Get $50 Credit for Red Ring / Broken Xbox 360 (7500 Points)* | GameStop PowerUp Rewards Steal Of The Week


95 (99%)
GameStop's PowerUp Rewards steal of the week could net you $50 in credit for a broken / red ringed Xbox 360, the coupon costs 7500 PUR points.*

* you will need a controller, power brick and AV cables when trading in. 

I'm not sure what they typically give for RROD units, or if they even take them at all, but figured this might be a good deal for someone out there.

360 slim's power brick trades in for like $40 with the 50% coupon. You could also probably get $6 for the AVs too.

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This is pointless. They're easy enough to fix, and after the fix you could easily make more on eBay. That's why people are always buying them up on eBay. I'd do the same, but they always go too damn high...

What where they giving for them during the 1st wave of 2x credit on systems figured that's when most people got rid of them.
The controller trades in for almost $30 with 50%, so I don't think 7,500 PUR points for $20 and a console is a great deal
Does it matter what color the controller is? Do they need the original box like amazon? Does the 50% bonus works for people with freebie PUR members?

Does it matter what color the controller is? Do they need the original box like amazon? Does the 50% bonus works for people with freebie PUR members?
Wireless controller trades in for $15.50 currently as base. If you are PUR Pro (extra 10%) and have a playcation coupon (extra 50%) that GS was giving out a month ago then you can get $24.80 total. He exaggerated a bit with the $30.

Color doesnt matter. Only controller and battery pack is needed. Nothing else.

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Wireless controller trades in for $15.50 currently as base. If you are PUR Pro (extra 10%) and have a playcation coupon (extra 50%) that GS was giving out a month ago then you can get $24.80 total. He exaggerated a bit with the $30.

Color doesnt matter. Only controller and battery pack is needed. Nothing else.
No go for me then. Thanks for explaining!

What where they giving for them during the 1st wave of 2x credit on systems figured that's when most people got rid of them.
I got $110 for mine, no PUR required.

Just did a variation of the towel trick to get it to boot then traded it in as working, that was good times.

Damn, I don't have enough points.

BTW guys, saying you got a better deal by defrauding Gamestop doesn't impress anyone.

Just a heads up, for a wireless controller and AC adapter, you can get $43. With the 50% Playcation coupon, your total goes to $64.50. Add another 10% if you're a Powerup Rewards Pro member.

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I traded my broken 360 in on the 26th. It didnt have a power brick though so I had to "buy" one with the credit. Looks like I got $58.50 total at firsy with the pur card. This was before I even saw this topic or heard of this deal.
Just a heads up, for a wireless controller and AC adapter, you can get $43. With the 50% Playcation coupon, your total goes to $64.50. Add another 10% if you're a Powerup Rewards Pro member.
and the 7500 points are worth almost 10 dollars (8000 points for a 10 coupon).

Figure out your oppurtunity cost for using those points.

Is it still possible to get the playcation coupon?
Read somewhere that they were all supposed to be sent back to corporate, how ever I've seen some lazy stores where they kept an unopened packege of cards behind the counter, possibly for the employees own personal tradeins. YMMV if you'll get them from an employee. I personally grabbed like 50 of them when a store just put them out in front as advertisment.

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So is this a decent deal for my old Phat Arcade 360? Pulled it out of the closet just for this.

Or just sell the damn thing on ebay and trade in the controller only?

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Those with the fat style 360s should take advantage of this deal. As others have stated, you can get more selling slim model parts a la carte.
barely worth it even if it is a release model. 

not sure what they cost now but broken "AS IS" systems have went for $20-$40.  controllers and wires can fetch $20 easy.  If this was just a normal promo I guess it wouldn't be as bad, but costing ~ $7.50 that can be used for $OFF coupons and no idea if it's one system per coupon makes it meh

Anybody know what the base is for a RROD console? I've got a Playcation coupon but not nearly enough points for the coupon the OP mentioned. I don't have the Pro Power Reward card, but I'm thinking this trade-in could put a small dent in my Wii U purchase once the price drop takes effect.
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I can confirm that they will give $67.50 with only the regular Power Up
card and the Playcation coupon. I did it earlier today. September 20th - cheaper Wii U, here I come!
I can confirm that they will give $67.50 with only the regular Power Up
card and the Playcation coupon. I did it earlier today. September 20th - cheaper Wii U, here I come!
if thats how much you got without PRO and the $50 steal of the week.. I am curious to see the outcome with those included

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i have a rrod xbox from 2005 but seriously who the **** has a console from those days that the system has never had a rrod on them and i never sold a console broken to gamestop i dont understand? the seals on all of them are broken and when you buy it at gamestop they use there own seal.

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Anyone try this with with the playcation coupon? With the steal of the week being 50 and the playcation coupon should give you a extra 25. I have a fat laying with a rrod so I might do this.
Anyone try this with with the playcation coupon? With the steal of the week being 50 and the playcation coupon should give you a extra 25. I have a fat laying with a rrod so I might do this.
I asked an employee I know about the coupon and she didn't even know about it. Then I asked if she thinks it would stack and she told me I wouldn't see why not. She said other coupons stack so should this one. But idk yet. I don't have a playcation coupon no more /:
I (against my better judgement) bought a used phat off ebay the other day for $60.  The stickers were still intact, so I figured I'd give it a shot.

Played fine for a couple days but now it's having a pixelization issue.  I can have it reflowed for $25, but apparently with that type of error (no RROD) it could be a video card problem that the reflow wouldn't fix.

It works fine for about 10 minutes but then starts with the video issues.

I'd just like to get my money back from it as I ended up getting a used slim.

Any suggestions?

Also, if anyone who got several of those playcation coupons has an extra, PM me and we'll see if we can work something out.


I (against my better judgement) bought a used phat off ebay the other day for $60. The stickers were still intact, so I figured I'd give it a shot.

Played fine for a couple days but now it's having a pixelization issue. I can have it reflowed for $25, but apparently with that type of error (no RROD) it could be a video card problem that the reflow wouldn't fix.

It works fine for about 10 minutes but then starts with the video issues.

I'd just like to get my money back from it as I ended up getting a used slim.

Any suggestions?

Also, if anyone who got several of those playcation coupons has an extra, PM me and we'll see if we can work something out.

your best bet is actually filing a claim with ebay/paypal if you can't return it to the seller.

We tried, but we just couldn't find the Reward you were looking for.
is what I get every time I click on the promo inside the PUR home page... damn
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For those who are unaware like me, apparently when you trade a RRoD console the controller also doesn't have to be operational.

We tried, but we just couldn't find the Reward you were looking for.

is what I get every time I click on the promo inside the PUR home page... damn
Yeah the promo was until sunday they wont change to the new coupon till tomorrow. I thought it was valid till today like the weekly deals run tuesday to tuesday.. I was just about to buy it too I wanted to late to see if anyone could stack this with the playcation then when nobody said if it worked I just through I'll buy it anyways.. damn

bread's done