George W. Bush is double plus ungood.

What are you talking about? Even through my gin soaked tears I can see that George Bush is looking out for me. Anyone who thinks different doesn't support the troops.
Okay, I don't get it. Some guy paid to make a billboard of Bush, it's called freedom of speech, and right to property. My money to do with as I see fit.

I kept reading this story waiting to find out there was a radar gun and camera in Bush's eyes that took pictures of speeders or something.

You fnutjobs need to grow up and find truth instead of randomly inserting someone else's into pre-prepared situations.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl'][quote name='evilmax17']Anybody ever read 1984?[/quote]

Has anyone not?[/quote]

I must raise my head in utter shame at being among those who have never read the novel. I don't get the 1984 reference, but it's not the first time I've heard the comparison made in relation to that billboard (could someone fill me in?). As it is, I see it as a rather tacky display of patriotism (kind of like those flag decorated shirts). I'm sure there're also some arguments out there against placing a politically motivated propaganda ad on the side of a public highway. I think it's a little insulting: if you need a giant billboard on the side of the road to tell you who the president is, you probably shouldn't be speeding down the highway in a two ton death machine.

This board probably won't stand for very long. Maybe it's a sign of an oppressive regime establishing it's stranglehold, or maybe it'll be lobbyed against until it's taken down, and everyone will just forget it existed in six months. Then again, it could just be the future target of a couple of bored 16 year olds who decide to go out at 3 in the morning one night and spraypaint "Sucks" at the bottom of the board. Now if those kids are suddenly "disappeared," then yeah, pull out your tin foil hats and start practicing your salutes while grumbling under your breath at the utter stupidity of our country.
[quote name='David85'][quote name='sblymnlcrymnl'][quote name='evilmax17']Anybody ever read 1984?[/quote]

Has anyone not?[/quote]

I got to page 11 three times before falling asleep. The story is so badly writen I will not, cannot read it.[/quote]

Too bad, it's one of the greatest works of literature I've ever had the pleasure to read. Hopefully you at least have gotten through the shorter but just as good Animal Farm, at least?
[quote name='eldad9'][/quote]

Yeah, I've seen that site before. Some interesting stuff on it. Doubleplusgood!

Let me also take this chance to recommend to everyone who liked 1984 the movie Demolition Man. I know it has Sylvester Stallone, but it's still a great movie.
[quote name='elprincipe'][quote name='eldad9'][/quote]

Yeah, I've seen that site before. Some interesting stuff on it. Doubleplusgood!

Let me also take this chance to recommend to everyone who liked 1984 the movie Demolition Man. I know it has Sylvester Stallone, but it's still a great movie.[/quote]

It's pretty entertaining. Speaking of prophetic science fiction, does anyone remember the scene in that movie where Bullock's character tells Stallone's character about the Schwarzenegger library and goes off on how Congress passed a Constitutional amendment to let him run for president because of his popularity? I remembered that film when he first became Governor.
[quote name='feces faerie'][quote name='elprincipe'][quote name='eldad9'][/quote]

Yeah, I've seen that site before. Some interesting stuff on it. Doubleplusgood!

Let me also take this chance to recommend to everyone who liked 1984 the movie Demolition Man. I know it has Sylvester Stallone, but it's still a great movie.[/quote]

It's pretty entertaining. Speaking of prophetic science fiction, does anyone remember the scene in that movie where Bullock's character tells Stallone's character about the Schwarzenegger library and goes off on how Congress passed a Constitutional amendment to let him run for president because of his popularity? I remembered that film when he first became Governor.[/quote]

I'll be honest. I liked the theme but overall I found Demolition Man to be a pretty bad movie (and I saw it in theaters)

But when Sylvester trashed Plato's Republic in Judge Dredd, that's when I got pissed.

At least Copland was great. Copland made up for them all.
You know I understand why 1984 came up, but personally I believe our society is much more of a Brave New World. I mean, you say Prozac instead of Soma and it's all there.
[quote name='Backlash']I have a collection of beans shaped like The Leader.[/quote]

The Leader is good
The Leader is great
We surrender our will
As of this date

So the W billboard is the excuse for the 1984 reference? You could have made the topic "George W Bush is watching you" because it is more appropriate, because it's a billboard. Are you fluent in newspeak? It makes emphasis on the elimination of the other languages, and the way the language can be easily altered and censored so that any word meaning anything negative or critical to big brother can be eliminated, but the newspeak lesson after the end of the book makes no sense. I think people should not compare 1984 to anything in society because it is completely different, except maybe goldstein. Goldstein is like america and labor unions and high wages, and comrades are like people working in mexico for $2 a day. The mexicans prefer to sneak into america instead of unionizing themselves, just as comrades are talked into people like o'brien to overthrow big brother, instead of conspiring their own revolution. Personally I think goldstein works for big brother, so big brother creates it's own conspiracy, trapping anyone that believes in it. I am not really sure if that is what i am supposed to think or that is what other people think,but that is what i think.
Heh, silly topic. Would make more sense if the government paid for the ad, but they didn't, it was thought up by and funded by a private company. Not even remotely close to 1984.
Geez, someone revived this? Anyway, it wasn't that it was literally like 1984 was happening, more like the billboard reminded me (and others) of 1984 (and that awesome Simpsons episode too :) ).
bread's done