Getting Organized, and staying that way...suggestions?


I'm more or less at wits end with myself. Im trying to get my life on a better track, as well as keep up with things at work, but i cant sem to keep myself on schedule. To get to the point, does anyone have any suggestions on how to stay organized and any random tips on getting there in the first place?
This sounds cheesy, but it worked for me. There's a book called "How to get organized in spite of yourself" that helps you determine what type of personality you have when it comes to organization, and then offers tips on how to deal with your own personality quirks.
I recommend using a planner and making yourself stick to it. I myself use FranklinCovey paper planner products, and I recommend them highly, but if you must go digital I recommend a Palm OS-based PDA. I've used a Palm and several other PDAs, and eventually I discovered the paper planner worked best for me. Of course, YMMV.

In my experience, the key ingredient in making your planner system successful is taking the time to learn all its quirks, read the instructions, and give yourself time to work it into your routine.

If you have a FranklinCovey store in your area, I recommend you go talk to them. If not, you can learn a lot from their website. If you get a Franklin system, be sure to read the Quick Start Guide you get packed in with your pages and read the Planner Guide Pages. The way they have it set up gives you a lot of tools for not only tracking daily tasks, but tracking where you are in the larger roles and goals of your life.

I find my day goes so much more smoothly (and I'm a lot more calm and focused) if I spend the first few minutes at work with my planner.

No matter what you do, dedicate yourself to it for at least 30 days and see if and how it's helped you. The positive benefits don't always occur overnight but it's worth the effort.

Good luck,

What kind of organization are we talking about? Like picking crap up around the house?

Gett a filing cabinet to file IMPORTANT papers away. Kepp only what you need. If you haven't used something for a year, get rid of it.
- Get a calendar
- Put reminders on your PC in Outlook or some other calendar program.
- Know when bills are due and keep a BALANCED checkbook.
- Use online services to pay bills if they are offered

There are SO many things someone can do
I recommend getting married. You'll never know where anything is or when it's supposed to be done... but she'll make sure it gets done or nag you to death trying.
I have trouble with this myself, but you have to throw away stuff you don't need! Especially papers or crap you get in the mail and think "oh I MIGHT send that in" etc.

Keep EVERYTHING filed; I have like 3 file cabinets (1 drawer each, I'm not psycho).
thanks lost-thought, those were a few good points.

Doubledown...for me i more or less need help scheduling/planning to clean up, not the act itself. Actually, i over compensate...i have enough organizitional (?) products to choke Franklin himself. PPC, File Folders, File Cabinet, Laptop...i just end up taking more time getting ready for it, than doing it...

[quote name='opportunity777']No suggestions because without my gf I am a mess.[/quote]

...She's in the same boat i am. :)

and cornfedwb, if you can get the guy from double dare to come on over, i'll see what i can do
The most difficult part any self improvement, be it diet, exercise, organization, or what have you, is motivation. There are hundreds of exercise programs that are equally beneficial, for example, but they fail because people don't stick to them. Clearly you are to the point where you are fed up with your situation enough to comment on it and seek help, but that doesn't necessarily mean you are fed up enough to do something about it. I am trying (again) to get organized, and if I took pictures of my house, they would probably serve as cautionary example to get people to keep their own place/life organized. There are 2 main forms of motivation, and a program to which you can commit should take into consideration to which form you best respond. Are you more likely to move away from a bad situation or towards a good one? From what you have posted, I would guess you are more likely to move away from a bad situation, but I may be reading my own tendencies into your situation.
I can see the good situation while running away from the bad...unfortunately im not always running in the right direction.

...yeah, i think thats what i mean.
I'd also like to point out that organization is more of a determining factor than intelligence in both academic and professional success. Not that that helps you.
[quote name='guessed']I'd also like to point out that organization is more of a determining factor than intelligence in both academic and professional success. Not that that helps you.[/quote]

"You're screwed"

actually, as far as my head goes, and how i present myself, ive got it all together. As far as my personal doings, thats where its a different story.
[quote name='Snake2715']So you want to organize your personal life?

Elaborate a little bit more.[/quote]

My bills, my notes, my to-do's. My stuff that involves work before i get there. Im quite fine at the workplace, but it just doesnt carry over to home (notepads and such)
[quote name='Cornfedwb']I recommend getting married. You'll never know where anything is or when it's supposed to be done... but she'll make sure it gets done or nag you to death trying.[/quote]

:rofl: So true.

I'd recommend getting a planner so you can plan out what you do in advance. Organizing between work, family, etc. can be hard, but try and keep it as level as possible.
bread's done