General Bluetooth & USB Headset and Voice chat topic


3 (100%)
I figured I'd start this thread about bluetooth and USB headsets, and voice chat in PS3 games. This is a place where we can also share which headset recommendations, especially those known for quality of sound and microphone. In general, to support people who have problems with this aspect of the PS3, and discuss the issues surrounding it.

I'm actually looking for a good headset recommendation with a boom mic and good sound. I currently have a Jabra BT8010 headset, but overall the quality seems a bit poor and I'm looking to replace it.

Anyone here use a USB headset with the PS3? How is that working for you, and which model do you have?

Anyone know of a good higher end headphones with a mic that works with the PS3? Someone posted about a particular set of headphones that had 5.1 sound and a mic, but it needed a USB adapter to plug the mic into the system.

We all know this is an issue right now, and as the PS3's online features, and online capable games come out this issue will be become even more a problem.

Right now there's a combination of issues that are bringing down multiplayer games on the PS3, especially those that need teamwork.

First, lack of a standard headset for the PS3 and lack of a headset bundled with the system. This is one case where there is perhaps too much choice for consumers, so much so that it confuses them, it certainly confused me.

Then, once players get a headset, the cheaper headsets have pretty poor quality sound, both going in to the mic and coming out the speaker. Add to that almost no bluetooth headsets have boom mics, making the headset pickup way too much surrounding noise. And to top it off most PS3 online games don't have a push-to-talk button.

If you do get these things working, another hurdle is the poor audio compression that the PS3 uses to transmit voice chat. Even with all the above issues fixed, the audio coming out of the headset is nowhere near the quality of voice chat from Xbox Live.

The lack of voice chat support in games is another big issue that we've covered. Sony just needs to develop their own standard, and then require it be used as the bare minimum.

Besides that there's the strangeness with bluetooth, sometimes you can't tell when you're actually connected and talking.
Well, the main reason some games don't have voicechat has nothing to do with not everyone having a headset, it has to do with developers have to write all the code for voicechat themselves on PS3 (the code isn't given to them).

Personally, I don't have a problem with headsets on PS3 because I'm glad we have a choice. Those who already have a bluetooth headset can just use it on their PS3. And if they buy one for their PS3, they can also use it on their phone (doubling their use). And those who buy a USB headset, can use it on their PS3, and even plug it into a PC to talk to people on Skype, MSN, etc. There are many good headsets out there that can be found cheap, you just have to know where to look, and time it right.

And when developers do write the code, some games have pretty good voicechat and minimal lag, due to compressing and simplifying the code (which makes sending voice over the net work well). Some developers have redundant code which isn't compressed (Toy Home, Tekken 5: DR, etc. come to mind) because when enabling voice chat, the amount of bandwidth needed greatly increases. That's why in some games, I just leave voicechat off (although I have a headset), unless I'm playing good friends. I more so care about having minimal lag and no chat, then having lots of lag and be able to chat (like in Tekken 5: DR Online). Some developers won't bother with voicechat because in their case, lag would greatly increase.
All the more reason for Sony to either write their own quality voice chat system, and standardize it across PS3 games. Or license one. I'm sure Teamspeak or Ventrillo would love to step up and provide their code for a modest fee.

I don't mind choice. I just think Sony needs to put out an official, quality headset so that people can see it and pick it up.
[quote name='Vanigan']All the more reason for Sony to either write their own quality voice chat system, and standardize it across PS3 games. Or license one. I'm sure Teamspeak or Ventrillo would love to step up and provide their code for a modest fee.

I don't mind choice. I just think Sony needs to put out an official, quality headset so that people can see it and pick it up.[/QUOTE]There might be an Official PS3 headset coming with Socom and individually:

I think the main reason for a no official first party headset (or from what I heard) had to do with Sony just not being able to make them as cheaply as other manufacturers, which is part of the reason the they used the Jabra BT125 for Warhawk.

This probably isn't the main issue (but certainly contributes to some), many common people out there just connect their PS3 online and don't change a single router setting. Unfortunately, many PS3 online games do require NAT Type 2 (well, real NAT Type 2, despite the firmware messing it up saying you are NAT Type 2 when the DMZ isn't even open) for clear voicechat. I know there's a difference because when I try talking (or listen) when under Type 3, all voices come out as scrambled where I can barely hear some people and they can't hear me. It's especially the case for Warhawk, video chat, etc.

I'm just kind of throwing that issue out since I know of a few who made that mistake.
My Jabra blows! So does my Motorola one I use with my phone. I need a really loud bluetooth headset. Any suggestions?
I got my Soyo from the GCO deal. This thing works much better than I expected and could easily fit with the higher priced bluetooths. Works well on my phone but I have yet to try it with my PS3.
I love my Plantronics 855

I got both a BT125 and a BT135. Both being almost identical, with the 135 being the updated model of the 125.

