**GET A FREE 360 GAME** Includes ROCK BAND!!!



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Frequently Asked Questions:

How much does this cost to sign up?
Signing up for the website is completely free. They don’t spam your email either. If you are signing up to the site, I recommend using someone’s referral link (to be discussed below).

I signed up. How do I get a game?
There are two account options on their website: The Points Account and Referral Account.

Points Account: My personal favorite, as you don’t have to pester other people. With a points account, you must try and complete TWO offers.

Referral Account: With a referral account, you are given a special web address. You give this link out to friends and others online (NOT in this thread). If they click it and complete an offer of their own, you get one referral credit. Collect TWO of these credits (two people must complete one offer each with your link) and complete ONE offer of your own to get your game.

Can I switch between a Points account and a Referral account?

What if I have received a referral credit from somebody? Can I switch to a Points Account? Will I lose the referral credit?
You can freely switch between the two account types without losing credits. I have done this in the past and never lost any credits.

Can I use prepaid/gift credit cards to complete trials?
This gets asked often. It will vary on an offer-to-offer basis. I asked Trainn specifically, and the rep told me they don’t mind if you are using them. However, they did mention some companies will not recognize prepaid cards. I myself don’t use them, so I can’t tell you which allow them and which don’t. Try it at your own risk.

What offers do you recommend?
We cannot specifically tell you which offers to do here in the thread. Read the comments in here and check the offer descriptions. You should be doing offers you are interested in. To help out, I have compiled a list of offers that I have personally completed. Their details are located in the second post of this thread.

I signed up for an offer. How do I cancel it?
This comes up more often than it should. Almost every offer must be cancelled with a phone call. Some offers can be cancelled online, but I still recommend using their customer service number. Why? Because you get a cancellation number on the spot.

Please do not specifically ask how to cancel an offer. We are not allowed to discuss those matters on CAG.

Can I just cancel the trial as soon as I sign up for it?
Technically, you could…but I wouldn’t recommend it. Trainn will most likely close your account, and ban you from using their site.
I use my own system for cancelling:

If the trial is 7 days long, cancel on the fourth day.
If the trial is 14 days long, cancel on the seventh day.
30 day trial? Cancel on the twentieth day.

Those are just the numbers I use, and I have never had any problems. The only reason why they would close your account is if you are cancelling practically right after you sign up. Don’t do that, and you will be fine!

Can I repeat offers? I mean, couldn’t I just sign up again for the same offer?
Nope. Once you complete an offer, it will not allow you access to it again.

What if I make another account?
They will probably find out (overlapping IP addresses) and close both of your accounts. I wouldn’t recommend trying it.

I signed up for an offer but I have not received credit for it. What happened?
Every offer will not go through 100% of the time. Many users recommend clearing your browser cookies before signing up for an offer. I myself don’t usually do this, and have only had problems with a few offers. Trainn (the company running YourFree360Games.com) has an option on their website to get credit. It is the Missing Credit Request (MCR).

Under the Support tab, choose View your click history. If it has been seven days since you signed up for the offer, a Request Credit link will be next to the offer. Follow the directions on their site to get your credit.

But it hasn’t been seven days since I did the trial. Can I fill out an MCR?
Nope. The option won’t be available. Just wait it out. It will appear after seven days.

It says I need full headers with my MCR email. What are these?
Full headers show IP addresses, as well as many other options. You must enable them before sending Trainn your email. Go to Google if you need to find out how to turn headers on with the email provider you are using (Hotmail, Gmail, etc.).

What if I received no email from the trial company?
CAG galvatron2k1 had this to say:

Send the company an e-mail requesting the following information (by e-mail):
  • member/account ID
  • product/service ordered
  • date of sign-up
I had asked Trainn about this before (as I never got a confirmation from Increase My Margin) and this is what they need to process the MCR. Once the company sends you this information back, paste the e-mail in the MCR request with full headers as you would normally do with a confirmation e-mail.

My MCR was filed a few days ago, and nothing has been updated. What now?
You can find a Support Ticket request section under Support and then View your support tickets. Fill one of those out and (nicely!) ask them to check on it for you. I have never filled out a support ticket myself. Why? Because I prefer to email them. Their customer service staff is extremely helpful and friendly. Send them an email at: [email protected] if you like. Nicely ask them to check on the MCR for you. They will need the email address you used on their site to sign up. NOTE: They usually take 48 hours to reply to your email.

