General Gaming Thread 7: Mass Effect 2 Edition

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Anyone want my Xenogears for 40 bucks before I fuck with ebay tomorrow? It's fairly scratched up, but it's complete, black label, and I'll go get it resurfaced if it would float your boat.
Not liking this spider queen boss in Darksiders. It doesn't even look like my attack damage her. The only way I could tell my attacks are working is when she started teleporting more.

I decided to try out that STO Beta knowing my PC shouldn't be able to run it and it turns out that the servers are down...
[quote name='pete5883']The answer to my question is: Old Haven. Found a great combat rifle, but it eats through bullets like candy.[/QUOTE]
I'm glad Old Haven got you something good, I could never really find anything good there. What character are you? I'm not sure if everyone has it, but I know Roland has an ammo regen skill.
[quote name='Krymner']I think I'm gonna start up Saints Row 2 this weekend. Did they ever add trophy support to the game?[/QUOTE]nope.
What does Volition need to do to sell Saints Row? It's a decent series (with 2 being vastly better than 1), but it sold horribly, didn't it?
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']STUPID GS employees are always wrong. I'd bet money I know more about video games than you.[/QUOTE]
That is rare. How do you last working there? Usually when they hire someone that knows stuff they get rid of them in a few months.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']That is rare. How do you last working there? Usually when they hire someone that knows stuff they get rid of them in a few months.[/QUOTE]
Because I do my job. I can't speak for other districts, but people don't get fired for knowing about video games. They get fired for being terrible employees, and to get fired from Gamestop you need to be a REALLY terrible employee. I have co-workers I've been trying to get rid of for awhile, but they are just not terrible enough to shitcan.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']How do you last working there?[/QUOTE]

Let me ask this from a different angle - how do you last there having to deal with the filthy-handed, mouth-breating, "y'all got halo for wii" asking, hygiene-protesting, unshaven, slovenly, no-box-no-manual-disc-used-as-a-chew-toy-for-my-jack-russell-terrier trading in mongoloids that shop at GS?

I get sick to my stomach being in the store for 15 minutes at a time because of all the teeming idiocy in there. People constantly seeking leisure activity, I reckon.
[quote name='mykevermin']Let me ask this from a different angle - how do you last there having to deal with the filthy-handed, mouth-breating, "y'all got halo for wii" asking, hygiene-protesting, unshaven, slovenly, no-box-no-manual-disc-used-as-a-chew-toy-for-my-jack-russell-terrier trading in mongoloids that shop at GS?

I get sick to my stomach being in the store for 15 minutes at a time because of all the teeming idiocy in there. People constantly seeking leisure activity, I reckon.[/QUOTE]
Thank you myke. People here seem to realize that the customers are worse than the worst employee I've ever seen. I've had games thrown at me, been swore at, had my life threatened, been asked everything from "What games do you have that let me just shoot some $$$$ers?" to "What the fuck do you mean there's tax!?" I even had one customer do the infamous magazine rack stunt by pushing it onto a small child no less.

So until you've had a GS employee threaten "to fucking cut you", trust me, you haven't had it anywhere near as bad as even my best day at that place.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']STUPID GS employees are always wrong. I'd bet money I know more about video games than you.[/QUOTE]

Never said I did. :)
[quote name='mykevermin']What does Volition need to do to sell Saints Row? It's a decent series (with 2 being vastly better than 1), but it sold horribly, didn't it?[/QUOTE]

Add in Red Faction's physics and destruction and I would be on board. Plus more QA time since I seem to recall it getting butchered for technical issues in every review.
tempted to get MAG but I dont think I will. My wallet is going to take a pounding in Feb and March (and April cause of my figurines).

Just played a hour of Uno and ending the night with Love x2 Kiss :D
[quote name='refusedchaos']tempted to get MAG but I dont think I will. My wallet is going to take a pounding in Feb and March (and April cause of my figurines).

Just played a hour of Uno and ending the night with Love x2 Kiss :D[/QUOTE]
Any highlights out of those figurines you could share? I think you know my taste.
I got my Wii all hooked up (just bought it :D) and the first game I'm playing is Super Mario Galaxy. Good Lord that game is amazing. I have only 5 stars so far, but it's so much fun. I love how it controls and the levels are awesome. This is so much better than Sunshine.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Any highlights out of those figurines you could share? I think you know my taste.[/QUOTE]

well it seems the ones I preordered in April got delayed.

The one I am waiting for is the Blassreiter Amanda Illustration Ver. PVC figure.


I am eyeing the Bible Black 1/8 Rika PVC figure and Ikki Tousen XX 1/8 Kanu Bondage Black Ver PVC figure. Not too sure though. Although I am trying to find this locally:


Anyone hear anything about Last Rebellion?
I don't know what makes my brain explode more:

1) ME2 is out this week.

