GameTZ Desperate?

Doc. Sarvis

CAG Veteran
I'm new to the video game bartering world and have been checking out a few sites to rid myself of unwanted items in my collection. CAG is pretty sweet (I like the format) and have checked out others like Goozex, SaySwap, and TGN.

Today, I stumbled upon GameTZ because I saw a few online articles written about bartering games. I see that the most visited thread is that one of their users left and now there is a raffle in which you buy a subscription to express happiness? And the owner of GameTZ is putting up a prize? The proceeds go to support his site? WTF is that?

Makes me not want to be a part of that nonesense. Pretty desperate way to get cash to keep it going.
GameTZ (AKA Bill, the site owner) had nothing to do with the idea. He only decided to add to the prize after he was asked.

You're completely looking at this the wrong way. We wanted to come up with a way to help support the site, by having more members subscribe and have chances at prizes. We really appreciate the site and want to see it succeed. The user leaving thing is mostly a joke, but he was very annoying.

Also, the site doesn't need much cash to keep it going... it's not in danger of going away or anything. Not sure what would give you that idea.
What does it matter? It's an inside joke to the community there. He annoyed a lot (the majority?) of us.

And again, how is it a business practice. It's a member of the community who wants to help support the site, and he's giving up items of his own in order to do so.
The owner is giving up prizes as well. That's like Target throwing a sale after kicking out a customer.

Anyway, it matters to me, as if I were a customer I wouldn't want to be an "inside joke."
Then you shouldn't do something to be considered one. Most people don't. He did.

Seriously, this was the idea of a member there. Not the owner. If that doesn't tell you how much the community appreciated the site, nothing will. It's a testament to how much we enjoy it, we want to help out when possible. If you can't understand that, and can't understand a little joke, maybe the site's not for you.
[quote name='OuTrAgE']We wanted to come up with a way to help support the site, by having more members subscribe[/QUOTE]

[quote name='OuTrAgE']It's an inside joke[/QUOTE]
I don't care about GameTZ one way or the other, but inside jokes are a really poor way to attract outside spectators to your site.
It's not like there's advertisements for GameTZ that mention it.

You act as if there's not inside jokes here, or everywhere else.
Inside jokes aren't meant to appeal to outsiders. That's actually the exact opposite of an inside joke. Yet you say that's the object of your inside joke. Does not compute.
Where did I say our little inside joke was meant, in any way, to appeal to outsiders?

This was meant to appeal to members of GameTZ. Most of which are aware of who Sheesh was.
[quote name='OuTrAgE']Where did I say our little inside joke was meant, in any way, to appeal to outsiders?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='OuTrAgE']We wanted to come up with a way to help support the site, by having more members subscribe[/QUOTE]

Are you trying to imply only subscribers are away of who Sheesh was? That makes no sense.

I quote "having more members subscribe." This means, to have more members of gametz subscribe to gametz. Being a member and being subscribed are two different things.
This was meant to appeal to current members of GameTZ. Hopefully it encourages them to either subscribe if they aren't already, or add to their subscription.

This was not posted anywhere else, so I don't know why anybody is assuming this was meant to attract new members to the site.
Well, I was a potential new member who is turned off by the scheme. Seems a poor way to attract new customers by berating customers as an "inside" joke.

No offense, but given your reply, is everything that insular at GameTZ? Personally, I'm turned on by inclusion, not exclusion.
As I said before, do you really believe there are not jokes like this at every website? There are always people that are not liked and that are made fun of.

GameTZ is one of the best communities I've ever seen and I'm glad to be a part of that. You're the one making snap judgments here. Maybe you should spend a little time there before making a topic like this.
[quote name='OuTrAgE']Are you trying to imply only subscribers are away of who Sheesh was? That makes no sense.

I quote "having more members subscribe." This means, to have more members of gametz subscribe to gametz. Being a member and being subscribed are two different things.[/QUOTE]

I don't know anything about this situation, so no. I was just referring to your conflicting descriptions. But I didn't realize "subscribing" was something members did. I thought you meant joining the website. My fault.
[quote name='OuTrAgE']As I said before, do you really believe there are not jokes like this at every website? There are always people that are not liked and that are made fun of.[/QUOTE]

I know that is not the case. I would hope that if someone was not liked and made fun of that flaming by other users would be kept in check.