Reception is decent. The people I talk to with the same headsets sound just fine too. Basic headset that gets the job done, which is why they probably bundled with warhawk.
Cool idea for a thread. On one hand, I wish Sony had bundled a cheap headset with the PS3 just so voice chat would be more common and hopefully get more developer backing, but it's nice to have some choice in which headset model to get.

I use a Jabra BT500 which is pretty good. It's comfortable and fairly inconspicuous for a headset. Sound quality is good. My only complaint is that it starts beeping a lot when it's low on battery, but I imagine most headsets do something similar.

I was surprised to see the original list price for this was over $100, and it's currently about $40-50. I got it at Fry's last year for $30.
[quote name='metaly']Cool idea for a thread. On one hand, I wish Sony had bundled a cheap headset with the PS3 just so voice chat would be more common and hopefully get more developer backing, but it's nice to have some choice in which headset model to get.

I use a Jabra BT500 which is pretty good. It's comfortable and fairly inconspicuous for a headset. Sound quality is good. My only complaint is that it starts beeping a lot when it's low on battery, but I imagine most headsets do something similar.

I was surprised to see the original list price for this was over $100, and it's currently about $40-50. I got it at Fry's last year for $30.[/QUOTE]The problem is, bundling a headset with a PS3 just isn't as easy. I mean, a USB headset is cheaper, but at the same time, it needs a crazy long wire. BT headsets just aren't fairly cheap, and Sony doesn't have their own they can make cheap, so that's another problem. And with them already losing $240-$300 per console at launch, just wasn't going to happen.
I don't know where everyones else lives but here in Kalifornya we have a law coming out requiring everyone to have either headsets or speakers when driving with a c phone. While it's a fucking retarded law it's an excuse to get a headset. Another excuse is that I can use this with my Touch so at $60 it's actually a great deal because I use it EVERYWHERE. Being able to use it on a PS3 is just a kick ass bonus, unlike M$ retarded system...
Weird this topic was just started, and I just decided I want another headset now. I've got the Warhawk one and its not always the best, plus it gets annoying when it starts to beep when the battery is low, so I want a backup now. I know that there is one coming with SOCOM, but not sure I can wait that long. But, it does look pretty slick if its the one rumored to be bundled.
[quote name='VipFREAK']I don't know where everyones else lives but here in Kalifornya we have a law coming out requiring everyone to have either headsets or speakers when driving with a c phone. While it's a fucking retarded law it's an excuse to get a headset. Another excuse is that I can use this with my Touch so at $60 it's actually a great deal because I use it EVERYWHERE. Being able to use it on a PS3 is just a kick ass bonus, unlike M$ retarded system...[/quote]

I actually wish they would upgrade that law so instead of the pathetic warnings and fines, they just round up the driver and their family and ship them to Siberia or someplace cold. Just about every day I'm behind some idiot swerving between lanes, or almost taking me out on the curb because they're on the phone.

But yeah, headsets. I know it wasn't feasible for Sony to bundle something in. Just saying it would have helped the online community a lot. It would've been cool if they had a wired version that just plugged into the controller like on the 360. I might even prefer that over Bluetooth because of not having to charge it all the time.
I have a Motorola h375 that I picked up at Costco for 30 bux. It works fine on my phone and ps3. But it doesn't have huge battery life - as most bt headsets don't - so talking for many hours on the phone and then ps3 it goes dead faster than i'd like. I get echo - got it with my motorola 125 also. Haven't tried a usb headset because the cord is too short for my seating position. Definitely needs to be some private chat option on ps3. All around xbox chat has been a much better experience (as has the online experience as a whole on xbox - and I have cod on both systems so that's sorta my comparison - but I am playing more on ps3 now with my nephew...)
The echo issue is the headset of others picking up the game audio, which often includes the voice chat.

I think I'll pick up the plantronics 855. Looks like what I want. It's expensive, but I see myself also using it for music synced to a bluetooth capable portable media player like the Samsung P2.

This whole thread was prompted by my frustration with Metal Gear Online and GTA4 multiplayer. Both games could really benefit from voice chat assisted teamwork. Even if some don't go for that with public games, I've met a lot of online friends by finding people who are willing to work together on public servers and chatting with them.

MGO is a lot more tactical and paced very well for teamplay and voice communication, you have enough time before people start dying to let your teammates know what's happening.

Likewise, in GTA4's multiplayer modes like Cops and Crooks, it's very teamwork intensive, especially with the big maps, variety of strategies you can use as crooks or cops. In one particular instance I was trying to tell the driver of the car I was in as Crooks to turn around because the Cop players had set a roadblock up ahead. But, unable to communicate due to the PS3's buggy voice chat system he went around the curve and straight into their road block and we were both gunned down.