2) My gamestop GC from utalkback (Or e-rewards?) has yet to come in. This is connected to number 1.

3) They make Rape Action Figures.
[quote name='refusedchaos']well it seems the ones I preordered in April got delayed.

The one I am waiting for is the Blassreiter Amanda Illustration Ver. PVC figure.


I am eyeing the Bible Black 1/8 Rika PVC figure and Ikki Tousen XX 1/8 Kanu Bondage Black Ver PVC figure. Not too sure though. Although I am trying to find this locally:


Anyone hear anything about Last Rebellion?[/QUOTE]
That Bible Black one is awesome. I'm going to have to pick that up myself.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Thank you myke. People here seem to realize that the customers are worse than the worst employee I've ever seen. I've had games thrown at me, been swore at, had my life threatened, been asked everything from "What games do you have that let me just shoot some $$$$ers?" to "What the fuck do you mean there's tax!?" I even had one customer do the infamous magazine rack stunt by pushing it onto a small child no less.

So until you've had a GS employee threaten "to fucking cut you", trust me, you haven't had it anywhere near as bad as even my best day at that place.[/QUOTE]

Yea it is fun... I used to work at Ebgames and then at Gamestop and at Best Buy and Circuit City. All equally as fun.

I once had a lady yell at me because I did not know the lead singer of the Carpenters... fuck...
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Thank you myke. People here seem to realize that the customers are worse than the worst employee I've ever seen. I've had games thrown at me, been swore at, had my life threatened, been asked everything from "What games do you have that let me just shoot some $$$$ers?" to "What the fuck do you mean there's tax!?" I even had one customer do the infamous magazine rack stunt by pushing it onto a small child no less.

So until you've had a GS employee threaten "to fucking cut you", trust me, you haven't had it anywhere near as bad as even my best day at that place.[/QUOTE]
I really miss working at Tower Records.
Easily my favorite job ever.

On that same train of thought, I really miss Tower Records. :(
There is NO* good CD store in DFW. I'd have to go down to Austin. Or so I'm told.

*There is one decent store, but stock is just so limited, at least they have a wide range of artists to choose from.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']I'm glad Old Haven got you something good, I could never really find anything good there. What character are you? I'm not sure if everyone has it, but I know Roland has an ammo regen skill.[/QUOTE]
I'm Roland. Every once in a while, I'll notice that I'm regenerating ammo, but I have no idea what triggers it.

I think I'll be finishing it up today. I'm on schedule to get to just about the bottom of my backlog by time White Knight comes out.
[quote name='refusedchaos']well it seems the ones I preordered in April got delayed.

The one I am waiting for is the Blassreiter Amanda Illustration Ver. PVC figure.


I am eyeing the Bible Black 1/8 Rika PVC figure and Ikki Tousen XX 1/8 Kanu Bondage Black Ver PVC figure. Not too sure though. Although I am trying to find this locally:

That Blassreiter is pretty nice. And I skipped that Bible Black one becuase I had some other things pre-ordered. I did order that Rika figure one and I'm eyeing another Imari. But I'll probably skip it until some of my other figures ship(I hope they don't get delayed another month). And now I'm waiting for a price on a full sized Klan Klan figure. I don't even have any more room for figures...
[quote name='pete5883']I'm Roland. Every once in a while, I'll notice that I'm regenerating ammo, but I have no idea what triggers it.

I think I'll be finishing it up today. I'm on schedule to get to just about the bottom of my backlog by time White Knight comes out.[/QUOTE]
Well in case you decide to go back, ammo regen is an attribute added through class mods and Roland actually has a place in the support skill tree that can make it regen faster, IIRC.
[quote name='diddy310']Add in Red Faction's physics and destruction and I would be on board. Plus more QA time since I seem to recall it getting butchered for technical issues in every review.[/QUOTE]

If GTAIV was supposed to be the blockbuster film of the genre, SR1.5 was like... the b-movie spoof of the genre that goes goes for the cheap laughs and has no substance.

I think it generally tends to appeal to people who didn't like GTAIV because GTAIV was so different from GTA:SA. SR1.5 was basically like the HD/next-gen sequel to GTA:SA.

Annoying gameplay mechanics (respect system? fuck. no.) just helped to bring it down.
And on the PS3, it's a baffling move that no trophy support was included or patched. It's not like MGS4, where at least that was PS3 only from day 1, and was probably long before trophy APIs were available. Combine this with whatever marketing they did (I don't even remember most of it...), and it's not surprising to me that they failed.