I was ready to order a game, but it says I must submit my account for review. What is this?
You chose a referral account. They check your account to make sure your account is not violating any of their terms. It usually takes them five or so days before the review is complete. You just have to bite the bullet and wait it out. If you can’t stand the waiting, don’t do a referral account!
When their review is complete, a Click here to place your order link will be on your main page. It means your account was reviewed and you can now place your order.

I just ordered my game and I am ready for more. What do I do now?
Good deal. When you are ready to order another game, simply find and click the Reset your account button. This will NOT mess up anything you have previously done. In fact, you should click it as soon as you see it available. It clears off the old data, and allows you to earn another game.
Just to say it again: It does NOT hurt your account in any way!

I’m not ready to order a game, but I would like to save up some credits for the future. Is this possible?
Yes it is. I (and other users) have completed many offers at once and saved them up. However, the credits will not really be shown on your account all at once. Once you do order a game and reset your account, the next credits should appear where the old ones were. This will make more sense once you check the site out.

Could you shed some light as to when games get ordered and when they get shipped out? Do you send games all at the same time? Any particular day/night?
I asked Trainn this question directly, because so many were asking in the previous threads. Here is what they had to say:

“Orders are fulfilled within 7 days of being placed (excluding pre-orders), but, we do not have a specific fulfillment days or times for the orders. We simply fulfill the orders 2-3 times a week.”

Basically, they have no set time on delivery. And they are getting extremely backed up from so many Guitar Hero III orders, so don’t order that game if you can’t wait. It will take a long while before you get it!

When do they update the site with new games?
They update once per month. In the last few months, the update has came the second week of the month. So, expect an update between the 10th and 15th of any given month.

I heard you received over $600 worth of games from their site. True? And what’s this I heard about a tax form?
Yes, I have received more than $600 in goods from them. If you do this within one year, you are required to send them a W9 IRS tax form. You must then claim it on your taxes for the year. The form is here. Email Trainn for the address you need to send the form off to. It is a standard prize claim form; 100% legitimate. Your account will be locked down until you send them the form. But again, this won’t apply unless you get more than $600 worth of merchandise from them.

Any other tips?
Yes! This is, IMO, the most important part of using their site: Keep track of your information!

Here’s how I do it:
  • Create a new Word document.
  • When you sign up for a new trial, copy/paste the email into the Word document
  • Look around on the trial site for their Terms and Conditions section.
  • Copy down their cancellation terms (how many days the trial lasts), as well as the phone number you need to call to cancel the trial. Paste this information into the Word document.
  • Keep the document neat and keep it updated!
  • When you successfully cancel an offer, put the cancellation number and the date you cancelled into the Word document, for future reference. This will help if you suddenly see a charge on your credit card.
Don’t cancel too close to the end of the trial date! Most places are not open on weekends. And make sure to watch for holidays. They will be closed then too.

Plan ahead for wait times! Most of these companies have you on hold for a number of minutes. Don’t try and cancel an offer at 4:30 when they close at 5:00! Make sure and have a few days (and a few hours) ready when you cancel. That way, if you don’t get in at first, you can try again later.

LINK: http://www.yourfree360games.com/index.php?ref=237741

Also another very easy site to use to get free stuff is This

LINK: http://www.points2shop.com/index.php?ref=strey101

Get paid to fill out simple surveys then shop with the money they give you on Amazon.com.

Need help completeing offers or just want to talk about them send me a PM.

Is this thread intended to be a conga thread, or your own thread? We already have a conga running for YourPS34free, 360Elite4Free, and YourFreeiStuff.
By signing up under you? How is that not a conga? If you add anyone who has a referral link, that's fine...but having them sign up under you before posting their link sounds an awful lot like a conga to me.
im sorry I am very new to this then yes i guess it is a CONGA but it has all of the stuf that i have found on it
I'd prefer he not add anyone who has a referral link, otherwise new users who are here to spam can avoid the 30-day wait time by spamming their link here .. I think this thread would be best just to be turned into a personal thread rather than "sign up under me, and I'll add your link" for multiple reasons, mostly because we already have congas for the above websites.
bread's done