So, are you saying that GameTZ allows its users to gang up on and make fun of other users?
You just don't get it. He was a troll that annoyed the shit out of people. He trolled people and people trolled him back. He was disliked by many. ONE PERSON (the person who is hosting this raffle) decided to jokingly celebrate his leave. It's that simple.

GameTZ is much looser than most other sites. There is a ton of joking around and making fun of eachother. Usually, it's all in fun. When it goes too far, it's handled.

Again, maybe check out the site some and hang out before you start making assumptions.
[quote name='Rocko']I don't know anything about this situation, so no. I was just referring to your conflicting descriptions. But I didn't realize "subscribing" was something members did. I thought you meant joining the website. My fault.[/QUOTE]

No problem. I'm just trying to make sure I'm clear with my points here. And it irks me to see a website as great as GameTZ and an appreciative gesture like this raffle be criticized. Or course, CAG is great too. :)
[quote name='OuTrAgE']ONE PERSON (the person who is hosting this raffle) decided to jokingly celebrate his leave. It's that simple.[/QUOTE]

I am not into doing things humorlessly. There is a laugh to be had everywhere. :bouncy:
[quote name='OuTrAgE']You just don't get it. He was a troll that annoyed the shit out of people. He trolled people and people trolled him back. He was disliked by many. ONE PERSON (the person who is hosting this raffle) decided to jokingly celebrate his leave. It's that simple..[/QUOTE]

The raffle may be started by one person, but the site owner provided a winnings donation to boost the subscriber base.

If he was such a troll, why wasn't he dealt with from the start? Why weren't those who trolled in return dealt with? Does the site owner do anything to stop the back and forth trolling and make the place more inviting for users other than those on the "inside"?

After checking things out a bit more at GameTZ, it is not my cup of tea. I wouldn't want to be subjected to a user base where I could be the next "inside joke".
[quote name='Doc. Sarvis']
After checking things out a bit more at GameTZ, it is not my cup of tea. I wouldn't want to be subjected to a user base where I could be the next "inside joke".[/QUOTE]

Yes, because CAG has no inside jokes either.
[quote name='Doc. Sarvis']The raffle may be started by one person, but the site owner provided a winnings donation to boost the subscriber base.

If he was such a troll, why wasn't he dealt with from the start? Why weren't those who trolled in return dealt with? Does the site owner do anything to stop the back and forth trolling and make the place more inviting for users other than those on the "inside"?

After checking things out a bit more at GameTZ, it is not my cup of tea. I wouldn't want to be subjected to a user base where I could be the next "inside joke".[/QUOTE]

As I figured, you already had your opinion and you're not going to change your mind. I'm getting tired of responding to your ridiculous questions, but I'll give it one last go.

"The raffle may be started by one person, but the site owner provided a winnings donation to boost the subscriber base."

How do you know this? Maybe he was just being generous... I mean the raffle was already started and prizes already listed. Him adding a little subtime to the mix isn't going to really change anything.

"If he was such a troll, why wasn't he dealt with from the start? Why weren't those who trolled in return dealt with? Does the site owner do anything to stop the back and forth trolling and make the place more inviting for users other than those on the "inside"?"

Because that's not how GameTZ handles thing, which I mentioned. It's a more laid back site with less moderation. But, because you're so curious, he was "restricted" at least a few times. When things because bad enough, he was given a lengthy restriction and decided to have his account deleted. Plus, many of the people that trolled back where met with some restrictions if they crossed a line.

"After checking things out a bit more at GameTZ, it is not my cup of tea. I wouldn't want to be subjected to a user base where I could be the next "inside joke"."

I'm sure you really gave it a chance, because it's pretty obvious you have some bias... for whatever reason. If you're really afraid of being the next inside joke, you must have reasons to believe you might be.

