PS4 and Xenon shortages on our T1 connections on in 2010. Maybe people will get smart to their racket or the next consoles will be primarily based on direct downloads.

(Kidding about that URL, by the way. Obviously.)

*--I think that all started back when the PS2 Network Adapter came out. I didn't have it preordered soon enough, but they called me when someone didn't show up for their reserve in time. I keep thinking that the next 'payoff' for giving them decent business and no headaches is right around the corner. What it is, I have no idea.

EDIT: the moral lesson in this story is Persistence is the key!!!!

Yes, that seems to be the 'must own' killer app for launch.

(Rimshot/quizzical looks)
[quote name='jp554731']I was gonna call to tell the district manager about it to get him fired... It even says the transaction time on the reciept....but then do I get in trouble for picking it up early.....maybe they can check the cameras?????? how do you post pics??? I got the recipt pic I might post it tommorow....hehehe 11/16/06... 20:54 = 8:54 PM Pacific..... I even went to the local Best buy to wake up the campers to show my shiny new system and six axis 10 mins later...yea kinda mean but at least I didn't shoot em with BB guns.....[/QUOTE]

good job on getting your system. although, why should YOU get in trouble for getting it early? Isn't this just another rule that this manager broke after he got caught breaking others? If anything hes just digging a deeper hole for himself.
Cool, glad everything worked out. But I bet you this dude took your box and filled it with bricks and sold it to some other poor smuck.
To be honest I would do it myself since they already suck. A manager was fired one time and cried for his job and now they lower the pay to your last job unless your a manager which they fire repeatively.
[quote name='RegalSin2020']To be honest I would do it myself since they already suck. A manager was fired one time and cried for his job and now they lower the pay to your last job unless your a manager which they fire repeatively.[/QUOTE]

:whistle2:? WOW....just...WOW. Every time I read one of RegalSin's posts I can't figure out what the heck it's supposed to mean. Do I have to order a secret decoder ring or something?

Someone please translate :)
[quote name='pHi ||']Well my story sucks just as bad. So for starters I am an employee of Gamestop by the way. Before anyone jumps to any conclusions about me knowing ahead of time about preorders, I actually didn't. I had to find out from Digg that all gamestops and Eb were taking preorders. But anyways back to the screwjob, so I waited in line just like everyone else that day and received the 3rd spot in line for a 60 gig Ps3. I thought everything was good and gravy until I find out that Gamestop employees weren't allowed to get theirs till the 2nd shipment. I was forced not asked but forced to give up my spot in the 1st shipment. So fine, I can endure waiting a couple more weeks to get my system. But another funny thing happened, Now I don't know if anyone knows this but supposedly if you were placed on the 2nd shipment you should receive a 19.99 game or dvd or whatever. And guess what I'm not eligible to for this either... sorry I just had to vent about how..... "smart" gamestop really is.[/QUOTE]

that sucks. it's one thing when employees who got to preorder just because they're employees don't get their systems but if employees went and stood in line and waited just like everyone else, they should be entitled to their system. if i stood in line at like 3 AM for that system, i would quit.
[quote name='Wolfenstein51']You know what - f**k Gamestop. They are such a bunch of pretencious a**holes over there, it's not even funny. When are you guys gonna wake up and realize they dont care about us gamers - when are you gonna STOP GOING THERE!!! I had at least 3 bad experiences when those pre-pubescent, zit-faced, mama's boy, couldn't get laid if they tried, punk a** kids that work there. They always screw you over and treat you like sh*t. I stopped going there months ago. Why go to a store that doesn't appreciate it customers???


Death? Seriously? Go to hell.

I dont mind that I gave up my spot until the next shipment. I would rather a customer get thier system. I can wait. America has become the land of instant gratification. If you dont get what you want when you want it, them, "OMG I've been wronged!!!!11!"

We could live in a land where you have to stand in line for freaking toilet paper.
I just want to get my Wii Sunday morning from GS, get back to my car ASAP, get home, and then later meditate on if I'm done with the whole B&M gaming store ordeal altogether.
I'm in the exact same boat. I still worry about getting hassled by others when I go get my Wii from FYE on Sunday. They're getting 5 in (I'm #3)--10 people preordered, and they aren't even going to bother calling those who won't get one.

I think this is it for system B&M preorders for me.
[quote name='Plinko']I'm in the exact same boat. I still worry about getting hassled by others when I go get my Wii from FYE on Sunday. They're getting 5 in (I'm #3)--10 people preordered, and they aren't even going to bother calling those who won't get one.

