Get the Ron Artest Cup on eBay now

99% sure it's a fake, though I like how he says artest tried to kill the fan. According to the fan, artest did back off when he insisted he didn't throw the cup.
Funny thing is that he has a good rating on eBay.

I like how he said that he braved the riot to get this cup.
[quote name='WarrenGekko']Funny thing is that he has a good rating on eBay.

I like how he said that he braved the riot to get this cup.[/quote]

yeah, but all the feedback is for buying stuff, this is the first for selling. i dont trust it.
Auction jacked.. haha. He's never getting that back.

I love how EBay is tracking down auction jackers and filing complaints against them.. some of them even have to pay money back :p
but why is the bid that high... anyone else see the interview on espn with the guy who threw the cup? Apparently he's on probation and not supposed to have alcohol, plus he's been arrested for assault multiple times.
I would be so pissed if I was the seller - it's legit to me. If someone wants to capitalize off of someone else's stupidity in a legal manner then I say go for it.
6 people had to pay 90,000 for half a donut for auction jacking once....the people who bid are dumbasses cause ebay is suing these people left and right now. I hope no one here was that stupid.
the guy was on probation, and he had recently escaped from prison, as well as been charged with carrying a concealed weapon, 2 DUI, and several assult charges....
this reminds me of the time when elian gonzalez (sorry if i misspelled his name) came over to the US in the homemade raft. when the story became really popular, ebay was flooded with fake rafts and people were actually bidding on them.
[quote name='starman9000']If it is the cup, couldnt the police just take it as evidence?[/quote]

Possibly, if they really felt the need to, but the whole thing's on video so it's probably pretty open & shut.
Well, if it was up to almost $100 million he probably knew that he would not get paid and would get stuck with enormous ebay fees if he kept it running. Serves him right for trying to sell this crap.
[quote name='ryanbph']the guy was on probation, and he had recently escaped from prison, as well as been charged with carrying a concealed weapon, 2 DUI, and several assult charges....[/quote]

Not to stick up for the loser but where do you get "recently escaped from prison" ?? Fleeing from police custody back in 1986 is a lot different than what you're saying buddy.

Forget the cup, maybe Allure will auction off their bras and panties after they go platinum.
bread's done