On a whim, I decided to grab 2 copies for $5 when BB had that deal. I'm hoping a year away from it and playing coop will make it a better experience the second time around.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']Well in case you decide to go back, ammo regen is an attribute added through class mods and Roland actually has a place in the support skill tree that can make it regen faster, IIRC.[/QUOTE]
Yeah I just noticed it today. Then sold the class mod with regen... oops. I kept a better one though.
GTAIV - The Avatar of this generation

The most overhyped, overrated game of the generation that is ultimately a major disappointment. Sure, it made a lot of money. But no one cares about it 2 months after it came out besides reviewers because it sucks.
I enjoyed GTA4, but it felt inferior to what came before.

It took what was an annoying system in San Andreas with the eating/working out mechanic and made it even worse with all the friend/girlfriend maintenance.

While appropriate for the setting, the city itself is boring. You aren't calling it New York, so it doesn't particularly have to follow that structure. San Andreas had the 2 very different cities, a beach area, a rural area, a desert, and Vegas. GTA4 has 2 ghettos, times square, an industrial area, and some suburbs - all of which are completely flat.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']If GTAIV was supposed to be the blockbuster film of the genre, SR1.5 was like... the b-movie spoof of the genre that goes goes for the cheap laughs and has no substance.

I think it generally tends to appeal to people who didn't like GTAIV because GTAIV was so different from GTA:SA. SR1.5 was basically like the HD/next-gen sequel to GTA:SA.

Annoying gameplay mechanics (respect system? fuck. no.) just helped to bring it down.
And on the PS3, it's a baffling move that no trophy support was included or patched. It's not like MGS4, where at least that was PS3 only from day 1, and was probably long before trophy APIs were available. Combine this with whatever marketing they did (I don't even remember most of it...), and it's not surprising to me that they failed.

On a whim, I decided to grab 2 copies for $5 when BB had that deal. I'm hoping a year away from it and playing coop will make it a better experience the second time around.[/QUOTE]

The movie "The Goods" with Jeremy Piven was a crass, classless, tasteless piece of film shit.

It was also completely hilarious. I wasn't expecting "Ben Hur" when I rented it.

SR2 is this way for me - it's really corny at times, but it doesn't take itself too seriously (which was harder to discern in the first game). It doesn't do everything right, but the fundamental game is excellent. I do agree that the respect system (that's the thing that forces you to play the goofy minigames in order to "afford" to play the main missions, right?) was convoluted and took away from the game.

As fro no trophy support, I figure Volition cut their losses - they weren't going to go in and put more time/work/effort into a game that wasn't selling well. Sucks, but them's the breaks.
[quote name='KingBroly']GTAIV - The Avatar of this generation

The most overhyped, overrated game of the generation that is ultimately a major disappointment. Sure, it made a lot of money. But no one cares about it 2 months after it came out besides reviewers because it sucks.[/QUOTE]

I disagree with you, sir. I happen to like it and I'm not a reviewer. In fact, I'm on a second playthrough and have played through TLAD DLC too.

If it were "The Avatar of this generation", it would have to make a lot of money while looking like one of those Sega CD FMV games, like Night Trap.
[quote name='mykevermin']The movie "The Goods" with Jeremy Piven was a crass, classless, tasteless piece of film shit.

It was also completely hilarious. I wasn't expecting "Ben Hur" when I rented it.

SR2 is this way for me - it's really corny at times, but it doesn't take itself too seriously (which was harder to discern in the first game). It doesn't do everything right, but the fundamental game is excellent. I do agree that the respect system (that's the thing that forces you to play the goofy minigames in order to "afford" to play the main missions, right?) was convoluted and took away from the game.

As fro no trophy support, I figure Volition cut their losses - they weren't going to go in and put more time/work/effort into a game that wasn't selling well. Sucks, but them's the breaks.[/QUOTE]

I'm not saying I didn't have some fun with it, but I definitely don't agree with the people who make it out to be "the game GTAIV should've been"... or some shit like that.

And yes, that's the respect system, and it sucks. Nothing sucks worse than "I'm through dicking around, let's advance the story" and you play a few story missions and want to do some more... but you can't, because you need to go play some more mini games to get more respect. Forcing people to play your goofy minigames (to lengthen playtime?) is a bitch move.
I think the driving in GTAIV didn't completely ruin the game for me, but it seriously deflated how much I enjoyed the overall experience.
[quote name='diddy310']I enjoyed GTA4, but it felt inferior to what came before.

It took what was an annoying system in San Andreas with the eating/working out mechanic and made it even worse with all the friend/girlfriend maintenance.