Keep in mind, both those games do support voice chat, but my Jabra BT8010 has tons of connection issues, it'll say it's connected, but I can't actually speak through it most of the time. It's also especially bad for me because I really enjoy multiplayer team based games where teamwork is required or at least encouraged.

Perhaps I'll just keep a list of "Demands" from the PS3 user base. I'm willing to wait until Fall to see some kind of improvement in this regard, or honestly I may just dump my PS3 and go back to the 360 now that the hardware issues have been ironed out. This'll become and even bigger issue with more social games like LittleBigPlanet or the 8 player co-op in Resistance 2.

But, as of yet, Sony has not even said they know there's a problem with this.
oh yeah - I forgot to add that you can use the ps3 eye as a mic and it actually works pretty decent...
[quote name='bordjon']oh yeah - I forgot to add that you can use the ps3 eye as a mic and it actually works pretty decent...[/quote]

Can anyone expand on this, I plan to get a PS3 soon and I've been debating if I want EOJ with the eye and/or Warhawk with the mic. If they eye actually works well enough to use for COD4 or MGO then I think nex time Amazon does EOJ for DOTD I'll pick it up, because I suspect I'd be playing COD/MGO far more than warhawk and eoj sounds like it could be fun to play occasionally and the eye could be useful for other games later as well.
Anyone else here get a lot of feedback/static/echo in GTA4? COD4 and Warhawk never give me trouble, but GTA4 has got me very frustrated. Sound quality is poor, and I always have to reconnect my mic after every round.

Anyone else have these problems?
[quote name='bornrunnin31']Anyone else here get a lot of feedback/static/echo in GTA4? COD4 and Warhawk never give me trouble, but GTA4 has got me very frustrated. Sound quality is poor, and I always have to reconnect my mic after every round.

Anyone else have these problems?[/quote]

Did sound poor. At least what I heard last night. A lot of echo as well.
[quote name='happy']Can anyone expand on this, I plan to get a PS3 soon and I've been debating if I want EOJ with the eye and/or Warhawk with the mic. If they eye actually works well enough to use for COD4 or MGO then I think nex time Amazon does EOJ for DOTD I'll pick it up, because I suspect I'd be playing COD/MGO far more than warhawk and eoj sounds like it could be fun to play occasionally and the eye could be useful for other games later as well.[/quote]

It works ok. not as good as a decent jabra. IIRC you can now purchase the camera seperately from EoJ. It shows up as a USB microphone under the PS3 audio device manager.
I've kinda given up on the whole BT headset thing for now.

I've mainly used it while playing motorstorm and it seems like it will connect and work...for like 10 mins ...then BOOM nothing...and you can't use it anymore...and you can't get back to the XMB to check if it is connected or I usually just turn it off and plug in my USB headset

The USB headset i have is just the plain ol PS2 headset (old model, bought it like 2 years ago and never even opened it, heh) But I busted it out when I started having all the BT headset problems.

I don't think it's ever worked in Warhawk...even though I checked to make sure it was connected before I started the game....

The whole "cord" thing with the USB headset is very last gen but it WORKS
The only problem with the Eye mic is that it picks up everything else that's happening in the room. It does do a good job of picking up your voice strongly. But, if the game you're playing doesn't have a Push to Talk button, then everyone will hear everything that's happening in the room.
Massive-ish bump. Any headsets that have decent audio output, too? I'd like to use a headset for both the mic and to use headphones. Right now, I've jerryrigged my old USB mic to my Grado SR60's. It's a funny sight, but it works.
I'm interested in the SOCOM headset and I'm interested in the extra features on in, including an HQ mode which is supposed to make voice chat better.
SOCOM has many flaws right now but the game has shown that every single blue tooth head set can work very well if the game is programmed properly. Most of the time voices are amazingly clear - and a majority of SOCOM players are using mics (and obviously these are not the new fancy SOCOM mics!).
[quote name='Zyzomys']SOCOM has many flaws right now but the game has shown that every single blue tooth head set can work very well if the game is programmed properly. Most of the time voices are amazingly clear - and a majority of SOCOM players are using mics (and obviously these are not the new fancy SOCOM mics!).[/quote]

That's great news! It can be done! Ticks me off about all the developers who fell short on this respect though . . .
I just picked up the Jabra BT8040 since it was on the few that support A2DP through a single earpiece. Hopefully this will work a bit better than the BT125 that came with Warhawk. I have tried using the 125 multiple times and no one can ever hear me, or I them through the headset.

