Gaming Laptops under 1,000$

The McMuffin Fanboy

I need to get another laptop because mine has basically been ruined in too many ways and it's way to large. I 'm looking for a portable one around 15 inches or under and I've been looking around. I went to Best Buy, but most laptops had that crappy Intel Integrated graphics or a under powered ATI. I want to at least play games like L4D and TF2 on it at medium like I could have on mine right now. My old laptop I'm using is a Dell 17 inch Vostro laptop that somehow could run every game I've owned except Borderlands on Medium. I'm looking at the i3s and i5s but I really have no idea about the differences. My budget is around 800$ but I can stretch it. Also there is no chance in hell I'm getting an HP again after the numerous problems I had with my HP. I heard Asus makes decent ones but the ones I looked at were pretty underpowered for the prices.

Any suggestions, cautions, or alternatives?
bread's done