While appropriate for the setting, the city itself is boring. You aren't calling it New York, so it doesn't particularly have to follow that structure. San Andreas had the 2 very different cities, a beach area, a rural area, a desert, and Vegas. GTA4 has 2 ghettos, times square, an industrial area, and some suburbs - all of which are completely flat.[/QUOTE]

I don't think you're required to do anything with the friend or dating shit unless you WANT the perks of having them be pals, or you're interested in those mechanics or achievements. I'd pretty much guess, except for the storyline dates or activities, whenever they may occur, that you could blow everyone off all the time and just have them all hate you. They didn't take away from core gameplay to add all that shit, it's just extra. :)

With SA, they set out to make something larger -- because GTA3 and VC had already kind of defined and tuned the engine and got everything they pretty much wanted going... so for the 3rd installment, they were able to go bigger -- and it was also representative of the setting, just with some miles cut out -- now, that's not saying they shouldn't have had some sort of rural long island kind of setting or something, but there's just not a lot you can do with it if NYC is your focus. I understand what you're saying, but I'd think with the next major retail iteration of GTA5 on the PS3/360, we'll see more variety that you're looking for.
[quote name='mykevermin']I think the driving in GTAIV didn't completely ruin the game for me, but it seriously deflated how much I enjoyed the overall experience.[/QUOTE]

This was my major complaint against the game until I got used to it -- going from arcade racer style sandbox vehicle driving to trying to make the cars feel realistic may or may not have been a mistake... regardless of the results, I understand the design choice, and I understand how many people were put off by it.

If I had to find a way to say it... I'd say that GTAIV is what Rockstar sees as the *successor* to or *evolution* of the series, letting the games designers accomplish more of what they had probably seen GTA3 doing in their minds. In the same context, I would say that SR1.5 is the SEQUEL to GTA:SA that many were hoping for. Stillwater definitely doesn't have the variety of SA, but the driving and general gameplay feel a hell of a lot more like the GTA:SA game than GTAIV ever did.
Any of you kids going to PAX east? I've just booked my flight and hotel. We're going earlier in the week to explore the city and then my gf will be putting up with the show for the weekend.. haha
I don't like the use of the term "realistic" to describe GTA IV's driving. You can still hit a bajillion things, including pedestrians, and be able to keep on driving as if you hit nothing more than an orange barrel. Plowed at 70MPH into the side of a building? Just throw it in reverse and get back on the road.

Its the handling that's so much looser, which was a horrible design choice considering the density of Liberty City. I don't recall any open space, so it made driving more careful and much more of a task than it was fun.
[quote name='jer7583']Any of you kids going to PAX east? I've just booked my flight and hotel. We're going earlier in the week to explore the city and then my gf will be putting up with the show for the weekend.. haha[/QUOTE]
I was going to go until I realized it's the week before Anime Boston. I'm not doing two cons in a row, so AB wins out.
[quote name='mykevermin']I don't recall any open space, so it made driving more careful and much more of a task than it was fun.[/QUOTE]

Pre-TLAD, that would probably be amusing to see, as the wipeout factor probably made it unreal. :D
[quote name='corrosivefrost']I don't think you're required to do anything with the friend or dating shit unless you WANT the perks of having them be pals, or you're interested in those mechanics or achievements. I'd pretty much guess, except for the storyline dates or activities, whenever they may occur, that you could blow everyone off all the time and just have them all hate you. They didn't take away from core gameplay to add all that shit, it's just extra. :)[/QUOTE]
Except that they continually call you every five minutes wanting to hang out even if you ignore them. Sure, you don't have to do it, but when they shove it in your face every few minutes, you can't really say it's only an option. The developers want you to do it and they want to remind you of that as often as they can.

They even re-used that same idea in Midnight Club LA, so big-time racers called you up all the fucking time wanting to challenge you to a race.
[quote name='mykevermin']I think the driving in GTAIV didn't completely ruin the game for me, but it seriously deflated how much I enjoyed the overall experience.[/QUOTE]

Yeah that drug it down some, but it was the lack of check points in missions, and the repetitive nature of the missions, that killed it for me.

I didn't play SR2 as I just decided this genre isn't for me as I never got into any of the GTA games etc.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Except that they continually call you every five minutes wanting to hang out even if you ignore them. Sure, you don't have to do it, but when they shove it in your face every few minutes, you can't really say it's only an option. The developers want you to do it and they want to remind you of that as often as they can.

They even re-used that same idea in Midnight Club LA, so big-time racers called you up all the fucking time wanting to challenge you to a race.[/QUOTE]

I wonder if you end up getting your "like" percentage with people low enough if they just stop fucking with you.

Personally, I had a lot of fun hanging up on people when I was busy. :lol:

"HEY COUSIN! You want to see some big ol' american titties?"
" I'm a little busy right now, Roman. "
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