I think this is it for system B&M preorders for me.[/quote]

The FYE story is even worse...they don't even have the balls to call the people who are not getting one.
While I would obviously survive if my Gamestop 'accidentally' sold my already paid-off Wii on Sunday* (which will be pretty difficult, because I plan on arriving right before they open), I still ponder how I'd actually react to something so inexcusable. Would I throw a display-wrecking tantrum? Would I demand the head of the store manager? Would I insist on some sort of compensation? Would I just keep my relative calm and get it a week or two later and then go off on them and never set foot in there again?** How many people across the country will experience this almost inevitable fiasco?

I guess the point is that we collectively don't have a lot of faith in our gaming and retail stores (but particularly the former) to be competent and 'on the level' when it matters the most. And for that reason alone, I'm glad I'm tapping out of the Launch Circus after this Sunday. Hangin' up the cleats once and for all. Thank God.

*--After all, the Wii is the second biggest event this weekend. Let's just say it'll either be The Greatest Weekend Ever for me, or the Wii will be The Consolation Prize.

**--No, I would NOT go to a Toys R Us at that point and expect to get one.
Does anyone know if Gamestop B&M will accept returns from their online store? I can't find any info about it online. I usually avoid them at all costs, but I purchased a Wii bundle online that I might try to return.
[quote name='blueboy']Does anyone know if Gamestop B&M will accept returns from their online store? I can't find any info about it online. I usually avoid them at all costs, but I purchased a Wii bundle online that I might try to return.[/QUOTE]

They do with receipt. Depending on how a bundle is itemized on the packing slip, you may not be able to return items a la carte, however, if that's your interest.

EDIT: Seeing as how the OP not only got his launch PS3, but got his launch PS3 a *day early*, I demand that the sniveling prat change the thread title to "Gamestop's Been Good to Me, and I Guess They're Alright."
[quote name='mykevermin']They do with receipt. Depending on how a bundle is itemized on the packing slip, you may not be able to return items a la carte, however, if that's your interest.

EDIT: Seeing as how the OP not only got his launch PS3, but got his launch PS3 a *day early*, I demand that the sniveling prat change the thread title to "Gamestop's Been Good to Me, and I Guess They're Alright."[/quote]

How can game stop be alright???? I had to call seven managers to get on one of thier managers.....wouldn't you be pissed off too?? He tried to jack my PS3 offa me for not answering the phone... He tried to save his own ass by giving me that PS3 early......thats fucked up... Gamestop needs a better way to handel preorders....they can't trust instore managers because this shit would happen more often....
[quote name='jp554731']How can game stop be alright???? I had to call seven managers to get on one of thier managers.....wouldn't you be pissed off too?? He tried to jack my PS3 offa me for not answering the phone... He tried to save his own ass by giving me that PS3 early......thats fucked up... Gamestop needs a better way to handel preorders....they can't trust instore managers because this shit would happen more often....[/QUOTE]

I'll quote myself from earlier in this thread for starters.

[quote name='mykevermin']*sigh*

The trials and tribulations of first-world living. Such serendipity.[/QUOTE]

Now then. You're expending a lot of anxiety over a system you already own now.

Should you have had to call seven managers? I don't know, and frankly I don't care. GS took care of you in the end; truth be told, you're not entitled for anything with a preorder. If you consider the confusion from the time GS took the preorders to earlier this week, it is clear that *nobody* had any idea whether or not your number in line mattered. It turns out they did do that, but really, your sense of singular entitlement is (1) overdrawn and (2) misplaced.

You've yet to show me why GameStop sucks. Perhaps their management sucks, perhaps the employees in your regoin suck. Perhaps you suck; your demeanor in this thread sure doesn't suggest to me that you have any sort of discretion or social tact when making an argument. I will confidently guess that most of your conversations with the aforementioned managers did not take place in the form of polite inquiry, but, rather, you barking at them to get things done. Strangely enough, I've found when you treat people with respect, it's often reciprocated. When you stomp and grouse about your sense of deserving, claim of right, and sense of entitlement, making demands all the way...well, if I was the store manager I'd have made sure to find a way to get you on that second shipment.

With that said, I guess you getting your Playstation 3 wasn't enough to make you happy. It's almost as if you're the living incarnation of Roald Dahl's character "Veruca Salt."