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if you're actually Sheesh trying to seek out revenge.
[quote name='DarkSageRK']Yes, because CAG has no inside jokes either.[/QUOTE]

Thank you. He can't seem to be able to wrap his brain around that idea.
I'm going to have to agree with Doc Sarvis on this one. This campaign to increase memberships is in poor taste, inside joke or not.

I do find this a wonderful bit of irony:

[quote name='OuTrAgE']As I figured, you already had your opinion and you're not going to change your mind.[/QUOTE]

Three fingers pointing right back at you.
And you fail to realize I am judging my opinion on more than one topic. He is clearly biased for whatever reason... and that reason is looking more and more possible that it's because he is indeed Sheesh.

I still don't understand how this is in poor taste. Mind explaining?
I will say this - GameTZ is really great.

I started goozex, at first I thought it was awesome. But when I paid 350 points and got a scratched up disc-only copy of okami, it started to lose its luster. At least GameTZ lets you check up on the ratings of other users without time/trade refusal limitation considerations always ticking away. Seriously, trading on Goozex is about as fun as picking the jury for the OJ trial when you're the prosecution.
[quote name='OuTrAgE']And you fail to realize I am judging my opinion on more than one topic. He is clearly biased for whatever reason... and that reason is looking more and more possible that it's because he is indeed Sheesh.

I still don't understand how this is in poor taste. Mind explaining?[/QUOTE]

Trying to promote growth at anothers' expense, regardless of their nature, is tasteless and despicable. I don't see a bias coming from Doc Sarvis, but a series of questions asking how this could possibly be acceptable on what has always been described to me as a reputable site.

Perhaps you can explain how this is not in poor taste. Take your own bias for GameTZ, set it aside and answer that question.
Wow, really? It's despicable? You're acting as if he died. A person many people didn't like left the site (yes, he left on his own) and some people are happy about it.

The point of the whole thing is the raffle, not the fact that Sheesh left. I believe I've explained that. The Sheesh thing is a joke. It's funny to us. It's probably not funny to you because you weren't there or you don't find that funny. Either way, that's fine. It's not like we're savages because we're happy we don't have to deal with him anymore.

How's that? Did I explain it well enough? I honestly don't think it was in poor taste at all. I don't see how anybody can, really. Especially when they use words like tasteless and despicable to describe it. I find that pretty hilarious, actually.
[quote name='OuTrAgE']Especially when they use words like tasteless and despicable to describe it. I find that pretty hilarious, actually.[/QUOTE]

As I find your vehement disregard for others' feelings. Is it funny the guy left? Sure. Maybe. Is it acceptable for the owner of the website to join in? I don't think so and you obviously disagree.

I digress. The concern I meant to imply from the beginning was not what GameTZ is doing at this point with their website but your complete inability to disregard your own bias and answer a few questions without trying to make someone look like a fool for not believing exactly the same way you do. You are certainly good at asking others to approach something objectively but can't seem to do the same yourself.
Nope. Not Sheesh. Just a person who stumbled upon an article on the net talking about exchanging video games to avoid getting ripped off by Gamestop. CAG, TGN, Goozex and GameTZ were mentioned.

I'm happy that I found CAG, don't like the idea of "points" at Goozex, and was taken aback by the general tenor of the forums at GameTZ - particularly the current most visited post on the site that appears to be "sticky'd" in the General area soliciting for the raffle I mentioned in my original post.

While researching GameTZ as Outrage suggested, I also saw a thread that a user who is a teacher that left the site because he was stalked by another member at GameTZ. Apparently, someone there sent his employer an anonmyous message that almost got him fired, pointing to his posts on the site. Who needs that kind of thing happening to them from trading on a game trading website? Seems to me it says something about the culture around there.

GameTZ is too "old west" for my blood.
[quote name='thelonepig']As I find your vehement disregard for others' feelings. Is it funny the guy left? Sure. Maybe. Is it acceptable for the owner of the website to join in? I don't think so and you obviously disagree.

I digress. The concern I meant to imply from the beginning was not what GameTZ is doing at this point with their website but your complete inability to disregard your own bias and answer a few questions without trying to make someone look like a fool for not believing exactly the same way you do. You are certainly good at asking others to approach something objectively but can't seem to do the same yourself.[/QUOTE]

Hahaha, incredible post. It's a bit strange since I did exactly what you asked, but I guess that wasn't good enough for you.

