[quote name='dingo_stole_mybaby']
Uncharted 2 is a fun but short game (makes you feel like you are in a Indiana Jones type movie) so I would go for a rental.)
If any game was worth a purchase, it would be Uncharted 2. It is by far the best game ever created, with a fantastic story, gameplay, voice-acting, music, etc. Not only do you get the best single experience ever that will last 10 hours or so (and it is easily worth 2-3 playthroughs), but you get multiplayer which I've easily but in 30-40+ hours into as well. Uncharted 2 is anything but a rental my friend.
If you have to start of with a game though, get something that lasts a little longer. Uncharted 2 is still not in that $28 range, and Uncharted 1 will last you roughly 8hrs with no multiplayer. My suggestion is LittleBigPlanet, Infamous, Motorstorm, God of War: Collection, either Ratchet and Clank, etc. There are so many more great games out there though, depending on your likes. I suggest you do your own research though...no one knows what you like here, so only you can make the choice.
P.S. We are not CAGers....We are CAGs (cheapassgamers), not cheapassgamer'ers. I still can't figure out why people are throwing the "er" to the end...it doesn't make any sense.