EDIT: As my post implies, if you read between the lines, I would not have been pissed off, because (1) I'm a patient man, and (2) there are important things to be upset about in life, and then there's PS3 preorders and similar ilk. Truth be told, it is impossible for me to be in your shoes, because I just wouldn't be upset about it. What, are you gonna wait two more weeks? That would only be something worth being genuinely upset about if, for example, you were in a freak accident between now and then, and lost both hands, never to play games again.

It's a game system, dude. You're in the same boat with a lot of other people (this whole board is teeming with anxious and angry and bitter people this week - and here I though gamers celebrated launches - upset that they got a 20GB, or upset that they won't get their Wii delivered to their home on Sunday, or that their Wii composite cables aren't being hand delivered Monday morning by Herve Villaichaize), so I'm not focusing on you personally so much; what really concerns me is that this sense of instant gratification and entitlement is (1) reaching a fevered pitch as a result of people being made to wait a day - a day!, and acting as if they were told to sacrifice their first born child to the god Fils-Aime, they react with such anxiety, moaning, wailing, and gnashing of teeth, and (2) shows a large cohort of adolescent and adult males who are acting like petulant children, kicking and screaming in the toy aisle because they aren't getting precisely what they wanted. It's frightening, it's annoying, and most of all, it's fucking childish. I'm ashamed, frankly.
Glad to hear about a happy ending. Theres at least one ps3 going into the hands of a deserving gamer.
If I were you, I would still call the DM, god knows how many other people in that line got screwed out of their ps3s because he had some ebay/buddy system set up. You could be helping 10 or more other gamers to get what they deserve. I wonder how many systems he has hoarded. He really should be fired
Then again, chances are that the other preorder people are just gonna resell it ;P
[quote name='mykevermin']I'll quote myself from earlier in this thread for starters.

Now then. You're expending a lot of anxiety over a system you already own now.

Should you have had to call seven managers? I don't know, and frankly I don't care. GS took care of you in the end; truth be told, you're not entitled for anything with a preorder. If you consider the confusion from the time GS took the preorders to earlier this week, it is clear that *nobody* had any idea whether or not your number in line mattered. It turns out they did do that, but really, your sense of singular entitlement is (1) overdrawn and (2) misplaced.

You've yet to show me why GameStop sucks. Perhaps their management sucks, perhaps the employees in your regoin suck. Perhaps you suck; your demeanor in this thread sure doesn't suggest to me that you have any sort of discretion or social tact when making an argument. I will confidently guess that most of your conversations with the aforementioned managers did not take place in the form of polite inquiry, but, rather, you barking at them to get things done. Strangely enough, I've found when you treat people with respect, it's often reciprocated. When you stomp and grouse about your sense of deserving, claim of right, and sense of entitlement, making demands all the way...well, if I was the store manager I'd have made sure to find a way to get you on that second shipment.

With that said, I guess you getting your Playstation 3 wasn't enough to make you happy. It's almost as if you're the living incarnation of Roald Dahl's character "Veruca Salt."

EDIT: As my post implies, if you read between the lines, I would not have been pissed off, because (1) I'm a patient man, and (2) there are important things to be upset about in life, and then there's PS3 preorders and similar ilk. Truth be told, it is impossible for me to be in your shoes, because I just wouldn't be upset about it. What, are you gonna wait two more weeks? That would only be something worth being genuinely upset about if, for example, you were in a freak accident between now and then, and lost both hands, never to play games again.

It's a game system, dude. You're in the same boat with a lot of other people (this whole board is teeming with anxious and angry and bitter people this week - and here I though gamers celebrated launches - upset that they got a 20GB, or upset that they won't get their Wii delivered to their home on Sunday, or that their Wii composite cables aren't being hand delivered Monday morning by Herve Villaichaize), so I'm not focusing on you personally so much; what really concerns me is that this sense of instant gratification and entitlement is (1) reaching a fevered pitch as a result of people being made to wait a day - a day!, and acting as if they were told to sacrifice their first born child to the god Fils-Aime, they react with such anxiety, moaning, wailing, and gnashing of teeth, and (2) shows a large cohort of adolescent and adult males who are acting like petulant children, kicking and screaming in the toy aisle because they aren't getting precisely what they wanted. It's frightening, it's annoying, and most of all, it's fucking childish. I'm ashamed, frankly.[/quote] just wasted 15min of your life argueing.....frankly I don't care what you think either.... as a matter of fact I was nice to the other managers and I was even nice to that don't go criticising people you don't even know..... and if you have noticed....I havn't put you down once..... good day to you sir....
Translation = Mykevermin owned you lock, stock, and barrel and you are afraid to admit it. Not that it matters since, after all, you got far too much pride to admit that.
bread's done