You really need to lighten up. Again, the guy didn't die. I hardly think poking fun at somebody who left a website on the, gasp, INTERNET, qualifies me as having a "vehement disregard for others feelings." But, as you, I digress.
[quote name='Doc. Sarvis']Nope. Not Sheesh. Just a person who stumbled upon an article on the net talking about exchanging video games to avoid getting ripped off by Gamestop. CAG, TGN, Goozex and GameTZ were mentioned.

I'm happy that I found CAG, don't like the idea of "points" at Goozex, and was taken aback by the general tenor of the forums at GameTZ - particularly the current most visited post on the site that appears to be "sticky'd" in the General area soliciting for the raffle I mentioned in my original post.

While researching GameTZ as Outrage suggested, I also saw a thread that a user who is a teacher that left the site because he was stalked by another member at GameTZ. Apparently, someone there sent his employer an anonmyous message that almost got him fired, pointing to his posts on the site. Who needs that kind of thing happening to them from trading on a game trading website? Seems to me it says something about the culture around there.

GameTZ is too "old west" for my blood.[/QUOTE]

Now I'm almost positive you're Sheesh since I'm pretty sure that topic was deleted. :)
[quote name='OuTrAgE']Hahaha, incredible post. It's a bit strange since I did exactly what you asked, but I guess that wasn't good enough for you.

You really need to lighten up. Again, the guy didn't die. I hardly think poking fun at somebody who left a website on the, gasp, INTERNET, qualifies me as having a "vehement disregard for others feelings." But, as you, I digress.[/QUOTE]

Okay, now that we're passed that discussion respond to the second paragraph of my post. Someone comes in, asks a question about GameTZ and you immediately accuse them of sabotage and try to call them out as someone they're not. As you say, lighten up.
[quote name='thelonepig']Okay, now that we're passed that discussion respond to the second paragraph of my post. Someone comes in, asks a question about GameTZ and you immediately accuse them of sabotage and try to call them out as someone they're not. As you say, lighten up.[/QUOTE]

I was defending what most definitely felt like a stab at the website. I couldn't figure out why, and it seems like I now have my answer (he's Sheesh). Seriously, do you not feel that there was at least some unwarranted negativity in that first post? It just seems very odd for somebody to judge something so strongly off of one little joke like that.
[quote name='OuTrAgE']I was defending what most definitely felt like a stab at the website. I couldn't figure out why, and it seems like I now have my answer (he's Sheesh). Seriously, do you not feel that there was at least some unwarranted negativity in that first post? It just seems very odd for somebody to judge something so strongly off of one little joke like that.[/QUOTE]

I saw no negativity in the first post. Simply an inquiry.
Well, I guess we just have to disagree again.

"Pretty desperate way to get cash to keep it going."

That's what got me the most. There's a difference between asking a simple questions and saying something that somebody like myself could get offended by.
[quote name='crystalklear64']He saw what he wanted to see. Obviously he's here to defend the good name of GameTZ so he found something that could be made to suit his needs.[/QUOTE]

I'm thinking my 43 trades say otherwise, but whatever. At least I'm here for some reason. What reason to you have to continue to be here other than to bash me?
Sorry, Outrage. Not this "Sheesh" of which you and GameTZ deride.

Regarding the topic you say is deleted, it is not. Only the original post, of which I garnered enough from what remains.

Why so defensive about an internet website? I stated my opinion of what I see, you, yours.

That's, that, no?
[quote name='Doc. Sarvis']Sorry, Outrage. Not this "Sheesh" of which you and GameTZ deride.

Regarding the topic you say is deleted, it is not. Only the original post, of which I garnered enough from what remains.

Why so defensive about an internet website? I stated my opinion of what I see, you, yours.

That's, that, no?[/QUOTE]

If that's the case, my mistake. Would you be so kind as to link me to it? If you do that, I'll be done. All that's been needed to be said has been said.
bread's done