It was between this headset and the Plantronics 520A as I need the headet to be able to be paired to two different devices at the same time.
The AXPRO is the only headset I know of that will "officially" support in game audio and chat functions for the PS3 ( 360 and pc as well) Price is somewhat steep, but you pay for convience if you have multiple systems.

I currently have used:

Jabra BT125 ? (poor incoming voice quality)
Plantronics headsets with USB adapter
and a Jawbone
[quote name='denze']The AXPRO is the only headset I know of that will "officially" support in game audio and chat functions for the PS3 ( 360 and pc as well) Price is somewhat steep, but you pay for convience if you have multiple systems.

I currently have used:

Jabra BT125 ? (poor incoming voice quality)
Plantronics headsets with USB adapter
and a Jawbone[/QUOTE]

Thanks for posting that. I was wondering if there was anything like that for PS3 because I can only play late at night when the wife and kids are sleeping so if I would hear everything going on and be able to talk as well it would be nice. BTW was the jawbone any good on the PS3?
[quote name='js1']Thanks for posting that. I was wondering if there was anything like that for PS3 because I can only play late at night when the wife and kids are sleeping so if I would hear everything going on and be able to talk as well it would be nice. BTW was the jawbone any good on the PS3?[/QUOTE]
That's exactly my dilemma and the house we're living in right now (while our new one gets built!) is a ranch, so the bedrooms are very close to the living room so I've essentially got to turn my sound way down on the receiver, wear headphones and use an external mic to get audio. That headset looks perfect.
[quote name='denze']The AXPRO is the only headset I know of that will "officially" support in game audio and chat functions for the PS3 ( 360 and pc as well) Price is somewhat steep, but you pay for convience if you have multiple systems.

I currently have used:

Jabra BT125 ? (poor incoming voice quality)
Plantronics headsets with USB adapter
and a Jawbone[/QUOTE]
Do you know if any of the currently out models are any good? I think my local Tigerdirect may have a model or 2 in stock. I'd love to be able to just pick one up tomorrow.
[quote name='js1']Thanks for posting that. I was wondering if there was anything like that for PS3 because I can only play late at night when the wife and kids are sleeping so if I would hear everything going on and be able to talk as well it would be nice. BTW was the jawbone any good on the PS3?[/quote]

The Plantronics usb headsets had execellent microphone sound quality , although I returned it. Since I have various wired headsets, and a steering wheels cluttering up my desk. Adding one more isn't helping any since I can't use it for the 360.
The Jawbone is terrible, it requires you to have the headset physically touching your cheekbone in order for the noise cancellation to work properly (hence jawbone) At times words were broken into half syllables when the headset came loose. I'm currently usuing a Plantronics 529, which is ok. Although, I prefer the Plantroinics USB headset for sound quality , the other gripe for the USB headset is that I needed to connect the headphone line to my receiver in order to obtain in game audio, and the other line to the USB port of the PS3 (with supplied 3.5MM to USB adapter)
[quote name='torifile']Do you know if any of the currently out models are any good? I think my local Tigerdirect may have a model or 2 in stock. I'd love to be able to just pick one up tomorrow.[/quote]

Other then the ones I listed, I honestly do not know. The pre order price for the AXPRO is $130
I went to my Tigerdirect and they had both the AX360 and AXPC available. Through some googling, I was able to find out that the 360 doesn't work with the PS3 mic function without some sort adapter. The info on the AXPC and PS3 compatibility was impossible to find, though. So I just bought it. Tried it. Doesn't work. For some reason, I couldn't get the audio to come through the headphones and the mic had A LOT of ambient noise. So it's going back. :(

I guess I'm going to pick up a Plantronics 855. It's stereo and I can use it with my iPhone, so it'll be a tax write-off, too.
AFAIK, in game audio through headphones is not supported at this time without use of a USB sound card or a receiver where you can plug in your headset/headphones . Hence the reason why I have the headset line connected to my audio receiver's headphone input and the microphone line connected to the PS3's usb slot. Theoritically, you can plug in your headset to your television if your set has a headphone input and let the PS3 handle the chat functions via USB. If all else fails use a bluetooth headset with good noise cancelation or an AXPRO.
bump this. I'm trying to find a good head set.

I am thinking of going with the official PS3 blue tooth headset.
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Last week I apparently fried the battery on my beloved Jabra BT500 when I plugged in the charger the wrong way. (In my defense, this seems to be a common complaint and it was never obvious which way the stupid thing is supposed to plug in. I'm surprised this didn't happen sooner.)

So, I'm looking for recommendations. I had a good experience with my Jabra up until this (extremely comfortable, I think people could hear me pretty well) and I wouldn't mind giving them another shot, but I'd like to know what other BT headsets people like. The main factors me for are comfort and clarity. $25-35 range is good. Also a model that is not prone to charging mishaps would be nice.
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